how to take input in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to take input in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to take input in python"
28 Feb 2020
1#Collecting The Input As A Variable:#
2name = input('Please enter your name: ')
3#Printing The Variable:#
5#Checking The Variable And Printing Accordingly:#
6if name == 'Joe':
7  print('Joe Mama')
10 Jan 2021
1name = input("What is your name?\n") # Asks the user 'What is your name?' and stores it in the 'name' variable
3print("You said your name was " + name)
5number = int(input("Please select a random number:\n")) # Will get input as a number
6# Will error if the value entered is not a number
8# You can use any type of conversion (int(), bool(), float(), etc.) to modify your input
03 Sep 2017
1var = input("Text: ")
17 Aug 2016
1#just get input
2test = input()
4#add a custom message
5test = input("Please enter your information: ")
7#turning what is inputed into a differnt type of data
8test = int(input("Please enter your information: "))
21 Jan 2020
1# The function 'input()' asks the user for input
2myName = input()
29 Jan 2021
1# Taking string input
2a = input("Enter a string: ")
3print("String is: ", a)
5# Taking integer input
6b = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
7print("Integer is: ", b)
9# Taking float input
10c = float(input("Enter a float value: "))
11print("Float value is: ", c)
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syntax for taking user input in python 3request input in pythonhow to take input of 5b 5dhow to get input string in pythontake integet input from the user in pythonhow to get string input in python 3take input string in pythonpython input formpython how to user inputinput 28 29 pythonstring inout in pythonhow to take input from user in pythoninput syntax in pythonpython taking user inputpyrhon inputhow to input a word in pythonfor input pythonwhat is input statement in pythonuser input and print pythonwhat does the python input function dotake a string as input in pythonhow to take a user input in pythonfunction input pythondoes python take user input as stringinput python meaningget keyboard input and change text outputted pythonpython taking inputpython3 input 28 29input pyhhonways to take input from pythonask users for input pythonpython input methodsmake input to be stringtake input and make into variable in pythonuse input pythonget a user input in pythonhow to take a value from user in pythoninput for function pythonhow to input variable in pythoncode to input in pythonadd input in pythonpython rompttake input in pythinput and assign pythonhow to take input inpythonhow to 3d user input in pyhtoninput in pythoinfunctions python with inputpython function input examplehow to put user input in function in pythonpython functions inputhow to ask for input in pythoninput pythonhow to take user input in a function in pythonpython string inputhow to get input with pythonpython input documentationtaing user input in pythoninput in pythonminput fuction in pythonhow to mek python execute a inputpython askinput in functions pythonprint user inputs pythonin python how to take input from userinput for pythohow to use input in a function pythonaccept variable in pythontake imput in pythonget input from user pythonhow to handle input in brythonptthon inputhow to ask inputs in code in pythonimput into python programuser input string pythoninput and output in pythonpython input 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to object pythonhow to input in python 5cin python how to get input from userpython user input questionhow to take input in pythnpython input from keyboardinput 28 29 function in pythontake an input in pythontaking input in xhow to get python to accept user inputpython how to take user inputhow to take input in python 3 and add it datataking input inpythonwhat key to press to take the input pythonpython print user inputimput fuction in pythonall properties of input in pythonhow to user input a string in pythonpython to take user input and check for the input valueuserinput in python how to input with pythonprompt input pythonuser choice in pythonhow to do user input in pythonuser input application in pythonaccept value in pythonwhat does input mean in python 2a 2ainputs pythoninput python syntaxhow to take user input in python and 3d to variableread input variable pythonask for user input in pythonhow to do a user input in pythoninput pythonepython inpit functionprint user input 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pythontaking user input in pythonhow to do an input in pythonpython get input python input functionmpython calculate inputwhy does python return what the user inputpython inputpython how to gegt inputprogram to take input in pythonwhat is input pythonways to get input in pythoninput syntax pythonhow to get python inputhow to receive input from user in pythonwhat does the python input 28 29 function doexplain input 28 29 function in python with examplepython input variablepython command for enterinput from user as string in python 3how to to take input a string in pythonwhat python input doesinput 28 29 pythonhoww to make a user input pythonhow to give input in pythonhow to use 2a for user input pythonhow to take input in pythinhow to imput in python 3python user iput commanduser input