how to check if element is in list python

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showing results for - "how to check if element is in list python"
28 Oct 2017
1arr_test = ["thetung1","thetung2","thetung3"]
2title = "thetung"
3if title not in arr_test:
4	arr_test.append(title)
16 Jan 2017
1# To check if a certain element is contained in a list use 'in'
2bikes = ['trek', 'redline', 'giant']
3'trek' in bikes
4# Output:
5# True
25 Mar 2017
1listA = [item1, item2, item3]
2if item4 in listA:
3  print('yes, item4 is in the list')
5  print('no, item4 is not in the list')
19 Jun 2018
3listA = ['Stranger Things', 'S Education', 'Game of Thrones']
5if 'Dark' in listA:
6    print("Yes, 'S Eductation' found in List : ", listA)
8    print("Nope, 'Dark' not found in the list")
25 Sep 2018
2    check if element NOT exist in list using 'in'
4if 'time' not in listOfStrings :
5    print("Yes, 'time' NOT found in List : " , listOfStrings)
16 Jul 2020
2    check if list1 contains all elements in list2
4result =  all(elem in list1  for elem in list2)
5if result:
6    print("Yes, list1 contains all elements in list2")    
7else :
8    print("No, list1 does not contains all elements in list2"
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pythonpython value exists in arrayif item already in list pythonpython check element not in arraypython check if elemnet exist in collectionlist has pythonpython how to check if sometihng in a lkistexists python listhow to check if every element in a list is in a string pythonpython list contianspython exist in arraychecking if a list contains an elementhow to check if the list has valuepython 3 if something in listhow to check if list contains an list of items pythonhow to check list pythonif list contains stringhow to check element of list is listcheck if number is not in array pythonhow to check if an element matches a listcheck if list is entry pthontcheck if a string is in a list pythoncheck in every list pythonpython check if a list element existscheck if a list contains a value pythonpython check if array existspython if array does not containscontain in python listpython check value exists in listhow to check if an item is not in a list pythonhow to check if a string is in a 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pythonif list contains item returnfind if list is in list pythonpython how to check if a specific number is in a listarray includes pythonhow to check for value in list on pythoncheck if its a list pythonchecking if something is a in a listpython if array doesn 27t contaipython better way to check if an element exists in a listpython check if value included in arraycheck item in list pythoncheck if list gointains something pythonpython if array includes valueslist in python contains elements ofcontient array pyhtonhow to check values in list in python check if an element is present in list pythoncheck if string is in the list pythonlist in python containshow to check contains in python arraycheck if an item exists in a list pythoncheck if stirng is in listlist python existhow to see if an item is in a list pythonhow to check in a list has a particular element pythonsearch list if contains list of valueslist in python conatinspython check if variable exists in arraypython check is string in listpython check string contains in listpython if statement in listif value exists in list pythoncheck if element in list pythoncheck if list has elements pythonif is a list pythoncheck if element is already in list pythonpython list includes listcheck if a value exists in array pythonpythgon check is listpython how to check if a string is in a listcheck if element exist in list in pythonhow to check an element is already in the list pythoncheck if exists in array pythonhow to check if item in in list pythonpython if item with id in listcheck if value is on listpython how to check if a list of string contains a stringlist includes pythoncheck if a string exist in a list in pythonpython check how many value exist in listcheck if element is present in list pyif list does not contain string pythonhow to check if element is present in list in dictionary pythonif any value in list pythonlist python contains ifpython if list has valueif list contains string valuecheck if array has string pythoncheck if string is in array pythoncheck if name in list pythonpython check if content in listcontains with list pythonif list contains pythonchecking the values in a list in pythoncheck if list contains pythonpython check if list has elementif list contains a stringsee if item is included in array pythonif element in array pythoncheck if data exists in list pythoncheck item in a listhow do i check if a number exists in a list in pythonchecl if number is in array pythoncheck if an element in a list existspython if found in listhow to check if value exists in python listpy3 check if list containsis there a contains method for lists pythoncheck if particular item exist in list pythonchecking element in list pythonhow to see if item in list pythonif is in pythonfind if an element in a list or not pythonhow to check if a element is in a list python looplist contains value pythoncheck if all list contains value pythonpython if list contains valuevalue contains in list pythonpython check leist element exists by indexcheck if an object is in list pythonfastest way to check if part of list in listcheck if a string is in a listcheck if string in list of strings pythonpython string not in arraycheak if list contain valuecheck whether an element is in a list pythonhow to check if a string is in a list in pythonhow to check if a number is in a list of lists pythonexists in array pythoncheck if element in array pythonpython check if listif else statment by checking an element in the list pythonif a in list 3a pythoncheck is array contains element pythonpython