python get first element from list

Solutions on MaxInterview for python get first element from list by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python get first element from list"
18 May 2020
1arr = ["cat", "dog", "rabbit"]
2first_element = arr[0]
24 Jun 2019
1# Python3 code to demonstrate  
2# to get first and last element of list 
3# using list indexing 
5# initializing list  
6test_list = [1, 5, 6, 7, 4] 
8# printing original list  
9print ("The original list is : " +  str(test_list)) 
11# using list indexing 
12# to get first and last element of list 
13res = [ test_list[0], test_list[-1] ]  
15# printing result 
16print ("The first and last element of list are : " +  str(res)) 
25 Feb 2018
1Alist = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu']
2print("The given list : ",Alist)
4print("The first element of the list : ",Alist[0])
5print("The last element of the list : ",Alist[-1])
28 Jan 2017
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return the first two items in the given listhow to get first eleement of a list in pythonpython get the first number from a listcalling the first element in pythonprint only the first element of a list pythonwrite a function that returns the first element of a list ptyhon list take firstget the first element of dictionary pythonpython list first elementffirst element in list pythonget the first value from list in pythonget first list element pythonpython get first n elements of listpython list find firstpython get first methodget first entry in a list pythonelements only in first listget first element of listprinting the first value in a list pythonget the first elemr in of the listget first n elements of list pythonget the first item in a list pythonpython get the first element of a listprint first element of array pythonlist get first elementpython get firsthow to get the first 100 element of a list in pythonpython get first 3 items in listpython get the first item in a listpost the 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in pythonpython array get first elements of allhow get firet of the list pythonget first element of list python or nonepython safe get first element of listpython get the first listpython find first item in listget first 2 elements from list pythonpython list firstpython get first item from listliste first elements from a list pyhtonhow to take first element from list pythonpython get first value in listfirst element of list pythonhow to get first element of each array in list pythonprint first element of list of lists pythonhow to access first item in list pythonpython3 get first 10 items from listget first element of each array pythonpython get first number of elements from listgrab first element of array pythonmatch list first elementpython variable print 1st item in listaccess every first and second items in list pythonselect first value from a listget first value of a array pythomlook for the first value in a list pythonpython get list of first elementsget every first value of 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access the first item out of a list in pythonget first 5 member of a list pythonget first item of list pythonhow to get first item from list pythonpython find first in list of dicfirst item of list pythonfind first item of listpython print first item in listwhich element does first 28 29 show in listprint the first index of the array in pythonpython check first elementtake first element of a list pythonget first elelment from listpython select from list of list get 1st element from eachfirst of list pythonpython array get first n elementspython only print first item in forhow to get first elements in a array in pythonget first element of list of list pythonselecting all the first elements from a list of listpython first arraypython first element of every listpython get first element of listget first index of list in pythonprint first last item list python functionhow to get first and last element of list in pythonhow to get first instance of item in listpython get first element from 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