python index of element in list

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showing results for - "python index of element in list"
01 Jan 2021
23 Jan 2020
1>>> ["foo", "bar", "baz"].index("bar")
10 Jun 2017
1# Basic syntax:
2list.index(element, start, end) 
3# Where:
4#	- Element is the item you're looking for in the list
5# 	- Start is optional, and is the list index you want to start at
6#	- End is option, and is the list index you want to stop searching at
8# Note, Python is 0-indexed
10# Example usage:
11my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 42, 9, 10]
13--> 8
21 Sep 2017
1# alphabets list
2alphabets = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'i', 'u']
4# index of 'i' in alphabets
5index = alphabets.index('i')   # 2
6print('The index of i:', index)
8# 'i' after the 4th index is searched
9index = alphabets.index('i', 4)   # 6
10print('The index of i:', index)
12# 'i' between 3rd and 5th index is searched
13index = alphabets.index('i', 3, 5)   # Error!
14print('The index of i:', index)
01 Feb 2016
1>>> ["foo", "bar", "baz"].index("bar")
18 Apr 2016
1# Find index position of first occurrence of 'Ok' in the list 
2indexPos = listOfElems.index('Ok')
4print('First index of element "Ok" in the list : ', indexPos)
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reference a list index in pythonget index of element in list python by valuepython return indexes of item in listhow to search a list in pythonget value index pythonhow to check index of list in pythonget an index of a listhow do you set index of a listreturn index list pythonindex functions pythonget index of item based on value in list pythonget index of item list pythonget index of the element in pythonfind item in list in pyhtonfind index in string pythonpython how to get index of element in listpython get the index of a value in a listpython find value in array indexretrieve the index of an element in pythonhow to find the index of an element in an array pythonindex of a number in a listpython get list at indexpython return index of matches in listfind index of a number in list pythonpython get from list indexpython print the index of listhow to find the index of the value where a number is located in pythonhow to get index of an element from python listhow to find index of value 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find index of an elemnt of a listpython find index in a listindex function in python listsget a element from list with index pythonhow to find the index of an element in a list without using indexhow to call a index of a list in pythonpython find index in list by valueindex of element in string in pythonpython search get indexindex of a list elemenyt in pythonpython indexofgetting to know the index of an item in a list pythonfind index of elemet from list pythonindex of vlaue in list pythonfuind index of list imte python 27python get value index in listget index of a number in list pythonhow to get index of an object in list pythonget index of an object in a list pythonpython get index element in listindex in listindex of list of list pythonfind index of first value smaller then list element in list pythonget string index list pythonfind index function pythontaking index of an element in list pythonposition of an item in a list pythonget index for value in list pythonpython return index from valueget index of value in array pythonpython list index functionget element by index of listhow find on listprint index of value in list pythongetting index of element in list python findindex pythonpython3 index of item in listget index value of a listlist element search return indexfind index for element in list pythonhow to get index of element in list pytohnpython finding the indexfind index of var in list pythonindex from value pythonhow to search element in list in pythonhow to get indexes from a list on pythonprint index value by element in list pythonget index of item in list inside for pythonhow to find list indexget index in list pythonpython get index of list elemtnfind index in listpython locate index in listindex of number in list pythonget index of ones in listfind element in list pythonsearch index in list pythonhow to find an element in a list pythonpython getting the index of a list elementhow to find index pthyon listindex of lists in a list in a list pythonfind index string pythonreturn index number pythonpython list first element indexhow do i find the index of a given value in pythonhow to print the index of the list in pythonindex of lis element pythonhow to print the index of an array pythonhow to get index from list numbergetindex command python listpython list index of a valueget index of list pytghonget index position of string in list pythonfinding index of a value in list poython 5cpython find index of object in list by valuedef index pythonpython get item indexget the index of array pythonfind index of list element pythonget index of value in python listhow to get index and value of list in pythonpython ve indexhow to get the list index in pythonpython3 find in listget index in a listpython get position in arrayget indicies in array pythonpython list 28position 29how to find the index of an element in list in pythonhow to index a list in pythonmget index of an element pythonfind index of a value in list pythonfind index of value in listhow to get the index of a number in a list in pythonhow to return a list with index pythonsearch in a list pythongetting the index of an element in a list python 5dlist get index of itempython list indexpython list find indexhow to return index of element in list pythonpython list index stromgpython return index based on elementget the index of a element in a list of list pyhtondisplay index and list elements pythonhow to get element at index of a list filepython search in listfind index given value pythonpython how to use and index list to find what is in the listhow to get the element at a certain index in pythonget index element list pythonhow to get element index in list pythonhow to find the value of an item in a list pythonfind list item index in pythonget index of value of array pythonpython get index of element from datastring find and postion in list pythonfind index in a listpython find index of number in listhow to get teh index of element in a list pythonindex of item in a list pythonpython item index in listindex from list pythonpython index functionfind value index in list pythonhow to use index in pythonget item and index from list pythonpython findindex listpython get items by indexhow to find the index of a value in a array python 3ffind index of element in array pythonsearch to find index of element in listpython retrieve index from listgoing back to element from list of indicesindex listhow to get the first index of a specific value oin a pyhton listhow to acess index of listpython get indexes of listpython find list index with valuehow to find index of int in list pythonget index of item in list in pythobget index of number in list pythonhow to find index of a value in the list in pythonhow find out at what index is a certain value in pythonhow to find the index of an item in a list using a valuefind index of element that is in list pythonlists index pythonfind index of element in list in pythonlist index c3 a9eget index of element for pythonhow to find index of a value in pythonhow to get index of list element in pythonreturn index of item in list pythonpython list index of itemget index valueget the index of an element in an array pythonfind index of a listget index and values of a list pythonpython return element based on indexpython position of element in listfind location of a string in a list pythonpython list element locationhow to get position of element in list pythonpython get index number of listhow to get item number of thing in list pythongprint indexpandas list item indexpython get list item indexpython find indexof item in listfind the index of an element in a list pythonfind element in list python indexfind 28 29 in list pythonindedx pythonhow to find the index of a value in list pythonget indecies of element pythonhow to check number index from list pythonfinding the index of an item in a list pythonindex of in list pyfind listpythonhow to get the index of a value in a list in pythonfind index of a list in pythonlist indexof oythonhow to get index of list elements in pythonpython 3 get index of item in listindex get 28pythonindex of in list pythonhow to get index of list of list in pythonhow to get index of an element in a list in pythonhow do i find the index of something in pythonfind the element and its index in list pythonhow to find index of an element in a list i pythonhow to return index and value in python listindex of an element in python listfind the index of elemen using value pythonhow to find the index of an element pythonlocate index