first letter capital of every word in php

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showing results for - "first letter capital of every word in php"
16 Jan 2017
3$foo 'hello world!';
4$foo = ucfirst($foo);             // Hello world!
6$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
7$bar = ucfirst($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
8$bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Hello world!
13 May 2018
1$foo 'hello world!';
2$foo = ucwords($foo);             // Hello World!
4$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
5$bar = ucwords($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
6$bar = ucwords(strtolower($bar)); // Hello World!
8//With custom delimiter
9$foo = 'hello|world!';
10$bar = ucwords($foo);             // Hello|world!
12$baz = ucwords($foo, "|"); 
31 Jul 2019
1$upperCaseSentance=ucwords("i do not feel good");//I Do Not Feel Good
20 Jul 2017
1$clientname = "ankur prajapati";
2ucwords($clientname);//Ankur Prajapati
3ucfirst($clientname);//Ankur Prajapati
5$clientname = "ANKUR PRAJAPATI";
6ucfirst(strtolower($clientname));//Ankur Prajapati
21 Jan 2021
22 Nov 2019
1ucfirst("hello world!");
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upper php firstfirst letter capital phpphp first letter upper caseucwords laravelfirst letter to uppercase phpphp uppercase letterphp ucase first lettercapitalise name in phphow to make my string the first letter to be upper case phpphp make first letter of word uppercasephp str capital all first lettersuppercase first letter phpphp is capital letterphp check if first letter is uppercasefirst letter capital of every word in phpget first capital char phpucfirst php meaningto capitalize case phphow to make first and second word capital in phpfirst letter uppercase in phpphp convert first character to uppercaseput the first letter in uppercase phpjs first letter uppercase phpcapital latter to ucfirst case phpcapitalizes first letter of each word phpphp cpitalize each letter of word capital in atring ucwords 28 24row 3ename 29 28 24row 3elast name 29 all first letters uppercase phpphp uppercase firt letterdecapitalize first letter phpto upper case first letter phpaassoative array to uppercase phpmake the first letter of every word capital phpcapital letter phpcapitalize phpwhat is work of ucfirst function in phpcamel case phpdisplay name in capital letters in phpevery word capital in phphow to capitalize first letter phpwords start with capital in phpclass name with the first character in uppercase phpmake first letter of a string uppercase phpmake words title case phpphp capitalize only first letter of wordshow to make first letter capital in phpfirst upper case phpphp all word in first letterphp upper first letterphp first uppercase letterphp uppercase first lettermake a string first character uppercase in phpfirst char uppercase phpmake first character uppercase in phpconverting string to title case in phpphp text transform capitalizeupper first letter phpphp first letter of word uppercasecapitalize name in phpphp stringpose of first uppercase letterto convert all the first character of each word from the string assigned to the variable 24authordetails to capital letters phpmake first letter of every word capital phpmake all letters capital in phpfunction onroll cgst20 uc words does not existcapitalize word in phpphp string to proper casephp all uppercaseucfirst phpcapitalise each word in phpuppercase method for only first letter in a word in phpphp small first letteruppercase first lowercase other phpcapital case phphow to capitalize letter in phpphp string uppercase first letterucwords in phpphp remove from string and capitalize first letterarray of alphabet in capital letters in phpliquid capitalize each wordphp make first letter uppercasefirst uppercase phpcheck small or capital letter phphow to make first later capital in php codeigniteruppercase php first lettercheck if first letter of string is uppercase phpfirst letter capital pphphp capitalize first letter of string with period 22russian 22 first letter uppercase phpucwords 28 29capitalize all words in phphow to make a first latter capital using phpfirst character in sentence uppercase phpfirst letter upper cse phpphp which will put all the first letters of each word in lowercase how to trim string in phpstr first letter upper in phstring uppercase word phpphp uppercase the first letterconvert first letter of sentence to capital in phptouppercase phpphp first letters capscheck for capital letter phpphp cap first letteruppercase all first letter word phpfirst latter capital in phpuc first letter phpfirst letter caps in phpbuilt in function to change the first letter in a word to uppercase in phpmake the first letter of the first word uppercase phpmake a first string letters uppercase in phpphp alle uppercasephp capitalize first letter of each sentencefirst character each wordcapital in phpcapitalize each words in phpphp str to camelcasecapitalise first letter phpphp uppercase after dashcapitalize first letter javascript phpcapital letter in first