php ucwords

Solutions on MaxInterview for php ucwords by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "php ucwords"
30 Jan 2019
1//string to all uppercase
2$string = "String with Mixed use of Uppercase and Lowercase";
3//php string to uppercase
4$string = strtoupper($string);
05 Apr 2020
1$foo 'hello world!';
2$foo = ucwords($foo);             // Hello World!
4$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
5$bar = ucwords($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
6$bar = ucwords(strtolower($bar)); // Hello World!
8//With custom delimiter
9$foo = 'hello|world!';
10$bar = ucwords($foo);             // Hello|world!
12$baz = ucwords($foo, "|"); 
16 Apr 2017
1$upperCaseSentance=ucwords("i do not feel good");//I Do Not Feel Good
01 Feb 2017
1ucfirst("hello world!");
01 Jul 2017
2echo ucwords("hello world"); // ouput Hello World
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what function will change a string to every uppercase 3f phpfirst to upper phparray to uppercase phpcapital word all in phpevery word begin with uppercase phpget uppercase phpucfirst php meaningphp all uppercasehow to convert text to uppercase in phphow to use ucwords in php in arratphp camel case stringphp str to upperphp strtoupper first characterphp change to uppercasephp upper first letterphp upper casephp ucaseuppercase n phpstr to upper phpphp switch caseucwords 28 phpphp strtoupperphp only first letter uppercasephp make text uppercaseconvert names to camel case in phpwhy uppercase variable in phpconver to uppercase phpucworduc wordhow to first character capital of eveery words in phpphp type array of uppercaseproppercase phpcapitalize first phpcapitalise first letter phpstring capitalize in phpuppercase array phpphp convert string first letter uppercasecamel case phpphp make first character uppercaseuppercase the seconde word phpucfirst word firtststring uppercase first letter phpphp to string uppercasestring to all caps phpphp make uppercaseenlarge the first letter of a word in phpphp capitaslize first lettermake every word capitalized phpphp and capitalize first two lettersall letter to capital phpget uppercase letters phpphp make every word start with capitalto upper phpcamelcase in phplower to uppercase in phpmake every first letter capital in phpto capital phpphp capitalize first letter of each wordphp each word first letter lowercasephp convert to uppercase and exclamationustrupper phpall words first character capitalize in phpucuppercase in phpphp change string to uppercaseupper character in phpphp ucfirst 28 29how to make second word capital in phpphp string ucfirstucfirst 28 29 phpfirst letter capital in word phpphp uc all wordcheck small or capital letter phpphp first letter to lowercasephp first letter capitalzedfirst character capitalize phpphp first capitalfirst character capital in phpphp capitalise stringsin php how to make string to uppercaseconvert text to capital phpphp lowercase uppercasephp capitalizationphp first letter conver to lower caseconvert string to caps in phpfunction to convert a string to uppercase in phpmake first letter of every word capital phphow to make capital letters in phpcreate a function in php that will take input string as a sentence and return the first character of each word in a sentence php capitalize first letter of every wordphp make string uppercasephp make string all uppercaseucfirst htmlcapital every letter in phpucfirstword in phpcapitalize first alphabet phpphp capitalize lettercapital first letter in phpphp format to regular casetouppercase phpinitupper in phpall words of a string capital in phpchange to upper latter in phpuppcercase in phpphp 1st letter uppercasephp first letter of each word uppercasecapitalize in phpphp capitalize all wordsphp captial caseuppercase string phpto caps phpconvert capital letters phpcamel case in phpdisplay uppercase phpcapitalize all words phpupper case pghphow to uppercase the first letter in a variable phphow to capitalise the first letter phpphp upper first letter of worduppercase function in phpphp uppercase and excmation point functionis string upper case phpcapitalize first letter of a word phpphp function to capitalize all the letterstr toupperphp uppercase first charphp find first capital lettercapitalize string in phpmake all letter capital phpucwords in phpuppercase php array first letter caps in phpphp string camelcase 5cu c 23 stringconvert to capital in phphow to convert lowercase letters to uppercase in phpphp word seperatorphp string camel casestring upper in phpucwords phpphp cap first letterphp all chars uppercasephp capital casehow to make name to latter sentence phpphp text uppercasephp uppercase stingstr to upper phpphp capitalise first letter of stringupercase phpname first letter get capitalized in phpphp to uppercase charphp capital all first letter after spacecapitaliza the first letter