contains in a listpython 2c check if list does not containpython see if element in in listpython check if element is in arraycheck element in python listif string contains one of list pythonhow to check element is present in list or notpython check if item in array is not numberpython check element is in listpython if one element of list in stringcheck if list contains a value pythonpython check if item not in listpython check list containscount the existence of element in a list pythonpython list value existscheck if python list contains elementlist contains elemet pythonif in using listcheck if value is in array in pythoncheck if string is in list of string pythonchecking whether an item is in a listcheck if an array list in python containscheck if list contains substring pythonif list has element pythonvalue check in list pythonpython3 if in listfind if a list contains an element with substring pythonhow to check if element exists in array pythonhow to check if an certain element in a list pythonitem in list pythonpython list if not existscheck element is list pythoncheck of listpython check if string in listscheck if string is in list pythonhow to check a value in list pythoncheck if value does not exist in array python includes python listif an array contains or a value pythoncheck for list pythonpython check if value exist in arraypython includes method listcontains in python listpython checking listspython check if string contains string from listcheck if a values is in a list pythonpython determine if array has specific elementcheck if something is a list pythonsee if anitem is in a list pythonhow to check if number is in array pythonsee if element is in list pythonpython return true if element in listpython if inlistcheck if value exist in list pythonhow to check if there are strings in an array pythonhow to check if a string is in array pythoncheck if not in array pythonif array contains string pythonsee if value is in list pythoncheck which element of list contains string pythoncheck if theres a string in the listpytrhon check if value in list are acenedingif list exists pythonhow to check if there is an element in a list pythonpython check if exist in listpython element in listpython check element in list is present in stringpython does a list contain a valuecheck if element in the list pythoncheck if listcontains value pythoncheck if element is in list puythonhow to check item in list pythonif how to check if it is a list pythonpython check if an element is in a listhow to check if a number is in the list pythonhow to check if amn element is in the whole list pythoncheck if value is in list pythonpython if list not in listpython check if item is between items in listcheck if array consists value in pythonhwo to check if a list contains somethinghow to tell if i list has something in pythonhow to check for element in list pythonhow to check if item is in a listpython contains on listpython check if element is not in listif in array pythonhow to tell if a list contains somethin pythonpython if number in arrayif string contains one of listcheck value exist in list pythonlist contains where pythonif array contains pythonhow to check if a list contains a element indarrtpython check if a list of list contains a listlist contains method pythonhow to check if an item exists in a list pythonpython find ifelement test pythonfind if a string contains a array pythonpython test if a list contains an elementpython check if element in listchek if item in listif list containts pythoncheck if list contain string pythonpython check if value exists in section of listfind if value is in list pythoncheck element in array pythioncontains method in lists pythonpython check list in a listfind value is in the list or not pythonpython check item in arraycheck if some elements are in list python check if something is in a listis in list pythoncheck if in list pythoncheck list pythonfind any particular element is in a list pythonhow to check whether an element is present in a list in pythonhow to check if it is list pythonpython check if struing is not in arraypython if elementi in listcheck if element exist in arrray pythonhow to check if an element is in a list pythoncheck if an element exists in a list pythonpython check if exists in listfunction which checks if item exists in the list pythonpython check any item on the list conditionpython if list in listhow to check if a value in in a listcheck if element not in list pythonarray not contains pythonpython check in the listhow to check element is present in list or not in pythonpython list check elementpython check if any element of array is in stringcheck item exists in list pythonlist that contains a listcheck is element is in list pythoncheck if word is in array pythonincludes list pythonchecking an element in the list pythonif element is not in list pythoncheck array contains string pythonpython check for item in listtest if value is in list pythonpython list check if element existphyton how to check if something is an element of alist or notcheck if array contains string pythonpython check if not in arraycheck if a list contain a certain string pythonpython includes listpython if array value existspython if elements in listhow to check if array contains value pythonif contains list python elsepython check if a list item existscheck if something is in a list pythonpython check if str is in a listincludes in array in pythontest if items arnt in a list pythonpython if 3d 3d listhow to check if there 27s a specific string in a list pythonhow to search if a item is on a array in pythonpython if array existsif a in list pythonpython functions that sees if a list has an itemchech if item are in listarray contains element exist pythonpython check if data in listpython check i number exist in arraycheck if a number is not in a list