string length in php

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showing results for - "string length in php"
06 Oct 2020
3$str 'abcdef';
4echo strlen($str); // 6
6$str ' ab cd ';
7echo strlen($str); // 7
06 Aug 2020
2$name 'abcdef';
3echo strlen($str); // 6
5$string ' ab cd ';
6echo strlen($str); // 7
08 Aug 2018
2$str 'abcdef';
3echo strlen($str); // 6
5$str ' ab cd ';
6echo strlen($str); // 7
16 Feb 2016
2$str 'php';
3echo strlen($str); // 3
5$str = 's p a c e';
6echo strlen($str); // 9
28 Feb 2018
2$str 'Hello World!';
3echo strlen($str); // 12
09 May 2020
2To measure the length of string there is built-in function in php which returns the exact length of string.
9$name = 'ankur';
10echo "Name Length : ".strlen($name);  // Name Length : 5
12$message = 'Welcome greppers !';
13echo "Message Length : ".strlen($message);  // Message Length : 18
17I hope it will help you.
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in php