of element in indexcan you find the index of an integer value pythonindex of element python listfind index of item in object listhow to find the index in a listpython index methodfind index number in list pythonpython refer to item in list by indexfind the index of element in a list pythonget element with index pythonpython index 28 29determine the index position of elements in array in pythonget indices of element in list pythonhow to print the index of list in pythonindex location list pythonindex of item in a list built in function pythonpython where indexpython list index 28 29how to find index of list pythonfind list index by value pythonhow to get index of element in list of list pythonhow to know list index how to get an index in a list pythonget index given value pythonhow to get index of particular element in list pythonhow to access list by index in pythonvalue of index in phytonlist find pythonis list indexed in pythonpython get index of element in listreturn index of list item pythonhow to find the index of somehting in pythonfind index of item in python listget value of specific index list pythonindex of value in list pythonfind the index of a value in a python listpython if x in list return indexget index of current list python index 28 29 pythonpython get list value and indexget index of item in series pythonhow to find index of a string in a list pythonget index of occurrences in list pythonget index from value python listpython position of a number in a listpython find the index of a list elementhow to find index of an element in an array pythonpython acces element at indexindex of number in array in pythonpython elements of list in index listfinding indexes of an element in list in pythonhow to get index of an integer of a listhow to find the index of list in pythonprint index in pythonget position of a list pythonindex of a particular element in a listget index of item in array of listindex of an item in an array pythonpython find index in list of elementfind index in list python by valuehow to check the index of a listhow to accest the index of a listpython find index of list elementlist find index of value pythonhow to get index value of an element in a listpython return element index in listpythonlist findpython get element position in listhow to find the index of an element in pythonfind the index of a number in an array pythonhow to reference the index of a listpython list how to find positionhow to print the index of an item in a list pythonpython call index of listget list indexposition of value in list pythonuse indexing to print in pythonlist inside list in python find indexhow to find index of element in array object pythonfind index item in list pythonget the index of an element in a list pythonhow to get an index from list pythonlist indices read pythonpython array find index of elementfind in list numberpyton get index values of listget index from a listitem pythonindices pythonfind index of element in array pytohngetting index of a list in pythonhow to get index of list in pythonget python at indexhow to find an item by value in a list pythonhow to find the index of a value in a listget index of element in matrix pythonindexes in list pythonfind index of value ina list pytohnhow to return the index of an array in pythonfind the index of element in pythongetting index of a elemnet in list in pythonfind index using element in list pythonpython get index and value from listhow to call index of listpython how to have the value by indexget index by value pythonhow get index in array python index of element in list pythonget index for list pythonpython index of list in listpython find listfind the index of a value in a list pythonpython index offpython find index in arrayfind item in list by index pythonhow to get value and index in pythonpython if in list indexhow to print number of indexes in list pythonhow to find the index number of a list in pythonarray indexof pythonhow to find list index pythonget the index of an item in a list pythonfind the index of a string in a listdetermine index of a listpython index in arraypython return index of an element in a listhow to get index of list pythonnumber get indexget elements in indexes from list pythonhow to get index of a variable in a list pythonget index of where item 3d 3d 1 in listhow to find index of value in list with using inhow to find index pythonhow to get index from element in pythonhow to return the index of an element in pythonelement at index i in python listget value from index pythonpython find index for item in listget list with index pythonget index of item in a list pythonget index of item in python arraypython index of a string in a list python list find index of matchfind item in list with indexfind position list pythonlist getindex pythonpython how to get indexget the index from the value list pythonprint index of array pythonhow to use index pythonpython list get element at indexho to get index athow to print index of element in list in pythonfind an item in a list pythonhow to get value of index in list python 3fget index from a list pythonget value from list index pythonpython get index of string in listget index position in list pythonindexod in pythonget index of list in list of listhow to get index by value in list in pythonlist index pythonfind index of thing in array pythonget index of array item pythondifferent ways of finding index of character in list pythonpython index of a value listhow to find the index of a value in list in pythonreturn the element at a given index in list pythonget index in list by valueindex of a value of a list pythonpython find index of element in list with conditionpython get index in listfind the index of the array in a listget the list item whose index ispython get list index of value stringfind index based off the value pythonpython get vale by indexlist index of element pythonfind index of elem list pythonfind element index in list pythonget index of item in a listhow to return an index in pythonfind index of elemnt in listpython list get indexoffind list element index pythonfind index of element pythonhow to return the index of an item in a list pythonget index of item from listlist index of array pythonhow to get the index of a list value in pythonpython list get element by indexlist of indices pythonlist get indexofpython list index methodpython get item in list by indexhow to find a position in a list pythonpython list findindex of a value in a list python using variablefind index of a item in list pythonpython find in array indexhow to know the index in a listfind index of in array pythonfinding index of element in list pythonpython print list item and indexget element from index pythonpython list index and elementprint element indexlist get item indexget index of elemnt in list pythonpython list index of elementfind indexes pythonhow to find the index of an item in a list pythonpython print index of item in listhow to get the index of a list pythonfind index of list in list of lists pythonreturn index of array pythonfind index of item in list of lists pythonget index of an element in pythonfind by index in list pythonget first occurence index of element in list pythinindex of first element in array pythonpython find index of item in listfinding index of a element in a list pythonfind index of object in array pythonfind in ppython listhow to find index of element in list pythonlist function to return index and valueget index of element in list pythonhow to find index of a list in pythonpython list find value indexprint index number of list pythonpython list index functionnumber of indexes in a list pythonpython get list index of valuehow to know when any element in list is supported by positionarr indexof pythonpython get item first occurrence in listpython items 28 29 get indexsearch for element from a list pythonget index of index 28 29 pythonget index of current item list pythonfind index where element ends in list pythonhow to find the index of item in list pythonget index value from list pythonfind the index of a number in a listget index of a element in list p 5bythonpython find from indexpython index printpython search for item in listfind first value in list in pythonindex of array pythonaccess elements of list from index in python list get index of element pythonhow to getindex of list in pythonlist find indexhow to find the index in the list 3ffind the index in list pythonfinding the index in list pythonfind index of ist item pythonget the index of that value pythonliste indice pythonhow to get the index of an number in pythonhow to get the index of a function in pythonfinmd index of a value in a listfind the index of list value in pythonhow to get the index of an element of a listhow to check index of element in list pythonfind a element in list in pythonfind index value in list pythonhow to find index of an