pythonhow to check if a word exist in an array pythonhow to check if a element is in a list in pythonpython check if in a list exist objectcheck if string is in a list pythonpython check string in listcheck if enty there in listpython check if value is not in listif any of list in string pythonsearch in a list if a value exist pythoncheck if item appears in list pythonpython if it is in the listpython check if item already exist in arraycheck if element isn 27t inlist pythngpython check for listcheck if value of array is in a string pythoncontains item in array pythonhow to check whether a particular element is present in list in pythonpython list containpython check if example in listcheck if list contins string pythonpyton list containspython check item in list of listpython if string is in listhow to check if something is a listcheck if a list has somethingif is in listcheck element in a list in pythonsee if item exists in python arraycheck if an element is in not in a listpython if list contains numbercheck if an element exist in a listpython check if list item existscheck if list contains a value using in pythonif string contains in list pythontrue if in list pythonfind list value python that containscheck if a value is in a python listif value is in list pythonpython check item in the arraypython find if object in listcheck if element exists in listpython check array contains valuepython check if string contains element from listpython check if elemnt in arraychecking if a particular element is in the list pythonhow to check whether an element exists in a list in pythonif list is sublist pythoncontain items array pythoncheck if exists in list pythonpython check if an array contains a valuecheck value in python listhow to check if a given no is present in array in pythoncheck if items exist before for in list pythoncheck if value is already in array pythoncheck if there is elements in list pythoncheck if the array contains something in pythoncheck content within list pythonpython list item object existscheck if any part of a string is in a list pythonpython check if element contaned on listcontains in a list pythonany element present in a list pythoncheck if value in a list pythoncheck if elemente xisyt in listcheck if entry is in list pythonif value in listpython check if string contains from listpython check if string in list containscheck if present in list pythonpython list check if element existspython check if exists in object listis not in array pythonpython ways to check if element exists in listcheck if element occurs in listcheck if string is in list and print true false pythoncheck if 25value 25 in list pythonhow to check that the list contains only strings or not in pythonpython check if any element in list is in stringpython already in listchecing an element is list in pythonexists in list pythonpython check if array item existscheck if variable is in array pythonacheck any element of a list in pythoncheck if an element is in the list pythonpython3 chekc item in listpython from list contain get valueif number in array pythonhow to check if an item in a list of strings in pythonif any element in list pythoncheck if list contains a string pythonif item exists in array pythonpython how to check if exist in listpython if list has elementhow to see if a list containshow to find out if a number is in a list pythonif item is in list pythonnot in array pythoncheck if any of the elements of an array is not present in a string pythonpython how to know if an item is in a listpython list has itemhow to check if value in list pythoncheck if list item exists pythonhow to check if there is a list in a listpython list item existscheck if list has any value in pythonhow to check if the element is present in the list in pythonelement in list python checkpython 2b list containscheck if element in array is in a string pythoonhow to check a element by present in listcontains array pythonpython check if list element is 22 22check if item is part of listpython check if element of list exist in stringpython check list has valuecheck if it 27s a string or array python python find if array has number inside itif string contains list pythonhow to check if an array has a value in it pythonhow to check if part of a list contains an item pythonpython check if a list has an elementcheck if array contains an element pythoncheck if a number is present in a list pythoncheck the number is present in list or not pythonif var not in array pythoncheck if value is within list pythoncontain python listpython see if string contains any string in arrayif list contains onlypython list element existcheckers in python listscheck if element in list using if functionpythonchecking if a particular element is in the listcontains in list of list python 23 python 7c ways to check if element exists in listpython list containtspython check if variable is inside listpython check if item in arrayhow to find out if a list contains value in pythonif list not contains list pythonpy check exist in listcheck whether element exists in array pythonhow to see if a string is in an array pythonpython return true if value in listhow to check if a letter is in a list pythonif value is present in list pythonincludes listin pythoncheck if value in list of lists pythonpython check list contains elementcheck value exists in list pythonif list not contain pythonpython if value is a listpython list check if elements existscheck if a list o string bolong to list in pythonpython if list contains stringpython list contains element anyhow to see if a string is in a list pythonif value in list pythonis exist in listlist python contains python check string in a listcheck if a word occurs in a list pythontest if array exists pythoncheck element exists in array pythoncheck whether value is in listpython check if array cell exitsthow to see