php string

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showing results for - "php string"
21 Feb 2018
1$myString = 'Hello Bob how are you?';
2if (strpos($myString, 'Bob') !== false) {
3    echo "My string contains Bob";
06 May 2019
2 * @param string|string[] $plain
3 * @param int             $revealStart
4 * @param int             $revealEnd
5 * @param string          $obscuration
6 * @return string|string[]
7 */
8function obscure(
9    $plain,
10    int $revealStart = 1,
11    int $revealEnd = 0,
12    string $obscuration = '*'
13) {
14    if (is_array($plain)) {
15        return array_map(
16            function ($plainPart) use ($revealStart, $revealEnd, $obscuration) {
17                return obscure($plainPart, $revealStart, $revealEnd, $obscuration);
18            },
19            $plain
20        );
21    }
22    $plain = (string) $plain;
23    return mb_substr($plain, 0, $revealStart)
24        . str_repeat(
25            $obscuration,
26            max(
27                0,
28                mb_strlen($plain) -
29                ($revealStart + $revealEnd)
30            )
31        )
32        . mb_substr(
33            $plain,
34            -$revealEnd,
35            $revealEnd
36        );
25 Jan 2018
1	$output = <<<HTML
2	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur<p>
3	<a href="{$foobar}">click here</a>
24 Oct 2020
1#String Functions
3substr()  #Returns a portion of a string
6    #substr()  Returns a portion of a string
7    $output = substr('Hello', 1, 3);
8    $output1 = substr('Hello', -2);//starts from the back of the string
9    echo $output;
10    echo '<br>';
11    echo $output1;
14strlen() #Returns the length of a string
16    $output = strlen('Hello');
17    echo $output;
20strpos() #finds the position of the first occurence of a sub string
22    $output = strpos('Hello World', 'o');
23    echo $output;
24    $output1 = strrpos('Hello World', 'o'); #last occurance
25    echo $output1;
27trim()  # trims white space
29 $text = 'Hello World                ';
30    var_dump($text);
31    echo '<br>';
32    $trimmed = trim($text);
33    echo $trimmed;
34    echo '<br>';
35    var_dump($trimmed);
37strtoupper() # makes everything uppercase
39$text = 'Hello World';
40    $uppercase = strtoupper($text);
41    echo $uppercase;
43strtolower() #makes everything lowercase
45  $text = 'Hello World';
46    $lowercase = strtolower($text);
47    echo $lowercase;
49ucwords() #Capitalizes every word
51    $text = 'hello world';
52    $proppercase = ucwords($text);
53    echo $proppercase;
55str_replace() #Replace all occurances of a search string 
56              #with a replacement
58$text = 'hello world';
59    $wordreplace = str_replace('world', 'john', $text);
60    echo $wordreplace;
62is_string() #Checks to see if it is a string
64    $val = 'Hello';
65    $output = is_string($val);
66    echo $output;
67    echo '<br>';
69    $values = array(true, false, null, 'abc', 33, '33',
70    22.4, '22.4', '', ' ', 0, '0');
72    foreach($values as $value){
73        if(is_string($value)){
74        echo "{$value} is a string<br>";
75    }
78gzcompress() # Compress a string
80    $string = 
81    "a;laksd;lk;lkasd;lkas;lk;lkd;lkasd;lka;lskd;lka;lkd;lk
82    as;l;laksd;lk;lkasd;lkas;ldk;laskd;lakd;lkad;l
83    adslkjlkasjdlkjlkjaslkjaslkdjlkajdlkajdlkajd
84    alskdjlkasjdlkjadlkjadlkjadlkjadlajd
85    adlkjlkjalksjdlkjlkjlkjklajsda";
87    $compressed = gzcompress($string);
89    echo $compressed;
90    echo '<br>';
92    $original = gzuncompress($compressed);
94    echo $original;
23 Aug 2017
2$str = <<<EOD
3Exemple de chaîne
4sur plusieurs lignes
5en utilisant la syntaxe Heredoc.
