reducing the length of paragraph in php

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showing results for - "reducing the length of paragraph in php"
19 Feb 2017
1$result = substr("Hello How are you", 0, 5); //first 5 chars "Hello"
23 Apr 2018
1$firstStringCharacter = substr("hello", 0, 1);
27 Nov 2020
1$newstring = substr($dynamicstring, -7);
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truncate stringwhat is the first character of any php variable 3fdisplay only 10 characters in phpphp string first two charactersphp substring characterstring cut phpget first 5 of stringlaravel get first letterphp get first n chars of stringhow to get first n characters of string in phpdisplay only 5 characters in phpphp cut after character lengthunshift first character of string in phpphp how to get first charc as varphp get first 3 charphp first 2 letters of stringthe first 4 characters in a sting phpphp echo first 10 characters of a stringphp get first value from stringget a substring in phpphp get first 10 characters of stringget only first letterof string phpprint first letter of string phphow to get last 10 digit from string in phptake last 4 number in phpget first letter php laravelhow to check at first place string comes in phpget first 16 charcter from string on phpphp get first 10 characters of a stringget first 10 string phplaravel get last two digitit of a stringphp reduce string to 6 charactersjava get first 5 characters string phpfirst 2 characters of string phpshow first 3 letters phpget first letter of string in phpcheck the first letter of a string phpget 4 last text phptake the first characters of a string phpphp get first 8 letter of stringshow first char of words phpfirst letter of a string phpphp get 1 character from string in c 23 netphp only keep first 10 words of stringphp get first 2 characters of stringsubstr from end of string phpget part of string from letter phpprint only some characters of a string in phpphp get first two characters of string phpget first 20 characters string phphow to print string first letter phpget the last two characters in a string phpphp get first two characters of stringget 1st character of string phpget last 9 character phpfind first letter in phpcheck string first character phphow to get first 3 characters after character in phpphp select first 3 characters phpget the first 4 phpphp how to select first 3 characters of a stringprint first characters of words in string phpphp last three letters of a stringhow to get the first letter of a string in phphow to get the first words of letters in phpphp display string first 2 characterscut part of string phptake first 10 char phpphp first 100 characters of stringphp get 1 character from stringphp get the first four charactersget string from character to character in phpfirst 3 letters of string phpget the first two character from string in phpphp get left part of stringphp get string from positionget first 4 characters of a string phphow to get last 2 chars from string phpget middle letter of phpget first 100 characters string phpget 3 end char phpphp first 3 letters of stringphp echo substr examplephp string slicephp get first part of stringphp only show first 20 charactersphp substr last 4 charactersfetch first 3 characters in string phpphp check last 2 characters of stringfirst value of string phpphp first 4 characters of stringgetting first character form string phpphp get first few characters of stringget first two letter of string phpget first word in string phpphp get the first character of a stringlast 4 digit from time in phpphp string 1st characterphp get first word in stringphp first 3 characters of a stringobtain a text substring from the position phpfirst letter from string phpphp check first two characters of stringhow to get first letter of string phpphp get last four characters of stringphp substring from 7 char from last characterget first 2 letters from a string phpphp get first 2 words stringselect str 1 in phpcut length of string phpfind character in first phpphp find first letter in stringhow to get numbers after first character of a string in phpphp substring first 3 charactersphp get last x characters of a stringfirst word of string phplast 6 characters of string phphow to get first letter from string in phpget only first 2 characters of string phpthe first letter phpsubstring php exampletake the first letter of a string phpphp get first n characters cut string from substring phpphp get the first 4 characters of a stringhow to get first few characters from string in phpphp get first 100 characters of stringstring get first 10 characters phpget first character of string laravelphp get first 3 characters of namephp get first html element from stringphp get first x charactersget first 10 char of strin phpsubstring from certain character phpphp check first char on stringget first 3 characters of string phpphp variable get first characterget first x characters from sting phpphp get shows only first 10 charactersgetg the first letter of all word in a string phpphp get first character from stringphp get first 3 string character of stringphp how to select the first letter of a stringhow to extract a string in phpphp first 3 letter of datephp last 10 charsubstring first character phpget the first letter of a string phptake first from string phpphp string get first n charactersget first char string phphow to get the first letter of a string phpget first off chrector in phpphp select only first character of stringget first 12 character of string phpphp get 1st character of a stringphp