how to pick a random number in a list python

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showing results for - "how to pick a random number in a list python"
08 Jun 2019
1import random
3#1.A single element
6#2.Multiple elements with replacement
7random.choices(list, k = 4)
9#3.Multiple elements without replacement
10random.sample(list, 4)
22 Jul 2018
1import random
3foo = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
19 Nov 2016
1import random
2choose = ["Egg","Rat","Rabbit","Frog","Human"]
3Choosen = random.choice(choose)
18 Sep 2018
1import random
3# there are 2 ways for this
4listofnum = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
5# 1
8# 2
29 May 2016
1import random
3# with replacement = same item CAN be chosen more than once.
4# without replacement = same item CANNOT be chosen more then once.
6# Randomly select 2 elements from list without replacement and return a list
7random.sample(list_name, 2)
9# Randomly select 3 elements from list with replacement and return a list
10random.choices(set_name, k=3)
12# Returns 1 random element from list
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element in list pythonpython random choice programzselect randomly from a list pythonhow to select random elements in listpick random from a list pythonpython choose random sample from listrandomly select one from list pythonpython script to select random items from listselect random number of elements from list pythonpython select random item form listhow to get a random number from a list in pythonpython pick one from a listget random elements from listpython select number of random from listselecting random number from list pythonrandomly select from a listhow to select a random item of a list pythonpython random choice from listhow to select a random item from a list in pythonpython select random number of items from listreturn a random item from a listrandom picker pythonrpick random element in list pythonrandom elements from list pythonhow to get a random item in a string in pytonpython random list stringrandomly choose from a listaccess random values from listpython choose 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10 items from list randomly python how to make random function choose from a list in pythondoes random choice work on listsrandomly choosing from a list pythonreturn random value from list pythonhow to generate a random index in a list pythonhow to get random number in python from a list which not in listpython3 choose random item from listrandom select from list pythonpython random choiceselect random element from list pythonhow to get index using random in a list in pythonpython how to pick from a listrandom select only last value of list pythonhow to pick a random item from a list pythonhow to get a random element in a list in pythonpython pick random value from listget random from list pythinpython random choose from listhow to get random values from a list in pythonchoose a random value from a list pythontake random number from list pythonhow to get a random element from a list pythonchoose one random value from list pythonrandom item of list pythonpython generate random number listrandom from array in pythonchose random elements in a listrandom string python from listget a random item from list pythonpick random elementfrom listusing random to choose a number in a listhow to get a random value from a list in pythonpython how to choose random element from a listget random elements from string list pythonpython pick item from list equal tohow to randomly pick from a list in pythonpython random choicechoose 3 items from list random in pythonrandom value from list pythonhow to get random selction of 1 pythonpython rtake tandom list itemrandom elements in list pythonpython select random from arraypython randomly select n elements from listhow to randomly pick an item from a list in pyhtonhow to make python choose a random number from a listnumpy randomly pick single elementpython randomly change one elemet in listpick a random index in list pythonselectrandom pythonpython choose rnadom in listpython choose random from a listselect random items from a list pythonrandomly choose from a list pythonpicking a random element from a listwhich of the following methods of 27random 27 module is used to pick a single element 2c randomly 2c from a given list of elementshow to take a random from a listhow to get random item from list pythonpython random lsitrandom select elements from list pythonhow to return a random value in a set in pythonpython create random list from given set of stringsrandom values from list pythonpython random list choicerandom choicepython choose random from arrayrandom selection in list pythonpython choose one from listrandom choice 28 29 with single itempython get nrandom item from listpython choice randompython list select random elementspandas randomly select from listpicking random number from a list pythonreturn random element from set pythonselect a random number in a list pythonpython random choice many times to a listget random list element pythonhow to pick a random number in a list python