if a list contains an elementpythin if in listhow to check if name is in list pythonif i in list pythoncontrol if in a string there is a list word pythonpython name contains listfind if a value exists in a list pythonchecking if a number is in an array pythonif string exists in python listcheck if a list contains a valuepython how to check if number is in listif number in list pythonarray contains pythoncheck if exits in list pythoncheck one element in a list pythonlist contains in pythonpython check if list contains elementhow to check an element in a list in pythonlist contains pythonwho to check if a veule inside a listcheck character in list pythonhow to check if a string exists in an array pythoncheck if a value exists in list 3c 3echeck if element isnt in list pythonpython check if number is in a arrayif a string is in a list pythonpython check if variable is in arrayhow to check if a value exist in a list pythoncheck if item in list pythonpython how to check if an element is not in a listcheck if string contains list 22python 22check if a list contains a item pythoncheck if still has items in list pythoncheck if a list is in a list pythonhow to check if an item is in a listfunction to check if an element is in a list pythoncheck if elements are in a list of elements pythoncheck if element exisst in python listcheck whether the element in python listpython create list if statementpython check items in listcheck if entry already in list pythonif item is list pythonpython check if array has valuechecking if a list contains following number pythonpython find if element exists in listcheck if element is notin the list pythonpython check if element in list is in stringpython if element in listhow to check if a string is in an array pythonif array contains element pythonis in array pythoncheck if a value exists in a list pythonif a is in list pythonpython contains arrapython list exist elementpython if array not containspython check if is in arraypython check if any item in list is in stringcheck if not in list pythonpython 2 7 list containshow can i check if one item of list is string in pythoncheck if there is an item on a list python 7dpython if list element in stringcheck if there are items in a list pythonpython array includes valuecheck if list contains value pythonpython check if value in arraycheck if any element of list 1 is in other list check if number is in a listhow to check whether the element is present in the list in the pyhtohncheck value exist in array pythonpython check item inpython check if string lies in arrayhow to check if number in list pythoncheck if item exists in array pythonhow to check if element is in listhow to check if an element exists in array pythonpython check if list element in stringpython check an item in a listhow to check if a value is in an array pythinpython check item in a listhow to check if string is contained in array pythonhow to check if list item existscheck if a string is in array pythonpython check if item already in listcheck if a word contains pythonpython how to check list includes value in array pythonhow to check if an element exists in list of list pythoncontains in array pythonpython test if all elements of a list in a listpython check value exist in listlist if element existhow to check if array contains a number pythonpython check list has valuespython check if list contains objectcheck if a list contains a str pythonpython check if any elements in a list matchpython is incheck if string contains value in array pythonpython to check list valueslist includes in pythonif object not in list pythonarray contain pythonget the element of list exists pythonpython check if string is not in arraycheck name in list pythonpython if string in listpython find if somthing in a listhow to use any to check if any element exists in a list pythoncheck value against python liststring not in array pythonpython is in a listhow to check element present in list in pythonpython 3 if string in listif x is in list pythonhow to check if a value is present in a list in pythoncheck to see if string in listsee if 1 in a list pythoncontains in list pythoncheck if list contains values pythonpython check if list contains stringpython check if elemt is in arrayhow to check if a string is in a listfind in list pythonfind some part of value exists in list pythoncheck if item exists in list python 5cpython if array contains valuecheck if list contains number pythonpython if i in listchecking if an item is in an array pythontest if is a list pythonpython contains element in listhow to check an item in a list python on if conditioncheck if string in list pycheck if a list contains an element pythomnfind if an element exists in list pythoncheck element in array pythonhow to check if a value is in array in pythonvalue exist in array pythonif exists array pythoncheck if an item iexists in list pyrhoncehck if something in a list is there pythonhow to check list in pythnpython if item is not in listhow to check for a value in list pythonpython if array does not containhow to check if a item is in a list of list in pythonpython if a list containscheck if array containes string pythoncheck if element exists pythonis array contain number pythoncheck whats in listhow to check if list contains particular value in pythoncheck a number exist in list pythoncheck if item is a list pythoncheck if data is in list pythoncheck if string matches element in array pythonpython get list element if existscheck if part of string in list pythonpython check if array contains valuechecking if a value is in a listif in list check pythonelement is in list pythoncheck partical existance of string in listif not item in listsearch if the item in the list in pythonsee if string is in list pythoncheck to see if an array contains a value pythonpython list check if element in listhow