univoquely shorten stringhow to get first three characters from string in phpphp get first index of stringphp from parameter get first 4 charsget only first 2 hcahcter from string in phpfirst char of string phpphp find string first characterget first 5 digits of num phpfind first three characters of string x in phpfirst character of a string phpget first n characters of string phpget first 3 letters of string phpphp get first string characterfirst three characters of string phpstring first character in phpget the first chars in string php get first 2 character from string phpsubstring php last 4 charactersfirst 3 characters of a string in phptake the first 30 words in a string phpphp substring first 2 charactersphp take th 5 last charphp rightleft phpphp get 20 characters from the beginning of the textlaravel php get first letterstring slice phpphp str starting for lengthphp substr from endphp get first n characters of stringphp substring from character to characterchange first letter of string phpphp get first letter from stringphp get first two charactersread first line of txt phpphp get first 5 letters of stringpick first letter of string phpphp get first 20 of stringphp substrinhow to get first 10 characters from string in phpphp string first characterphp string char atetract part of a string phpreturn first two chare in string phphow to get first three characters from a date in laravel bladephp get the last 2 characters of a stringcheck the first character of a string phpget first letter from string phpphp first three charphp set first element of stringcompare first 4 characters of string in phpget last two letter of string in phpget first letters of string phpphp first characters of stringget first string phpget first four letter in a word in pgpcheck what the first character of a string is in phpfetch the first 4 letters only phptake the first x letter phpget the first chars of string phpget first character of string phpfirst char from string phpdisplay only 10 characters and in phpphp cut string on characterget1st 0char fro string phpsubstr 28 phpphp first 3 chars of stringphp return a char in stringphp first chars of stringshow first character 2b php 7get first charcter javascriptcut text in php exampleget character from string phphow to take first 2 symbols phptake last 4 digits from a string phpfirst char of an str phpphp character 2b1how to take first character in php stringhow to get first 2 digits of string phpget first word from string in phpsubstring from char phpget first 2 characters of string phpphp get first 4 character of stringshow first 10 characters in phphow to get the first letter of string in phphow to get last 5 characters of a string in phpget string from specific character in phpfind first character in string phphow to get first two character in string phpphp reduce string length to 20 charactersprint the first character of a string phpget first 4 letters of string phphow to get string last character in phppythonphp only first 4 charactersphp substr first 2 and last two charactersfirst to characters phpsoft array by first character phptake last 4 characters php from stringshow only first word from string phpget first index of string phpsubstr bring 7 with one character phpshorten string phpsubstring php from end to caracterlaravel take two last char on variablephp only first letter of stringget the first charector in phpphp first char of stringphp select first 5 characters stringget first 4 character in phptake last 12 characters phpget starting three caracter get phphow to get first letter of a string in phpget last 2 characters of string phpname 4 characters in phpphp get 2 first lettersget first 4 chars of string phpphp variable 3d first in stringindex of first char in string phphow to get first two letters of a string in phpphp crop one character from rightlast 5 digits 2fcharacters phpphp get first three characters of stringphp get first 2 letters of stringphp string limitget word first character in phpphp return the 10 first charsphp substrphp get first char in all strings in araysubstrget fist chars from string phpphp get string offsetphp sub stingget first 5 characters phpphp substr first 10 charactersphp get only first 10 charactersphp get first 8 charsphp get string 2b fetch last 6 number of var in phphow can get part of string in phpstring is same as end of string php from stringsubstr 280 2c 100 29 3bphp first three characters of stringgt 3rd letter from word phpphp get 5 first letters of string cut a data from string phpphp take first 5 characters from stringphp get char from stringstring sub phphow to get the last 2 value of the string phpcheck first 3 letters in string phphow to find the first letter of a string in phpget first two elements of stringphpphp first string getget the first 10 characters of a tring phpphp get x characters from stringextract string from string phpphp to get first character from stringget letter phpget first 5 characters from a string phpphp first 3 characters of stringphp extract 2 first caract of stringphp get 3 char from tringget first words in string phpcut string phpsubsr phpenable nbstyring phpphp string first letter of a stringget first 2 chars of string phpphp get the first 3 charactersphp substr last 4check first string php10 letter get in phpget first occurrence of character in string phponly display part of string phpget first letter of stringphpstring last 4 characters phpphp get first 5 words from string phpphp substr string posphp get first letter from variableget all first letter of a string php 83 firts letters