word phpucwords laravel 7php sentence caseupper case in phpphp how to capitalize the first letterphp and capitalize first two letterstransform uppercase into underline phpphp string first letter upperphp strtoupper first characteronly first letter uppercase phpprint capital letters in phpcapital letter word in phpall capital letter phpwrtie php function starts uppercasehow to uppercase the first letter in a variable phpstring capitalize first letter phpphp function capitalize stringuc first letters phpphp toupper first characterphp each wod first character uppercasecapitlize first letter phpphp proper case stringphp built in function for making first letters capitalphp first capitalfirst letter in uppercase phpphp capitalize first charcapitalise first letters phpphp capitalize every firsat letterphp change first character of every word to uppercasecapitalize first alphabet phpucwordfirst word capitalzie in phpcapitalize first letter of a word phpphp first letter estrapolatephp letter capitalupper first cacharter in phpreturn the first element of string in upper phpmae strng uppercase phpphp functions to capital first letterphp substr make first letter capitalizedphp uppercase first letter after dotphp caps first lettercovert first char uppercase phpphp variable to title casephp make every word start with capitalphp convert to camel casestr to first letter uppercase in phpphp first letter uppercasephp string capital first letterphp capitalisephp proper casephp function which will capitalize all the first letters of each word capitalized latters phpuppercase first letter php every wordfirst letter in uppercasein phpphp first letter of stringhow to convert the other letters to lower case and maintain the first letter as uppercase in phpwhich of the following php function converts the first character of each word to uppercasephp convert string to camelcaseset first letter to uppercase phpphp string in uppercasephp first letter capitalizedphp str uper first letter in stringstr to upper for first char phpucfirst all words phpall letters to capital phpcapitalize string in php laravelphp uppercase each wordphp method to uppercase every first letter of wordsucfirst 28 29 phppreg match only first letter capital letters phpcapitalizing the first letter php inbuilt functionphp uppercase first letter of sentencefirsrt letter capital in phphow to convert php string to all capital lettersphp convert title case to camel casephp make first character uppercase1st letter capital function of phpevery word capitalized in phpuc words in phpstr to first letter uupercase in phpphp the first letter capitalphp uppercase all wordstoupper the first letter of a char in phpphp first letter capital each wordcapitelise first letter phptitle string in phpcapitalize php functionhow to lowercase first letter phphow to put the first letter in capital phphow to convert sentence into first capital letter of strong text in phpfirst capital letter php fucntionphp all first letter uppercaseucworfscapitalize first char phptransfer a string all uppercase letters in phptitle case in phpuppercase first letter of string phpcapitalize each word first letter phpcapitalize function in phphow to make string capital in phpsentence format phplowercase the first letter phpphp set first letter uppercasephp only first char uppercasehow to use capital letter in password in phphow to all uppercase in phpstarting letter uppercase in phpmake string capital phpphp string function first word capital phpcapitalize first character phpcapatilize first word phptransform a string all uppercase letters in phpsentence case phpmake first character uppercase phpphp capitalize firstconvert only first letter uppercase in phphow to captilize each word in phpstring with first word capital phpphp function to capitalize all the letteruppercase start of each word phpphp text uppercasestring to pascal case phpucwords refactor phpphp first letter of each wordphp first character uppercasemake sentence first letter uppercase other lower case phpupper case fist letter in phpphp first letter of each word uppercasefirst word capital in phpphp titlecasephp string first letter uppercasefirst caps string phpcapital letter to small letter phpmake first char is capital in phpphp uppercase every wordphp first to upperphp firstletter uppercaseupper only first letters phpphp make string uppercasephp uppercase only first letter of every wordfirst letter of each word uppercase phpucword in phpuppercase each word phpuse php small capital lettershow to uppercase first letter in phpphp uppercase to capitalizehow to capitalize thefirst letter in phpphp check capital letterphp string camel casechange the first letter of each array to capital phpcapitalise function phponly first letter capital phpphp set first letter capitalphp all letters in capitalcapital letters phpmake the first word of every sentence uppercase phpfirst letter capitalization phpucfirst 28 29 in phpphp first letter of string uppercasecapital first latter in phpu 2ccap string phphow to set capital letter to the first letter in a tag li