get index of item in list

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showing results for - "get index of item in list"
06 Nov 2018
1# Basic syntax:
2list.index(element, start, end) 
3# Where:
4#	- Element is the item you're looking for in the list
5# 	- Start is optional, and is the list index you want to start at
6#	- End is option, and is the list index you want to stop searching at
8# Note, Python is 0-indexed
10# Example usage:
11my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 42, 9, 10]
13--> 8
17 Apr 2016
1lst = [4, 6, 5]
2lst.index(6) # will return 1
17 Jan 2019
1test = [ 'test 1', 'test 2', 'test 3' ]
2for index, value in enumerate( test ):
3  print( index, value )
01 Mar 2016
1list.index(element, start, end)
21 Oct 2017
1[(i, colour.index(c))
2 for i, colour in enumerate(colours)
3 if c in colour]
26 Jan 2018
1indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(my_list) if x == "whatever"]
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of item in list python 5cfind index number in list pythonfind string in list index pythonsearch in all index of list pythonhow to get indez from listfind indexes in list pythonpython 3 get index position from listget index number by value in list pythonfind index of value in array pythonget position in list from valuefind item from position in list pythonfind index of element pythonget index element list pythonpython list index object caluehow to get the position of an item in a listget the index of integer value in list pythonpython find all indexes of element in listpython get position where value in listhow to find the index of a string in an index in a list pyhonhow to get the index from a list in pythonget index of element where list pythomget index of element in list in for pythonfind which index in list has xpython get data and list positionpython get index of object in list of objectsindex of element in array pythonpython for index value listfind indexes of element in list pythonget location of item in list pythonhow to return an index in pythonget item at certain index listsee index in a list pythonfind the index of a string in a list of strings pythonhow to find the index of somethingindex position pythonindex of given element in list pythonindex of an item in a list pythonhow can we searche index of any value in pythonpython position of in listreturn index of a value in a list pythonhow to know position of element in python listpython position in listget indices of list of items in listpython list index of valuehow to find the index of any element of a list in a string pythonindex of a number in list pythonindex of element in a list pythonhow to get position of an element in a list in pythonhow to get all the indexes of a element in pythonfind index of list according to value of other listpython find the index of a value in a list of a listget the index of a list element pythonget a value of a list from and index pythonreturn index of python listget indexes from listget index and value from list pythonindexs in pythonhow to find index of list in pythonhow to find the position of something in a list pythonfind the index in a list pythonhow to get position in a list pythonindex of a list pythonget position of first instance in list pythonpython get index of array by valuehow to get index value of an element in a listhow to get the list vale of a indexhow to get index of item in a listget index of first occurrence in list pythonget index of item in a list pythonpython return value when not find index in listget the index in a list of elementhow to read a index from a listindex of item in list pythonget location of item in list poythonfind first index of element in list pythonposition in a listpython get index of item in list by valueget position of an element in a list pythonget the position of an item in a list pythonhow to find what position the value is in the list pythonlist get index of itempython list index by valuepython get element from list of indexprint index and value of list pythonhow to get the index of a value in pyhtonpython getting index of list index of array pythonget index of item in listprinting index of each element in a lsitpython get index of elementhow to find the index using in pythonget the index of a list itempython get list where index i is f 28i 29pos list pythonpython index gethow to get index and value of list in pythonacess index in listpython index of piar in listfor item in items find index pythinget position of element list pythonprint index of list by element pythonfind string index in list pythonpython list index syntaxhow to get the index of a value of list in pythonpython get position in listget index of list item pythonget the index of an element in a list above some valueget index from a list in pythonhow to finx index of thing in pythoncheck matched element position in python listpython get index of item in listhow to print the index of a list in a list of listsfinding index of a value in list poython 5cgetting index of list pythonpython get item index in listgetting index of element in list python from filterfind index based off the value pythonget index ov value from list phythonhow to get value from list using index pythonfinding index of element in array pythonprint position in list pythonfind index based off value pythonindex value in pythonfind item in list with indexpython return index of value wherefinding location of a value in a list pythonpython how to use and index list to find what is in the listshow the value of index pythonpython3 