check if a number is in a list python

Solutions on MaxInterview for check if a number is in a list python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "check if a number is in a list python"
04 Aug 2018
1if value in list:
2  #do stuff
4#Also to check if it doesn't contain
5if value not in list:
6  #do stuff
27 Nov 2019
3listA = ['Stranger Things', 'S Education', 'Game of Thrones']
5if 'Dark' in listA:
6    print("Yes, 'S Eductation' found in List : ", listA)
8    print("Nope, 'Dark' not found in the list")
22 Nov 2019
1element_you_want_to_find in list_in_you_want_to_search
2Note: Don't forget to substitute both of that variables with the variables you want
4  Conclusion: Use the in operator
queries leading to this page
true if the given list contains this pythonhow to check values in list in python how to check if a number is in the list pythonpython see if the value in the list cngreatcheck if an item is not in a list pythonhwo to check if the item of list contains specifc wlist item than contains pythonhowt o chekc for a value in a listcheck item exist in list python containspython check if item in listhow to check if array contains value pythonpython exist in listcheck if the given value is a listhow to find out if a list contains value in pythonhow to check item exists in list pythonlist include something in pythonpython check if item exists in one of many listscheck if a variable is in a list pythoncheck contains in a list in pythonpython check if list contains only stringspython if element is in listhow to check if tiem exists in a list in a list pythonpython know is list contains itemfind out if array contains a value pythonhow to check a value in a list pythoncheck if array contains element 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