in phpmake first letter small in phpphp variables in uppercaseucwordsphp uppercase all letter of each wordcapital in phpto uppercase first letter phpupper case first letter each wordk phpuppercase for words phpcapitalize each word first letter phpucupperphp capitalize each wordevery word caps phpucwords 28 29 in phplowercase to uppercase in phpcapital each word in phpuppercase lowercase in phpphp proper casecapitalize letters phpphp uppercase stringphp variable in uppercasephp capatolize stringhow to upper case in phpphp convert to capital letters and excamation pointphp string function uppercasephp string upperupper only first letters phpphp string lowercase uppercase number generatorphp does string contin only uppercase lettersphp capital letterhow to make a word upper case in phpin php which is the method to convert into uppercaseecho uppercase phpall uppercase in phpfirst letter uppercase phpmake characters uppercase in phphow to take first letter of each word in phpphp str replace and uppercase first wordphp capitalizerucfirst php 7uppercase pphphp capitalize first characterphp uc wordsphp to camelcasephp str to camelcasecapitalize first letter phpphp set the first caracter to uppercaseonly first letter capital phphow to capitalize word phpphp ucwords firstlowerstring to upper phpuppercase in php functionucwords 28 29 in laravel collection for uppercase but for lower case which methodphp strpos of first upppercase lettercapitalize string phphow to convert all strings to higher case phpphp make first letter capital for each wordcapitalize php functionphp header turn to uppercaselaravel ucwordsfirst letter of word uppercase in phpphp uppercase accentphp text ucfirstphp uppercase to lowercasethe first word is capitalized in phpphp string first letter uppercasephp convert string to capitalphp sting to upperphp lower to uppercasecapital letter phpuc words in phphow ot uppercase string in phpphp lower case to upper casecapitalize words phpmake first letter small phpphp string in uppercaseupper string vietnam phpphp text capitalizeuppercase start of each word phpstr upper phpphp make text capitalmake first character in a word uppercase phpcase capitalizes phpcamelcase phpcapitalize word pgptransform uppercase phpstrupper phpupperfirstchar in phpturn uppercase the first letter phpuppercase character phpphp check first caracter of a string as uppercaseput text uppercase phpisupper phpuppercase phhpuppercase all first letter word phpletters to capital in phpphp string to capitalizephp uppercase all first lettershow to convert lower case to upper case in phpfirst letter of each word uppercase phpphp everysecond letter of string uppercaseconvert first letter to uppercase phptopupper phpphp ucfirst every wordstring replace in php and transform to uppercasephp string to capitalize all wordsfirst latter capital in phpuppercase function phpbuilt in function to change the first letter in a word to uppercase in phpphp array uppercasephp cucfirst for each wordcapitalize first word phpshow just first letter capital in phpstring uppercase phpcapatalize text phpphp get string uppercasephp fitst letter uppercaseucwords 28 24url 29php array first letter uppercasehow to captilize each word in phpphp first letter uppercase of each wordupper case function phpphp variable full uppercasereplace uppercase with uppercase phparray uppercase phphow to convert array elements to uppercase in phptitlecase phpfintion of ucwords in php function onroll cgst20 uc words does not existphp uppercase accent caracterfunction convert string to uppercase phpstring to capitalize phpuppercase first letter each word phpphp first letter capital each wordis upper in phplower to uppercase phpphp convert to capital lettersword first letter capital phpphp uppercase functioncapatilize first word phpstring to camelcase phppreg match only first letter capital letters phpphp uppercase iiiphp make only first letter capitalhow to capitalize a word phpmake every first letter capital phpphp every word uppercasephp string words capitalizephp string only uppercase lettersliquid capitalize each worduppercase first letter phpcapital first letter phpphp text in all capital letterlowercase first letter phphow to fix php 24reference no 3d strtoupper 28 24 post 5b 27reference no 27 5d 29 3bfirst word capital phpfirst char to uppercase phpphp str upperphp caps first letterucfirst all words phpcapital letter to small letter phpcapitalize every word phpphp make all first letters uppercaseupper string phpphp get all upper charactershow to lowercase first letter phpphp constant uppercasephp string uppercaseconvert to capital letters in phpto upper case first letter phpucfirst all wordsphp uppercase every wordphp make all words uppercasephp upper casaeconvert small letter to capital phptransform to uppercase phphow to capitalize each word in phpconvert a string into