how to get index in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to get index in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to get index in python"
11 Nov 2019
1list.index(element, start, end)
10 Sep 2016
11) how to find index of a word in a string:
2  my_string = "Hello World!"
4  my_string.index("l")
62) how to find the first occurance of a word in a string:
7  print(verse.index('and'))
10 3)how to find the last occurance of a word in a string:
11  print(verse.rindex('you'))
26 Jan 2021
1array = ["foo", "bar", "baz"].index("bar")
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pythonget index of some element in pythonget indexe pythonreturn an index pythonget items indezxpython check if element in list and get indexhow to return index of list in python get specific index of list pythonlist get indexfind index in matrix pythonhow index number in pythonindex in pythonhow to print indexing in the pythonfind index list puthonlist index of valuehow to do indexing in number in pythonget the index positions in listhow do i call a specific index of a list in pythonfind item position in list pythonuse indexing to print in pythonhow to find index of particcular element in pythonwrite a method to search for the index of an item in a list having a given value find the position of a value in a listindex of value in array pythonfind index of element in array pythonget position of element in listgetting index of a listwhat does the index funciton do in pythonget position of an item in list pythonget index of value in array pythonhow to get the index of an item in a list 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