pythnvaule 3d input pythonask user input pythoninput python manualinput from the user pythonpython i 3c user inputpython input caommandpython get string from keyboardhow to take inputs in pythonhow to have a variable in a input pythoninput python define inputuser input in python3how to get user inut pytohnhi 3dinput pythonhow to get the definition of an input in pythoninput pytnouser input in pythoninput and output pythonpython get input from userhow to input text in pythontake input in python from userhow to make a function that store the input of user pythonprompt method in pythoninput pythonbtake input in pythnoinput 22 22 pythonwhilestarter input python examplehot to take input in pythonpython take input from userreal python user inputinsert input without stringinputs in pythonhow to take input from a user in python scripthow to get the input from an 3cinput 3epython variable inputsample user input code pythoninput from user in python 3how to accept input in pythonhow to create input pythontaking input from user in pythoninput 5b 5d pythonpython function for inputget user inputy pythonhow to take inpit for function in pythonhow to take user input in a function python in 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imput pythoninput string pythoninput to function pythonhow to take the input from the user in pythonhow to use input function in python 3python input outputread user input in pythonhow to create an input function pyhtoncapture input pythonhow to get list input in pythoninput command for question pythontype input in text pythonadd classes to password input in djangodefine input function in pythonhow to get user inout in pythonuse user input as code python how to add input in pythonhow to read a input in pythonhow to print and get input pythonhow to take user input pythoninput 28 29 python typereading from user pythontake an input pythontake input in python 3takinf inout in pythonhow to enter vaule in form using pythonpython in inputpython get user inputhow to read user input in pythonhow read input in pythonhow to get input in puthon from userehow to take something from the keyboard in python inthow to take integer dynamic input in pythonpython get value from userpython read from keyboardinput in python2how to use the input tag in pythonpython prompt user inputpython function inputin python which function is used to take input from useruser input function in pythonpython how to get string inputvalue input pythonpython execute user inputpython input 27 27user input value in pythonpython input datapython input fromprmlt pythonuse input function in pythonhow to take input of string in pythonhow get input in pythonusing for with a user inputpython inpytpython ask for user inputpython prompts the user for a stringpython input syntaxpython browser user inputpython how to prompt for user inputtake input from console pythonhow to input in pythonpython function from inputinput on pythonpython jnputpython input commandhow to get input from user in pythomreading input pythonpython row input whilehow to write input in pythoninpute function pythonpython how to create user inputinout in oythonpython input messagetake input in python till it givesinput to py pythonhow to put user input in pythonpython how to ask for user inputinput from user in pythonhow to use input 28 29 in pythonhow to do an input pythoncode to take user input in pythonthe input function in pythonpuython inputinput functionsget a kb input pythoncreate python inputuse of input function in pythonwhat is input fun in pythonhow to ask text in python 2ainput pythonuser input pythonwhat is input 28 29 in pythonhow to read input from user in pythonhow to use a input key in pythonhow to take iser input pythonpython promptpython get input from keyrequest input pythonpython 2ainputinput field pythonhow to do input in pythonstring 28input 28 29 29python prompt for inputpython input function codepython 22 2a 2ainput 22how to make an input in pythontaking input from pythonfunction with input pythontake user input in python codehow to show user input as in pythonwhat does input do in pythonget user input in pythonhwo to input in pythonhow to do imput in pythoninput variable pythonpython input from stringhow to get the input box using pythonpython program inputwhat is enter pythonhow to get value from user in pythonget input from user in python 3how get python inputhow to use input function in pyhtoninput user text pythonhow to take input from the keyboard in pythoninput from the user in pythonwhat does 2a 2ainputs python python enter input stringhow to promt in pythoncan you run a python process while user is typing input input pythonhow to accept string input in pythonread keyboard input pythonget inputs in pythonpython run input as codetaking input in in pythonhow to give user input in pythonpython ask the valuehow to take to input pythonpython input 22what does the python input 28 29 function do 3finput from user pythonshowing input in pythonrow input pythoni 3d input 28 29 pythoninput pythonmpyhtin how to get user inputs in pyhtonpython key inputread input with input 28 29 in python how to input code in command pythonhow to give user input in python tutorhow to make user input options in pythonget user input pythoninput text pythoninput with pythonget name from input pythonuser input