list find indexpython index of a value in listget position from list pythonpython print item position and value in listget position of item in a list pythongetting to know the index of an item in a array pythonget index for items in listpython get element index from listindices in pythonfind location of element in list pythonget index element in listget all indexes of element in list pythonpython get index of element in list in for find value and index in list pythonhow to find what position a number is in a list pythonhow to find index of an element in a list in pythonhow to get index of list elements in pythonfind and index function pythonhow to get eh index of a value pythonget item from list by index pythonpython how to get index from an elementhow to get a item in a list using index in pythonpython find indices of item in listpython for each loop with indexindex of element list pythonindex operation in pythonpython list position of valuepython find index of first matching element in a listreturn index of list pythonget index of an item in python listpython grab index to listpython display index and value in a listdoes python use index for listpython find indexof item in listget index based on value pythonfind index of array element pythonpython find value index in listpython get item by index listhow to print index of list pythonreturn index of array pythonhow to see index listpython find index of value in arrayget thing from position in list pythonhow to find the index of an element of the list of a list in pythonhow to find index of item in list pythonhow to make a python list 1 indexpython find in list and get the positionget index list of element in list pythonpython get the position of an element in listx in list get index pythonhow to find index of an item in list pythonhow to find the index of an item in a list pythonfind all list in listhow to know the index of an element in a list in pythonfind index from value pythonlooking up index of a value in a listfind a numbers index in a listfind the position of an element as variable in a list pythonreturn index of element in array pythonreturning position of value in python listget the position of an item in the list python list find indexgetr location of matchign elemtn in list pythonhow to find the placement of a number in python listget all positions of element in list pythonget the index of a list pythonpython print indexpython get index of a valuepython list find index of itempython how to find index of element in listget index value of list pythonhow to find the index of an element in list in pythonfind element in by list of index pythonget positions of element in list pythonindex in array pythonpython index offpython find index of item in listpython get the index in a listpython get all position of element in listpython get list of indexes from list of valuehow to see positions of a in a list pythonfind index of first occurrence in listhow to get element from list with index pythonhow to get index of an element in a list pythonfor list value and index pythonfind index from list pythonpython array find indoexget index of specific item attay pythinget position of a list pythonfind index in list by value pythonhow to get vale from index in pytonget index in list pythonget index of a string in a list pythonget index of list based on value pythonget index in list of arrathow to return index of element in list pythonhow to retrieve all indexes of list pythofor i in list get indexpython list indexhow to find string position in list pythonfind index of all matching element in list pythonfind the index of an element pythonpython get index based on valuefind list position of element pythonget index of listget index of array element pythonfind the index of an element in list in an pythonhow to check what index you are on in a list pythonfind position pythonget index of item pythohow to find the index of an item in a list having a specific datahow to get index for values list pythonhow to get index of an element in a list in pythoncall position in list pythonpython array index findprint index number of list pythonpython find location of value in listpython function for finding index of a certain value in a listpython get the index of element return index of value pythonhow to find the index of a element in a list in pythonpython index and value of listcheck index of element is in list pythonwhich is used to get a value at a particular index in pythonhow to get the index of item in listpython item indexhow to find the index location based on value pythonpython how to get list positionget the index number of a list item in pythonget elements in list where first indexhow to find an item 27s position in a list pythonpython index by first valueget index of location in python arrayhow to call a position in a list pythonhow to find position of item in list pythonhow to get position of an item in the listget the index number of items in list pythonpython get index of list elementhow to print position of all elements in a list pythonreturns the location in the list pythonhow to print the index number in pythonfind index of list pythonhow to view the index at which a value in a list isindex of a certain value of python listindex of value in list pythonindex of value in python listget index from index object pythonhow to get the index of something in a listfind str in list and return indexget all element of list python by indexget index of search values from list in pythonpython check index of item in listget index of