pick a random number from a list in python

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showing results for - "pick a random number from a list in python"
01 Mar 2019
1import random
3# there are 2 ways for this
4listofnum = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
5# 1
8# 2
03 Nov 2019
1import random
3numberList = [1,2,3,4,5]
4print(random.choice(numberList))    # Prints a random number from the list
10 May 2019
1import random
2n = random.random()
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to select random objects from a list in pythonhow to get a random number from a list in pythonhow to pick a random object from a list pythonpython get random number listselect a random number in pythonget random from list pythoncreating random list in pythonpython pick randomly from listrandon list generatorgenerate random list pythonhow to get random element from listpick random from listslect randomyl elemts in listselect random number from listhow to randomly pick an element from a list in pythonpick randomly from a listrandom usage pithon listpython user choose a random element from a listpython access a random number in a listget a random element form list pythonhow to make a random list pythonget random element from list in pythonhow to use random item from listget random listpythonhow to use random function in python for listhow to get random values from a list in pythonhow to grab a random value from a listpick random from list pythonhow to select random element from list in 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