python functiontype in input in pythonsyntax for the input statement in pythoninput in print pythonhow to accept input from user in pythoninput character in pythoninsert input in pythonmulti user with the select functin in sockets pythonpython input fieldtake input from user pythotake input from pythonhow to get input in python 3how to write user input in pythonhow do you get input in pythoninputting in pythonreceive user input pythontaking string input from user in pythoninput 28 29input 2a pythonpython enter variable pythonpython propmt for user inputinput code pythonpython enteruser input with pythonpython give an inputhow to input a function in pythonpython use inputhow to take a string input in pythoninput methods in python how to get input in pythoninput in pythonhow to prompt a user for input in pythonhow to take input in python from userprint string python from inputget input from pythonpython read keyboard inputhow to take string input in pythontaking input from the user in pythonhow to input into python codehow to take input in jpythonpython input from pythonpython how to inputgiving input method in pythonwhat is 40input 28 29inputt in pythonfunction with user input pythonhow to input string into pythonpython program to read inputpython input to htmlpython form inputpython accept user inputhow to get string as a input in pythonhow to use input command in pythonpython keyboard inputshow to create users based on the input in pythonexample input pythonhow to get input from user and print it in pythonhow to take input from a user in a function in pythonhow to read enter in pythonhow to use input function in pythonpython user input examplesinput in python 3input output function in pythonall properties of inputs in pythonmake input user in pythonpython input type 2ataking str inputs in pythonhow to take input in puthonpython output inputgetting values form the user in pythonpython serial raw input syntax w3schoolsdescribe function input in pythondef python inputfunction of input in pythonhow to make input from 22 22 to 27 27 pythonread varible in pythonask for user input pythonwhat does input function do in pythoninput for pytohnhow to use python user input in html input pythnoninput a variable in pythonhow to get user input pythonpython conosle inputhow to input in function in poythincode to get input from the user in pythonto take user defined input in pythonpython code to get inputinput at runtimehow to take input in python 3how to input pythoninput output python w3shoolspython how to get inputtake string input in pythontake input in python 5cinput statement in pythonpython user input methodhow input in pythonhow to take input by user in pythonpython input examplesinput 3d pythontaking input in python as functionhow to get input via console in pythonhow to tke input in pythonpython script inputhow to request user input in pythoninput user in pythinhow to make get user input in pythonhow to embed a function statement to an input in python 3ask for input pythonpython input 28python use user input as codehow to get dynamic input in pythonhow print a input values in pyhndefine inputs pythonpython how to read an inputdata input in pythonhow to get input from python to html elementspython input variable examplespython code to ask for user inputcorrect syntax to take input in python pythonn inputhow to get from input using python htmlfor python inputhow to answer an input with pythonpython code for user inputpython how to get user input without inputuser input oij pythonmhow to take an input of string in pythonhow to get the input function in pythonwhat does python input function dopython 2f enterpytho inputpython input runtimepython input functionhow to take input from pythonhow to take input inside function in pythoninput html 2b pythonhow to use input in pythonprompt 28 29 pythonhow to take input from function in pythonhow to receive user input in pythonget input from user in and print in pythonpython get key inputhow to input in pythonmpython ask for a data inputinput for pythonhow to add input on pythonpython how to take inputinput puthonhow to take input in a pythonpython get keyboard inputgetting input in python winput function pythonhow to use python inputcalling input in pythonhoiw to take user input in pythonhow to take inputs in python 27getting input to python scriptinput text with pythonpython input by userhow to input function in pythonprompt in pythonpython simple inputinput a string from user in pythoninput type pythonlibrary function to take input from user pyhtonhow to make wating python for inputhow to concatenate user id in jquerypython 3 how to use inputpython how to put in input with codepython inputtputting input pythonkey input in pythonpython capture user inputpython ask user to reenter inpuyhow to get string input in pythonwhat is input function in pythonhow to get an input string in pythonpythong inputhow to store user input pythoncustom input in pythoninput function of pythontake input as prompt in pythonpython input 28 29data input for pythonusers input pythonpython input statementphyton inputfunction for user input pythonhow to get a input in pythonhandle inputs in pythonhow to take input pythonpython how the input workshow to use inputways of taking inputs in pythonuse of input in pythonusing input 28 29 in pythonhow to read