element in a listdataframe find index from listhow to get an index of listhow to find an item using index in list pythonpython print list positionhow to get index from value in python listindex search pythonpython get index listpython show index number of item in listindex of a list element in pythonpython list get index by valuefind index of element in list with a condition pythonfind the index of the element in an array pythonlist index 28 29 value error pythonfind indices of value in array pythonfind index of list based on value pythonhow to get index value from list in pythonreturn indices of array pythonfind the index of a string in a list pythonpython get index of list elementfind an index in a list pythonfinding index of list pythonget index into listget element index in a list pythonlist index by value pytindex of in pythonhow to find where a value is in a list pythonprint list index pythonpython get index of somethingpython how to get the index of listpython indexof item in listthe index of the first item in a list is 1 index of a value of a listhow to index nuumbers in pythonreturn index of find pythonpython find position of string in listget the position of an item in a list pythonpython indexpython index of list elementlist return indexreturn the index of an item in a list pythonpython index of a listpython how to get index ipython index numberpython position in list by valuepython get value based on indexget list index of itemhow to get index of key in list pythonget object index in list pythonindex by value in list pythondetermine index of a list pythonhow to find index in pythonreturn index of python listfind the index in the list pythonfind an element at a given index array listindexes of elements of a listselect index by item list pythonpython how to find index of an element in a listhow to get the index of something in a list pythonget index of object in listprint list with index pythonthe index of an element pythonget element at index pythonpython get index of an array itempython how to get index of itemsget indexes of values in list pythonfind in python listpython get index of item in list pythonget indices of elements in list pythonfind index of string in a listfinding element in list python by indexpython get value by index listlistindex pythonhow do i find the index of the value pythoj 5cpython find index in list of objectselement of a list python given indexhow to get element index in pythonpython idex ofpthon find the index of a value in listfind index function in pythonpython list get index of valueindex python functionfinding the index of an element in a array pythonpython index by first valueindex of list itemhow to get index pythonhow to get value of index pythonhow to get a index based element from list in pythonget the index of an element in a listpython get index of list of itemscheck the item index in list pythonhoew to identify the index of an element pythonhow to find the index number of an element in a listfind index of a value in array pythonpython indexing array in listhow to find element using index in pythonprint index of list pythonhow to find index of a number in pythonget index of item pythopython find the index of a value in an array index of pythonfind index of element in listhow to get index in list pythonpython indexes of item in listpython list get item at indexpython index of string in listhow to find the index of a word in a list of words in pythonhow to print index of list pythonpython3 find index number in list by nameindexof list pythonget the index of a certain value in an array pythonhow to get items from a list with indexpython find index value of item in a listpython use list as indexget index of all element in list pythonpython list item get indexget the indec of element in the list pythonfinding the index of a element in pythonget index of item found in list pythonfind position of string in list pythonindex of the a listreturn index of array element pythonfind an element index in list pythonpython index 28 29python index item in listfind index for value in list pythonget index of list itempython list find index of elementfind a index of a element in a list of lists pythonhow to get ythe index in pythonhow to get the index of a list in pythonhow to get the element in list indexprint index pythonreturn index python listfind an element in list pythonfind index by name pythonpython print index position of list 23python get index from list how to find the position of an item in an list in pythonget value using index from list pythonget index from value pythonhow to print index of list in pythonpython return index of value in list of listsreturn index of a number in an array pythonpython match index listpython get indexes of a valuepython all index of element in listhow to index each item in list pythonhow to get the index of an element in a list in pythonget list elements by index listfinding index of a given string in list in pythonpython get index of item in list after a positionlookup index of item in list pythondind an index pythonfind element index python 1th element of listpython find value in listfind index of an element in a list pythonpython get index of list itemfind text name of index for list pythonfind index list of listlist get at indexhow to find in list pythonget index pf item in list pythonget indexes of an element pythonfind index in the list pythonpython get index by value listhow to search a posison in a listfind index of value pythonfind the index of an element in a list python numpyget index of element where list pythomhow to get index in listhow to see index pythonpython get index of item 2b1 in listhow to find element in list pythonfind index fromvalue pythonhow to know index in list pythonfind index of element in list pythonget indices from list pythonhow to find index of element in list of string pythonlist indexing in pythonhow to print list with index number in pythonindex given value in list pythonindex in array pythonpython get list item index numberfind index pythonlist get index from valueaccess element by index pythonhow to find index of an item in a list in pythonpython get element from indexfind list index pythonhow to get the element in a list from the index in pythonfind index of item in arraypythonhow to get the value from an index number pythonindex of element in list in pythonget index of item i listpython find item in listget index of int in list pythongetting the index of a list itempython element by index from listhow to return the index of an element in a list pythonfind pos of string in list pythonget element at index pythnpython list getindexknow the index value of a element in list pythonhow to print position of list in pythonget list index in pythonhow to find index of value in python 3findex of elemt pythonpython find from index to index in a listhow to find index of an element in a list in pythonget index of a element in a listpython return index of element in arrayget element index from list pythonhow to get index of a list in new listreturn index in list pythonhow to get the index of a list item in pythonfind index where value python listget the index of an element in a list python where conditionreturn the value and index of listpython return index of second matchget item index in pythonfind the index of a item in a list pythopython array find value indexpython find from listhow to get an index from value in list pythonlist 2b get the index of a valuehow to know the index of an element in a list pythonpython index of an element in a listprint index string for python listfinding index of element in array pythonget index value of entry in list pythonhow to get the index numbers on python codepython list get item with indexhow to find the index of a value in an array in pythonhow to get the index of an item in a list pythpfind index of element in list of objects in pythonpython get by indexreturn element at a given index in list pythonfind the index of the element in list which in not x in pythonfunction to get index of list in pythonpython list how to find value 27s indexget index in list of arratindexof function in pythonlist index of value pythonfind location of value in list pythonprint the list index for a substring in pythonpython find element position in listarray index of element pythonindx pythonpython fundindex of listprint index of an element in list pythonhow to find the index of an element in an array in pythonhow to find the index of an item in an array pythonfind index number of item in list pythonhow to find index of a list pythonhow to find the index of a number in a list in pythonget index of a list value pythonfind the index of an item in a list pythonfinding element in list pythonlist find index of elementhwo to find the value at a particular index using a function in python python print index of element in listfind element list pythonhow