uppercase in phpphp function capitalize first letterucwords laraveluppercase a string in phpphp ucfirst all wordsupppercase phpucwords 28 29php string to uppercase examplephp first char uppercasephp capitalise first lettercapitalize all words in phpfirst character uppercase in phpphp string with first letter uppercaseto uppercase phpphp convert string to camelcasecapital case phpmake all upper case phpcontains uppercase phpphp string function capitalize first letterarray of alphabet in capital letters in phpphp uppercase each worduc upper phpchar to uppercase phpphp ucfirsthow to uppercase every word in a frase phpchange to uppercase phpphp first letter uppecasehow to convert uppercase in phptitle format string phpphp capitalize first letter of each word php 7implode if capital wordtoupper function phpfirst letter every word uppercase phpphp uppercase after dashchange the word from upper case to just the first letter in phpphp function uppercasephp d upercasephp string capitalizephp first letter of the word in uppercasephp word first letter capitalphp uppercase fphp string isuppermake all characters maj phpfirst char uppercase phpstr uppercase phpphp array make uppercaseuconvert to upper case in phpset first character of key to uppercase phpconvert string to uppercase phpphp check if first letter is uppercaseuppercase method for only first letter in a word in phpconvert case to upper in phpphp title stringupper case to lower case phpphp uppercase letterconvert all to uppercase phpphp make all uppercasephp uppercase firt lettertext capitalize phpupparcase phpcapitalize the first letter of the text in phpuppercase to sentence case in phpconvert text to uppercse in phpwhich of the following php function converts the first character of each word to uppercaseponer primer letra en mayuscula en phpupppercase in phpphp first capital letterhow to capitalize words in phpphp each word first letter uppercasephp string tilt caseto convert all the first character of each word from the string assigned to the variable 24authordetails to capital letters phpphp capitalize only first letter of wordscapitilise first letter phpstr to capital letter in phpphp first letter of each wordsupper case in php firse lowercase wit first capital in phpphp capitalize first letter onlyupword in phpphp proper case transformucwords in laravelphp make text lowercase with first letter uppercasecapitalize each word phpphp to uppercaephp all words capitalhow to convert lowercase string to uppercase using php 3fphp neglect uppercasephp capitalize stringfirst ever letter capital in phpmake first letter capital phpchange string to uppercase phpupper and lower case in phpphp capitalize first letterphp text transform capitalizestrtoupper 28substr 28md5 28time 29 display numbers onlytoupper in phpsting to upper in phpphp uppercase textcapitalize word phpstrtoupper 28 29capitalize php wordshas uppercase php uppercase phpconverto uppercase phpuppercase a string phpphp proper case functionphp code to display as upper case lettersall php customized wordsevery word capitalized in phpphp each word uppercasehow to uppercase first letter in phpphp uppercase wordsconvert string uppercase phpcapitalise text phpphp convert uppercase casehow to check for capital letter in phptransform uppercase into underline phpmake string capital to camelcase phpphp sentence only first letter uppercasephp capitilaze all wordsucfirst in phpdisplay name in capital letters in phpphp lowercase first uppercasephp to upper casephp proper case stringstring capitalize first letter phpphp uppercaaseoppercase phpto uppercase string phphow to capitalize first letters of each word in phpcapitalise each word in phpstring to upper phpphp function return uppercasewhich of the following string function is used to make a string 27s first character in uppercase 3f in phpstr camelcase phpphp to first to upperphp capital each wordmpstring to uppercase phpstr tot upper phphow to capitalize the first letter of a word in phpshould i start a class with a capital letter in phpcaptialize first letter phphow to string in upper case in phpphp covert to all upperphp uppercase all valuesevery first word capital in phpphp first letter of string uppercaseall letters to capital phpphp string all uppercasehow to get the first words of letters in phpphp is capital letterphp uppercase first letter each wordstring in uppercase in phpphp string firts letter upperforce uppercase in phpfisrt letter upper phpphp capatalize first letterthe first letter lowercase in phpcapitalized latters phpuc wordsphp code to capitalize first lettercheck if first letter is uppercase phpconvert first letter to upprcase in phpupper text phpucupper in phpphp uppercase firstletterphp convert to upper casephp capitalize every wordphp lowercase first lettercapatilze first letter phpphphp uppercasemake first letter of a string uppercase