how to write program in python to get the largest nuber

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showing results for - "how to write program in python to get the largest nuber"
21 Nov 2019
1# Python program to find the largest number among the three input numbers
2# take three numbers from user
3num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
4num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
5num3 = float(input("Enter third number: "))
7if (num1 > num2) and (num1 > num3):
8   largest = num1
9elif (num2 > num1) and (num2 > num3):
10   largest = num2
12   largest = num3
14print("The largest number is",largest)
06 Feb 2020
1def highest_even(li):
2  evens = []
3  for item in li:
4    if item % 2 == 0:
5      evens.append(item)
6  return max(evens)
11# Building a function to find the highest even number in a list
17 Jun 2019
1def max_num_in_list( list ):
2    max = list[ 0 ]
3    for a in list:
4        if a > max:
5            max = a
6    return max
7print(max_num_in_list([1, 2, -8, 0]))
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