to get the index of a string in a list pythonget indexes of element in list pythonfind index of array element pythonget index in list of valuehow to get index by value in list pythonindex of elements in pythonhow to find the index of a class object in a list pythonfinde index of value array pytonpython find index of object in list by attributesearch index of element in list pythonget the index number of a list item in pythonelement index in list pythonreturn index list pythonfind index of element in array in pythonpython index of value in arrayget the index of element in list pytthonobtain index from listarray find index pythonget indexes of elements in pythonpython get index of element from listhow to get index of a value in python listfind element in list by index pythonreturn index of listhow to get a item in a list using index in pythonget value index in list pythonprint index of list pyhtonfinding the index of an item in a listget position in list pythonpython get item in listindex of a string in a list pythonget index item in list pythonpython how to check number of indexes in listpython code to print list indexfind index of val in listpython get item from list without indexhwo to get index of element pythonindex number in list pythonfind index in array in pythonpython index of every item in list with specific valuepython index 28 29 strtget index of items in list pythondetermine the index positions of elements in array in pythonindex of an item in a list pythonhow to access index of listget index from listfind index inside for value pythonhow to print index in pythonpython how to get a vlaue in a positon in an listget index of a str listindexes of items in a list pythonhow to find the index of an element in a list pythonpython3 list find indexpython find item index in listhow to find index of item in listprint index of an array pythonhow to get index of element in python listget specific index of item in listpython find index in the listhow to get the index of a value in pythonpython finding index of value in listpython find index in listhow to search value in list pythonpython list index returnfind out index of list in pythonfind index of element of list python based on string valuehow to find the index pythonpython find index of string in listpython find indexes of values in listhow to get index of a list pythongetting the index of an element in listlist position pythonhow to find the index location based on value pythonget item and idenx from list for pythonprint indices of list pythonhow to return the index position in pythonhow to find position of number in list pythonwhow to get the index of a listhow to get the index of an elemnt in pythonget index of particular element in list pythonfinding the vlaue of an index in a list pyhtonget the element index in list in pythonknow index of element in list pythonget index by value in list pythonpython get element from list indexreturn index of list element pythonget index of a string in a list pythonfind a index of number in the listindex number of a list pythonpython indexfind index when have value in list pythonget index of an item in list pythonindexof in listwhat is list indiceshow to get the index number of a an item list pythonhow find in listgetting index of an element in a list pythonhow to return the index of a number from a listsearch value index list pythonindex in a list in pythonfind index of a value in matrix pythonlist index of itemget index and item in array pythonget items from index to index list pythonpython get the index of element get item by index pythonhow to print index of item in list pythonhow to look for a string in a list and get its index number pythonhow to view the index at which a value in a list isget index number of list element pyth npython how to find a number at a indexfind index of listpython find index of element seriesreturn the index of a variable in list pythonfind the index of an element in a string pythonfind the item in the index in pythonhow to search for an indexelement in an array in pythonfind a value in slist pythonindex of an elemnt in list pythonlist index methodget index of element in list pythponhow to get index from list in pythonpython list by indexget item number in a listpython array index of valueif in the list python return indexpython return index of listcheck index of element in list pythonget index of elements in list start with 1 elemenet in pythonfind index of object in listget indexes of array python where valueget index of a list pythonsearch in listfind indexof pythonhow to get item in a list using index pythonhow to know the index of a value in a list pythoncheck index of element in listfind index of dictionary in list pythonget indexes in list pythonaccessing index in list pythonfind the index of and object in alist pythonpython find index of element in arraypython list index positionlist index 28 29 in python for stringhow to get the position of an element in a list pythonpython how to look for a position in a listgetting index position pythonget the index of an array pythonget index of an item pythonfind this index pythonget index by number pythonpython find the index of an item in a listpython search value using indexpython get indexes of an elementhow to return the index number from a list pythonhow to get index of list value in pythonindex of in a list pythonpython getting index of item in listhow to find the index of an element in a listpython index of a value in listindex in python listhow to define the first index in pythonpython get list by list of indexhow to get an index of a list in python with a numberpython element index in listget index of item in list pythonhow to find the element of an index in pytonhow to get the index of a element in a list in pythonpython index of element arrayget index of ele in listhow to get index of an item in pythonhow to get value which index have value in list pythonpython get element indexpyhton find index of item in listnumber list index 28i 29 index pythonget index of element listlist indexfind index in listpytohnpython search list of listspython get index of list valuehow to search a list and get the index pythonhow to get index of an element in list in pythonpyton list indexfind the index of a vlues in a list pythonget string position in list pythonlist and index in pythonfinding the index of an element in a list pythonindex of element in list pytonfind the index of a list element pythonpython list find index numberpython array index ofpython print location index of listfind item index in list pythonindex of element in listpython array positionindex of an element in a list pythonhow to find index of particular element in pythonhow to get index of string in list pythonhow to get the index of a value in an array pythonfind the index of list in pythonhow to perfoem indexing in list in pythonhow to find index of an element in a list pythonget list of indexget index of element in array pythonfind index of value listfind item in list by value pythonfind indices of values in array pythonhow to index list with string pythonget the index of a list itemhow to find index of string in list pythonwhich method would you use to figure out the position of an item in a list 3fpython list get element indexpython list position forpython match element of list return indexfinding the index of a value in a list python indexof pythonprint index of item in list pythonfind index of array pythonfinding an index in pythonget the index of a value in an array pythonprint index value of list pythonhow to get the element at a specific index in list pythonfind index of element in list python in o 281 29search for item in list of list and get the list pythonfind a value in a list in pythonget elemente index pythonlist index ofhow to get the index of an array element in pythonfind indexes in lists pythonhow to find index position in pythoncheck value of first index of a list in pythonlist index position in pythonhow to get index from python listindexof 28 29 in pythonpython index of piar in listindex of list value in pythonlist position python searchget index in pythopython get index name of listindex element list pythonhow to get the list index of an element in pythonget index of a element ina listreturn index of a list element in pythonhjow to find the index a value is at pythonposition in pythonindexes pythonlist indixesget list at index pythonpython find the first position the element occur in a listget indexindex of element in pythonfind string index in list pythonpython find which indexindex of str in listget index value of list in pythonindex a list in pythonhow to print the index number of a list in pythonfind something in a list pythonreturn index pythonpython how to search for a value in list a return indexindex 28 29 pythonget index from value in list pythonpython position in listget index in python seriesget