object in listfind the index position in list pythonhow to get index of element in pythonpython find index offind the second index of an element in list pythonpython get index of list valueprint index and list elemnts pythonpython index of list by value 3fpython find index of first occurrence in listprint the index of a list pythonhow to get the index of a listhow to return index number in pythonpython find what position an item is in a lsitpython list finding index containing a valuefind indeces of element in list pythonfinding the index of an ele in a list pyhow to get position of an element in a list pythonfind index of an item in a list pythonget index in python listfind all index in list pythonget index of list in list pythonposition of element in array pythonpython how to find indexes of elements in listsearch by index number in list pythonhow to get index in listpython find all index of item in listsearch in a list and return indexlist 2b get index with specific valuesget index of element in listpython get index by valuehow to find the index of an item in a list using a valuepython list find all indexhow to find the index of a value in a list in pythonsearch index of element in list pythonhow to know the index of element in list of objectsprint the index of listposition of str in listhow to find index in list pythonindices of list pythonhow to check the index of an item in a list pythonhow to get indexes from listspython all indexes of element in listfind indexes in lists pythonget index or defualt value python listhow to get position of element in list pythonhoew to identify the index of an element pythonhow to find index number in list in pythonget index of element in array pythonhow to find index of string in list pythonlist function in python to check index of valuepython find if an item at an index in listfind index of a value in a list pythonpython return element based on indexlist indexof pythonfind index pythonhow to get position of a value in a list pythonhow to get value and position in list in pythonindex of a element in list pythonhow to get indexes for list pythonposition of elment in list pythonaccessing index pythonlist get index from valuehow to get postion of item in pythonhow to find position in list pythonlist get index of an elementpython index 28 29how to print position of list in pythonhow to find the index of a list in pythonget all index position of python listpython find index for item in listhow to get all indexes of an element in listlist return indexindexes in pythonget item position in list pythonindex for a certain value in list pythonget index from value pythonfind the index of a specific value in pythonpython find the value of a list with the positionpython list get index of listfind index of a number in list pythonget item position in listindex of listget index of element in pythonget the index of an element in a list pythonpython return indexhow to get an index from value in list pythonpythonm get index of number in listpython search list all elementshow to get position of item in list pythonpython return the index of an element in a listget index of specific item in list pythonhow to return index and items in listfind index of first value smaller then list element in list pythonfind the position of a sting in a list pythonget indecies of elementfind index of item in listfind the value of a list given indexfind index of ist item pythongetting index of an element in a list pythonho to get index athow to return index of list of integers in pythonlist find index of elementif in python get indexget position of number in list pythonfro index 2c element in listpython get first index of item in listpython list position of an elementhow to find the postion of the element in the listhow to find index of listfinde index of value array pytonget indexes of values in list pythonpython index of arrayindex of specific value pythoncheck position list pythonhow to find an index when you know the valuec 2b 2b find index of element in listget value using index python listgetindex of object in listlist find index of element pythonhow to get index and value in array listhow to get index python listpython how to get a vlaue in a positon in an listhow to find index of string in list in pythongetting to know the index of an item in an array pythonhow to get index of particular element in list pythonfind index of list with value how to check the index of a value in a listpython indexes of item in listget index of smallest element in list pythonfind element index from list pythonhow to get the index in a dictionary pythonfirst occurrence in list pythonfind index in listhow to call an index in pythonget list index by value pythonget list of elements by list of indexpython return index of matching values in arraytake index in for pzthonget index of element in list string 5b 5dreturn index of string in list pythonget index of some element in pythonlist index of element pythonvalue position in list pythonpythn get list indexespython check if element in list and get indexselect the index value of listif i in list python locationfind the index of a list in pythonget index and value of list pythonpython find all element indexfind integer index of element in list pythonhow to do indexing in number in pythonhow do i call a specific index of a list in pythonall item in a list pythonfind the position of a value in a listpython find index in list of objectsindex of value in array pythonget element position in a listpython get position of item in arrayget position