how to check if an element is in a list python

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showing results for - "how to check if an element is in a list python"
09 Jan 2018
1thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
2if "apple" in thislist:
3  print("Yes, 'apple' is in the fruits list")
08 Jan 2020
1# checking all elements of list_B in list_A
2list_A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3list_B = [2, 3]
5check = any(item in list_A for item in list_B)
8# True
10 Jun 2018
1thelist = ["apple", "avocado", "banana"]
3inpt = input("Check an item in the list: ")
5if inpt in thelist:
6  print(inpt, "is in the list!")
03 Mar 2016
1# To check if a certain element is contained in a list use 'in'
2bikes = ['trek', 'redline', 'giant']
3'trek' in bikes
4# Output:
5# True
02 Feb 2016
1listA = [item1, item2, item3]
2if item4 in listA:
3  print('yes, item4 is in the list')
5  print('no, item4 is not in the list')
05 Jun 2019
1>>> letters = [a,b,c,d,e]
2>>> 'a' in letters:
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element is in a listcheck if string in list of lists pythoncheck if exists in a listpythonif list contains onlypython check if items in list in listcheck if an element is present in list pythonvalue exists in list pythonpython list element existspython check for value in listhow to know if a vlaue is in list in pythonif list of list contains anyhow to check a list for an item pythonif element in list exists python contains list pythonif element in array pythonsearch if the item in the list in pythonpython check if element is in a listelement contains in list pythonpython check if in listlist that contains a listpython list contianscheck if list has value pythonhow to tell if a list doesent contain somethin pythonpython chek if value in listcheck element in list or not pythonhow to check the existense of an item in a list pythonassert if value present in list pythoncheck if a value is in a list in pythonif found pythonpython check if list exitsif items not in list pythoncheck if element in listhow to check a value is present in list in pythonpython check if list doesnt already containpython in list checkcheck if an element exist in a listif item not in list pythonpython string list containstest if variable is in a list pythoncheck if name in list pythonis element in list pythonhow to if any one element of a array is in string pythoncheck if element of list is in string pythonpython contains arrayhow to check if an item is in a list pythonfind value is in the list or not pythonif x is in list pythonpython if member in listpython list contains elementpython check itemin listhow to check contains in python listpytho check to see if a number is in a listpython array includes valuehwo to find if element is present in list n pythoncheck if the element includes in list pythonpython check if is in listcheck if array contains element pythonhow to find if an element is present in a list in pythonsearch in a list if a value exist pythoncheck is in pythonpython check a string is in a listarray includes pythonchecking an element is in the list pythonpython if list inside list containshow to return true if a list contains an item pythonhpython how to know which elemtn is in which listhow to check a number is in a listpython if contains in listif object not in list pythonpython how to test if a value is in a listhow to check if an element is not in a list pythonpython check if strin in listhow to check if a number is in a list pythoncheck if numver exist in a listcontains method list pythonpython check if item exists in listhowo to check if an element is an a list pythonpython if a in listexists in python listcheck if something exists in a list pythoncheck if a string exist in a list pythonif any string in list pythonpython check if list in list of listshow to check elements in list pythoncheck list if it has a valuecheck of contains python arraycheck if value in list of listsif list contains list pythonhow to check value in list pythoncheck if a string is in a list pythonsee if string in a listsee if list containsfind if an item is in a list pythonhow to check if the number is present in the list or notfind in list of existcheck if aietme is there in the list pythonvalue in list pythonpython check if one elements is in listlist python contains ifpython check if item not in listhow to check if something is anything in list pythonpython check if in list of strings part of stringpython check if item is in listif element in listcheck number in list pythonpython 3 check if item is not in listpython if i not in listpython if one element of list in stringhow to check whether an element is in a list pythontrue if in list pythoncheck if a certain value exist in a listcheck if something exists in list pythontest if any item of a list is 3d 3d pytohnhow to check if integer value present in list pythonpython list contain element from another listhow to check if a list contains a value pythoncheck list has value in pythonpython list in list find list that contains itemif a value is in a list pythoncheck if value present in list pythonhow to find if an element is in a listhow to check whether an element is present in a list in pythonhow to check number in list pythonpython list has itempython list constainshow to check if a value is a list in pythonpython check if and item exist in a listcheck if number in a list pythonhow to check each element ina list is present in another list pythonpython array includes checkcontains on listhow to check if an element is in an array pythonpython if in listfind if value exists in list pythoncheck if some element of string is present in list inn pythoncheck if a value is present in listverify elements from a list containspython how to check if a list of string contains a stringcheck if is