index of an element of list pythonhow to find an index of an item in a listfind index of pythonfunction to access index of listhow to get index of a value in a list pythonchecking element indexin list pythonpython get index of a item listpython3 get indexes of list elements with valuehow to find position of item in list pythonarray of list fetching index pythonget index based on value pythonhow to find item in list pythonfind index of item in list pythonfind index of in list pythonhow to print index in list pythonpython print the index of a listhow to find index of a element in list in pythonfind index of an element in listpython element position in listpython find index of a valueindexerror list index out of range python web scrapingpython get index of item in arrayfind the position of an element in a list pythonpython list index elementlist indexof pythonfind index of element in array pthonhow to return index of list in python function how to get index and value of list item in pythonhow to find index of value in list pythonindex value pythonhow to get the index of an element in a lisit in pythonpython list return position of elementsindex of lists in a listhow to find index by value in listprint index of element in list pythonpython index from element in listpython a list indexget the index of a list item pythonhow to find items in a list pythonhow to find item in list using index pythonhow to get index of particular item in list of objectsget index in list pythonget index of a number in listget index of an item in python listhow to find the index of a list in pythonhow to find index of elementin list pythonhow to find the index of the list in pythonpython index of element 3dhow to get index in pytohnpython get item in list indexhow to get items index in list pythonpython find index of value in listpython list item by indexhow to find index of value in python 3fpython find index by elementhow to get index of list by its namereturn index of a number pythonhow to get the index of a item in pythonget index by element pythonhow to know index numbers in a list pythonhow to use index function in pythonhow to find index of a list element in pythonpython find value in list of listsfind index of list in list pythonindex of elemenet pythonfinding in listsearch for something in a list pythonfind number at what index it is in list pythonlist get index of elementcan we get the index of element with value in python listhow to find index of object in list pygonhow to find the index of a value in a list in pythonpython locate value indexget index and value from list pythonpython show index from listhow to get index of an object in listfind index of in list pthhonindex named elements pythonprint the index of an array in pythonlist ondex 28elementpy find index in listpython list of strings indexfind index element on listpython find index ofhow extract the index of number in list how to find index in listfind index in array pythonpython index how to return the index of a value if it is found in a list pythonget index of true element in listindex of list pythonget index of element in list in for pythonhow to get the index of a value in pyhtonpython get indext listhow to find the index position in pythonhow to get index number in pythonhow to get the index of an element in a vector in pythonif index returns something pythonpython find index of value in arraypython index of listget the index of i in listlist index in pythonspecific index of a list pythonpytohn list get index by valuehow to find value in list pythonpython item index in stringhow to get an item in a list based on the index pythonhow to know the index of value in list in pythonfind val in list pythonfind string in list index pythonget the index of the list element in pythonfind the index of the listhow to get the index of item in list pythonpython findind the item of an index in listget value index in array pythonfind index in python arraypython list index of elmentpython list which index is how to find the index of an item in a listhow to find index of pythonindec python index list pythonpython check element index in listget the index of item in the list pythonpython find index of itemfind index position in list pythonhow to get the index of an element in python listpyhton find index in listhow to print the index of a list element in pythonget index of values in listhow to get the index of a array element in pythonget index of number pythoget index using value pypython find index in how to find out the index in a list pythonget index element in list pythonfind a index in a list pythonfind indexes in pythonhow to find index of something in liostpython list index matchindex of a value in listgetting the index value of a value inside of a list pythonindex of elements in list pythonget index of pythonhhow to get first index of element in list pythonpython list find elementhow to get index python listindex value in list pythonhow to find the index value of an element in a list pythonget index item from list pythonhow to find the index of an element in a array in pythonhow to find the index of a variable in a list pythonfind index by value pythonlist find index pythonhow to return indices in pythonhow to find a item in a list of list and return its index pythonfinding the pos of an elemtn in listpython get element from list of indexhow to find the index of a value in a list pythonhow to find index number in list in pythonget index number of list pythonpython find a value in list by indexpython get index of item in list by valuefind index value in python list list indexingfind values in a list pythonpython find string position in listpython check indexsearch value in list pythonfind a element in a list in pythonget by index pythonhow to check index in pythonhow to get a value at a particular index in pythonget index of a list elementprint list index in pythonget the index of the string in an array pythonpython return index of element in listget the index of list pythonhow to see the index of an element in a list in pythonget index of list from in operator pythonreturn index of list position pythonhow to get the number index of an element in list in pythonhow to find index of an element in an array in pythonhow to return index of element in listpython return element indexhow to get index of value pythonfind indx of matching string in list pythonhow do you get the index of an element in a list in pythonindexof in python arrayfind index of a element in list pythonget index of list element pythonpython find the list index based on keyhow to get the index number of an item in a list pythonfind index of something pythonfind index of given element in pythonget index of a word in a list pythonindex of a list value in pythonget index of number pythonhow to get index from listlist get index pythonfind index of list with value how to get index of an element in python listdetermine element index in list pythonget index of elmeent when found pythonfunction of index in pythonpython how to find index of element in listget index of a value in list pythonpython get index of from listpython get element at indexfind index of numerical item in array pythonlist get index ofwhich index does find return in pythonpython3 get index of item in listfind index of element in matrix pythonget index from array pythonfinding index of item in list pythonelement of index list pythonfind in listpython print position in listget the index of the list pythonhow to get the index of an item in an array pythonlist python indexofhow to find value index in an array pythonhow to find a element in list pythonposition of an element in list pythonindex of item in list pythonindex list pythonhow to access the index of listhow to know the index of an element in an array pythonpython indexof in listhow to find index of element first row in pythonfind index of number in pythonfind index of element partial in list pythonitem of a index of a list pythonhow to search elements in list pythonsearch by index pthonpython use index of the listfinding index command pythonfind indexes of item in listpython index of object in arrayif index of num pythonget index of string in array pythonhow to get the index of element from a set in pythonindexof element c2 b4 pythonhow to find a value at given index in python listget value by index list pythonfind index of first occurrence in listpython list element indextake index of list pythongetindex pythonfind the index of an element in an array pythonhow to index a list in pythonpython find if an item is at a posision in a listhow to write indices pythonposition of item in list pythonpython get list index by valueget index of value in list pythonfind index of first occurrence in a list pythonget element position in list pythonfind the index in a list pythonprint an index in pythonfinding element in python listpython how to get list element by