of element in listpython3 for list indexhow to determine value of a list indexlist get indexofhow to find elemnt index in listget values in between indexes pythonget index of item in list pythonpython find value in listpython get index of list of itemsreturn all the positions of a value in a list pythonget string position in list pythonget specific index of item in listhow to get index values of a list with vlauesget item index in list python index of elementarray index python funchow to get the position of an element in list pythoncheck index of a elementhow to print index of list in pythonlist index findhow to find first instance of a value in pythonhow to get all index of element in pythonget list index of a value in pythonhow to find the certain index of a item in pythonhow to find the index of a value in an array pythonhow to find all index for a given element in list pythonfind index of item in list pythonpython list index based on valuepython get index and value from listpython get index of specific values in listpython return index of element in listpython find the index of a list elementget list of index from python listget value from list in index pythonfind all indexes of an element in pythonpython index of current list itemfind the location of an entry in a list pythonhow to get index from series in pythonfind all indexes of x in list pythonfind index in array in pythonget a element at particular position in list in pythonany function for list python returns index based on valueget index of element python listfind index of item in list of lists pythonfind a value in a list in a list of lists index pythonfind all index of element in list pythonhow to get the index of an element in a list in pythonhow to get something from a certian possition in a list pythonposition of an element in a list pythonhow to find position of element in list pythonindex listpython list first element indexfind item index in listfind index of a value in list pythonhow to get the index of an element in an array pythonget index of list element pythonhow to get index from list by value index of element in list pythongetting the index of a list itemget item index in list pythonfind index of item in array pythonhow to find the index value in pythonfind location of value in list pythonhow to pick a value by index of a list in pythonhow to print the index of the list in pythonget index of element in list pyhtonhow to find what position is a value in a list pythonhow to get index of value in array pythontake position by value python listfind index of a list element pythonhow to find index of the required number in listget the index of an element in array pythonpython index of a value in a listpython list find index of matchget the index of val in list pyget list index pythonreturns the location in the listhow to know the index of a listhow to find item in list pythonget index of an item pythonindexes of a list pythonfinding index of item in list pythonhow to get index of an object in listpython what is an indexpython get index of item in arraypython list find element positionhow to get index value in pythonpython list position of eleindex of a value in list pythonfind index of element in list python3get index i of listindex pythonhow to get index of element in object in pythonhow to find the index of the value in a list pythonget index of a value in list pythonpython get indexes of items in listhow to get an element of a list based on location in pythonpython getthe index of element inlisthow to find inde in listhow to find the index of an item in a list in pythonlist get item indexget index where for search element in list pythonlist get element at index pythonposition of object in list in pythonget index of element in table pythonfind an element in list python after a specific indexhow to find the index value of an element in a list pythonpython function to find element position in listhow to get the value by its position in list pythonposition of all element in the listhow to use list index in pythonfind the item in the index in pythonhow to get index of list in pythonfind all indexes of element in list pythonhow to get a list of the indexes of a listfind element in list python and return indexfind the index of a value in a list pythonhow to get index of all elements in list pythonlist position python searchget all values at index in list of list pythonget index value on a list inthow to grab index pythonpython indexofposition of item in list pythonhow to get indexposition of number in list pythonhow to get index number of item in list pythonpython get list at indexget all index with value in list pythonfind the index from list pythonreturn an element from the list at any given position pythonpython how to get index of a listlocation in list pythonget position of list pythonindex of an element in a list pythonpython check index ofpython search list and return indexget the index of an element in list pythonget the position of a number in python listfinding the item by index in pythonposition pythonget index of items in list pythonpython get list by list of indexhow to index an element that is in a list of listsindex of a value in a list pythonhow to find values for indices given list pythonget value from list using index pythongrab index of item in listpython get list indexpython find list position of itemhow to get the index of an element pythonhow to get all items in list pythonget index of something in listpython get all items in listhow to find index of element first row in