python to find the sum of all the elements in a list

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showing results for - "python to find the sum of all the elements in a list "
06 Jan 2021
1# Python code to demonstrate the working of  
2# sum() 
3numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,1,4,5] 
5# start parameter is not provided 
6Sum = sum(numbers) 
7print(Sum) # result is 25  
8# start = 10 
9Sum = sum(numbers, 10) 
10print(Sum) # result is 10 +25 = 35
13 Feb 2018
1lst = []
2num = int(input('How many numbers: '))
3for n in range(num):
4    numbers = int(input('Enter number '))
5    lst.append(numbers)
6print("Sum of elements in given list is :", sum(lst))
15 Sep 2018
1list = [5, 8, 7, 2, 9, 13, 27]
2a = 0
4for i in list:
5    a += i
11 Oct 2017
1# Sum the contents of a list without the builtin sum function
3list = [1,2,3,4,5]
4sum = 0
6# loop through each position of the list and 
7# add the contents of each position to the variable, sum
8for i in range(len(list)):
9	sum += list[i]
11# result is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
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numbers from list pythonpython how to an int is sum of two numbers in a listhow to get the sum of items in a list pythonsum of list numbers in pythonsum of values of list pythongetting the total of all the values in a list pythonsum of list pythonhow to sum a list pythonpython sum of all list elementshow to sum numbers of a list in pythonhow to sum the equal numbers in list pythonlist addup pythonfunction to find sum of all elements in pythoncalculate sum of a list pythonsum a list in pythonsum an input list in pythosum all items in a list pythonsum items in list pythonhow to sum all the elements of a list in pythonhow to get a sum from a listsum list value pythonfind sum of all the numbers in list in pythionhow to add a list of integers in pythoncalculate sum of numbers in a list pythonhow to read and sum numbers in a list pythonhow to sum the elements of a list in pythonhow to sum up all integer values inside a list pythonsum even numbers in a list pythoncan you add numbers in a list 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pythoncode for sum of multipl numbers in pythoncalculate sum of listreturn sum from a list pythonpython list sum listadd all elements of a list in pythonsum of numbers in a list python using for loopadd numbers in a list in pythonlist sum of element value pythonsum of python listsum 28list 29 in python pythonsum of list from user in pythonsum of a list of numbers pythontotal value of all elements in list pythonhow to sum a list numbers in pythonsumming the elements of a list in pythonsum of elemnts in list in pythonsum up elements in list pythonsum all sum all values of list pythonsum of list of marks in pythonpython sum values in list by keyhow to sum elements of a list pythonpython add all elements in a listsum a list of numbers in pythonsum python list sum 28 29 in list pythonsum of items in list pythonpython sum integerssum of items inside a list pythonsum element in list pythonhow to find sum of all the list elements in pythonpython sum of list of listssum of all integers in a list pythonhow to do the sum of list in pythonpython how to sum a listpython how to do addition on listsum up all the item in a list in ythoncomplete sum of list in pythonsum input in pythonfind sum of listsum of elements of list pythonpython sum of list of intsbest way to sum list valueslist sum all elements pythonpython list totalget sum of list pythonsum function in python listpython sum in listadd numbers in listsum of all elements of list in python using functionpython sum of listhow to do sum of all elements in list in pythonsum element in a list pythonsum input numbers in a list pythonsumming elements of a list in pythonhow to perform sum of last three numbers in list in pythonnumba sum of listhow to find sum of a list in pythonadd numbers to a listsum of number in a list pythonsum of all elements in list of pythonpython add numbers to a listpython print sumpython list elements sumsum of list in pythonfind sum of numbers in list pythonhow to add the elements of a list in pythonsum alll the list elementssum of list of integers pythonsum of lists in pythonpython sum of set elementsprint sum of list elements pythonpython list sumadd sum of list using for loop python 5chow to find the sum of the contents of a list in pythonadd number list pythonpython sum element of list to other listlist integer find sum of all elements pythonpython function to add numbers in a listfinding the sum of listwrite a python program to sum all the items in a list take sum of list pythonaddition items of a list pythonpython sum in listsum list of listhow to add numbers to list in pythonsum list pythonhow to add numbers in a listhow to find sum in pythonsum all elements of a list pythonfinding the sum of all elements in a list in pythonsum of items in a list pythonreturn sum item in listhow to add numbers from a list in pythonsuming items in list pythonhow to sum all elements in a listsum of elements in a listsum items in lists in pythonhow to sum elements in list in pythonsum list elementssum list numberspython program to find sum of elements in a listadding a list if numbers in pythonfrom ict sum in list pythonhow to sum numbres on a list pythonhow to get sum of the list in pythonsum values of a list pythonsum of all elements in array pythonhow tosum all of the numbers in a list in pytthonsum member of a list in pythonpython add all elements of a listpython code to return a list of 7 and 5 as sum of a numbersum all numbers in a list pythonsum of a listcalculate the sum of a list pythonhow to add the total number in a list in pythonfunction to find sum of all elements in list pythonsum of list in python using functionpython list sum valuessum the list in python in functionhow can sum listhow to add all numbers in list pythonwrite a program that will total up all of the values in a list 2f array pythonsum of elements of a list in pythonsummation of list in pythoncalculate numbers in a list in pythonsum a list of list pythonhow can i find the sum of a number in a list5 09python program to find the sum of elements in a list recursivelycalculate sum of list pythonhow to find sum of elements of list in pythonfinding sum of a list in pythonpython sum of a element in a list in a listhow to sum the values in list usinghow to get the sum of all integers in a python listfind the sum of one list pythonhow to sum all items in a listfind sum of list in pythonfind the sum of all numbers in a list in pythonhow to find sum of all integers in list pythonhow to add elements of a list in pythonlist sum element in pythonhow to calculate total of elements in a list pythonsum all elements of a list python hecktor profesum of all the elements of a listhow to print sum of a list in pythonsum of list python using for loopadd up each item in list pythonsum listwrite a python program to sum all the items in a list from the usercant use sum 28list 29 in a functionsummation of all values in list pythonhow to find the sum of all values in a list pythonpython function to find sum of all numbers in a listhow to sum all values in a list pythonpython list of numbers and find sum from 2code for sum of numbers in the listmethod to sum in listpython add all numbers from listfind sum of elements in list of listsum of intergers as list in pythonpython to find the sum of all the elements in a list