get index of matched element in list python

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showing results for - "get index of matched element in list python"
13 May 2016
23 Apr 2017
1greeting = ['hello','my','name','is','bob','how','are','you','my','name','is']
3def find_sub_list(sl,l):
4    results=[]
5    sll=len(sl)
6    for ind in (i for i,e in enumerate(l) if e==sl[0]):
7        if l[ind:ind+sll]==sl:
8            results.append((ind,ind+sll-1))
10    return results
12print find_sub_list(['my','name','is'], greeting) 
13# [(1, 3), (8, 10)]
25 May 2020
1>>> ["foo", "bar", "baz"].index("bar")
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index of listhow to get a item in a list using index in pythonprint index of list pyhtonfinding the index of an item in a listget position in list pythonindex number in list pythonpython index 28 29 strtpython index of every item in list with specific valueget index of items in list pythondetermine the index positions of elements in array in pythonindex of an item in a list pythonhow to access index of listget index from listhow to find the index of an element in a list pythonhow to find index of item in listhow to get the index of a value in pythonpython find index in listfind out index of list in pythonfind index of element of list python based on string valuehow to find the index pythonpython find indexes of values in listhow to get index of a list pythongetting the index of an element in listlist position pythonget item and idenx from list for pythonwhow to get the index of a listhow to get the index of an elemnt in pythonget index of particular element in list pythonknow index of element in list pythonreturn index of list element pythonfind a index of number in the listindex number of a list pythonget index of an item in list pythonindexof in listhow to get the index number of a an item list pythongetting index of an element in a list pythonhow to return the index of a number from a listsearch value index list pythonlist index of itemget items from index to index list pythonhow to print index of item in list pythonpython how to find a number at a indexfind index of listpython find index of element seriesfind the index of an element in a string pythonfind the item in the index in pythonpython find all index of element in listindex of an elemnt in list pythonlist index methodget index of element in list pythponhow to get index from list in pythonpython list by indexcheck index of element in list pythonget index of a list pythonfind index of dictionary in list pythonget indexes in list pythonpython find index of element in arraypython list index positionhow to get the position of an element in a list pythonget the index of an array pythongetting index position pythonget index of an item pythonpython find the index of an item in a listpython get indexes of an elementhow to return the index number from a list pythonhow to get index of list value in pythonindex of in a list pythonpython getting index of item in listhow to find the index of an element in a listpython index of a value in listhow to define the first index in pythonpython get list by list of indexget index of item in list pythonhow to find the element of an index in pytonhow to get the index of a element in a list in pythonget index of ele in listhow to get index of an item in pythonpython get element indexpyhton find index of item in list index pythonget index of element listlist indexfind index in listpytohnhow to get index of an element in list in pythonfind the index of a vlues in a list pythonfinding the index of an element in a list pythonindex of element in list pytonpython list find index numberpython print location index of listfind item index in list pythonindex of element in listindex of an element in a list pythonhow to find index of particular element in pythonfind the index of list in pythonhow to perfoem indexing in list in pythonhow to find index of an element in a list pythonget index of element in array pythonfind index of value listpython list get element indexfinding the index of a value in a list python indexof pythonprint index value of list pythonfind index of element in list python in o 281 29how to find index position in pythonlist index position in pythonindexof 28 29 in pythonpython index of piar in listget index in pythopython get index name of listget index of a element ina listhow to get the list index of an element in pythonreturn index of a list element in pythonget list at index pythonindex of element in pythonpython find which indexindex of str in listget index value of list in pythonreturn index pythonindex 28 29 pythonget index from value in list pythonget index in python seriesget index of an element of list pythonhow to find an index of an item in a listfind index of pythonfunction to access index of listhow to get index of a value in a list pythonchecking element indexin list pythonpython get index of a item listfind index of item in list pythonfind index of in list pythonpython print the index of a listhow to find index of a element in list in pythonfind index of substr pyfind index of an element in listpython element position in listpython get index of item in arrayfind the position of an element in a list pythonlist indexof pythonhow to return index of list in python function how to find index of value in list pythonindex value pythonhow to get the index of an element in a lisit in pythonindex of lists in a listprint index of element in list pythonpython a list indexget the index of a list item pythonget index of a number in listpython find index of value in listhow to find the index of a list in pythonhow to find index of elementin list pythonhow to find the index of the list in pythonpython get item in list indexhow to get items index in list pythonfind element in python list index sub arrayhow to get index of list by its namereturn index of a number pythonhow to find index of a list element in pythonhow to get the index of a item in pythonhow to use index function in pythonfind index of list in list pythonfind number at what index it is in list pythonlist get index of elementhow to find the index of a value in a list