largest number python

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showing results for - "largest number python"
18 Jan 2020
1#Returns the number with the highest value.
2#If the values are strings, an alphabetical comparison is done.
3x = max(-5, 12, 27)
4print(x)#Prints 27 to the console.
18 Mar 2019
1# This program will find out the greater number in the arguments
3def larger_number(x, y):
4    if x > y:
5        print(x, "is greater")
6    else:
7        print(y, 'is greater')
9larger_number(12, 31)
20 Jan 2019
1def highest_even(li):
2  evens = []
3  for item in li:
4    if item % 2 == 0:
5      evens.append(item)
6  return max(evens)
11# Building a function to find the highest even number in a list
01 Feb 2019
1def max_num_in_list( list ):
2    max = list[ 0 ]
3    for a in list:
4        if a > max:
5            max = a
6    return max
7print(max_num_in_list([1, 2, -8, 0]))
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