list pythoncheck if list doesn contains any element pythonhow to check if an element exists in list of list pythoncheck if a list contains an element pythomnpython verify if data array in listhow to check whether a list has a specific item 3fhow to check if something is not in list pythonhow to check if an element is in a list pythonhow to check if an element in a list is in a string pythonarray includes pythoncheck if element exisst in python listpython check if str is in a listpython does list contain elementhow to check if a string contains anything in a listcheck if list contains a valuedetect if a item in a list contains a stringhow to check if something is in a list pythoncontain items array pythonhow to check if a list contains pythonpython list check if element existhow to check if a value is in list pythoncheck if a value is present in a list pythonhow to find if an element exists in a n array in pythonhow to check value if it exist in list pythoncheck if one element is in list pythonhow to verify all element in list pythoncheck element exists in a listcheck if list is in string pythoncheck if value is in python listpython if string contains element in listif list element in string pythonhow to check if a value is in a list pythonpython list check if item existscheck if element in array of lists pythoncheck if element exist in list python is in a list in pythonif list value pythonhow to check already value on list pythonstring isin list pythoncheck if string doesn 27t contains element of list pythoncheck if number in list pythonif any list in string pythonof string is in list pythoncheck if string in list of strings pythoncheck if lists match pythoncheck if value is a list pythonpython check if a string is in a list of stringsif present in list python then if item is list pythonpython if list contains stringchecking if a list contains following number pythonis value in list pythonhow can we chedck if a given value is present in list in pythondoes list contain pythoncheck if a value in a listif any element in list is in another list pythonif list in list pythonhow to check anyone of the elements are in a listcheck if list contains pythonhow to check the specific value in list pythonhow to check if a list exist in pythonpython return values from list if it containspython check array contains valuehow to check for 27 in a listpython find if value is in listif string contains any from list pythonif a string is in a list pythoncheck a value exists in list pythoncheck if element is list pythonpyton list containspython if element is inlisthow to check if a list is present in list of lists in pythonpython 3 check if value exists in listcheck if item is not in list pythonpython check if a list contains a numberpython if inlisthow to check if any element from list is present in stringelements of list containscheck whats in listlist python contains in python how to check the list of element in stringlist methods in python for check if containspython check if any string in list contains substringif a is not in listif a value is into a listcheck values in list pythonpython check for item in listpython test if string in listhow does python check if a number is in a listhow to check if an element exists in alist in pythoncheck if exists in list pythonpython check if element in list dont workpython check aantal element in listhow to check if the list has listpython check if number is in listcheck item in array pythonhow to check if a list has a value in pythoncheck if list in string pythonlist verify if element is in listhow to check if list has a valueif is in listcheck if list contains the stringhow to check if a string is in a list pythoncheck if python list containscheck is array contains element pythonif value in list of listshow to check if value in array pythoncheck whether the list element are there in string pythonpython if on a listlist contains in pythonpython function contains element in listcheck if there is elements in list pythonif list contains value pythonpython how to check if an element of a list existhow to ckeck list pthonhow to check whether a list contains a specific element in pythonarray contain pythoncheck if a number is in array pythoncheck if value is not in array pythonpython check a list for a valuecheck contains in python listhow to check the list for an itemhow to check the particular element persent in list pythonpython list has elementpython item in list works even if item is not in listpython if all elements in listcheck if a list contains an element pythonpython if list element existpython check if value belongs to listexist python listcheck if exist in listpython if list contains listlist include something in pythonhow to check if a list includes a value pythonpython if list has elementhow to check if specific value in list pythonpython test if all elements in listcheck if number is in list python without looppython check if value in a listpython check if any item in list in is in a listvalue check in list pythonverifiying list elementsee if items contains element pythonpython if item in listpython test if list in listif an element is in list pythonhow to check if a value is present in a list in pythonif char in list pythonpython if string contains element from listcheck if a list contains a value pythonhow to check what is in the list in pythoncheck if element exists in list python and removehow to check if a list appears in a listhow to check if value is included in array in pythonif an item is in a listif condition check in python for list contains a stringcheck name in list pythoncheck element in listif string is in list of strings pythoncheck if a list contains an item pythonpython check if name in listcheck if exits in list pythonhow to check for values in list in pythoncheck if a number is there in list