in pythonget index and value from list pythonpython show index from listhow to get index of an object in listpy find index in listfind index element on listpython find index ofhow extract the index of number in list how to find index in listfind index in array pythonpython index how to return the index of a value if it is found in a list pythonget index of true element in listindex of list pythonget index of element in list in for pythonpython get indext listhow to get index number in pythonpython index of listspecific index of a list pythonpython item index in stringhow to know the index of value in list in pythonget the index of the list element in pythonfind the index of the listpython findind the item of an index in listpython list index of elmenthow to find the index of an item in a list index list pythonget the index of item in the list pythonfind index position in list pythonhow to get the index of an element in python listpyhton find index in listhow to print the index of a list element in pythonget index of values in listget index element in list pythonhow to find out the index in a list pythonhow to find index of something in liostfind a index in a list pythonfind indexes in pythonindex of a value in listindex of elements in list pythonget index of pythonhhow to get first index of element in list pythonpython list find elementget index item from list pythonhow to find the index of a variable in a list pythonlist find index pythonhow to return indices in pythonhow to find a item in a list of list and return its index pythonpython get element from list of indexget index number of list pythonhow to find the index of a value in a list pythonfind index value in python list list indexingpython find string position in listget index of a list elementget the index of the string in an array pythonpython return index of element in listget the index of list pythonhow to see the index of an element in a list in pythonget index of list from in operator pythonreturn index of list position pythonhow to get the number index of an element in list in pythonhow to find index of an element in an array in pythonhow to return index of element in listhow do you get the index of an element in a list in pythonindexof in python arrayfind index of a element in list pythonget index of list element pythonpython find the list index based on keyfind index of something pythonfind index of given element in pythonindex of a list value in pythonget index of number pythonhow to get index from listlist get index pythonhow to get index of an element in python listfunction of index in pythonpython how to find index of element in listget index of a value in list pythonpython get index of from listpython get element at indexlist get index ofpython3 get index of item in listget index from array pythonfinding index of item in list pythonelement of index list pythonpython print position in listhow to get the index of an item in an array pythonindex of item in list pythonindex list pythonhow to access the index of listpython indexof in listfind index of element partial in list pythonitem of a index of a list pythonpython use index of the listfinding index command pythonfind indexes of item in listhow to get the index of element from a set in pythonget value by index list pythonfind the index of an element in an array pythonhow to index a list in pythonhow to write indices pythonpython get list index by valueget index of value in list pythonpython get sublist by indexget element position in list pythonfind the index in a list pythonpython find in list indexhow to with its index number in pythoncheck indexes of element in list pythonindex of string in array pythonhow to return the index of a value in a list pythonpython get list item by indexfind index of number pythonindex of python element in a list pythonhow to grab index pythonpython get index of list elemntwhat is index of list in pythonhow do you find the index in pythonhow to find index of array in pythonfind index of a value in a list pythonget position of element in list pythonindexof item pythonpython 3 get the index of value in listhow to get the index of an element in list using pythonget index of item pythonlist get index pythonget value at index python listpython get item at index listpython list at indexpython list how to get indexget index ov value from list phythonprint the index of listpython find indexreturn index of element list pythonhow to take the index of a list pythonlist 5bindex 5d pythonhow to index a list of listsfind indexes in list pythonhow to get the indc of an elemnt in a listfind index of value in pythonindex of a list in pythonpython finding index of item in listfind index in list by value pythonpython how to find list indexfind position of an element in a list pythonhow to get item index in list in pythonhow to find the index of a element in listhow to find index of element in listpython refence location in listfind index of element pythonindex of string in list pythonhow to get the index of a element in the listpython get index of list elemnethow to get index of element in list in pythonindex of an elemnt in a listget item index in list pythonhow to return the index of a list in pythonhow to find the index of a listgetting index of list pythonget index of list value pythonhow to get index of a list in pythonpython find index of object in listhow to find index of value in list in pythonfind index of elements in list pythonindex number of item in list pythonget the index of an element in list pythonget list item indexget index of an element in array pypython get list positionhow to find the index of an element in a list using findfind the index of the other element in a list pythonget the index position pythonpython find index value in list by a valuehow to find the index of any element of a list in a string pythonfind index of object in list pythonpython get indexes of items in listindex of a element in list in pythonpython get index of item in listhow to print position of an index in list pythonpy get index of list how ot find index of a value in listfind index of sublist in list pythonpython find list indexpython get value