input from pythoninput 28 27 3e 27 29what variable is input in pythonget data from user in python with functionpython console imputprompt for input pythonwhat is intput in pythonpython scripting how to get input 22read input with pythonhow to let user input in pythontake input in a python programinput variable in python 3 w3schoolstake in string input pythonpython input stringsis python a language that takes user inputpython set keyboard inputhow to get a string input to print in pythoninput var pythoninput pythongpython how to get input from userpython code to take input from the userhow to get form input in pythoninput request pythonwhere is the input of a function in pythonpython how to input stringuser input in pythontake input from user in pythonask pythonpython getinput from keyboardwhat is input in python 3input functions in pythonhow to take string input in python and then do mathematical operation on it 27 27 27 input pythonhow to make input for pythoninput 25s pythontake input from user pythoncreating an input in pythonmake input function pythonwhat are the inputs for in pythonhow to ask user for input in pythonread python inputhow to user input in pythonpython3 user inputhow to prompt user for input in pythonhow do you put a input on pythonfunction python with inputhow to read input pythoninput 28 29 in pythonhow to read a string input in pythontake dynamic input in pythonhe function that reads user data from the keyboard is calledhow to read from input pythonuser prompt pythoninput a user in pythoninput in function pythontake input from the user in python geeksforgeekshow to take inputs pythongetting input from html to pythonpython capture inputinput tag types pythonhow to take user input in pyhtonhow to use the input you get from user in pythonpythone inputinput pytohngenerating code with user input pythoninput python with 22python store user input python input to functionhow to get any input from an input pythontaking input in pythonhow to get an input in pythoninput python tutorialfunction to take input from user in pythonask user to put values in pythoninput with function pythonsyntax input and output in pythonhow to get the input from the user in pythonfunctions in python that take inputw3school input pythoninput 2b python 3scan input in python 3fhow to make a python code which will take input of anythingrequire text input in pythonhow to call an input in pythonhow to take input according to the user in pythoninput from keyboard pythonpython code inputhow to call an input in pytohoinput phytonuesr input pythonhow to take user input in a function pythonhow to get inout fro 2c user in pythonhow to enter text in pythonpython userinputwhat does the input in python douse input in python sethow to input python codehow to get from input using pythonhow to do inputs on pythonhow to take input from user and use it in function in pythonwith input pythonreceive input from user pythonpython input values from keyboardinput 28 29 pythonpython getting inputsinput fucntion input pythonget input from keyboard pythonpython requesting user inputuser input of string in pythonhow to use input in pyhtonget user inout in pythonhow to do inputs in pythonhow to pass name of the input in pythoninput pyrhoninput string to chane output in pythonstring input in pythonpython function program for user inputtake in input pythonhow to take input in pythnoinput box pythonhow to input a command in pythonprovide input to program pythoncan i take user input in python from a htmlhow to ask a user for inout in pythonpython read input 28 29 pyton inputwrite a python program that will ask the user to enter a word as an input how to input data form the user in puthon get text input pythoninput a string pythonask in input a number pythonhow to take inputs in pyhtonhow to make a method that store the input of user pythonpython getting user inputprompt user input 2c pythongetting use input in pythonget input python htmltaking inputs pythonhow to use input 28 29 pythontaking input pythonset inputted variable pythoninput python csshow to ensure user enter something in pythoninput in python3read input in pythonpython get input from consolehow to put input in the main of pythonpython function with inputinput sentence in pythonuser input for pythonpython ask user for inputpython input vs promptpython input orhow to get input pythoninput pythoninput function in python 3python how input workshow do i put an input in an input pythonhow to take in user input 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pythonpython taking input from userusing user input in pythonhow to take input from users in pythonpython how to get input from the useruser input python codeask input in pypython taking input from consolewhat is input function in python 3fhow to use input pythonto take input in python3python input using 3cuser input function pythonuser inout pythonhow to have a user input in pythongiving input in pythonhow to make a function in python that take inputinputs in pythonbhow to input on a var pyhow to use inputs in pythoninpuut pythonwhy when i use input in pythoninput read in pythonhow to take input in function in pythonhow to take input for python in htmlhow user intput in pythoninput pypy input 28 29 prompting input in pythonpython receive inputto take input in ythoninput 28 29 in