pythonhow to check i elements in listpython find out if something is in a listpython if condition check string present in listcheck if list contains element pythonpython how to check if a numberis in a listcheck if there is a string in list pythonpython check if list definedcheck if any item in a list is somethingif and list pythontest if list contains element pythonpython check if number exists in listcheck if a determined value is in a list pythonpython check if list containspython check list of values in listhow to find if item is in list pythonpython check if an element is in a listexists in a list pythonfind if list is in string pythonif value in list print this value pythonpython check if list existpython if list does not containpython check if something is in listcheck if string is there in list pythoncheck if list in pythonlist check in pythoncheck list contains any true in pythoncheck if value is in list pythonhow to check item in list python is numbercheck if string in list pythonlpython list containhow to check if a array contains in pythonarray contains pythoncheck if something is in listpython array containshow to check one value is present or not a listcheck is element is in listhow to see if a number is in a listlist contain value pythonlist contains a string pythoncheck if variable in listcheck if value is in array pythonlist python check if containspython how to tell if a value in list existcheck if a number is in a list and print pythoncheck a number exist in list pythoncontain liste pythonif not in array pythoncheck if item exist in listcheck if list does not contain pythoncheck if list cotains stringpy check exist in listpython if any element in listpython check if any of the elements in a list are in a stringpython if values in listpython check if string in list in stringpython check if string contains string from listcheck value not in list python using if conditionpython check if string exists in listpython check if array contains valueif statement to check if value is list pythonpy list containscheck element in a list in pythonhow to check if a set of elements are present in a listpython check if string in list containscheck if item is not in python listcheck if entry is in list pythonhow to check if an item is not in a list pythoncheck whether an element is in a list pythonlist has pythonif condition check for list in pythoncheck element exists in array pythoncheck whether list has elments pytohpython check if is listlist includes in pythonpython check if something doesnt exist in a listpython check if content in listpython check if a list contains a valuehow to check values in list pythonpython how to check if number is in listcheck if item exists in list pythoncheck if something is not in list pythoncheck to see if a value is in a list pythoncheck if list only contains true pythonpython not in arrayif in a list pythonhow to check if number is in listseeing if a given item is in a listcheck if element is in array listpython list containpython check if a list has an elementcheck if a number is in a list pythonvalue exist in list pythonhow to check if an element in a list has a number pythonpython check if one element of a list is in another listfind whether a list of lists contain a listpython checking if in listpython if value not in listcheck whether the data is in the listcheck element present in list pythoncheck if element isnt in list pythonif value in listcheck if array includes value pythonpython if element in list exists thennumber if elements in a list pythonchecking if something is in a list pythonchecks element within a list pythoncheck if element belongs to list pythoncontains python listcheck if particular item exist in list pythonpython if find in listarray conatains value pythonpython element is in listhow to check if something is a list or an in pythoncheck for an element in a list pythonarray python containspython 2 7 check if array index has int valueif variable not in list pythoncheck if a string in a list pythonfind if not in list pythonif string contains list pythonpython check if value exists in list without if condition in pythonpython if list if includepython check if list element existspython check if exist value in listcheck if list contains itemcheck which elements exists in the listlist contains method pythonpython if item is not in listpython 3a check if list contains elementcheck if a string is a in list pythonhow to check if a number is present in a list in pythoncheck if list contains values pythonvalue if value in listlist item than contains pythonpython item is in listif any of list in string pythonpython check if element not in listpython item in listppython if in listcheck if element not in list pythonpython see if element is in listfinding the element in a list other that is present in pythonpython check item is in listpython check if a value of a list is in a listpython get value if in listpython match if in a listcheck if any part of a string is in a list pythonpython determine if value is not in listfunction to check if a value is in list pythonpython 3a list containscheck if element isn 27t inlist pythngcheck if a value in a list pythoncheck if value is available in all list pythonif value not in listif a in list pythonpython check items in listhow to check list element in pythonhow to check if something is in a listpython check each element in listpython exist in listcheck if a list contains a valuehow to check if list contains a value pythoncheck if an elemnt is present in a list or notpython how to check if any item in a list is in a stringcheck list in list of listpython if not in the listcheck a value in list pythoncheck if item in list in pythonpython get contains listhow to check if an item occurs in a list pythonpython check if list element in stringcheck a list in