python check list contains another list

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showing results for - "python check list contains another list"
13 May 2017
1## checking any elment of list_B in list_A
2list_A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
4list_B = [2, 3, 6]
6check = any(item in list_A for item in list_B)
9# True
25 Jan 2018
1>>> items = set([-1, 0, 1, 2])
2>>> set([1, 2]).issubset(items)
4>>> set([1, 3]).issubset(items)
02 Aug 2019
2    check if list1 contains any elements of list2
4result =  any(elem in list1  for elem in list2)
5if result:
6    print("Yes, list1 contains any elements of list2")    
7else :
8    print("No, list1 contains any elements of list2")
07 Nov 2016
1## using set
2list_A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3list_B = [2, 3]
5set_A = set(list_A)
6set_B = set(list_B)
10# True if there is any element same
11# False if there is no element same
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