phgpget first char in string phpphp string leftget the first two characters in a string phpphp substring first 5 charactersfirst leter ok a string in phpreturn just 3 letter substring phptake first 10 characters string phpsubstr offsethow to select only the first 2 characters of a string in phplaravel first character of stringget last two characters of string phphow to get the first character of a string in phpsbstr last digits phphow to extract part of a string in phpsubstr from the beginningphp get first letterget substring without knowing value phpphp get first 10 words of stringfirst 4 chars of a string phpphp leftnette get first letterphp get from string partphp substr from end of stringphp get last 2 characters of stringecho first 5 letters phpphp get string last characterphp subtstrphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringphp get last 4 chars in strphp first character in stringget only 3 number of string ppsubstring first letter phpriht string phpphp identify first charactershow first and last chracherts in phptake first 2 letter of string in phpgetting first character of string in phpfirst charactersa of a string phpget first 2 character of string laravelgetfive char from sting phpphp get substringget first 30 characters string phpphp substring from stringphp get first letter of namephp extract last 9 digitsphp get 5 first characters of stringphp first string caracterestring get first character phptake first 2 characters string phpcontrol first 3 character phpsubstr length 20 char maxsubstring get first character phpto pick first 3 characters of a string in phplaravel get first letter on stringphp get first letter of wordphp get first character of leter in wordphp get first 3 characters of stringstr splice in phpphp get the first n characters of a stringhow to take a char from php stingsubstr phpshow upto 6 characters in phphow to get the first 2 letters of a string in phpget last 7 charactersphp get last 4 digits of stringphp last 3 charaters of stringprint out a two letter string in phpfirst name of string phpget string 3 firts character phphow to get first letter of string in phpphp trim string from positionphp get first 2 character of stringfind first position of character in string phpphp show first 10 characters stringget first char of string phpget only a part of string phpphp get first char of stringecho substr phpget last 5 characters of string phpget first letter of work phpget 1st 6 char of stringphp get first 3 charslaravel get first two characters of stringget last four characters string phpget first x characters of string php laravephp complete truncate year stringwhat is substr phpkeep only a part of a string phpphp get last 3 characters of stringphp first part of the stringphp cut stringphp return substring from index 23 to end minus 4 charactersphp first 10 chars of stringphp first 3 cha of sringcompare two first letters phphow to return the first character of a string in phptwo word first character in php getfirst character of string usig phponly take the first 4 characters phpget last n characters of string phpget first 5 char of string phpcheck first character of string phpfirst character in string phpend of string phpphp string trim lengthfirst to letter phpget first two characters of string in phpphp get rest of characters aafter first findcharacter at phpphp get last 4 of stringsubstr character ignore phphow to get first 2 single char from given string using phpget data after 7 characters phpphp take first character of stringphp find first time in stringphp subtrsphp first length of stringget the first cracter of string in phpget first char of string phphhow to take the first letter of strings in phpphp get first 5 characters of urlget first character in array in phpshow first 50 characters phplaravel get first 3 charactersreturn substring phpcheck first character of string in phpphp cut string lengthphp get the first 5 words from stringphp substr get first letterphp only pick first letter from stringget first 3 chracters of string phpfirst letter string phpextract first 4 characters from a string in phpget substring based on character in phpphp string second characterphp find first number in stringphp get first lettersget first letter from string in phpget last three digit from string phpget first 2 character phplast 3 chars of string phpget first char phpstrstring phphow to get the first character of string phphow to cut string in phpphp get first n words of stringfirst 5 character substring phpget first 2 letters from string phpsubstsr phpphp print first n characters of stringget first character in a string phpphp get chars from stringphp last 2 characters of stringextract first four characters from string in phpphp first character of stringlast 4 values of a string in phpfirst n char of string phpphp get the first x char of a sentencephp return first character of stringphp get string qithout first chrkeep the firs 25 character phpkeep first 6 phponly show first few characters on website phpphp substring with characterstart and end of string in phpphp get first 4 words from stringphp substr 28 29 functionhow to truncate string in phpget the first char in a word phpphp get first word in stringphp grab two characters 4 characters form end of stringphp get first 16 charactersphp to take first 3 charactors from stringamount of positions in a variable phpphp get first word from stringphp get string afterget last 3 char strinh phpreturn the first character in a string phpfirst 3 letter phpget the first leter of name phpget first and second char from