8/* Exemple plus complexe, avec des variables. */
9class foo
11    var $foo;
12    var $bar;
14    function __construct()
15    {
16        $this->foo = 'Foo';
17        $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3');
18    }
21$foo = new foo();
22$name = 'MyName';
24echo <<<EOT
25Mon nom est "$name". J'affiche quelques $foo->foo.
26Maintenant, j'affiche quelques {$foo->bar[1]}.
27Et ceci devrait afficher un 'A' majuscule : \x41
20 Apr 2017
2 <?php 
3$x = "Hello world!";
4$y = 'Hello world!';
6echo $x;
7echo "<br>"; 
8echo $y;
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strings with 7b 7d in php 2a string in phpphp test string containsphp check if a string containsphp check to see if string contains substringphp check not contain stringall string functions in phpphp why use heredocphp string contains substringphp check if word in stringcheck if word is present in string phpphp strpos character 5ccontains any string phpheredoc php 5dphp if string hasphp string contains all character strings in phpcheck if it has on string phpmanipulate string phpif variable have wordcheck substring in string phpphp string has wordphp check if text exists in string 28string 29 phpphp 3c 3c 3ceothow to check if value exists in string in phphp script to check whether a string contains a specific stringcheck if there is part of string inside phpcheck if the string has 2a in phpphp string includes substringhow to check if one string has another string phpstring funtion phpinclude text in php checkphp includes stringphp 2bstringstrinfg contains phphcheck if a char is in a 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check if string words containhow see if as string contains a substring in phpphp string contains charactercheck if a text contains a certain text phpphp string fromstr containes php 7check if string contains a substring in phpfind if a string contains a substring phpphp stringsphp get if string contains given textphp check if string includesstring to simple code text in phpcheck if a word exist in a string phpcheck if a string includes a substring phpcheck if string contains in phpphp check if string contains any characterfind a word in a string phphow includes work in phpphp substring exists in stringphp if variable contains textphp detect if string has specific word with regexphp how to work with stringsphp is string strposstring utilities in phphow to echo a variable verbatim in phpstr 28 29 phpcheck contains letters function in phpphp heredoc print quotesstr contains 28 29 phphow to find if a string contains a substring in phpphp if substring existsphp best way to find result using stringphp find words in string startswithphp if string not containscheck string for substring phpphp check letter in stringphp string contsinscheck if word contains somethingif string contains text phpphp strpos functionphp if text contiansstrstr in phpphp 8 check if sting in other stringstring contains letter phpw3schools string container functionphp strpecheck if string contains specific wordphp if string contains specific wordstr contains php 7php check string contains substringphp check if string word contaisphp check if substring exists 5cphp chech if string containscheck if string contain substring in php 7php check if string contains only lettersstrpos 28 29 phpphp backslash in stringstring includes in phpstring exist phpphp check string contains another stringscheck if 24string has 23 phpphp check if contains lettersphp heredoc nowdochow to find one string present in another string in phpphp if variable includeds part of stringcontains string php check contains in phpphp check is string contains any wordsphp if contains substringstring match phphow to check if a string contains wordsphp equivalent of includeshow to check a string for a specfic wordphp if string contains stringphp if variable containsstring function with example in phpphp heredoc syntax examplesstrings and its functions in phpstripos not search mamny wordsphp check if string contains somw lettersstring funtion in phpcheck if a character is present in string phpphp here doc now docphp string handling with exampleall strings next to eachother function phpif string contains string phpcheck string phpphps check if strings words containsif includes string phpphp get word wird specific cahractercheck if 24get contains something php 26 in string phpstring methods and functions in phpchek if contains string inside instring phpchek if string contains charakter phpphp value contains stringphp 7 4 string containsexist word in strong phpphp check word exist in stringphp create function of string valuestr contains php c3 a7php if strint containsphp 5 string containswhat is the use of strpos 28 29 function in phpwhat is the use of strpos 28 29function in php 3fphp if substring 3d 3d 3dhow to check word in string in php string methode phpphp check if string in stringphp variable in heredoc search string in string phpstring inside anotherphp check if is stringphp if containcheck if string contains a character php4php if string containt stringphp require or includephp check ifs string words containphp cotnainshow to check if string contains word in phpphp in particulart string sho estring 28 29 in phpcheck if string contains specific string php if string has a character phpcheck if a world is a substring of