ternary operator php

Solutions on MaxInterview for ternary operator php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "ternary operator php"
28 Mar 2017
1/* most basic usage */
2$var = 5;
3$var_is_greater_than_two = ($var > 2 ? true : false); // returns true
25 Nov 2018
3(if Condition) ? (stat1) : (stat2);
6$var1 = 5;
7$var2 = 2;
9echo $check = ($var1 > $var2) ? "right" : "wrong";
11#output : right
13explination : if condition is true then display the stat1 and if condition is 
14worng then display stat2
09 Oct 2020
1(Condition) ? (Statement1) : (Statement2);
16 Oct 2019
3print ($marks>=40) ? "pass" : "Fail";
01 Aug 2016
1(conditional) ? (true) : (false);
13 May 2020
1.wp-block-code {
2	border: 0;
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79if (condition) {
80	$result = value1;
81} else {
82	$result = value2;
84Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
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to a ternary operatorternary operator php checking if something is equal to a stringphp ternary variable assignmentphp ternary operator for if else bothnull in ternary operator phpin php in ternayr operatorphp ternary operator inside echocompare operator php is nullif and or in ternary phpphp tenerycontinue a loop with ternary operator phpternary test phpphp if not null shorthandmultiple ternary conditions phpternary oprators multiple if phpphp ternary expression shortphp ternary return valuephp ternary operator ifphp ternary operator for post requestternary operator php in not workinternary operator 3f in php 8ternary operator if condition phpfornary operator phpterniray operator phpturnary operator with three conditions phpphp ternary ifternary in php echophp ternary operator 3f 3atertiary php ifphp ternaryternary operations in phpphp terniray operatorjavascript ternary operator return 3f 3fphp ternary for 3 conditionternary operator inside ternary operator in phpternary operator php w3ternary operator php 7 4ternary operator is phpphp ternary operator functionphp commands in terneryternary opertator with isset and conditionternary operator condition in phphow many operands does a ternary operator have 3f phpphp else ternaryphp shorthand if multiple conditions ternary operator logicternary operator multiple statements phpternary php returntermany oportaor phpuse ternary condition in phpphp ternary expression only ifternary operatior phpternary operators phpternary operatar phphow to check string true in ternary operator in phpphp net ternary operatorphp ternary operator 3f 3f 3aternary phpternary operator for 3 conditions in phpphp ternary conditional operator exampleternary in ternary phpphp shorthand true without elsephp ternary with or andphp use echo in ternary operatorphp 7 isset ternary operatorphp ternary condition with andphp 7 ternary operator if thenphp operators ternarytern c3 a4rer operator phpuse ternary operator in phptermany operator phpternary expression in phpternary operator twice phpif else condition ternary operator phpif else using ternary operator phpphp ternary operator multiple linesphp teneray expression 3rd statmentteriary operator phpternary operator php in array ternary operators phpternary statement in phpphp ternary operator good examplephp ternary operator ifternary statement phpphp if let 3d vs 3d 3d vs 3d 3d 3dphp terenary operatorhow to run two statement with ternary operator in phpternery ooperator phpphp ternary 27 3f 3a 27ternary operator two lavel in phpternary operator logic phpternary operator shortand phpternary operator php 3 outputphp ternary operator string value calculate programmaticallyphp 5 6 ternary operatorternary condition php return 1php tertiaryternary php if then elseternary operation php operatorsternary operatot in php if else ternary operator phpphp tenary operatorternary operator php 7short operators phpternary operation phpphp convert to ternary operator phptertianary operator phpternary oprator in phpphp shorthand var 3f 3f 5b 5dphp ternary operator multiple conditionsphp ternary operator with one conditionphp ternary booleanhow to test the truthy of two variables in ternary operator in phpphp double ternary operatorphp ternarnyternary operator inside table phpternary operator phpnull ternary operator phpternary operator with three conditions phpphp 7 4 ternary operatorphp ternary operator if else ifphp ternary objectph ternary ifphp ternary conditionternary operator for 3 conditions