get first element of list python

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showing results for - "get first element of list python"
31 Jun 2016
1l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
10 Oct 2016
1# Python3 code to demonstrate  
2# to get first and last element of list 
3# using list indexing 
5# initializing list  
6test_list = [1, 5, 6, 7, 4] 
8# printing original list  
9print ("The original list is : " +  str(test_list)) 
11# using list indexing 
12# to get first and last element of list 
13res = [ test_list[0], test_list[-1] ]  
15# printing result 
16print ("The first and last element of list are : " +  str(res)) 
02 Jan 2017
19 Jan 2019
1// Python
2list = [1,2,3]
3firstdigit = list[0] // 1 
5list = ['Hello', 'bye', 'Adios']
6firstvalue = list[0] // 'Hello'
29 Jun 2020
queries leading to this page
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in pythonhow to get the first value in a list pythonget first 100 elements of a python listpython list print first element of listpython take first n elements of listpython3 get first element of listpython get first element in a listpython all but first item in listhow to get first elements of list inside list in pythonget first element of list javascript if empty exceptionpython get firstprint 1st element of listget first entry in a list pythonpython3 get first item in arraypython take 4 first n elements of listget list without first element pythonfind first element in list pythonhow to get first eleement of a list in pythonselect first entry of a set javapython for each first 10 elements of listhow to print first 5 elements of list pythonextract the first string in list pythonprint first last item list python functionprint first 10 items in list pythonlist take first n elements pythonpython extract first element from listfirst 10 elements in listhow to get the first number in a 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