another wordhow to check if a string contains a specific character in phpphp 3acontainsstring methos in phpphp checking substring in stringcheck for string within string phpif string does not contain phpphp check if string has charphp check if string contains stroingfind if string has word phpcheck string include phpphp check ifs strings words containphp heredoc 60 60 chardetect if string contains substring phpstring has phpif contain in string phpif text contains word then in phphow to make string in phpcheck if a word is in string phpphp includes in stringphp function string containsmatch word in string phpstrpos 28 5dcheck if a string contains a caracter phpfind strings that contain phpphp check if text contains stringcheck if value contain strings phpstrpos 2b phpcheck if value contain letter phpphp if string includephp contains string in textif string contains part of string phpbig string php variable delimeterdefine php stringscheck if a word exitts in a strinng in phpchechk if string contain phpphp if string contains quotestest string content specific charactrhow to check string contains specific element or not in phpphp string functions referencecheck if string variable contains this string in phpcheck substring in phpphp strphp string contains another stringphp if substring machphp string includesphp7 string containsstrpos check if string existsphp if string contains wordinclude in phphow to check if string contains php 21strpos 28 29 phpstr contains phpphp if string doesn 27t containphp string reff 2f 2f in php stringcheck if string contains a substring phpcheck if string has 40 phpphp does sting containstrpos in php 7 4str contains substringif string do not contain phpphp stroposphp sting containsphp substr existstring contains something phpphp string does not containsphp containhow to use a string in a function in phphow to check string contains word in phpif any subsstring on string phpstring operations in phpcheck a string contains a specific word phpphp 8 if string containsphp string in stringhow to check string contains in phpfind string in string phpphp 2b string functionsphp check if end of string containsstrpos in phpstring handling in phpfunction with string in phpphp check has substringstrings built in functions in phpcheck if strnig contains value phpphp string contains textif string contains characters phpphp string example programphp if text containtest string if is like another string phpexplain any 5 string functions with sample programs in phpphp find part of string inside stringphp 22 3fstring 22 methodsstring php php string method in phpbasic strings in phpphp check if has string inside stringphp variable contains stringphp string manupulationif char exist in string phpcheck if string in another string phphow to cheack if a string contains letters php 3a 3fstring php metohodcheck if string contains character phpphp find match in stringphp strings methodsphp heredoc don 27t evaluate dollarhow to check if string is a substring of another string in phpstring in php on websitefind word from string in phpstring phpphp function in stringphp strpos chrword checking within stringphp if word in stringcheck is contains a string phpphps check ifs string words containscheck if string not contains phpserver support of eot phpphp text contains stringphp string contains php 7string contains text phpphp string contains part of stringcheck string in wordjs strpos phplaravel string contains a letterstring contains check phpphp string function with examplecheck if word contains letter phpphp 7 string contains stringfunction text phpif contain string in phpphp string manipulationif string exists within phpstring contains char phpcheck if string has the word phpphp string contains stingphp check ifs strings word containincludes method in phpphp string contains checkstring handling n phpphp 2b stringcheck an string incudes a string phphow to check if a string exists in anothertring in phpcheck if string contains a value in phpstrposphpphp heredoc variablecheck if character in string phpstring has worl in phpphp word containsphp check string in substringget a function from a string phpstring modifiers phpcheck if a string contains something phpcontains character phpphp containscontains only specific string phpphp check string includescheck characters in a astring in phpphp string contains 3fcheck if a string contains another string phpstring contains in php7php string containsphp uppercase functionphp check if string contains any wordbuilt in string functions in phpcheck string contains word in phpstring contains given keyword phpphp string containsphp check if in stringphp if text containshow to check string contains 2f or in phpphp verify if contain string functionphp w3 schools stringsstring contain char phpphp if string has wordphp string handling functionsphp funciones stringif strings contain phpincludes phpif the string contains this character in phpphp string includecheck if text contains phpphp test string contains substringphp string contains conditioncheck if string contains string phpcheck if string is like but not exact phpphp string referencestring in php functionphp string contains stringstrint contains phpstring include in phpif string contains phpphp stromif string containsphpif string exists in string phpphp string literalphp check if