how to accept input from the user in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to accept input from the user in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to accept input from the user in python"
07 Apr 2020
1var = input("Text: ")
05 Feb 2016
1#basic user handling for begginers
3x = input("your question here") # when someone types something here that answer will be saved and be used for later
5# for example 
27 Feb 2018
1# if you want to ask the user to input anything, use the keyword "input"
3# example
5a = input("What is your name") # the user will be prompted to answer the question 
7print(a) # this allows the user to actaully see the question or anything
queries leading to this page
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declare set and take user input in it in pythonhow to use input from user in pythonhow to get user input in pythonpytohn inputpython promptenter input in python programpython 3 read inputkeyboard input pythonhow to make user input in pythontaking input on function pythonpython command for enterpython user input methodhow to use input 28 29 pythonhow to declar a user input variable that takes a number pythonpython input function codehow to take input in method in pythontake input in python3pythin accept inputpython read input 5cgetting use input in pythonpython read keyboard inputhow to accept input in pythonpython input without prompthow to put input in pythonpython how to accept user inputhow to ask user for input in pythonpython use inputhow to take string input in pythontake input and type it on text pythonhow to ask for input in pythontake input in python from userwhy does python return what the user inputreading from user pythonget text input pythonhow to take input according to 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to make input in pythonpython how to get inputhow to use an input as a variable in pythonmake user input in pythonpython requesting user inputget a kb input pythontake user input in python codewhat is an input in pythonget user input pythonhow to get a user input pythontake input from user in pythonhow to use input in pythonask user for iput in pythonhow to take user input in pythonpython user input for functioninput text pythonhow to take text input in pythonpythin inputuser input variable pythonpython user inputs input a user in pythonuser input for pythonuser input function pythonhow to take input from a user in a function in pythonhow to use input 28 29 in pythonreceive input in pythonhow to take value from user in pythonpython3 ask user for inputuser input for string in pythoninput with pythonask for input pythongiving input in pythonwhat is input pythontype input in text pythonpython propmt for user inputpython keyboard inputsask function in pythonhow to use an input in pythonhow to enter the input you get from user in pythonpython use user input as codepython asking user for inputpython get input from user and use stringhow do you take in user input with pythonpython method inputpython get inpuput text value from requesthow to make input pythonpython3 get inputhow to call user input in pythonpython key inputhow to do user input in pythoninput user text pythonhow to accept an input in pythonhow to get value entered using input 28 29 in pythonuserinput in python accept user input when running a python scripthi 3d input 28 22 22 29 pythonuser input passed in view in pythonhow to te input in python 5cother methods to read input in pythonhow to make python script user inputhow get user input in pythonhow to analyze an input in pythonfunction input pythonin python3 2c which functions are used to accept input from the userhow to receive input from user in pythonhow to input on a var pypython how to read inputhow to read user input pythonaccept input pythonask for input python 5cpython get string from keyboardhow to use input function in python 3input from user in pythonin python which function is used to take input from userpython read inputpython execute user inputhow to receive user input in pythonpython take user inputhow to take user input pythondevelop function for user input pythoncode to get user input in pythonhow to take input by user in pythontake value from user in pythonpython input readhow to get user input in python and store it he function that reads user data from the keyboard is calledread input as set pythonhow to get input from python find user input python input from user in pythonpython keyboard inputpython user input syntaxpython script to get user inputpython console imputinputs pythonhow to input user data in pythonhow to create a variable by taking input from userpython input textscan input in python 3fpython inputsrequire text input in pythonpython input entertaking input from user during compile time in pythonpython 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input in a function python in functionhow to code input in pythonpython get key inputhow to create a input in pythonhow to take user input in a function in pythonprovide input to python program pythonlibrary function to take input from user pyhtonhow to create an input in pythonhow to create input in pythonpython function inputpyhtin how to get user inputs in pyhtonprompt user input 2c pythoninput with function pythonpython record user inputask pythonpython get input from userhow to take imput pythonprogram to take input from user in pythonhow to ask for input from user pythonpython function with inputhow to get input in python3python syntax inputinput text with pythonhow to take input in python from usertake input from user pythonpython text inputread input pythonhow to do input in pythonpython capture inputreal python user inputprompting imput pythonhow to accept and store user input in pythonhow to get value from user in pythonpython how to use promptinput data in python 3how to accept input from the user in python