string phphow to display first character of a string in phpphp string get first characterphp take first element of stringget string from some word phpextract 5 letters of first name phpphp get last 2 character of stringphp substring to characterphp find out last scring after slassphp get first four charactersget first three characters of string in phpfirst char string phpget first character phpget first 100 character of string in phpphp grab last two characters from stringget first 3 letter from variable phpphp string truncatephp substirngphp get first 5 characters of stringphp get string value of a stringhow to take first character from string in phpfirst 20 char of text phpget only the first caracter string phpfind 5 letter next to string phpchake first later in string phpphp new function for slicing wordsget first 5 characters string phppphp get first 10 chars of stirngsubstr brackets phphow to get first character of string in phpget first 3 characters in sring phpphp take first 3 characters of stringphp find string rangefind the first letter in phphow to get specific character from string in phpphp first x characters of stringfirst chars of string phpfirst character of string phpget last 5 digit in php from particular numbersubstr first characterphp get first n characters from stringphp get first 3 words of stringphp take end of stringphp take only first 3 characterssubstr get last 4 characters phpphp get first element of a stringget get first character of string phpphp get first 4 characters of stringphp extract string from stringphp start a string with a specific letterphp function to get first character of a stringphp first letter of stringget first letter of name phpphp get 1st letter of stringphp splice stringtake length of start string phpphp return first characters of stringphp extract characters from stringphp get first four charachters in stringphp get part of stringphp get first characterget first 4 letters phpphp get first letter from first wordphp first x charactersphp get first 10 chars of a string 3fhow to slice string phpphp detect if last 3 charactersphp only show first caharcget first 5 characters of string phpname 4 charecter in phpslice php stringsubstr 27 28 27 phpphp slice from charget right x characters phpphp get the 4th char of stringphp get 2 last characters of stringphp print first character of stringphp get substring from stringtake first character to word in string phpphp string get first namefirst letter php stringselect first characters of string phpminus in php substrselect first char in string phpphp get first element in stringfirst 10 characters phpsubstring modifiers phpget first charctor in php copy substring from string phpsubstr in phphow to find first character in a string in phpphp cutphp get first letter in stringtake string part out phpget only first character string phpget the last 10 character of a string phpdisplay first letters phpget only the first name from a string in phpphp cut string to characterphp get last 3 character of stringstring substring phpphp str first number of characterslaravel get first character of stringget only first 30 characters phpget first four characters in string phpphp get only x first charactershort string phptake first character of string phpphp get 1 character from string in c 23php get first x characters of stringshow content only first 7 length in phpphp check first letter of stringcutting a string in phpfirst char of a string is phpget letters in phpphp chart atfind first letter of string array phpphp echo first 3 characters phpphp get firest character from filephp get character from string at positionget first two charactersphp get string substringcheck first char in string phpphp get first charphp echo first letter of stringphp get first char on stringdisplay full name of first charcter in phpphp first 5 chasr from stringphp sub str until endphp get first letter od string in variablefirts letterof a string phpphp give string the first 10 characters of stringcheck first two characters of string in phpphp first string characterhow to get first 3 letter of a string in phpphp cut off stringsopy substring phpget first 10 characters string phpphp print first 3 characters phpphp cut out 5 part of string aftertake first 4 characters of string phpsubstr first character phpcheck the first four character of string phpletter in string phpphp now 28 29 3esubstring 28 29php get first 200 characters from stringphp get the first 3 of stringgrab first letter of string phpphp first string letterget first charachter of string phpshow only 2 first letter phphow to get the last three charters of a string in phpttake fist pat of string with 2c phphwo to get first letter in a string phpstr splice phpphp get letters from stringsubstring in php post variablephp echo first 3 characters of monthhow to get first 5 characters of a string in phphow to get first string value in phpphp take first n characters stringphp get only the first letterget last four digits of string phpsubstr start from left phpsubstr in a specific word phpphp get the first stringshow first and last 3 characters in phpphp subtract string by onephp only print first n characters of stringphp extract first characters from stringsubstr php from endget first 3 charatcers of string phptake first x chars phpphp display first 100 characters of stringget first character from string phpphp get first character of stringphp sub stringfirst character of string in phpfirst element of string phpphp cut str start endphp show only first stringphp get first charc of paramterehow do