phphow to blank the ternary operator in phptertiary operator in phpphp multiple ternary operatortarnary operator phphow to use and operator in ternary operator in phpphp ternary operator or conditionternary operator 3f 3a phpternary operator just if phpternary operator isset phpternary operation in phpternary php w3schoolsthree statements in ternary operator phpphp 3f 3a ternaryphp ternary operator shorthand javascriptusing ternary operator for 3 conditions in phpphp ternary operator elesifternary operator in php objectif php or operatorphp return on ternary operatorterny operator in phpphp ternary else ifphp ternar operatorsternary condition in phpone line if else if else laravel with multiple conditions ternary operatorphp 5 6 ternaryternary opeartor phpphp ternary operator if elseternary operator shorthand php 7ternary loop in phphow to use ternary in php objectternary on 3d 3d phpphp ternary operatiorternary operator php in htmlternary operator vs if else in phpa 3f 3f v ternart operator phpassignment in teneroty if statement phpphp ternary if elsephp ternary operator and issetphp ternary if trueternart operator phpmultiple 5 condition in ternary operator in phpphp ternary operator provides 1php7 ternary operator shorthandphp ternary call methodphp ternary operator using 3f 3fternary operator in php 7ternary if statement example phpternary operator multiple conditions phpternary operator in ternary operator phpphp inline if ternaryternary opertaor phpternary conditions phpternary phpphp ternary operator issetwhat is a ternary operator in phpphp 3f 3f tertiaryphp how does ternary operaotr workphp ternary operator returnternary operator with 0 or 1 phpset a vlaue using ternary operator in phpternary operator with logical operator phpternary operator in for condition phpmultiple ternary condition phpphp object ternaryphp short ternary operatorshort hand in phpthree conditions in ternary operator phpphp tenary operatorhow to use ternary operator for just one condition in phpternary ooperator phpternary having in phpphp ternaire 3f 3fphp ternary stringternary operator php in argumentphp if else ternaryphp ternary inside ternaryphp ternary within stringternary operator use in array phpternary operator with assignment php 8turnery operation phpif ternary phpternary expression php one optionif else if in ternary operator phpphp operator ternaryternary conditional operator phpternary operator php 8can you put an echo in a ternary 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3d ternary op phppass in php ternary operatorin php in ternayr operator 3f 3fterniary if phpternary operator php dengan or if elsephp ternary operator add at endphp ternary operator conditionsphp tenerarytphp ternary operator not workingshorthand ternary operator php inline assignment and checkphp if else ternary operatorphp teneray operatorternary operator with and logical phpternary operator for 5 variabled phpphp ternary give value if trueif condition using ternary operator in phpternary operatory phpternary if statement phpphp ternary shorthanduse ternary operator phpternary operator phpif if else ternary operator phpternary use htm in phpphp ternary operatoirsphp array ternary operatorshort ternary in phphow to write ternary operation in phpternary operator in phhpternary logic phpphp terninary operatorphp ternary and operator 3fternary stmnt in phpternary operator php 3d 3eternary operator if else if phpphp if statement ternaryphp 2b ternary operatorhow to use 2 conditions in 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operator tternary else phpphp ternary htmlif condition in ternary operator phpmultiple statements in ternary operator phpphp ternary conditionalphp ternary operator truephp ternary operator vs or operatorcondition operator phpternary operator 3f 3a together phpterniory operator phpphp terenaryif ternary operator phpphp ternary conditional operatorphp ternary operator two elsetrinary phpternarie phpphp short orterner confdition phpphp ternary condition php html embeddedternary operator php vs ifteranry operator in phpwhen not to use a short ternaryternary operator in phpternary condition phpternary operator phpternary operator example in phpphp ternary if in ifternary operators eaxample phpphp trinary operatorphp 3f 3f ternary operatorshorthand operator in phpternary operator in php 8ternary operator a 3eb php php tpl ternary operatorshort ternary operatorternary operator php