pythonsee if element in listcheck if element is in list with tolerance pythoncheck 28 29 in pythonpython check if one element of a list is not in another listcheck if item exists in a list pythonwhether a values is in listppython if not in listpython exists in arraycheck if element if present in python listcheck if an element is in a list in pythonpython check if array value in arraycheck whether a value is in a list pythonpython if in list gethow to check if element exists in a list pythonpytho list contains methodhow to check list has value in pythonpython value exists in listitem contains in list pythonhow to confirm if a value is in a listpython string in list containscheck if any of the elemeny present in the listhow to check if element exist in list pythonhow to check if a number is contained in a list in pythoncheck if element exists in listcheck if a number in list pythonpython check if variable is in listpython list contains valuefunction to check if a value is in listcheck if element inside list pythobnpy check if list has strpython check if something in listfunction that check list value in pythoncheck to see if an item is in a list pythonpython check which items in listhow to check if a element is present in a list in pythonhow to check if list contains an list of items pythoncheck if element is in list puythonpython list contains numberif in listpytho if exists in list of listpython does list item existlist python how to check if in a listelement exists in list pythonpython see if in list in listcheck el in listpython value is in listpython list string containscheck partical existance of string in listbest way to check if value is in listpython array contains valuecheck if a element is present in list pythonhow to check if an element is already in list pythonhow to find if a value is in a list in pythonhow to check for an element in a list in pythonif in for in listcontains item in array pythonpython check if element exists in a listhow to check for a value in a list pythonhow to find if value exist in listif number in list statement pythonpython check if any element in list is in stringif there is a value in a list doarray includes in pythoncheck if given element in list pythoncheck if stirng is in listcheck list if containsif list contains data in pythonpython how to check if an element is in a listhow to check that item in list existspython if found in listcheck if string in list of str pythoncheck presence of element in list pythoncontains in python listhow to find if a value exists in a list pythoncheck if a element is in list pythonhow to check if item in listsearch if an element is in a list pythonpython 2b list containslist contains a value pythonpython value not in listif vlaue is in list pythonif not in list in pythonhow to check if a list contains an item pythonto check and return if element is in list pythonhow to check if present in list or not in pythonpython check if a list has a valueif any element in list pythoncheck if any element of list 1 is in other listcheck if exist in list pythoncheck if it is a list pythoncheck if value in list of lists pythonpython if list in listhow to check if string is present in list in pythonpython see if a list contains an elementhow to find if an element is in a list pythonhow to check if a list contains something in pythonif list contains string valuecheck if list containscheck for item in list in pythonelement is in list pythonhow to check is somthing is in a listif list contains elementif value is list pythonhow to check a different element in a list in pythonprogram to see if an element exists in a listhow to check if a character is in a list pythoncheck if the number x exists in list and deletehow to check if a list is in a list pythoncheck if int is in list pythonpyhton if value in listcheck item not in list pythoncheck if still has items in list pythoncheck string value python in listhopw to check if string is in a listpython if exist in listpython fubnction if element is in listhow to check if it is in a list in pythonhow to check if an element is present in a list pythonpython list item existpython item not in listcheck if element in list pythonif list item in string pythoncheck if string is in listcheck if any element in a list is in a string pythonhow to check if a number is present in a list pythonpython if 3d 3d listpython check list in listcheck each element in a list pythonif in using listcheck whether element is in list pythoncheck if string is in list and print true false pythonhow to check if list contains a value in pythonpython check if in list of listshow to checks if an element is in the listpython contains arrahow to see if an item is in a list pythonitem in list pythonpython operator test if a element is in listpython if list in stringhow to check if an array contains a specific value pythonpython if value is in listfind item in list python if conditionpython if value not in any list how to check if a object is present in list in pythoncheck value exist in list in python any methodcheck not element in list pythonpython item exists in listincludes in array in pythoncheck if list contains type string pythoncheck if element is in a list pythoncheck if a value is present in python listpython check for items in listhow to check the elements is present in the list in pythonhow tonow if variable is inside a listcheck not in list pythoncheck if value in array pythonpython if element is not in a listcheck an element in list pythonpython if list has elementsif value in list then pythoncheck if item present in list pythonhow to check for value in list on pythoncheck a list pytohnhwo to check whether all the element inside a list is list in pythoncheck if string is in list of string pythonpython if item not in listpython if in list andcheck if val in listcheck if one