phpmixed case string phpmake capital of sentence in phpphp evey first word capsphp strpos of first upppercase letterphp each word uppercasephp function to capitalize first letterhow to check if first letter is uppercase php formphp firt letter capitalphp all words capitalphp make first letter lowercasephp first letter uppercase of each wordphp every word ucfirstphp first letter to uppercapitalize first letter in string in phpphp capital first lettercaptialize first letter phpstring capitalize first letter phpphp capitalize first characterstring with first work capital phpfirst ever letter capital in phpcapitalize each word phpphp capitalize all first lettersphp place char after capitalphp preg match capital lettersphp capitalize fist letter on insertuppercase first letter in phphow to capitalize first character in phpphp first character of string to upperhow to convert string to capital letter in phpphp camelcaseconvert camle case to space phpcheck if first letter is capital phpuppercase everything but first letter phphow to make all capital letters in phpphp first word uppercasecapitalize the first letter phpphp first letter capitilizemake string capital to camelcase phpdo only first latter capital in phpupper every word in phpphp 1st letter uppercasephp upercase allall letter to capital phpcapital first character of each ford phpcapitalize the first letter in phpphp lowercase first lettercaptilize first letter phpcapatalize first character phpconvert first letter to uppercase phpphp word uppercaseuppercase method for first letter in a word in phpcaptialise first letter phpfunction to uppercase the first letter phpphp normal casephp make all first letters uppercaseall words first character capitalize in phpphp ucwords all words capitalphp capitalcasephp capitalize each letter in a wordmake first letter of each word capital phpphp all word first letter capitalwhich of the following string function is used to make a string 27s first character in uppercase 3f in phpt converts the first letter to capital lette phpucfirst word in phpstring to uppercase first letter phpupper only first letter phpphp put all the first letters of each word in lowercase php set first char to uppercasemake every first letter capital phpponer en mayuscula primer letra en phpuppercase letter phpphp constant uppercaseuc word phpphp make the first letter uppercase of a worduppercase every first letter phpphp capitaslize first letterphp string tilt casefirst wrod capital and then all in small phpletters to capital in phpmiddle capital letter phpmake first letter capital in phpconvert small letter to capital in phpword first letter capital phpphp uppercase fhow to cinvert a word in sentence case in phpucwords 28 29 phpuppercase all letters in phpphp ucfirst each wordfirst character of string capital phpcapitalize text phpwhen string entered returns capital letters in php formsstr camelcase phpconvert first letter to upprcase in phpucwords and ucfirstfunction that makes each first letter in an array a capital letter and returns the array phpphp string camelcasecapital first letter phpphp title stringhow make first letter capital in phpphp title casemake text first letter capital phpfunction to make every first letter capital in phpphp first char uppercasecapital each word phphow to convert first character of all the words uppercase using php 3fphp to capitalise first letterphp string to uppercase first lettercapitalize first letter after a br phpphp upperase first wordfirst letter in php capitcalphp string title casephp string function capitalize first letterevery word caps phpcapatalize text phpconvert names to camel case in phpphp uppercase first letter of stringphp capitalix 3dze funphp make string all uppercasephp capitalize first letter of each wordmaking first letter capital phpupper first string phpuc wordscapitalize method in phpfirst character in uppercase phphow to make first character of each word in uppercase in phptake first character in studly phpstring uppercase first letter phpcapital letter in phphow to uppercase one letters in word phpphp capital letter firstphp text ucfirstphp uppercase to ucfirstunppercase first latter phpphp sentence only first letter uppercaseucfirst php 7uppercase the first letter phpphp capital firsdt letterucwords 28 24url 29fonction native php first letter uppercasephp capitalize each wordcapitalize each word in phpcapitaliza the first letter in phpphp capitalize all wordslaravel ucwordsphp make first letter capital for each wordcapitalize text with phpphp force small letters but the first is bigphp add upper case on first letterphp capatalize first letterhow to convert word first letter capital phphow to take first letter of each word in phpuppercase first letter of each word phpphp ucwords not iiimake first letter uppercase phpcapitalize 1st letter in phpphp capilatixe first letter in stringfirst letter upercase phpphp uc all wordstring first character uppercase phpphp to uppercase first letterhow to make name to latter sentence phpfirst letter capital php functionphp str replace and uppercase first