to check if all element in list pythonpython check if value is in arrayhow to see if a list contains a valueif number exists in list pythonhow to check if an item in in a listhow to check if a value is not in an array in pythonpython check if item is in arraycheck if string is there in list pythonpython check if element in list existscheck if a number is in an array pythonprogram to see if an element exists in a listcheck if 22 22 in listcheck if list element exists pythonpython check if list contains sublisthow to check if a list contains an element in pythonpython list check if item existschecking an element in the listpython check if a list contains a valuepythyon check that elements are not in listchecking element in the list pythonfunction to check if a value is in listcheck if element already in list pythoncheck if item is already in list pythonif any string in list pythonhow to check if a value is present in list or nothow to check if part of a string is in a list pythonpython check elemet exisit in listsearch if element in list pythonif list in list pythonhow to check we have element in list or notchech i element is present in list r not pythontest if value in list pythoncheck if any of the elements of an array not in a string pythonhow to check if item is in list pythonhow to check if a list contains something in pythoncheck if array contains sentence pythonpython check part of listcheck if an element exists in a list python listpython checking if entry is in tablepython check if something is any value of an arraypython list contains valuehow to check if a number exists in a list pythonpython check if element is defined in listpython check if a string is in a listcheck if string present in list pythoncheck item present in list pythonhow to check if a value exists in a list pythoncheck if string exists in list pythoncheck if elemnt in array pythonpython check if a list contains a value site 3apinterest 2acheck list in pythonhow to know if a array contains a text pythonhow to check if a string is in list pythoncheck list if containscheck element present in list pythoncheck if a element exists in list pythonpython know is list contains itemcheck if any value in array exists in any string in the list of strings pythonis in element list pythonlist python check if elemeent existpython chey if value in arrayverify elements from a list containshow to check if a character is not in a list pythonmethod to check if a list contains an element pythoncheck element in a list pythonfind if value exists in array pythonpython array exist stringcheck if list contains a testcheck whether the list element are there in string pythonif included in list pythonpython how to check if list existsif list includes string from list pythonfind if a number is present in a list in pythonpython how to check for element in a listpython if variable in listpython check string not exist in arraycheck if element in listpython find if in listif list contains pythonhow to check if a variable is in a list pytonpython check if nums is in listcheck value is in list pythonhow to check for 27 in a listcontains in listto check if element is in list pythoncheck an array contains a value pythonif object in list exists in listcheck exist python arraycheck if variable exists in list pythonpython function to check if an element exists in a listpython check is listpython3 check to see if something is in a listpython check aantal element in listcheck if list contains elementscheck if list has element pythonif lists pythoncheck if value in array already pythonpython check if is in listpython list contains stringcheck if string exist in array pythoncheck if the elements in the list are in a string pythonpython list contains methodcheck exist in array pythonpython if element is inlistif a in list pythoncheck items in list pythoncheck if all elements of list are in dicpythonpython check if list does not containhow to check if a list doesnt have an item in pythoncheck if array includes value pythonfind item in list python if conditionlist contains 5bythonhow to check if an array contains something in pythonpython if string in a listif not in array pythonpython see if a value is in a listcheck if name in listhow to know if a number is contained in a list in pythonpython check if any items in list are in stringcheck if string exists in array pythonpython check if list can be usedpython element in collection 3a checkfastest way to check if part of list in list pythonpython check if in listrdetermine if the lists contains a specific variable pythonhow to check if array contains element pythonhow to check if a list contains an item in pythonif available in list pythoncheck if string is in a listcheck if a list contains an item pythoncheck of contains python arraylist contains a value pythonpython is list has itemhow to check if a list exists in pythonpython get value if in listhow to check if element exists in a listlist contains sonething pythoncheck if list contains itempython str not in arrayhow to check if an array has a specific value in pythonfind whether an element is in listpython check if object is in listlist have an elementpython list in list find list that contains itemfind in python listcheck if element of list is in string pythonpython test if string in liststring in list contains pythoncheck string is in list pythonpython if list item containsif in list in list pythoncheck contain python arraycheck if python list ocntain certain elementsif 22 22 is in a list pythonhow to check if item exists in a list pythobpython if is listcheck list in list pythoncheck if element is in array listpython method to check if array contains a valuecheck which elements exists in the listpython check if string in list of listslist isin pythonvalue exist in array pythoneif a in list python find itemif is in list pythoncheck if value