item of the list is is in a sentence pythonpython if is in listcheck if something is in a list pythonfind if an element exists in list pythonhow to check if element is in list pythonpython find if list contains valuefind if a number is present in a list in pythonpython check if list contains only stringcheck if a element exists in list pythonfind if value is in list pythonget from list thaty contains pythonpython list includeshow to check if string is in a list pythonhow to check an element is in a list with pythonpython if value exist in listcheck if in list pythonhow to check if it is a list in pythoncheck item present in listpython if condition check string not present in listhow to check if there are items in a lsithow to check for something in a listcheck if an element is in the list pythoncheck if value exist in arra pythoncan i use in list if in 3econtains function python listcheck if list value is in list pythoncheck if string in a list pythonpython is in listpython checking if element is in listhow to check which value doesn 27t exist in a listhow to chck if any value in a listhow to check if a particular element is present in alist in pythonfind if in list pythonhow to check that the given listpython check if included in listlist contains in pythonif contains list python elsecheck if a list contain a certain string pythonpython check if list contains objectpython check if list contains a substringhow to check if the same value exists in list pythonhow to check whether the element is present in the list in the pyhtohnhow to check if item in list pythonstring in list contains pythonpython if doesnt exist in listhow to check if element is not present in list pythonif element not in list pythonhow to check if an item is in a listvalue contains in list pythonhow to check the number in the list pythonpython contains list in listif element is in list pythoncheck a list contains a list of values pythoncheck elements of list pythonif something is in list pythoncheck if values in list pythoncheck if a number is not in a list pythonhow to check if a value exists in a list in pythoncheck whether a eement is presen in list or not in pythonverify if an element is in a list pythonlist contains element pythonhow to check if certain items are in a listcheck if item in list and where pythonpython check if part of an element exists in a listcheck element not in list pythonfunction to check if an element is in a list pythoncheck if list has element pythonis item in list pythonpython check if value exist in listcheck is element in listpython if element is in listpython check if list includesif object in list exists in listif character in list pythoncheck if an item is in a list pythonpython if int in listcheck if string is in list pythoncheck for items in a list pythoncheck to see if item in list in list pythonpython if item is in listcheck if item in listif list does not contain string pythonpython see if item is in listif value exists in listpython check if value is not in listhow to check if there is a thing in a list pythonfind if number is an item in list pythonpython if statement in listhow to check if a number is in a list of lists pythoncheck in list in pythonpython is array containshow to check value in a list if in list in list pythonpython check item is not in listpython create list if statementcheck if value is within list pythoncheak if list contain valuechecking element in list pythoncheck if list contain pythoncheck if element exist in python listcheck for value in list pythonvalue present in list pythonpython how to check if item is in listpython if string contains one of listhow to check element in list in pythonif string exists in list pythonpython if is a listif value exists in list pythonhow to check if a list has a certain valuecheck if item exists in list python 5cif number in list pythonarray inclused pythonpython check if its in the listhow to check on which number the item is in list pythoncontain in python listcheck if number is in listif number is in a listhow to check if a value exist in a list pythonhow check is an element is in a list of list pythonpython check if it is a listpython list exist valuechecking a value exist in a array in pythoncheck if a value is list pythonpython if value exists in listhow check if a number is in a listpython list contains a stringif condition to check values present in list pythoncheck if element of one list exists in another list pythonpython check if string in arraycheck if string contains element of list pythoncheck if element is in the list pythonpython if list not in listhow to check if a python list contain a specific numberpython check if entry in listhow to check if a value is not in a listhow to check if value exists in python listpython check if a list item existshow to check every value in a list pythonif a in list pythonpython check if a variable is equal to a element in a listhow to check if a number is present in list in pythonhow to check item in list python is number or stringhow to check an element in a list in pythonpython list element existhow to check if an array contains a value pythonif any item in list pythoncheck if number is in list pythonpython check name in listchecking if values are in a list isinhow to check wether something is in a list or notpython if exist value in listcheck if a list contains a number pythoncheck array for value pythonpython if string exists in listtrue if the given list contains this pythonpython if string in listchecking each element in list pythoncheck if string exists in array pythonpython check if somthing is in listcheck value in a list pythonpython check if int exists in listhow to check an item in a list python on if conditionpython list does element existpython in array containscheck if element is present in list pythonpython check