phpuppercase separate underscore phpset all chars to uppercase phpcapitalizes first character string phpphp capitalize fist letter on insertphp code to convert lowercase to uppercaseconvert string first letter capital phpphp set first letter uppercasestring first letter uppercase phpupper first character phpphp upppercasechange to upper case in phpstring to uppercase phpphp convert to camel casecreate first capital of word phpphp uppercapitalize function in phpphp method to uppercase every first letter of wordsphp first letter from underscore capitalizecapitalize word in phpsentence case phpsignature capital letters phpcreate cap with phpphp uppercase every first letterphp csmelcseall string capital phpphp first character uppercasefirst letter capital pphphp firt letter capitaluppercase first letter php every wordphp variable to title caseconvert first letter to uppercase in phpphp code to print first letter capitalcapitalize text phpcaptial functuon phpuppercase first latter phpfirst uppercase phpaassoative array to uppercase phpphp capitalize fist letter of each wordfist letter upper case phpphp str uppercase first letterconvert small letter to capital in phpphp every word ucfirsttransform all string to uppercase in phpphp convert string to uppercasephp string firstlette upperonly first character uppercase and other lowercase phpphp uppersaes first lettermake the first letter of the first word uppercase 2c phpphp lowercase to uppercaselowercase the first letter phpphp capitalix 3dze funucfirst function in phpstring upper case phpevery first letter capital in phpphp ucfirst examplephp ucwords all words capitalupper function in phphow to capitalize first letter phpconvert camle case to space phpphp capitalize first letter of varmae strng uppercase phpuppercae phpto capitalize case phphow to make the first latter string uppercase in phpmake upper case phpstring to uppercase in phpphp string to uppercasephp functions to capital first letterphp capital firsdt lettercapitalise first letters phpcapitalize string in php laraveluppper case to proper case phphow to make string uppercase in phpfirst character in sentence uppercase phpall words capital phpphp function with parameter capitalcapital letter word in phpphp string toupperstring uppercase word phphow to show all text in uppercase in phpphp change every word start with capitalphp sql does i need uppercasephp ucwordsall letters in capital in phpuppercase phpmake first character uppercase in phpconvert string to upper case phpfirst word capital in phpphp is ucfirst a methodstring upper phpcapitalize 28 phpphp str to upperphp upper stringphp t upper casecapitalize first letter phophp uppercase accent characterphp uppercasephp string capitalize first letterstring to pascal case phpphp format text first letter capitalphp 2b uppercaseuppercase php first letterconvert small to capital in phpconvert to capital letters phpcapitalize phparray in upper phpuppercase all in phptarget capital letters phpphp convert first letter to uppercasephp string to pascal caseuppercase character in phpupper case string phpcapitalize php stringphp str to upper caseuppercase letters phpphp upperwaseupper keywork in phpphp uppercase allphp word uppercasestr to upper in phpphp capitaliseconvert caps to sentese case phpucfirst or ucwordsphp to upperecapitalize each words in phpfirst caps phphow to make string capital in phpphp str capitalize first letterphp each wod first character uppercasephp uppercasewphp uppercase first lettercapitalize first letter php functionphp stringpose of first uppercase letterall letters capitalize phpphp text transform uppercaseconvert letters to uppercase phpphp code for uppercaseword first character uppercase phpuc words 28 29text uppercase in phpphp to capsconvert to uppercase in phpfunction to convert string in form to uppercase phpphp first letter capitalizedphp format string to start capital letterphp how to covert text to uppercasephp first letter ippercasephp only first letter uppercase for the sentencephp is uppercasephp all to uppercasemaking a string uppercase in phpto capitalize phpconvert into capital letters in phpstring toupper case phpuppercase php variblefirst letter capital phpphp uppercase to capitalizephp convert to uppermake the first letter of the first word uppercase phpphp touppercassehow to convert first character in string uppercase to lowercase in phphow to uppercase string phphow to make a first latter capital using phpcapital phpupper every word in phpconvert lowercase of first in phparray to upper phpphp change all letters in a string to uppercaecapitalizing the first letter php inbuilt functionhow to change first letter capital in phpstrtupper phpphp to uppercase commandphp touppercasecapitelise first letter phphow to cinvert a word in sentence case in phptto upper phpphp sentence caseupper to lowercase in phpconver to