wordphp first letter from underscore capitalizeproppercase phpword first character uppercase phphow to first word capital in phpphp lower first lettertocamelcase in phpcapital word all in phpcapitalize first word phpphp capitalise first lettercapital in first word phpphp string uppercase first letter of each wordhow to make capital letters in phpucwords in laravelshould i start a class with a capital letter in phpphp upper first letter of wordstring capitalize in phpcapitalize php stringphp capitalise first letter of each wordphp ucfirst every wordhow to capitalize the first letter of a string in php1st latter capital in phpstring 27s first character uppercase phphow to convert string and uppercase first letter phpcptalize first letter phpphp capitilaze all wordscapitalize word pgpphp upper casephp letter transform firstcapitalize first letter php functionphp word seperatorinitcap in phpphp string to camelcasehow to make a word upper case in phpcamelcase phphow to capitalise the first letter phpphp first letter uppercase rest lowercasephp first upper casestring first letter uppercase phpchange lower first case of each word uppercase phpset first character of key to uppercase phpname first letter get capitalized in phpphp format to regular casephp change to uppercase first lettermake firat letter upcase phpchange first letter to caps using phpucfirst and capital word words in phpfirst letter uppercase and the rest lowercase in phpphp uppercase first letter of linephp does string contin only uppercase letterscapital first character phpcapitalize php wordsphp cucfirst for each wordhow to capitalize first letter in phpcapila first letter in phpphp change first character of string to uppercaseuc wordsucfirstword in phpphp uppercase first letter phpput the first string in uppercase phpphp change every word start with capitalucfirst or ucwordsmake a sentence all uppcase in phphow to upper only first character string in phpucfirstwords in phpphp uppercase first charall the characters capital phpcapital letters in phpcamelcase in phpfisrt letter upper phpphp capitalize first letter of every word php 7php capitalize beginning of stringfirst alphabet capital in phpall letters capitalize phpphp capitalize 1st letterfirst capitalize phpphp capitalize stringmake first letter of string uppercase phpcamel case in phpevery first letter of word capital in phpphp proper case functionhow to uppercase first character phphow to covert word into capital letter in phpphp capitalize every characterphp function capitalize first letterucfirst in textbox in phpcreate first capital of word phpphp convert first letter to uppercasephp first letter capitalzedcapitalize words phphow to convert first character in string uppercase to lowercase in phpuppercase first character of array of strings phphow to get the first words of letters in phpcapitalize first letters phphow to get only upper case in phpphp capitalize first letter of stringfirst character to uppercase phpphp first letter of the word in uppercaseonly first character uppercase and other lowercase phpphp first letter conver to lower casephp first letter to uppercaseuppercase only first letter phpphp every word uppercasehow to make string uppercase in phpphp string first letter capitalphp first letter ippercasecapitalize a letters in a words phpfirst capitalize in phpfirst letter of word in phpuncapitalize first letter phpcapitalize all words phptitlecase phpphp lowercase first uppercaseconvert lowercase of first in phpphp make first letter capitalcapitalize every single word string phpname for capital letters phpcapitalize letters phpphp capitalizefirst character upper phpphp function to make first letter capitalhow to first character capital of eveery words in phpphp uppercase all letter of each wordphp str uppercase first letterlower first letter phpphp to camelcasephp is ucfirst a methodphp set the first caracter to uppercasephp str capitalize first letterphp capitalize only first lettersentence each word uppercase in phpphp capitalize worducwords 28 phpphp first uppercasephp uppercase first characterhow to capitalize only the letter in a string in phpphp preg match capitalize the first letterphp string to capitalize all wordsall capital letter in phptitle format string phphow to convert sentence into first capital letter of stringtext in phpphp print string with capital letteruc words 28 29uppercase first latter phpphp make only first letter capitalphp string capitalize first letter of each wordcharacter in capital letter in phpfirst char uppercase hppphp small letter to capitalphp check if first character is uppercaseupper case first word phpphp uppercaselatter capitalize phpphp uppercase all first lettersucwords phpuppercase first letter each word phpfirst caps phphow to capitalize a word phpphp check first caracter of a string as uppercasecapital first letter in phpphp first letter capitaltext uppercase phpucfirst word phpphp to upper first letterhow to make the first character in uppercase in phpcapital every letter in phpphp string with first letter uppercasestr capitalize phpcapital