pythonpython read from inputusing input from user in python get methodhow to get the input of html in pythontime input in pythonpython syntax for inputpython function to take inputhow to make python script 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an input in pythongive user input in pythonhow to form an input in pythonhow to get the input from user in pythontake input pytpython get inpouth430p how to take input pythonhow do python input str workpythin inputtaking string input in pythoninput example python 3python scanner inputhow to use answer of the input function in pythonhow to read the input in pythonpython operator in inputgive input pythonlogin inputsyntax in w3 schoolspython read user inputfunction input function pythonenter user input pythoninput and print in pythoninput python howtoprompting imput pythonhow to give the input to python how do i ask for input in pythonhow to take an input in pythonsyntax for taking input in pythontaking input and saving in pythonhow to input values in pythonpython3 get inputinput as functionpython how to prompt for inputtaking string input pythonuser input pyhonpython give input manualyuse of input 28 29readinput in pythonpython 3 get inputpython method inputtake input pythonpython interactive inputhow to take input from use in pythonhow to do a python inputuser input in a python scriptpython take user inputtpython function to take set as inputpyhton user inputcommad for user input in pythonhow to use html input in pythonhow to enter the input you get from user in pythonhow to take user input in pythongetting specific value of input pythonusing input in pythonhow to make input work in pythonhow to get input from html to pythonhow to input from user in pythongetting input in pythoninput in pyhonpython3 input functionpython functions taking inputhow to python input stringpython script request user inputpython get input from keyboardhow can get input in pythonhandle input pythonpython input methodgive a value input print pythonpython input readraw input 28 29 w3schoolhow to use input from user in pythonpython create input into functioninput c3 bdthonuser given input in pythonenter input in python programpython program to take inputhow to write a function with input in pythonhow input function works in pythonhow to take use input in pythonhow to create input in pythoninput data pythoninput message code in pythonuse input in pythonhacker earth python inputtaking input in python and checking outputhow to put an input inside a for pythonprompt user for input pythonpython how user inputpython using inputhow to enter a string in python during run timepython inptureading the input in pythonpython get inputpython print keyboard inputhow to ask for a time input in pythonpython input 5ctake inputs pythonhow to read input in pythoninput input in pythoninput in python w3spython get binputwrite a program that takes a string as input from the user pythonhow to get python to prompt for a variable valuehow to make an input function in pythonscan and print in oythonhow to take input from the user in pythonfunction in python with inputinput en pytihonget value of input in pythonpython write to input a sting code to take input in pythoninput 2f output pythonpython input code examplemeaning of input in pythoncreate a user input in pythonhow to python inputinput python examplehow to get input in python 27python input boxhow to get values from user in pythonread data from user in pythoninput string in pythonpython user input stringpython to take user inputhow to take input as a string in pythonpytho take user inputhow to fetch python inputfunction input in pythonhow to make input in pythonsockets library multi user with select pythontake input in pythonhow to ask a user for input in pythonhow to take user input in pythonuser input pyton3python imputpython programming given a inputadd input pythoninput with pytonhow to read input in python 3python on inputhandling user input pythonfunction used to read a string in pythonhow to take user input in python3define input pythonhow do inputs work in pythonpython input 3d 22this 22python program to take various data input from user and display ithow to create an input function of own in pythonpython 3 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pytohnhow declare input in pythonpython input tutorialinput library pythonpython 2a 2ainputpython input function sentencepython input 28 27 27 29ask function in pythonhow to accept values from user in pythonhow to get inputs pythonwith input as pythonhow to obtain input from user pythoninput pyhonpython keyboard inputiuser input pythongetting user input in pythoninput in pyhtonpython input from userinput user in pythonpython input entertaking input on function pythontake user input string in pythonpython user promptpython 28 29inputhow to get input in pytohbgetting inputs in pythonpython 3 read inputusing input in python functionas input method pythonhow to receive input in pythontake input as function in pythonhow to use the input function in pythonpython input 22how do i take in user input in python 3fpython input attributeshow to enter an input in pythonpython input to stringpy inputpython web user inputhow to take input in python on mettlprovide input to python program pythoninput 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