display few part of variable in phpreduce string length phpphp only take the first 10 charactersup the first letter of a string phpget string from second character phpphp nth characters from end of stringphp substringshow only first charcetr of the string phpphp check the first character of a stringright letters after 2f phpphp get first 5 and last 5 stringphp last 10 characters of stringhow to check the first 3 characters of string in phpget first x characters of string phpphp get two first charsphp subst string part with anotherphp limit string lengthphp select a part of string fromget the first character of a string phpphp take part of stringphp string get first 3 charactersphp substring last 2take first 3 value of a string phpsubstring first 2 characters phpget the first characater of a string phpphp get part from stringsubstring last 4 characters phpselect only first 10 characters from string phponly show first characters of string phpphp cut off characters after max langhtphp strleftphp string first charget a character from a string phpget the first 5 letters in laravelhow to get first letter of a striing using phpphp get 3 first charactersphp get first characters of stringphp substryget only 3 number of string phphow acces a part of strig in phphstring first letter phphow to get first 2 character of string in phpi get 3f inside the string for some character in phpphp get first two characters of stringextract first character from string in phpphp substr first characterphp first two characters of stringphp string first x charactersget portion of string phpreturn first element of array phpphp substr first 4 charactersshow 4 5 characters of a stringphp substring first 4 characterstake out first letter in the string phpphp get first 3 chars of stringfirst word from a string in phphow to get only first letter from string in phpphp how to get part of stringget first four characters of string phpget the first letter of each word in a string phphow to get the first 5 characters of a string in phpprint first 6 letters of string in phpphp get one character from stringget first 9 cahr of string phpphp echo first 10 characterssubstr first 4 characters phplaravel string get first lettersubtr phpphp copy part of stringhow to get first character of a string in phpphp get last right stringfirst three letter in string phpget first characters of string phpphp first 5 characterssensor last 3 string phphow to get first 4 characters of a string in phpget first word from string phphow fetch first two character of string in phpbrockout parts of a string phpphp first 3 charactersget first letter of string array phpget first value from string phpphp get first 6 characters of stringphp get 10 words from stringget first n character of string phpget last 4 digits of number phphow to get the first 3 characters of a string in phphow to print the first ten letters of a string phpfirst n characters of string phpstring get only first 7 characters in phpphp 24 get shows only first letter of stringphp get 3 alphabet of stringtake first character string phpget the first 4 letters of a string in phpcut string in phphow to get first 3 characters of a string in phpsubstr php functionget 1st letter from string phpcheck first 3 characters of string are letters phpget first character from a string in phpphp string first symbolsget 2 chracters from a string phpcompare sub string in php without substr functionphp 7 substrphp print last three characters of stringget the first 5 letter from a string in phpget first character of word phpphp get first five characters stringsubstring php from endphp if first character islaravel first letter of stringphp get first chars of stringphp keep first 5 charactersfirst letter of object name phpget all character of string php after first 5substr startfrom left phplast right string check in phpget first value of string phpget first 4 characters of value phpsplit last 4 digits in phpfind first letter of string in array phpget string from php string php get first character of each wordphpl slice string valueget only 5 characters of string phpget last 4 string phpphp first letter stringphp get first character stringstring take first n characters phpphp get first character of firstname and first of last namephp substr first letterphp pop one character from stringtake first 3 characters from stringphpsplce string phpsubstr from endhow to slice a string in phpget 3 first letter phpphp get last 3 digits of anumberphp first character of a stringphp string first 2 charactersget string first character phpphp get the first char of strget first 25 word of string phphow to get the first character of a string phpsubstring php endmatch first two wletters of a word phpread character string phpsubstr last 3 char phpget the first element of string phpphp check first 2 characters stringphp first 2 characters of stringsubstr get last 10 charactersget the last 4 characters of a string in phpphp truncate string php7php pull out substringonly take first characters in a string phpphp first 10 characters of stringsubstr 28 24string 2c 0 2c 24len 29php how to get first char as varphp code to extract tail end from a stringhow to get first letter in phpdisplay only first 10 characters phpsubstr on method name phpphp get only first letter of stringphp first 6 lettersphp get two first charactersphp get first character in stringtake the first n characters in a php stringphp get characters in stringphp string subphp string first 2 charsprimeros caracteres string phpphp copy string from positionget the first n letter of a string