python max key dictionary key getter

Solutions on MaxInterview for python max key dictionary key getter by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python max key dictionary key getter"
25 Jul 2018
1a_dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
3# get key with max value
4max_key = max(a_dictionary, key=a_dictionary.get)
24 Oct 2018
1dic={0: 1.4984074067880424, 1: 1.0984074067880423, 2: 1.8984074067880425, 3: 2.2984074067880425, 4: 2.2984074067880425}
2max_value = max(dic.values())  # maximum value
3max_keys = [k for k, v in dic.items() if v == max_value] # getting all keys containing the `maximum`
5print(max_value, max_keys)
10 Nov 2019
1from operator import itemgetter
3items = [
4    {'a': 1, 'b': 99},
5    {'a': 2, 'b': 88},
6    {'a': 3, 'b': 77},
9print(max(items, key=itemgetter('a')))
10print(max(items, key=itemgetter('b')))
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max values of keys in dictionarypython find max key value in dictionaryhow to get max and min key 2cvalue in dictionary pythonget highest value from dictimaximum value dictionary pythonreturns a key with the biggest integer value max value from dictionary pythonget the key with the max valuepython max of dict valuesmax dict value pythondictionary get method combined with max for inserting the maximum numberhow to get all keys with max value pythonhow to identify the ket with max value in pythonmax with key pythonmax key len in dictionary pythonget 5 max values from dictionary pythonmax key len pythonget maximum value in dictionary pythonpython dictionnary maxget max val from dict pythonget maximum value in dicteturns a key with the biggest integer valuedict get key and value of max valueget key of max object dict pythonpython dictionary key with max valuemax value dictpython dictionary get key with max valuepython get value from dictionary with max keymax from values dictionary 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elementspython get max value in dictpython dictionary find highest valueget name of key with max value in dictionarryfind max in dictionary pythonpython get max value and its key in dicthow to get 2 maximum value from dictionary in pythoneturns a key with the biggest integer value pythonreturn max val from dict pythondictionary max value keymax value for dictnarey for pythonpython dictionary find key with max valueuse max function with dict valuefinding max based on key in pythonmax dict dict based on the value pythonfind the largest value in a dictionary pythonpython max of list dict fieldpython dict get highest valuefind key with max value dictionary pythonpython dictionary get key of max valuehow to find the max value in dictionary python and get the corresponding keymax function in python with keypython return value of max key in dichow check the biggest value in dictionary pythonmax in keys dictionary pythonmap max min pythoncalculate length on a key inside jsmax size of a 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