pythonget index item from list pythonget index from value list pythonget value at index list pythonreturn first index that matches substring in list pythonfinding index of list pythonhow to find index of value searched for in list of lists pythonpython list find indexpython get array of index of value in listelement position list pythonget index of a list in pythonhow to get index of an element in a listpython get indices of listget index of int in list pythonpython how to find witch index of element in listget idxfor value in listpython list element indexhow to check the position number of a variable in a list pythonpython get index of element in listget get first index of object in list pythonfinmd index of a value in a listhow to find the position of a number in a list in pythonhow to call a index of a list in pythonhow to get the index of a list in pythonpython list find index by valueprint list item by index pythonhow to you find element position in listhow to find position of value in list pythonpython element position in listhow to find index of an element in an array in pythonindex of elements in pythonlocate item position in listfind index of number in list pythonpthon get element indexhow to find the elements of an index in pythonfind the posotiin in list in pythonpython get every index of item in listhow to check position in pythonreturn index of list element pythonfind all elements in list pythonfind the index of listpython print array indexindexof element in list pythonhow to get the position in list python 22 3a 22 index python listpython output position of a listhow to get the index of element in a python listget all the index of an element in a list pythonpython get indexes of list from elementsfind item in list pythonfor list with index pythonpython findind the item of an index in listlocation of element in list pythonget the index of an element in an array pythonget index of all element in list pythonpython shearch element by index listhow to print the values which is in the list as per the indexing values in pythonpython find all indexs of listpython list find index allaccess index and value list pythonhow to find list index in pythonpython find a position of a value in listcheck value index in list pythonreturn index of value in list pythonreturn position of item in list pythonget index of elements in listaccess index of list in pythonhow to find position of items in list in pythonfind this index pythonfind index of a list in pythonpython3 get index of item in listindex of list in pythonfind object position in list pythonpython find the position of a number in a listget item by index pythonget index of the list pythonpython find index of integer in listget first occurence index of element in list pythinindex of a listpython how to return the index of a list itempython get item in list by indexhow to get the first occurrence index of element in list pythonfind aomething an return it 27s indicieget the index listget index itemhow to take the index of a list pythonlist in python index definitionfind out index of list in pythonhow to find the location of an item in a list pythonhow to get value and index of list in pythompython element index in listhow to find index in a list pythonfind index of var in list pythonhow to find the element of an index in pytonget inbdex if element in array pythonpython find index of object in list by valueget index of value in list pythonreturn the index of a value in a list pythoncheck position in list pythonget value at index python listgetting position of item in listhow to find the index of an element in a list pythonpython find integer index in listhow to return index in pythonpython array index ofhow to find index of any elemnet in a list in pythonpython how to use the index valuehow to get index of a value in a list pythonpython use string as list indexget index in list of valuehow to find the index of the list in pythonget first occurrence of element in list pythonfind list indexarray index element pythonindex of first element in array pythonget index of list in pythonhow to find index when you know element in list in pythonfind index list within list pythonhow to find index of a list ipythonindexof element in pythonhow to find index of number in list pythonreturn index of found element in list pythonget index of value in the listget index element in list pythonhow to access the index of a list in pythonlocation of item in list pythonhow to get index of number in list in pythonfinding the index of a list pythonhow to know the position of an element in a list pythonpython find index of object in listfind element position in list pythonprint index value by element in list pythonindex of a number in a listhow to index element in list pythonpython get array index where valuehow can i get the index of list in pythonhow get an specific position on list pythonfind index of a item in list pythonpython how to look for a position in a listhow to find the index of a number in a listpython index of listindex method in pythonget index of strign from list pythonget position of value in a listget index of elmeent when found pythonpython print item position in listhow to find position of an element in a list pythonhow to print index number in pythonindex of entry in list pythonpython index of piar in list based on valuepython get index of list where value ishow to find the index of a element in an array in pythonhow to get value of index pythonaccess list using indechow to get index value of a element in list in pythonfind