if item in listecheck if a value is in list pythoncheck if list contains value pythonpython assert list has elementif a variable has a value inside a listcheck if string is in a list of strings pythonpython check whether value is listpython check if values is in listhow to check if an array contains an element python 3how to check if something is a list in pythoncheck if a string is in list pythonhow to check if an element is a list pythonpython if this is in the listcheck if string contains list 22python 22check if data exists in list pythoncheck if list has 3 elements pythonpython if in list of listscheck if a list o string bolong to list in pythoncheck if a word contains pythonsee if 1 in a list pythonpython if it is in the listsee if string is in list pythoncheck if something is a list in pythonphyton how to check if something is in a listcheck for an item in a list pythonget a value from list python by checking if the value existshow to know if a number is in a listcheck if list has item pythonhow to check a certain element present in list pythoncheck a value in a list pythonpython list containshow to check if the variable belnogs to listhow to check if an item exists in a list pythonpython check if value in listif number in list statementpython check any element in listpython if string contains any in listpython elemnt is listget an element if exact element exist in that list of list in pythoncheck element is in list pythonpython if element in list return elementcheck if elment exists in list python check 28 29 pythonmethod to check if a list contains an element pythonpython check value not in listpython check to see if a value is in a listhow to check if value not in list pythoncheck if list contain string pythonpython if found if element in list pythoncheck all elements in set are in another pythonpython check for list itemcheck if an element in a list pythonhow to check if there is a list in a listcheck in python list valuew present or notcheck if a list has elementscheck if one item in list in list pythonlist python existhow to check if a string is part of a list pythonpython value isnt in list but it ispython list contains functionif list not contains list pythonhow to check if object is in list pythonpython to check if list elements are in different listpython if string is in listcheck string contain one of list string pythonhpw t check if an ellemtn is in a listpython if item in a listpython check whether value is in a listpyton list containing listcheck to see if string in listcheck if given element is present in listcheck value of listpython check if value from a list is present in a stringpy3 check if list containspython check if a value is in a listif something is not in a list pythonpython check leist element exists by indexcheckif a list contains python if item with id in listif element in list pythincheck if a given el is in a list pythonhow to know an element exist in a listhow to check list has value or not pythonpython checking if something is in a listchecking for existence in a list pythonpython how to know if an item is in a listcheck list if it contains pythonfind if in listpython check value in listcontains in array pythonhow check if a number is in a list pythonlist in python can contain listhow to check whether a value is present in a listfind if a list contains an element with substring pythonif this value exists in list pythonpython check if item existspython check if variable in listif i exists in listif string exists in python listcontains with list pythoncheck item exist in list pythonhow to check if elemetn not in listif value is present in list pythonif string is in list pythoncheck value in list pythoncheck if value in listif something is in a list pythoncheck to see if list contains itempython check if there is an item in listpython in list check 27check if string contains value from list pythonif it is a list pythonfind if element exists in list pythonif elemet exist list pythonif list has element python check if number is in a listcheck if list contains number pythonpython if a list containspython list in list checklist conatins pythonspython if its in the listcheck if item exists in a list in a list pythoncheck if a number in a list pythonhow to check if a string is present in a list python 3fhow to check a value in list pythonpython check if list contains valueuse if in a listhow to check if a list contains a var in pythonpython check if any element exists in listcheck if word in lis tis in other list pythoncheck element in list pythonif not i in list pythoncheck if eleement is present in list pyif else statment by checking an element in the list pythonpython check if any item in list is in stringpython check list 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python arraycheck a certain value in list pythonpython if one of list in listpython if variable equals any value in listpython check if exist in listcheck a value is in list in pythonlist contains 5bythonhow to check any element present in list in pythonpython list containsif number in list pytnonpython check if element in arraypython check if string in listshow to check if any item in list is in anoter listcheck if string is present in list pythoncheck if the elemnt in list pythonpython find if element in listhow to check if element exists in list pythoncheck if it 27s in the listcheck if item not in list pythonpython check every element in list how to check if a number is not present in a list in pythonpython list includes elementmost efficient way of checking whether an item is in an array pythonif an item from a list in list pythontest if has an listpython check if list has itemhow to check if a value is in a listcheck if a value exists in a list pythonpython check if value in 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