indexespython find index of listpython find value in array and return indexhow to get the value of an index pythonpython find index from an arraypython find in list indexpython find the index in array with valueuse list as index pythonfind index of all matching element in list pythonhow to with its index number in pythonhow to check on index number in pythonpython search array get indexhow to find the index of a value in an array pythonindex a listhow to find the index of somethingcheck indexes of element in list pythonfind in list in pythonfind value and index in list pythonindex of string in array pythonhow to return the index of a value in a list pythonpython get list item by indexfind index of number pythonindex of python element in a list pythonhow to grab index pythonhow to find somethings in a python listpython index to listpython get index of list elemntwhat is index of list in pythonhow do you find the index in pythonhow to find index of array in pythonfind index of a value in a list pythonget position of element in list pythonpython find the index of element in listindexof item pythonfind in list pythonhow to print the index of something in a list python index python listpython 3 get the index of value in listhow to get the index of an element in list using pythonget index of item pythonlist get index pythonget value at index python listpython get item at index listfind aomething an return it 27s indiciepython list at indexpython list how to get indexget index ov value from list phythonfind index position in pythonposission in pythonget index pythonprint the index of listpython find index of element inarrayfind index of list according to value of other listpython find indexfind and index function pythonreturn index of element list pythonhow to take the index of a list pythonpython indexof pythonprint all indices of list pythonlist 5bindex 5d pythonfirst occurrence in list pythonhow to index a list of listsfind indexes in list pythonsearch for item in list of lists pythonhow to get the value of an index in pythonhow to get the indc of an elemnt in a listfind index of value in pythonpython get index valuesindex of a list in pythonposition of element in array pythonpython list index as stringpython lidt indexfind the value from list using indexpython finding index of item in listindex list pytonfind the index of a list in pythonget list elements indexpytno find item in a list return indexfind index in list by value pythonarray python get indexobtain the index for a value in list pythonpython how to find list indexget index of element in one list in first element in list of lists pythonhow to define the position in a list in python find position of an element in a list pythonhow to get item index in list in pythonhow to find the index of a element in listhow to find index of element in listhow to find the index in an array pythonpython refence location in listhow to find a value in a list in pythonwhich index pythonfind index of element pythonindex of string in list pythonhow to get element by giving index in pythonhow to get the index of a element in the listpython get index of list elemnethow to get index of element in list in pythonindex of an elemnt in a listhow to find the index position of a particular item in lists pyget item index in list pythonget value by index pythonhow to return the index of a list in pythonhow to find the index of a listgetting index of list pythonfind position of a string in an array pythonget index of list value pythonfind a value in a list pythonfind function in list pythonhow to get index of a list in pythonindices of values pythonindex of a number in pythonpython find index of object in listhow to find index of value in list in pythonget the index of string in a list pythonfind index of elements in list pythonindex number of item in list pythonget the index of an element in list pythonget list item indexget index of an element in array pypython get list positionpy indexofhow to get index python 5dhow to find the index of an element in a list using findget index of an element in the array pythonhow to find value of index in pythonhow to return item by index in pythonfind the index of the other element in a list pythonget the index position pythonpython find index value in list by a valuehow to find the index of any element of a list in a string pythonfind index of object in list pythonpython get indexes of items in listindex of a element in list in pythonpython get index of item in listhow to print position of an index in list pythonindex and element python listpy get index of list how to get the position of int in list pythonhow ot find index of a value in listfinding the first index of the number in the listget index by value list pythonfind index of an str in a list pyhtonpython how to get index of a listpython find element with value in first index in a listpython list index 2c value get the index of array in array pythonpython find list indexfind by index pythonpython get value and index in listindex of element in list of lists pythonpython get index of listfind index of element in list python 5cget items in list python by indexdpython get indexhow to find the index of item pythonpython find index of given valuepython get index value from listhow to find position of an element in list pythonpython get index of itemfind index of an element in an array pythonhow to find number index in list pythonpyhton list indexpython return index of first match in listitem index list pythonget the index in a list pythonfind the index of a specific value in pythonhow to the index of an element in the a list in pythonhow to find index of list in pythonget the index of a list pythonhow to find where an item is in a listhow to find index of element of arraye in pythonpython find index of an element in a listget the index in a list of elementhow to get index of an item in a list pythonelement index pythonpython find index of list valuepython element indexpython get index of element in array by valueindex of item pythonpython index of element in arraypython find find which indexpython find item by index in listpython get index of element in lsitindex element in list pythonpython how to find position in listlist index in pythonpython list object find indexlist indices pythonfunction to get the index of an element in a list pythonget index from element pythonpython find position of element in listpython find value in list and return indexhow to get the elements of an index in a list in pythonhow to get the index of an object in a list in pythonhow to find all index of element in list pythonget index of item in listfind index of elemet in listget index for a value in listindex syntax in pythonaccess index of list pythonget index from for listpythonindex of list in pyhtonhow to index pythonindex of an element in an array pythonhow to check the index of a value in an array pythonindex of an elemtn in a listpython get index of items in listhow to find index of object from a listpython get near index of item in list by valueget index in function pythonreturn index from list pythonpython shearch element by index listprint the index of a list 5cpython how to find the index of an element in a listfind by value in list pythonlist of python with index numberhow to know the index of a list in pythonfind index in python list of listpython index commandspython how to get value from listhow to list index pythonhow to find index in an array pythonpthon list get item indexhow to get index of list item in pythondisplay list indices python 3get item in list pythonpython index of a item id is in a listpython index ofpython get index of n element in a listreturn index in a listindex of a element in list pythonindex of a item in list pythonche kthe index of an item in a list pythonhow to find index of an element in an list pythonhow to get index of specific item in list pythonpython get the index of listfinding index from a list item in pythpnhow to find an index in a python listpython index of elementpython index of object in listpython calll index of listprint position of index pythonwhat is the index of a listfind the position of an item in a list pythonhow to find the index of an element in an list pythonpython item position in listget list of index from python listhow to find position of an element in a list in pythonprinting index of each element in a lsit in pythonreturn index of value in array pythonhow to get the index of a item in a list in pythonprint index of a list pythonhow to get item in list with indexes pythongetindex of python araypython list index numberpython list return indexhow to fina a element in listget index in pythonhow to find index of a variables in list pythonhow to find index of somethinghow to get index of an element in a listfind elements in list pythonreturn list index pythonpython list get index of elementsprint index number of