index within list pythonget index of elemnt in list pythonpandas list item indexget index of value in list with valuepython 28list 28position 29 2c int 29list getindex pythonaccess to all index of list pythonpython code to check list based on the index valuefind out index of item in list in pythonpython find position of elements in a lsitpython how to get position in listcheck position of element in list pythonhow to find index of a string in a list pythonhow to make an index print it 27s index and valuehow to get index of var in list pythonfind all items in list pythonget index value from the element in list pythonhow to find the position in a list pythonhow to get specific index of list in pythonfind the index of object in listindex with a list pythoncheck index of item in listhow to see index list pythonfind first value in list in pythonhow to get the index number of a an item list pythonfind index of an element in an array pythonhow to find index value of a element in pythonhow to get item number of thing in list pythonghow to get position of a list in a list pythonget index of a element in pythonfind index of a listget position from a listposition of an element in list pythonfind the index of a value in array pythonhow to know the index in a listfor get index pythonpython get position where elements matchhow to find the position of a value in a list pythonhow to search value of index in a listpython find list item 27s indexzpython show index from listindex of list item pythonfinding the index of a item in listgiven a num in list get the index pythonget index of element in a list pythonhow to print the index of a list in pythonfind the index of element pythonhow to find index of all list items in pythontake a user and return a value at a given index for the user from a list using pythonhow to find position of an element in a list in pythonpython get index of an elementhow to find the index of a value in a array python 3fget value in list by position pythonfind index value from listget list of index of a valuehow to find the index of a certain value in pythonpython find the index of element in listhow to find one number in a list and the positionpython get value and index in listhow to display element position of a list pythonget index of item pythonhow to get the index value in pythonpython find index of object in list by attributepython index of value in listpython list get index of elementaccesing the index from value in list pythonget the index of a list item pythonhow to print index number of list in pythonget index of item in python arrayhow to get index from value in pythonhow to get an index of element with a given value in pythonpython get item indexpython get element from list by indexpython get position object in a listpython get all elements from listhow to get the index of something in a list pythonhow to get value from 0th index in pythonhow to search for an indexelement in an array in pythonhow to know which index in list pythonhow to get specific position out a list pythonfind in list and return index in pythobget the indec of element in the list pythonpython get item position in listpython position of listhow to find the position of an element in a list in pythonhow to find index of specific item in a python listdetermine index of a list pythonfind position of value in list pythonget position of element ifrom lists within a list pythonhow to find index of list of list in pythoncan you find the index of an integer value pythonindex of a element in list in pythonget index of a element in list pythonposition in listreturn index pythonpython find index of element in listget all elements in list pythonpython return element index in listfind index of an str in a list pyhtonhow to find all index of element in list pythonhow to find index of value in python 3ffor object in list tell what index it isfind all element position in the list in the pythonhow find out at what index is a certain value in pythonpython locate index in listpython find index of a word in arraypython find in list indexprint elements at givenindexes pythonhow to find what index of a list 27s itemlist index from valuefind the index of a string in a listhow to get certain indicies from every element in a list pythonget the index of an element in a list python from the end of the listpython get all the element of a list of listsindex of item in a list pythonfindindex pythonfind value index in list pythonpython find index value in arrayhow to find index of specific value in a list pythonhow to get all index of value in list pythonpython get index of element in list by valuepython indexes from valuefind the index of an item in a listpython list find indices of valuegetting all the elements in a list with indexfind in list python string return indexhow to get index of value in list pythonpython list get index and valuepython array indexofget element by index in list pythonget position list python index in pythonget index of index 28 29 pythonget index based on list item pythonfind index of value pythonposition of a number in a list pythonfind index of value in list pythonfinding index of element in list pythontruliget the position of an element in a list pythonpython index item in listpython how to get index of item in listindex of item pythonget list position in list pythonhow to find the index of something in a list pythonhow to get the index number of a list in pythoncheck the position of matched element in listpython get specific index from listget position find element list pythonindex 