select a random element from a list python

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showing results for - "select a random element from a list python"
06 Jun 2017
1import random
3#1.A single element
6#2.Multiple elements with replacement
7random.choices(list, k = 4)
9#3.Multiple elements without replacement
10random.sample(list, 4)
11 Mar 2019
1random.choice(name of list)
31 Nov 2018
1import random
3# there are 2 ways for this
4listofnum = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
5# 1
8# 2
28 May 2016
1import random
3x_dict = {30:60, 20:40,10:20}
4key = random.choice(list(x_dict))
5print (key)#if you want it to print 30, 20, or 10
6print (x_dict[key])#if you want it to print 60, 40, or 20
7print (key,"-", x_dict[key])# if you want to print 30 - 60, 20-40,or 10-20
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