letter first word in phpphp capitalize fist letter of each wordhow to capital the first letter in phpphp make each element firs tletter uppercasdephp first letter uppecasephp first letter upperfirst letter in capital in phpcapitalize first letter in word phpfirst character uppercase in phpcapitalize all first letters phpphp convert string first letter uppercasefirst word capital phpfirst character uppercase phpcaptablieze first letter phpshow just first letter capital in phpphp variable uppercase first chcapitalize first phpphp ucfirstphp first letter to lowercasemake every first letter capital in phpupper first case every letter in phpmake string uppercase phpmake first character in a word uppercase phpucfirst all wordsucfirst htmlfirst letter capital word phpcapitalise each word phpcapitalise text phpphp variable uppercase first characterphp first word letter capitalfirst letter capital in phpphp captial casemake every word capitalized phpfirst letter to upper phpmake all letter capital phpucupperphp capital first letter of each wordphp camel case stringphp proper case transformphp ucfirst 28 29capitalise a letter phpstrtoupper first letter phpphp each word first letter lowercasephp uppercase firstcapitalize first letter of each word in a string phpphp how to return string in capital lettersphp capatolize stringfirst letter capital in word phpcapitalize first letter of string phpcapitalize the first letter of every word phpphp word first letter capitalchange first letter to capital in phpupercase first letter php of every wordfintion of ucwords in php php to capitalizephp to lowercase except first letterfirstcase phpphp find first capital letteralways make a string first word capital phpuppercase the seconde word phpphp string capitalize first letteruc wordphp uppercase first letter of each worducfirst in phpphp uppercase only first letterphp to capitalize each word in a sentenceucwordshow to check for capital letter in phpfist letter upper case phpucfirst word firtstphp uppercase 1st letterlowercase first letter phpcapatilze first letter phpfirst letter upper phpevery first letter capital in phpphp string words capitalizehow to use ucwords in php in arratfunction to capitalize first letter of words in phphow to use php to capitalize first letter of a string if all in uppercase in first string capitalize phpinitupper in phpphp function to make string first letter capitalto uppercase first letter phpphp first letter lowercasefirst letter upcase phpmaking a string uppercase in phpphp array first letter uppercasephp capitalise first letter of stringphp string ucfirstthe first word is capitalized in phphoe to change to uppercase for the firt caracter phpphp uppercase first letter in sentencephp capitalize first letter of each word php 7camelcase first letter uppercase phpmake every first word capitalized phpphp convert to camelcasephp format to name casefirst upper casse phpcapital letter first each word phpevery word begin with uppercase phpthe first letter lowercase in phpprintf string in capital letters in phpuppper case to proper case phpphp uppercase every first letterhow to make second word capital in phpcapitalize first letter php of every wordfirst charsafcter uppercase phpphp string first letter uppercase for each wordphp capitalise stringsphp add capital to first leterphp uc wordsphp every word start with capitalphp firt letter capital rest lowercasephp all chars uppercasecapitalize the first letter of the text in phpmake first letter capital phpphp capitalizdphp capitalize letterphp string capitalizephp csmelcsehow to capitalize the first letter of a word in phpturn uppercase the first letter phpwhat is usfirst in phpconvert all letter to capital phpcapitalice phpphp caps first letter of wordcapitalize every word in a sentence phpphp code to capitalize first lettertake capital letter in phpphp capitalize all lettersuppercase first character phpphp capital letterphp capitalise first letter of string onlyreduce first letter phpconvert string first letter capital php 5cu c 23 stringsentence fiest word upper case in phpstring first letter capital phpfirst letter of every word uppercase phpphp ucwords but uppercase in arrayphp format string to start capital letterphp first letter of each wordsphp uppercase firstlettersentence qword first word capitalize phpfirst letter capitalise in phpphp first character of string uppercasecapitalize every first letter phpphp upper firstphp only first letter uppercase for the centesphp code for uppercaseponer primer letra en mayuscula en phpucfirst used for phpucwords 28 29 in phpconvert first char to upper case phpphp code to print first letter capitalphp first capital letterchange first alphbet to upper case phpphp capitalize first letter of varphp capitalize every wordphp upper case first letterfirst letter to upper case phpphp to first to upper1st letter capital in phpphp string first casephp ucwords firstfirst letter to uppercase and the rest t lowercase phpphp code for capitalizephp output string with uppercase first letterphp capitalize first letterphp capitalize