and index in listindex of element in list of lists pythonpython get index of listfind index of element in list python 5cget items in list python by indexdpython get indexhow to find the index of item pythonpython get index value from listlist index pythonpython get index of itemhow to know the index of a subelement in pythonhow to find number index in list pythonitem index list pythonget the index in a list pythonhow to the index of an element in the a list in pythonhow to find index of list in pythonget the index of a list pythonhow to find index of element of arraye in pythonpython find index of an element in a listhow to get index of an item in a list pythonpython find index of list valueindex of item pythonpython index of element in arraypython find find which indexindex element in list pythonlist index in pythonpython list object find indexlist indices pythonfunction to get the index of an element in a list pythonget index from element pythonpython find value in list and return indexhow to get the elements of an index in a list in pythonhow to get the index of an object in a list in pythonget index of item in listget index for a value in listaccess index of list pythonindex of list in pyhtonindex of an elemtn in a listhow to find index of object from a listget index in function pythonprint the index of a list 5cpython how to find the index of an element in a listhow to know the index of a list in pythonfind index in python list of listpython index commandspython how to get value from listpthon list get item indexhow to get index of list item in pythondisplay list indices python 3python index of a item id is in a listpython index ofpython get index of n element in a listreturn index in a listindex of a element in list pythonindex of a item in list pythonche kthe index of an item in a list pythonhow to find index of an element in an list pythonhow to get index of specific item in list pythonpython get the index of listfinding index from a list item in pythpnhow to find an index in a python listpython index of elementpython index of object in listprint position of index pythonhow to find the index of an element in an list pythonpython item position in listget list of index from python listprinting index of each element in a lsit in pythonreturn index of value in array pythonhow to get the index of a item in a list in pythonprint index of a list pythonhow to get item in list with indexes pythongetindex of python araypython list index numberpython list return indexget index in pythonhow to find index of a variables in list pythonhow to get index of an element in a listreturn list index pythonpython finding the index of an element in a listhow to find index of an element in python listpython get index of object in list of objectshow to get index of specific value in list pythonlist 2b get index of a valuepython get index of element in a list index in pythonhow to find an item index in listget index array from listpython how to check index in list list function in python to check index of valuepython get item with indexpython get index object attribute in listget element index in list pythonfind the index of element in list pythonhow to get element from set in python by indexhow to get the index of an element in a python arraylist get index of an elementpython get index of itemshow to find index of item in a listget index python listfind the element in list pythonget the index of element in list pythonhow to get item with index from list 5cpython get index of value in listindex function pythonposition of an element in a list pythonget index list of element in list pythonpython get element from list by indexget position of index pythonhow to see what 27s inside an index of a list in pythonget index vaule inpythonhow to get list index value in pythonget indexes of element in listindex of something in list pythonfind a index of a value pythonhow to find the index of the element in the listget index of element list pyhtonget index for element in list pythonget items from index list c2 b4 pythonhow to get index of element in listget index of element in list python numpyhow to find the index value in pythoncheck the index of item in a list pyprinting index of list pythonpython find the index of a valueget index of string in list pythonget list value from indexindex python listhow to get the index of array in pythonindex of element in pytohonpython get index of list by valueget index of item in list python from worget index of itemin listget index of a element in list pythonpython array find index of valuepython find element indexespython at indexhow to find index value of a character in a list pythonindex of a list element pythongetindex list pythonget index position list pythonget the index of an element of a listpython list access indexgiven index of list get value pythonprint out the index of the element in list pythonindex of value list pythonfind index of element in sublist pythonfinding index of the element in lnked list pythonlist find the item of indexhow to ind the index of an item in a list pythongetting the index of a list pythonget index of all ones in list pythonget index or defualt value python listhow to get index of element in array pythonpython get the element indexpython element of list indexget value with index python listget index of element in list string 5b 5dpython is index pringting a methodhow to find index of something in a list pythonhow to find index number in pythonfinding index of element in list pythontruliget item at index list pythonpython x in indexhow ti find the index of item in list pythonfind the index of object in listfind the element in the particular index in string in pythonget index of item in list pytohnpython return index of item in listget index in a list pythonhow to find an index in a list pythonindex of pythonfind index of element in list of list pythonpython find index listpython index odacess index in listget index of in list pythonfind index of element list pythonhow to find the index of an element in a python listfind index from list pythonpythonic way of finding an index in a listfind index of element in pythonlist find pythonget