list in pythonarray find index of element in pythonpython return first index of itempython finding the index of an element in a listsearch in list pythonhow to find index of an element in python listhow to find an item using its index in list pythonhow to search elements in listpython get index of object in list of objectshow to find index of element with inf pythonindex of element in a list pythonhow to get index of specific value in list pythonlist 2b get index of a valuepython get index of element in a listreturn index of a list python index in pythonhow to find an item index in listget index array from listpython how to check index in list get index of element in a list pythonlist function in python to check index of valueposition of number in list pythonpython get item with indexfind the index of element in array pythonhow to get index of item in a list pythonpython index of item in arraylist index python python get index object attribute in listdefine the indice of an element in listindex value in the list in pythonget element index in list pythonfind the index of element in list pythonhow to get element from set in python by indexhow to get the index of an element in a python arraylist get index of an elementget item position in list pythonpython get index of itemshow to find index of item in a listpython find index of objectget index python listlist position in pythonfind the element in list pythonget the index of element in list pythonpython code to find the start of an indexhow to get item with index from list 5cpython get index of value in listfind an element indexindex function pythonposition of an element in a list pythonfinding index number in pythonget index list of element in list pythonindex of python array elementpython get element from list by indexfind element in python list get position of index pythonreturn item at index in list pythonhow to get indices of seached element in a list in pythonhow to see what 27s inside an index of a list in pythonget index vaule inpythonpython get position in listhow to print indices of listhow to get list index value in pythonreturn index of string in list pythonget indexes of element in listindex of something in list pythonfind a index of a value pythonhow to find the index of the element in the listget index of element list pyhtonget index for element in list pythonhow to find an index when you know the valueprint list indexingget items from index list c2 b4 pythonhow to get index of element in listget the index value if element 3e 0 in list in pythonget index of element in list python numpyhow to find the index value in pythoncheck the index of item in a list pypython find the index of a valueprinting index of list pythonpython list value index site 3amedium com site 3atowardsdatascience comget index of string in list pythonget list value from indexsearch finding index pythonindex python listhow to get index from value in pythonget first occurrence of element in list pythonhow to get the index of array in pythonget index of value in pandas seriesgetting the index of an element 2b pythonindex of element in pytohonfind index set pythoget index of item in list python from worpython get index of list by valueget index of itemin listget index of a element in list pythonfind a value in python listpython array find index of valuedisplay index and value list pythonpython find element indexespython at indexfinding in a listpython get index from arrayfind a index using a list valuefind an index of an item in a list pythonhow to find first instance of a value in pythonpython find in listget index from list of objects pythonpython position listingindex of a list element pythonhow to find index value of a character in a list pythonhow to find index of element in array pythongetindex list pythonget index position list pythonget the index of an element of a listpython list access indexfind index of element in list python jsgiven index of list get value pythonprint out the index of the element in list pythonpython find if an item at an index in listdetermine the index a element of a list corresponds to pythonpython how to find indexes of elements in listlist get index by value pythonindex of value list pythonfinding index of the element in lnked list pythonpython find index of first matching element in a listlist find the item of indexsearch item in list pythonindexof python arrayhow to ind the index of an item in a list pythongetting the index of a list pythonfind the index of an element pythonget index or defualt value python listhow to get the index of a string in a list in pythonhow to get index of element in array pythonhow to find the index of something in a list pythonpython get the element indexpython array element indexpython element of list indexget value with index python listpython list index searchfind value in list pythonpython get specific index from listget index of element in list string 5b 5dhow to return index of list python is index pringting a methodhow to find index of something in a list pythonhow to find index number in pythonfinding index of element in list pythontruli search finding elements using index example pythonget item at index list pythonhow to get index of a list item in pythonfind index of an element in a listpythonreturn an index found value in a list pythonhow to position in list pythonhow to find the index of a element in a list in pythonpython x in indexhow ti find the index of item in list pythonfind the index of object in listfind the element in the particular index in string in pythonget index of item in list pytohnfind value in listhow to find the position of an element in a list in pythonpython return index of item in listget index in a list pythonhow to find an index in a list pythonget value at index pythonfind index of element in list of list pythonindex of pythonpython find index listnumpy find index of valuepython index odhow can we print the indexacess index in listget index of in list pythonfind index of element list pythonhow to get index value of a list in pythonhow to find the index of an element in a python listfind index from list pythonpythonic way of finding an index in a listpython find index of a list itmelist to index an array pythonelements from index listfind index of element in pythonindex of lists inside a listlist find pythonget the index of a list element pythonhow to get the index and value of the elements in the list using pytonarray index element pythonindex of data in list pythonhow to find the index of the value in a list pythonpython find index of match in listget index of listhow to list indexes on a list pythonpython check index of item in listpython get index of list where value ispython get index of arrayget index of listfind elementi in list python using inhow to find an item in a list pythonreturn index of an element pythonpython index in listget list element index pythonreturn index of item in array pythonhow to get the first occurrence index of element in list pythonhow to find an element in list pythonindex by value pythonget index of smallest element in list pythongetting element of index in list pythonpython how to get the indices of an item in a listget index of 1s in list pythonhow to return the indexes of a lists in pythonget index of object by value pythonpython array get index of valuefind position in list pythonlist index method pythonfind the index from list pythonhow to get index of value in array pythonpython find index of list by valueget list of index of a list pythonhow to get index of list of 3ce 3efind index of element pythonhow to find index of a element in a listhow to find out index of a listhow to find the index of something in pythonhow to get the index of an array pythonpython3 list find indexes of values in listprint indexes pythonreturn location in list pythonget index of matched element in list pythonpython list find element index 3a as index of a list pythonfind in list and get index in pythonpython get list index of 27 27how to find the elements of an index in pythonfind index of item in array pythonfind index of element in string pythonindex of element in list pythoinpython find index of element that is notindex of list element pythonfind item in list by element pythonpython set index of arrayarray index of element find pythonhow to get index in pythonget index of particular value in listindex of item in listpytho how to find index of element in list of listsfind the position of a number in a list pythonlist get index of pythonfind index in an array pythonpython search indexhow to find index of a number on a list in pythonpython is taking an index a function 3fget index of element in list in pythonpython find from list syntaxhow to access index of list in pythonho to know the index of a listpython find the index where a value is in a listpython indices of element in listfind value at index pythonlist find element