uppercase in php php str upperprintf string in capital letters in phpphp all first letter uppercaseuppercase phpphp value to upper casemake words title case phpsearch for uppercase in phpstr to first letter uupercase in phptitle string in phpucfirst 28 29 in phpstropupper 28 29 phpstring uppercase in phpphp first word letter capitalmake every first letter of word capital phpuppertext phpphp str uppewrphp upercase allcapital words in phpucworfsphp capitalmake all upercase in phpcapitalize each word first character phpcapitalize name in phpphp ucwords not iiiphp set to upperphp mb str to upperthe first letter phpphp to capitalize each word in a sentencecheck for capital letter phpcapatalize first character phpucfirst and capital word words in phpphp convert to camelcasephp make all values in array uppercaseucwords refactor phpmake string uppercase phpphp str to uppercasephp small first letterphp substr make first letter capitalizedfirst letter in php capitcala lot of names strtoupperall capital phpucase in phpphp uppercase array valuesconvert any uppercase to capitalize in phpstrtotoupper phpphp convert title case to camel casephp function to capitalize first letterphp srttoupperucword in phpstring php to uppercasefirst character of string capital phpinitcap in phpphp function which will convert a string to uppercasearray uppercase letter phpcapitalise each word phpphp format to name casephp first letter uppercasephp str uper first letter in stringconvert string to capital php 27 2f 5cb 5cs 2b 24 2fe 27 3d 3e strtouppertext uppercase phpphp capitalize each letter in a wordfirst letter capitalization phpuppercase letter phpphp is upper casephp to uppercase wordto upper first char phpfirst capitalize in phptitle case in phpphp lower case first letter of stringphp uppercphp first letter uppercapitalize each word in phpwhy use uppercase for php queryupper in phpphp letter capitalmake character uppercase phpuppercase class phpphp fierst uppercasephp to upper case and exclamation markphp to uppercasehow to capitalize the first letter of a string in phpfirst letter capitalized phpmaking first letter capital phpphp small into capitalphp how to return string in capital lettersucwords and ucfirsttp upper phpphp first uppercase letterto capital in phphow to make all letter uppercase all letter in phpphp uppercase first letter after dotphp string to camelcaseuppercase method for first letter in a word in phphow to convert lower case to upper in phpphp string to proper casestr capitalize phpphp titlecasephp string title casecapitlize first letter phpfirst letter to uppercase phpphp string first letter capitalhow to convert first character of all the words uppercase using php 3fto uppercase in phplower to upper in phpcapitalise in phpuppercase first letter of each word phpstring to capital phphow to check if first letter is uppercase phpchange first letter to capital in phpphp ucase first letterget upper words from string phpuppercase in phpphp data to uppercasehow to make uppercase in phparray in uppercase in phpis uppercase phptransform a string all uppercase letters in phpevery first letter of word capital in phpphp string to upperupper case phpstrupperp phptransform all string to capitalize in phpmake first char is capital in phpphp set all words in capitalphp uppercase first letter of sentencephp title casephp uppercase sintrconvert string to uppercase in phpstring to upper in phpuppercase first letter of string phpphp first uppercasestr to uppercase phpuppercase to sentance case in phpphp touppercapitalise name in phpconvert uppercase phpstrtoupper 28 28string 29 24row noughtsphp stirng uppercaptial phpstring to camlecase phpphp uppercaseletterphp changing work to uppercasephp capitalize 1st letterphp upperacseconvert uppercase to capitalize in phpstr upper all phpuppercase each word phpphp uppercase all wordschange to uppercase in phpphp first letter upper casefungsi php upperconvert word to uppercase in phpphp to uppercase first lettercapatilize first letter phpto upper in phparray to uppercase phpphp make the first letter uppercase of a wordphp to capitalizephp first letter capitalhow to convert string to capital letter in phpconvert to upper case phpconvert all letter to capital phpmake first word uppercase phpphp capitalize first letter of each sentenceupper cas in phpphp convert to uppercasephp all word first letter capitalstring function to capitalize string in phpstrtoupper first letter phphow to get only upper case in phpphp get first char uppercaseupper phpstr touppercase in phpphp first letter lowercasephp capital wordcapital letter first each word phpstrupercase phpcapitalize word in sentence in phpstr upper php1st letter capital of every word in phpchanging to upper case in phpconverting string to title case in phphow to echo uppercase in phpcapital letter in first word phpfirst word capital of string