the index of a list element pythonpython print index of listget index of listhow to list indexes on a list pythonpython check index of item in listpython get index of list where value isget index of listget list element index pythongetting element of index in list pythonget index of 1s in list pythonlist index method pythonfind the index from list pythonpython find index of list by valuehow to find index of a element in a listhow to find the index of something in pythonhow to get the index of an array pythonpython3 list find indexes of values in listprint indexes pythonget index of matched element in list pythonpython list find element index 3a as index of a list pythonpython get list index of 27 27how to find the elements of an index in pythonfind index of element in string pythonindex of element in list pythoinindex of list element pythonpython set index of arrayhow to get index in pythonindex of item in listpytho how to find index of element in list of listspython search indexget index of element in list in pythonhow to access index of list in pythonho to know the index of a listpython find the index where a value is in a listfind value at index pythonposition of list in pythonfind index of value in list of lists pythonfind an element and return index python list indexof in pythonfind index of string in list pythonhwo to set index for a listhow to get index how to get position of item in list pythonfind index of an item in a list pythonreturning elements index in pythoncheck index of list pythonindex of list item in pyhtonindexof in pythonreturn index of element in listget index of pythonget index of list in pythonlist index of elementpython get position of element in listget index by element list pythonindex function in listlist item index pythonhow to get the index of an list in pythonpython get the index of an element in the listfinding index of a number in pythonget indices of list python 1 index in list pythonhow to get element from index in pythonhow to use index 28 29 to get element in listget index of list of elementshow to find position of element in list pythonhow to find the index in pythonacces index of element pythonpython find index of listhow to find the index of a value in pythonpython get list item and indexget all index of element in list darypython list indexesindex of list element in pythonlist find indexeshow to know index of list in pythonpython get the index in a listindex of a certain value of python listget index of element in array pyhow to find index of a element in list in python if not in listcheck position of element in list pythonpython number indesxfind all index of element in list pythongoython get index of item in listhow to see what 60s inside an index of a list in pyhtonhow to get item index in list pythongetting an index of an element of python listhow to get index of element in a listuse index in pythonreturns the index of the find in pythonget index of list pythonpython get index of item in listfind the index of an item in a list of listspython find element in list and return indexhow to return the index of a listfind 28 29 in python listhow to get index number of item in list pythonhow to get index list pythonindex of python listlist item index pythonfind list items with 2 index in pythonget index of elements in listpython create index in listget item from index list c2 b4 pythonpython find the index of a value in a listhow to find the index of element in list in pythonhow to get index of element in pythonfind index in list pythonfor index pythonhow to get index of an listget index of list item pythonpython lists index from toindex of element in string pythonget list at indexfind index of an element list pythonget index of an element in a list pythonindex of object in list pythonget indices of item in list pythonindex of a list pythonhow to get index of something in a listpython list find index of objectfinding index of a list in pythonreturn index of a value list pythonindex of element pythonhow to print list with index in pythonget index from list where value ishow to return the index of a value from a python listget the index of an element in a list in pythonget indexes from listfind the index number of an element in a list pythonindex syntax pythonreturn index of list pythonhow to get index of in pythonhow to get list item index pythonfind index location of value in list pythonfind an element index in listfind index of a value in listget index of python listpython 3 get index position from listpython find index numberlist index of in pythonget index of item in pythonhow to find index of elements in list pythonpython3 list get index of itemsearch item in list and get indexcheck index from listget index of element in pythonpython array find indexpython get index of number from arraypython list find index of sublistfind a element in list pythonhow to find somethings index pythonhow to get the index of pythonhow to get the index of a value of list in pythonget index in lsit pythonindex of in listpython get index of element in arrayget idxfor value in listget index of an element list pythonhow to get index value of element in list python colabhow to get the index in pythonfind the index of a value in an array pythonhownto find the index of the elenst in the listget index of the element in a list pythonpython get index of specific values in listpython get indexfind out index of item in list in pythonget item and index pythonindex of an element in list pythonhow to get index of list object in pythonpython any find indexreturn index of element in array pythonpython get index of item in list of objectsindex function in pythonhow do you find the index of an item in a list in python 3ffind out index of item in listpython get index of elementget list index by value pythonget element of list by indexs pythonpython index samplepython find index of list itemhow to get the index of an item in a list pythonfind index positionhow to find index value of something in a listfindindex in pythonget index number from list pythonindex value of listhow to get value of index in list pythonnested list indexingget index of matched element in list python