input python

Solutions on MaxInterview for input python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "input python"
15 Oct 2019
1#Collecting The Input As A Variable:#
2name = input('Please enter your name: ')
3#Printing The Variable:#
5#Checking The Variable And Printing Accordingly:#
6if name == 'Joe':
7  print('Joe Mama')
30 Aug 2018
1name = input("What is your name?\n") # Asks the user 'What is your name?' and stores it in the 'name' variable
3print("You said your name was " + name)
5number = int(input("Please select a random number:\n")) # Will get input as a number
6# Will error if the value entered is not a number
8# You can use any type of conversion (int(), bool(), float(), etc.) to modify your input
25 Aug 2019
1var = input("Text: ")
23 Jan 2017
1name = input("What is your name: ")
5if name == "Jeff":
6  print("My name Jeff")
13 Oct 2016
1name = input("Enter your name: ")
3#Printing the variable (name)
22 Feb 2017
1# Input statements are used to ask questions to the user
3text = input("Enter your name: ")
5# printing the variabale 
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python how to input into programshow to put input in pythondefine function with input pythonpython input using 3cpython how the input workshow to get input on pythonget input from user pythonto take user defined input in pythonhow take input in pythoninpuutt pythonsaving input to a string in pythonget name from input pythondevelop function for user input pythontype of python inputusers input pythonhow input pythoninput for python 3taking user input in pythonhow to print string in python with user inputuser input in pythonpython input from userpython take inputhow to give input to a function in pythonhow to make wating python for inputinput in pyhonhow to take input from user in python3user input pyhoninput for pytohnpythone inputpython input vs promptinput string to chane output in pythonhow to declare set and take user input in it in pythonsyntax for the input statement in pythontake in input pythonfunction input string pythonpython how to get user inputtake imput in pythonhow to make input necessary pythonpython inutinput output pythonprint inputpython input promptinput functionpython taking input from consolepython functies inputpython how to get inputhow do i put an input in an input pythonpython userinputinputs in pythonbinputvalue in pythonhow to input on a var pyinput en pythonread python inputinput 28 29 in pythonhow to put input in a function pythoninput 28 29 function in pythonall types of input pythonwhat does the python input 28 29 function do 3finput function pyhtoninput function pythontake input from console pythoninput for pythoinput python c3 b9inptut pythonpython input examplestaking input in pythonhow to take input in a print statement in pythonways to take input from pythonhow to use input from user in pythonpytho take user inputpython input fromprompt user input pythonpython ipuntpython ask for a data inputinput with pythoninput pythonehow to write a text in input in pythonpython input 28 29input in python 3 7input 2a pythonuse input in def 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input python2print function input in pythonask user to put values in pythontext input pythonstatement followed by input field pythonhow to take input pythontaking input from user in pythonprmlt pythonpython input methodpyhton input funciontshow to enter vaule in form using pythonhow to use inputs in pythoninut pythonis python a language that takes user inputpython input codehow do you take in user input with pythonhow to use input in pythoncode input pythonpython use inputhow to read input from pythonhow to get user input in pythontake user input pythonoython inputinput value in python 3form input with pythontaking str inputs in pythonhow to get form input in pythonwhat does the python input 28 29 function dowhat does python input dotake inputs pythoninput text pythonhow input on pythonuser given input in pythonhow to take inputs pythontakeinput in pythonhow to get input and run code in pythonin input pythonuser input syntax in pythoninput string pythontake user input in pythonread 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python code which will take input of anythingdefine input options pythonpython text inputread data from user in pythonwrite a function using input pythonhow to take input in pythinpython 4 inputpython i inputdefine functions in python with inputinput and output pythoninput library pythonpython function input examplein input in pythonuser input in a python scriptpython unputtaking input pythobnhow to get an input in pythonpyhton inputinput in python functionsinput pyhhoninput type pythoninput field pythonpython console imputinput syntax pythonget python inputpython input messagehow to use 2a for user input pythonhow to take input in a function in pythonpython code to get inputinput 28 29 pythonmake input function pythonpython input type 2awhat does 2a 2ainputs python input is string pythonpython prompt user inputpython input definitioninput python 3python3 get inputhow to enter text and number in one input in pythonprovide input to program pythonpython input methodslogin inputsyntax in 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python3input in pythonetaking input from the user in pythonpython from inputpython how to take user inputtake input in a python programpython code for user inputways to get input in pythoninput fucntioninput 28 29 pythontaking input in python stringpython do inputtake input in python 3python prompt inputinput sentence in pythonhow to inpust pythonhow do i make python take 3c as pert of a string input 3faccept input from pythonget input from python 27 27 27 input pythonwhat does input command do in pythominput as string in pythonpython input is definf function 3fhow to ask a user for input in pythonhow to use input function in pyhtonhow to change the input type of python functionhow to input i pythonhow to print and get input pythonadd input in pythondef 2b input pythontaking string input from user in pythoncorrect syntax to take input in python input python with 22program to take input in pythonpython how to put in input with codehow to ask input pythoninput pythoninput text kt 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