in phpucfirstwords in phpphp variable to uppercasewhat is work of ucfirst function in phpstr to upper and ucfirst in phptake first character in studly phpcapitalize method in phpphp capitalise first letter of each wordwhat is ucwords in phpuppercase php stringvariable in upper case in phpphp make first letter capitalupper case in phpfirst word uppercase phpphp capital first letter of each wordtouppercase in phpstring capitalize phpphp ucwords but uppercase in arrayset uppercase phphow to make first letter capital in phpsend string big character in phpmake first letter of string uppercase phpcapitalize a letters in a words phpsentence each word uppercase in phpuc wordsall upper case phpstrtouupper in array wrds phpuppercase letter in phpphp string tilt4 caseupper only first letter phpphp uppercase only first lettercapitalize first letter pghpmake every letter capital phpfirst letter capital of every word in phpphp capital first letterall the characters capital phptext touppercase in php 27php alle uppercaseuppercase first letter of every word phpphp capitalcaseuppercase all string in phpphp capitalize first letter of stringhow to uppercase in phpfirst letter upper cse phpconverting string to uppper case in php1st letter capital function of phpcapitalize all first letters phpphp to uppercase emthoducfirst used for phpconvert lowercase to uppercase in phpmiddle capital letter phptext uppercase in php 27php normal casetoupper phpupper case first letter phpsentence fiest word upper case in phpmake string capital phpstring 27s first character uppercase phpphp first to uppercapitalise phpuppercase every first letter phpucfirst word phpcapitalize first letter of each word phpphp to upercasephp text to uppercasephp convert text to uppercaseucase phpcapital string in phpstarting letter uppercase in phpphp make first letter lowercasephp caps first letter of wordphp string is uppercasehow to capital the first letter in phphow to make upperccase of string in phpphp string to upper casecapital string phpuppercase after space phpfirst letter capital in phphow to make first character of each word in uppercase in phphow to fix php 24referenceno 3d strtoupper 28 24 post 5b 27referenceno 27 5d 29 3bucwords 28 29 phpupper first case every letter in phpall uppercapp phpphp convert string to capital lettersphp string to uppercase first letterphp force small letters but the first is bigphp capitalize all lettersphp mixed case to all lowerphp make text all uppercasephp capitalize wordcovert string to all uppercase in phpphp function capitalize stringupper and lower case character phpto upper case phpphp uppercase in stringucfirst ucwords phpphp capitalize all first lettersupercase function phpcapitalize first letter of each word in a string phptext upper case phptocamelcase in phpchange string to uppercase in phpupper case letter phpstrtouppercase in phpuc word phpuppercase all letters in phpfirst letter of every word uppercase phpponer en mayuscula primer letra en phpphp convert variable to uppercasehow to convert string to all uppercase phpcapitalize every word in a sentence phptransform a string all uppercase letters in phpphp convert upperhow to uppercase one letters in word phpupcase phphow to convert string to uppercase in phphow to uppercase one letter in word phpphp change uppercasequery strtoupperphp capitalize each word in stringtitle case phpphp string name first letter uppercasecapitalize first letter after a br phpphp capitalizephp camelcasephp convert uppercasephp uppercase firstuppercase first letter in phptransform string to uppercase phpcapitalise function phpconvert string to capital letters phpupper function of phpphp array function uppercasephp strisuppercaseupper letter phpevery word capital in phplower first letter phpphp capsstr to upper when null phpchange lower first case of each word uppercase phpphp array to uppercasecapitalize every single word string phphow to all uppercase in phpphp str uppercasephp conver a letter in upper csephp uppercase first letter of each wordcapital case in phpcapitalize first letter in word phppphp title caephp first letter to upperphp to upper upper case fist letter in phpucwords laravel 7str to upper for first char phpphp uppercase full strinfhow to make first letter capital and rest lowercase in phpsplit string by capital letters phpucfirst in textbox in phpstr capital phpphp check string uppercaseprint capital letters phpphp make first letter of word uppercaseucfirst phpmixed case string phpphp only first letetr uuppercasephp first word uppercasefirst character to uppercase phpphp uppercase cedilleuppercase to lover case phpphp first letter of each wordconvert to uppercase phpphp first letter of word uppercasehow make first letter capital in phpcapital each word phpfunction that makes each first letter in an array a capital letter and returns the array phpphp ucwords