pythonfind index of list by valueposition of list in pythonpyrthon print indexpython check index ofget item index from list pythonfind index of value in list of lists pythonfind an element and return index python listfind index of string in list python indexof in pythonhwo to set index for a listhow to get index how to get position of item in list pythonpython search index of element in listfind index of an item in a list pythonlist index of pythonreturning elements index in pythoncheck index of list pythonindex of list item in pyhtonindexof in pythonreturn index of element in listget index of pythonget index of list in pythonhow to check the index of a word in list in pythonprint index of value pythonfind index of python listlist index of elementpython get position of element in listget index by element list pythonindex function in listfind index of element in dictionary pythonfind position in a list pythonreturn the index of an element in a listpython find index of first occurrence in listlist indiceslist item index pythonhow to get the index of an list in pythonfind index of value in array pythonpython get the index of an element in the listhow to get current index of element in list pythonfinding index of a number in pythonhow to find index when you know element in list in pythonhwo to use index pythonfind element in listget indices of list python 1 index in list pythonhow to get element from index in pythonhow to use index 28 29 to get element in listget index of list of elementspython find values in listhow to find position of element in list pythonhow to find the index of a value in python listhow to find the index in pythonindex of specific value pythonhow to find the position of an item in a list pythonacces index of element pythonpython find index of listhow to find the index of a value in pythonpython get list item and indexget all index of element in list daryindex of list element in pythonpython list indexeslist find indexespython get index by valuehow to know index of list in pythonpython get the index in a liststring find 28 29 from list in pythonindex of a certain value of python listget index of element in array pyhow to find index of a element in list in python if not in listcheck position of element in list pythonhow to find index value in pythonpython number indesxfind all index of element in list pythongoython get index of item in listfrom list get indexhow to find the index postion of something in a listhow to use index 28 29 in pythonpython get position of item in arrayhow to use indexof in pythonhow to see what 60s inside an index of a list in pyhtonfirst index of the first element in list pythonhow to get item index in list pythongetting an index of an element of python listhow to get index of list of objectsin pythonuse index in pythonreturns the index of the find in pythonget index of list pythonpython get index of item in listlist indexhow to get the value by its position in list pythonpython finding indexfind the index of an item in a list of listspython find element in list and return indexhow to return the index of a listpython item idexpython find index by valuepython get the index of an element in the litfind 28 29 in python listhow to get index number of item in list pythonhow to get index list pythonpython list element index 28 29getting element from list with indexindex of python listpython get list with indexlist item index pythonreturn index of given value in array pythonget index of number in array pythonindex of list member pythonfind list items with 2 index in pythonget index of elements in listhow to find an element in a list with its index pythonpython create index in listget item from index list c2 b4 pythonpython find the index of a value in a listhow to find the index of element in list in pythonhow to find the position of an element in a list pythonpython find index of number in arrayhow to get index of element in pythonfind index in list pythonfor index pythonhow to get index of an listpython find first index of value in listget index of list item pythonget index of an item in listhow to return the location of a n item in a listpython lists index from toget index of the array with pythonindex of element in string pythonget list at indexfind index of an element list pythonpython check if element in list and get indexget index of an element in a list pythonindex of object in list pythonhow to get index of list where is 3d somthingindex for a certain value in list pythonget indices of item in list pythonindex of lists functionsindex of a list pythonhow to get index of something in a listpython list find index of objectfinding index of a list in pythonhow to find the index of something in a listget indices for listreturn index of a value list pythonindex of element pythonhow to print list with index in pythonget indice of element in list pythonget index from list where value ishow to return the index of a value from a python listget the index of an element in a list in pythonpython find index number in a listhow to search the first index of a list get indexes from listfind the index number of an element in a list pythonindex syntax pythonreturn index of list pythonhow to get index of in pythonfind the postion of a element in a list pythpnhow to get list item index pythonpython list indexoffind index location of value in list pythonfind something in list pythoncheck position in list pythonfind an element index in listfind index of a value in listindex item list pythonfind 28 29 list pythonget index of python listpython find index of valuepython 3 get index position from listpython find index numberlist index of in pythonget index of item in pythonhow to check index of value in list pythonhow to find index of elements in list pythonhow to index a listpython3 list get index of itempython get index of object in listpython take index of valuepython how to get index of element in arrayprint list indexes pythonhow to find value of index 1 in pythonget index and value of array pythonsearch item in list and get indexcheck index from listfind an element in a list pythonget index of element in pythonpython array find element indexpython array find indexpython first index of listpython get index of number from arraysearch element in a list pythonfind a element in list pythonhow to find somethings index pythonhow to get the index of pythonhow to get the index of a value of list in pythonget index in lsit pythonindex of in listfind element in list python by indexpython get index of element in arrayget idxfor value in listget index of an element list pythonfind list pythonhow to get index value of element in list python colabhow to get the index in pythonpython index of arrayarray position in pythonfind the index of a value in an array pythonhownto find the index of the elenst in the listhow to list index in pythonget index of the element in a list pythonindex of an element in a listhow to print list index in pythonhow to find elements in list pythonhow to find which index in listfind value in list pytohnpython index of number in listpython get index of specific values in listfinal index of object in listhow to find index of specific value in a list pythonpython get indexfind out index of item in list in pythonlist find index by value pythonpython find a value in a listget item and index pythonfind index in python methodindex of an element in list pythonpython list element with indexhow to get index from item in a listget indexes by value in list pythonget index of value in list with valuehow to get index of list object in pythonpython any find indexindexes of a value in a list pythonpython find value index in listpython print indexreturn index of element in array pythonpython get index of item in list of objectsfind index value list pythonfind the index of a value pythonpython list index of found itemindex function in pythonposition of elment in list pythonhow do you find the index of an item in a list in python 3ffind out index of item in listpython get index of elementget list index by value pythonget element of list by indexs pythonhow to find the index number in python from a number in the arraypython find index from valuesearch index position pythonlist python indexpython index sampleget index of search values from list in pythonindexing function in pythonpython list indeex 28 29python find index of list itempython return indexpython get array indexpython get index of a valuehow to get the index of an item in a list pythonelement at index in list pythonfind index positionindex of element in array pythonhow to check index value in pythonhow to find index value of something in a listfindindex in pythonindex of all elements in list pythonget index number from list pythonindex value of listfind first occurrence of element in list pythonhoy to get 5bindex 5dhow to get value of index in list pythonpython index of element in list