phpphp get first character of every wordphp limit ttext to 30 charphp get 5 characters after stringget the last two caracter of the srintg phphow show only 5 first characters phpsubstr last 2 characters first character of the name phpphp cut from stringphp string get last 3 charactersphp substring from the end to the startget first 7 characters in string phpphp get the first 2 characters of a stringphp get last 4 characters of stringstring slice function in phpget substr phpphp left first character of stringphp get first letter of each word in stringshow only first 5 characters laravelfirst 3 characters phpget first letter of string phpphp check first 5 characters stringcharacters in string in phpphp 8 get first character of stringhow cut string in phptake first 5 values of string in phpphp get first word of stringphp first word of stringget first element of string phpphp first part of string substrget first character of each word in string phpphp get first x words of stringphp get string without first characterphp cut string by lengthfirst 2 letters string in phpstring left phpsubstr bring string 7 with one character phpget first five characters string phpphp subtract stringlaravel string check string first characterslice string phpselect first letter of string phpphp trim string by lengthphp find first character in stringthree first letters in string phpphp string get first x charactershow to check the first character of a string in phpfirst letter of string phpget first amount of characters ins ttring phpphp str spliceshow just part of text phpphp string find firstget first two characters of string phpphp shorten stringtake first 3 characters from string phpphp get first 50 characters stringtake last 3 digit in phpphp get first 6 characters of string and last 6 character of a stingphp get 100 first characterphp get last char of stringphp first 50 characters of stringget first characters of a string phpread the charector from position in phpget 5 last character of string phpphp get first 3 charactersget the last 3 chars in phpphp get first 25 charactersphp check first characterphp substring last 3 charactersphp get first ten chars from sringfind first letter of string phpget first 3 char of string phpwhen will substr 28 29 php return flasehow to get the character for or in phpget substring of string from point till end in phpphp check if first x characters of a string is equalphp get first 10 chars of stringextract a string from a string in phpfirst string php 5cphp get only first 10 characters from stringget the first string phphow to take the first characters before the a certain character in phptake first 10 characters from string phpphp get first character phpphp get first charicter phpphp get first four characters of stringsub string only show first character in stringphp grab first character of stringphp to get first character of a stringphp return first 10 words from a stringsubstring php characterphp get part of a stringget first 4 characters of a string in phpsubstr to take 6 charsphp string last 3 characterstake string from end to first n characters phpphp get 4 last charsphp keep x first 10 charactersphp get first letter of stringphp get the first 3 characters in a stringphp get last two characters of stringphp string charatstring get first 4 characters in phpphp get first element of stringfind 1st character in strung using phpstring range in phphow to get a substring in phpfirst character phphow to bring a string in 2 in phpget remainder of substr 28 29 phpphp check first 3 characters of stringstr positon sub strphp get only first 2 letters of stringreturn part of string in phpcut string from text phpget last 3 char phpdisplay full name of first character of a word in phpphp clip string to lengthphp string character at positionphp het the first 2 characters in a stringget first 5 char string phpget first three characters of string phpget first string value in phpphp get first char of array valuephp get string onlye from stringget first two characters of a string in phpphp select first character of stringphp substring first charselect string 1 in phpphp first few characters of stringreturn 10 strings phpget only first 6 characters of any sentence in phpget substring of phpphp cutoff stringfirst charatere phpmodal recieves only first character of string phpphp substr examplephp substr return falsephp first symbol in stringfirst characters phpphp get the first 3 letters of a stringget firt letter in string pphcut first 5 characters string laravelphp return substring from index 23 to endphp get first to lettersphp string first 5 charactersget first ten char from string phpphp string first 4 charactersphp substr first 2 charactersphp take first word from stringget the first character of a word in phpphp get 4 first charactersphp if first 3 charactersfirst 3 characters of string phpgrab first two characters of string phpright string phpphp get first 3 lettersfind first character in phphow to get last 10 digit from number in phphow to take the first letter of a string in phpsubstrphpphp string first 10 charactersphp get chars in specific charactersget 3 first char phpget last 4 digits of string phpfirst two characters of string phpphp get string first characterdisplay first letter phpphp string splice from beginning and endget the first character of a string in phpstring show only 2 char in phpphp get first character of paragraphget first letter of word in string phpget first element of a string phplast two character of a string phpget only first 50 characters string phpphp check first