28 29 pythonget the position of an item in the listhow to see the index of an element in a list in pythonfind the location number in a list pythonlocation of string index list pythonfind index using element in list pythonget elemente index pythonget value by index list pythonhow to find the index of a value in list in pythonpython array find indexfinding index of a list in pythonpython index of number in listpython find all index in listget index of a number in listfor value index in list pythonhow to get position in list pythonhow to get item in a list using index pythonpython get list index by valuefind text name of index for list pythonpython list get index ofcan you search a list using the index number get index by element list pythonfind position of item in list pythonget index of item list pythonget index position list pythonwhich index in pythonget all index of element in list pythonfind the index of specific element in list pythonpython get variable location in listhow to look for a string in a list and get its index number pythonfinding the first index of the number in the listhow to use index for a list pytoncheck value of first index of a list in pythonhow to get the index of an elemnt in pythonpython find return indexget index of list pythonget index of element in list pythponfind index of string in a listpython list index of itemfindindex in pythonindex of eleement pythonget index of number in list pythonhow to get the index of an item in a list pythphow to return the index of an element in a list pythonfind index of given element in list pythonget index position of string in list pythonhow to find a list indexfor python example index valueget string of position in list pythonhow to get index of element in list pythonget index from array pythonpython get the index of an element in a listindex position pyget all items in a list pythonhow to get item with index from list 5cpython list find indexes where is in the listhow to get the index position of a list in pythonhow to search the first index of a list return indices of array pythonlist get indexhow to print indexing in the pythonget item and index pythonindex in pythonfirst index of element in list pythonuse indexing to print in pythonhow to get value and index in pythonhow to return index from value in pythonprint out the index of the element in list pythonhow to get an index from a listreturn the index position of the number in list pythonget index of an item in a list pythonfind index of number in integer pythonif in the list python return indexfind index of element in array pythonpython list index findpython find the index of a value in a listget indecies of element pythonhow to get the index of an item in a list pythonhow to get the index of an element in a list in python 3ffind index inpythonfor i 2c index in list pythonget index in the listhow to get index from element in pythonget index of neasted list pythonget location of values python listget index of item in a listelement of index list pythonget position of item in list pythonhow to find element index in list pythonpython find position in listfinding the index of an element in a list in pythonget list item indexindex of element in list pythonpython get item from list by indexhow to find index of an elemnt in pyget index from listfind the index of a particular number in a listfinding index of an element in a listindex list inside list pythonsearch item in list and get indexfind indexes in pythonget index of particular element in 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pythonhow to get index of the list element in pyhtonhow to find index of a value in the list in pythonchecking the index of a list itemhow to get position of specific element in list pythonpython get value by indexfind index of list element in pythonhow to find the indices of a list in pythonindex element of list pythonpython get index of element in array by valuehow to find index of object in list pygonhow to get index of list element pythonhow to find an element in a position in python get element position in list pythonhow to get element at index of a list filehow to find index of int in list pythonget all index of value in list pythonrpython return indices of valuepython get array index with valuepython find position of string in listpython get position of item in listgetting index at something from list pythonget index position of array value pythonhow to return the position of an item in a list pythonpython array find value indexfind in list and get index in pythonget indices 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index of an element pythonwhich index pythonhow to find list element index with valuepython look for i in list and return indexindex and value in pythonpython get list with indexget index of list in list of listprint all the index of a list pythonget index of an item in listpython for find indexcheck the position index of a list in python get position in list pythonfrom list index get val pythonget the index of a value in a list pythonpython3 find all indexes of item with value in listhow to find index in a list in pythonget index of an object in a list pythonget the index of an array pythonpython match index listhow get index of object in list pythonprint all the elements of a list python with the indexhow to find out the index in a list pythonpython index of element in arrayprint position of element in list pythonindex of object in list pythonpython find index of array 5dposition element in list pythonget index of item in list