every first letterstring to camlecase phpall words of a string capital in phphow to make all word first letter capital in phpcapitalize every word phptarget capital letters phpcreate a function in php that will take input string as a sentence and return the first character of each word in a sentence php only first letter uppercase for the sentencemake every first letter of word capital phpall php customized wordsstr to letter capital in phpphp only first letetr uuppercasephp match word in string with uppcase with lowecasecapitalize first letter phpphp function to captilzae first letterfirse lowercase wit first capital in phpconverter word the first letters in capital letter phpphp make first letter capital in stringphp first latter capitalcapitilise first letter phpphp make text lowercase with first letter uppercasehow to first letter capital in phpphp string firstlette upperphp each word first letter uppercasefirst word uppercase phpfirst letter every word uppercase phpphp string to pascal caseimplode if capital wordphp string upper first letterphp string all uppercasefirst character of string uppercase phpconvert first character to uppercase in phpphp text in all capital letterall letter in capital in phpconvert first small letters to capital letters in phpuppercase first letter in each word phplowercase all but first letter phpupper case first letter phpphp only first letter capsprint capital letters phppphp title caehow to uppercase every word in a frase phpphp uppcase first lettercapital first letter of each word in phpuppercase first later phpphp uppercase wordsuppercase the first letter in phphow to make first letter capital and rest lowercase in phpphp all capital lettersphp mixed case to all lowerhow to capitalize each word in phpcheck if first letter is uppercase phpphp change first letter to uppercaseto upper first char phpcapitalize first letter pghpphp lower case first letter of stringcapitalize first letter of each word phpenlarge the first letter of a word in phpconvert into capital letters in phpphp set all words in capitalphp upper first letter of each wordcapital each word in phpthe first letter phpphp ucfirst examplecapitalize word in sentence in phpfirst letter of word uppercase in phpfirst letter upper in phponly first character capital in phpphp first lette rto uppercasephp uppersaes first letteruppercase first letter of every word phpfirst char to uppercase phptitle case phpmake first letter small in phpphp to first letter of string uppercaseconvert first letter from string to capital letter phpphp proper casinghow to make the first latter string uppercase in phpphp capitalize each word in stringhow to capitalize first letters of each word in phpuppercase letter in phpphp capitalize first letter onlycapitalize each word first character phpphp format text first letter capitalfirst character capitalize phpfirst case capital phpphp capital all first letter after spacephp get first char uppercasecapitalizes first character string phpcapitalize in phpall capital phpuppercase letter first alphabet phpphp only first letter uppercaseevery first character is capital in php1 st letter in capital in phpfirst word capital of string in phpcaptalize first letter phphow to select word first letter and do it capital in phphow to uppercase one letter in word phpphp capitalized first lettersfirst letter capitalized phpphp uppercase first letter each wordcapitalize only first character of first word in a sentence in phpmake first word uppercase phpchange the word from upper case to just the first letter in phpphp everysecond letter of string uppercasephp capitalized casehow to make all letter uppercase all letter in phpconvert small letter to capital phpmake first letter small phpall words capital phpupper case first letter each wordk phpphp each first letter uppercasehow to capitalize words in phpucfirst ucwords phpcapitalize string phphow to change first letter capital in phpcase capitalizes phpuppercase after space phpphp capitalize first letter of every wordphp ucwordsfirst char capital phpvariable to capital letters phpphp capitaluzehow to capitalize first letter in word phpfirst character capital in phpcapitalize first letter phoupword in phpmake the first letter of the first word uppercase 2c phpstring to camelcase phpcapital words in php1st letter capital of every word in phpcapital first word phpcapitalize word phptrocat string phpphp make first letter of each word upper case stringphp ucfirst all wordshow to check if first letter is uppercase phpfirst chart upper phpucwords 28 29 in laravel collection for uppercase but for lower case which methodconvert first letter to uppercase in phpcapatilize first letter phpevery first word capital in phpmake first capital phphow to make first letter capital and rest small in phplphp capitalize first letterfirst letter uppercase phpphp variable uppercase firstphp string name first letter uppercasecapitalised first word phpupper first character phpstart with capital sentence phpucfirst function in phpphp capital each wordfirst letter capital of every word in php