exists pythonpython check if item is in a listchecking an element is in the list python contains in list in pythonpython if list contains check if list cotains stringhow to find if there are items in list pythonhow to check if something is in a list in pythoncheck if a number is in a list pythonpython has a listif list value incheck if array does not contains value pythoncheck for element in list pythonhow to check a list for an item pythonif string contains any from list pythonpython check if singltons in listif array contains values pythonpython i for i in string if not in listcheck if item is not in list pythonhow to check if the same value exists in list pythonpython if a value is in a listcheck if element not present in list pythonpython search if exists in list of listhow to check a string is present in array or not pythoncheck if element exist in python listif i is in list pythoncheck each item in the list pythonpython check if something is in listpython check if value is not in listcheck if element is present in list pythoncheck not in list pythoninclude a value in a list pythoncheck value in a list with ifcheck list inside list pythoncheck list string pythonpython see if a list contains an elementpython how to chech if it is listpython check if array contains a stringcheck if something is in an array pythonhow to find whether element in list in pythonhow to check if array contains number pythonpython if is in listpython how to check if element exists in listcheck if list in list pythonpython check each element in listpython understand if is list or list of listcheck if number is in list pythonpython if in list andhow to check if name is not in list pythonpython check to see if list contains elementcheck if element in array of lists pythonfind if list contains element pythonpython if listhwo to check if the item of list contains specifc whow to check if item not in list pythonpython array check containshow to check the value of a item in a list pythoncheck if val in listcheck if list contains object pythonpython is something in a listcheck if element exist in list python python check if list contains a substringhow to check if a list has a letterpython chek if list contains valuepython in list checkhwo to check if the item of list contains specifc word in pythoncheck if list is in string pythonhow to check if string is in a list pythoncheck if values in list pythoif char in list pythoncheck if int is in array pythonhow to check elements in listpython check 28 29check if item is in array pythonpythgon check if is listcheck if eleemnt in listcheck if item exist in python listcheck if number in list pythonpython list does element existcheck el in listpython check if any string in list contains substringcheck if array contains value pythonpython find if list contains valuecheck if number exist in listcheck if elements of a list are in another list pythonpython array contains valuenot in an array pythonif value exists in arraypythonlist included pythoncheck element in the list pythonpython check if value exist in listpython array containpython check if input in in listcheck if either value is in a list pythonpython see if item is in listhow to check if one element is part of a listcheck if array contains number pythoncontains method list pythonhow to check if any element from list is present in stringpython check if strin is in listpython value is in listpython if is a listif list element in string pythonpython check value in listfind contain in list pythonhow to check if list contains a value pythonlist checking pythonif found pythonhow to check if specific value in list pythonpython if value in listpython check if str in arraycheck if something is already in a list pythoncheck if element exist in array pythonif in list syntax python check if a value is in a listif list in string pythonhow to tell python to see if something is in a listceck if list contains pythonhow to search in list pythoncheck for list in list pythoncheck value in list pythonpython function test element in listhow to check list values in pythonif in listcheck if character present in list pythoncheck that list has valuepython list item existlist contains a string pythonlist contains pythobcheck list value with if in pythonpython check a value existsscheck if array contains element pythontest if string is in list pythoncheck a list for a value pythonpython check if list in listpython check if array includes valueliste contains pythonhow to check if list has somethingpython contains listpython check if number is in arraypython check if list includeshow to know if a set is present in a list in pythonhopw to check if string is in a listif elemetn exist in listcheck if list includes eleent pythonhowo to check if an element is an a list pythonpython check if array not contains valuepython if contains in listpython array has contains list pythonpython look if string contains a list valuecheck if list contain an elementcheck is a name is in a list pythonpython function contains element in listif a value is in a list pythoncheck if an element is in a list pythonpython check if exists in arraypython if one of list in listelement not present in array pythonif element not in array pytthonpython check if values are part of a listcheck if something is in listif item in list in pythoncheck if something is not in list pythoncheck a value exists in list pythonpython value in listcheck if list contains stringpython if element in array existhow to check if string inside listif list contains data in pythonpython if string in element in listcompare if list python containget item of a list python if it existscheck if a word is in a list pythonhow to check if a string is part of a list pythoncheck array if not exist in list pythonhow to check if an element exists in a list 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