character of stringsubstring php laravel first 250 charactersget last 2 digit php stringstring slice php 7php first 5 characters of stringget first 6 characters of string phpget only first character of second word phphow to get first two characters of a string in phphow to slice string in phpphp get first 8 characters of stringphp get first char of each wordsubbstrfirst 5 characters of string phpreturn first 2 chars php display first 20 charactersgetting only the first two characters of string in phpphp get first word of the stringget first five letter phpkeep first letters string phpphp first letter in stringcheck first char of string phphow to get the first 3 letters on a word using phpphp get strat of 3 first charactersphp string only n characterstake a part of a string phpget first 2 character of string phpget i in string phpsubstr last 2 characters phpget first character in phpfirst 2 letters of string phpcut characters off phpphp get the first 5 characters of a stringstring first character phpphp end stringphp show first 100 characters of stringphp substr from startfirst 3 characters in phpphp substr get last 2 charactersget the first 10 characters of a string in phpdisplay only n char phpphp get only first 10 characters from string end with texttake string from index to index phpsubstring phpget first part of string phpextract string phpphp get last 3 letters of stringphp get stringcheck first character on string phpphp get character from stringphp get the first letter of a stringphp 5bull out substringget first 4 string phptake first letter phpphp limit to 5 charactersshorten string and add phpphp select part of stringphp string cutget 3rd value in string phpcheck the first letter of string phpget string first letters phpcheck first letter of string phptake first two characters of string phpsubstirng in phpet first 10 characters of a string in phpphp get first 10 words from stringphp first n characters of stringhow to get the first letter phpphp get first 3 sentence from stringhow to get first three characters from a string in phpphp substtwo chracaters in phpphp get first sentence of stringphp substr 28 29php cut string after x charactersget 7 no letter into string phphow to get first caracter phpextract first letter in phpphp get n first caractersphp get first character of a stringget first 4 characters of string phpshow data only 5 length in phpget the first 2 characters of a string phpphp substring array returnhow to get numbrs of letters from line phpphp take the first 8 characters of a stringecho print first 5 letter in string in phpget first 4 letter from string phpphp if field is certain number charactersphp show only first character stringphp get two last charactersphp get three first characters of stringphp get first from rightgetting first characters of a variable phphow to get first three chars of the month in phphow to get first two characters from string in phpphp first letter of string 5cfirst letter of string in phpget integer before character phpphp get first charatertake first 3 characters of string phpget first 3 letters from string phphow to cut string in ohpphp now 28 29 substringsubstr get first character phpphp first 6 characters stringhow can get firstr caractewr in string using phphow to select first letter of string in phpsubstr last 4 digits in phpfirst character from string phpsubstr on second dot phpcheck first caracter phpphp find a word with first letter in stringget first char in phphow to get last 4 digits of number phpsplice string phphow to get the last 3 characters of a string in phpselect first character of a string phpphp get only last 3 from stringphp first string charphp last 3 characters of stringphp string rangestring search first 3 characters any x in phpget first letters from the string phpphp text first 10 characterscut string from a point phpphp string last 2 charactersphp character at 2find first letter in string phpget part of string phpfirst letter phpphp first letter from stringget the first element of a string phpphp get first 100 chars of stringphp echo first 3 charactershow to get first 4 chracter from a string in phpfind first character in string explode phpselect right letter phpget first letter string phphow to get the first four letters in a string in phpselect character next cama with phpphp get first twi caractersget only 7 charcter of stringhow to set length of character in phpget string first word character phpget first letter phphow to get first 7 string from a long string variable in phpphp select first 3 charactersget first char of string in phpwhat is string sub in phpphp substring last 4 charactersfirst 4 characters in phpphp get last three characters of stringretrieve first 3 char phptake first 6 letters of string phpget first n cahractes of a stsing in phpphp get las letter in stringget all characters of string php after first 5php string get first 10 charactersget first few characters of string phpsubstrwords phpget substring position laravelget first character in string phphow to get part of string phpstring function to reduce a string phpphp array substring positionphp how to get the first two letters of a stringfirst 3 letters of a string phpprint first n characters of string phpget last 6 characters string phpphp string firstget first letter of a string phphow to get first 30 words from string in phptrim string php at indexphp first characterphp get the first 5 letters from stringget the first word of a string phpleft 28 29 right 28 29 phptake the last two numbers from a php stringreducing the length of paragraph in php