strings word containstrpos 28 29 3aphp check if a string is like another stringcheck if string contains stirng in phpphp contains stringphp check if variable contains characterstrpos phpphp variable contains specific stringif string in string phpsearch in string in phpphp eot exampleis string function syntax in phpphp find some string from full stringphp common string functionstext exist in string using phpcheck string for value phpcheck if a particular substring exist in a string phpcontains function in phpstring operaitions phpprepared strings function in php 24stmt in phpheredoc 22 phpcheck if string existsimportant sting functions in phpphp check if string contains letter at specificcontains in string phpstrpos syntaxbolean var contains str phpphp function 3a stringwhat are strings in phplunix check if file only contains whitespacephp string include in stringcheck if string includes a substring phpsee if string contains wordphp string definition10 string function phpstring set phpstring in another string phpphp word in stringstring conains phpcheck string inside string phpphp function to check if string contains substringphp how to check if a string contains 40 heredoc syntax variablestring includes phpphp string string examplereturn true if string contains a word phphow to check if string contains word phpif string contain string phphow to see if string contains substring phpcheck if string contains php and return valuephp str 3a 3acontainsphp is string contains wordcheck if a string contains a specific character phpphp check if string contains a word with x charactersheredoc phpstring contains another in phpword contains letter phpphp strings containsphp multi line stringcontains php functionwhat is php heredoc used forincludes php stringstring contain character phpif substring data phpif start of string contains phpphp if string containshtml in php stringdoes string contain character phpphp if string contain chartext contains string phpif start of string contains string phpcheck if string contains another string in php check if string contains specific wordphp eotcheck string contain symbol in phpstring function phpphp if string in stringread one string phpcheck if string contain wordphp if string containgphp if else string contains wordstrinng contains phpphp string syntaxif string contains specific word phpphp if string contains characterstring funcitons in phpphp check string if have a textmatch word in string in phpphp heredoc htmlhow to check for a specificcheck if a string is like another string phpincludes function in phpphp if nor contain stringphp string built in functionsstring contains a substring phpstring contains string phpif contain string phpphp if contains in stringif string has sub string phpphp if str containsheredoc syntax in phpif x contains element from string phpphp check character in stringcontains in stringin phpstring include word phpcheck if value contains string phpcheck substring exists in string phpphp string existscheck of string is present in string using phphow to check if the certain string is in string phpcheck if string contains substrings phphow to check if a string contains a substring in phpif contains namme phpphp check if string is word onlyhidden string phpexplain basic string function phpstring 28 29 phpstring processing in phpstop using echo in php use here doccheck if word is in a string phpstrpos 28 29 in phpphp string 2bphp work contains string checkcheck if a string exists in a string phpphp str contains substringphpstrposphp if variable like textstring is contain in phpif not in string phpcheck if substring exist phpstring 27 27 in phpstring functionds in phpphp to stringsphp single or double quotes for two words with a spacephp eodcheck if string has a string phpstr contains function in phpheredoc syntax phpcheck if string contains value in phpphp substringcontains php stringphp stirng containsphp does string contain valuephp nowdoc commentphp if string contains phps checks ifs strings word containlaravel if word contains lettersif a string contains a substring phpphpcheck string containphp 8 check if string containscheck if string has substring in php string in phpcheck if substring is in string phpphp check if string has string between phpcontains substring phpphp string contain functionif string in text phpphp string has the characterphp check if a string is in a stringphp if string contains end of stringcheck if string contains text phpcheck strpos in phpphp find elments contains stringword which contains something in phpphp str containphp check if word contains characterphp check if string have stringphp check if starting includes substringregex if string contains substring phpcheck if string contains something phpphp if string does not containphp checks if string words containsphp sting contains capoital 3b contains in php stringcheck if a string is in a string phpcheck a string contains another string phpphp check if string contains valueif strong contain phpcheck if substring exists in string phpcontains string true phpphp contains charcheck string contains substring phpwhat is php heredoc used for 3fphp check if string contains another stringcheck if string conten 28 29 phpcontains in string using phpphp strpos 40if string contains various string phpif string contains character phpphp if containsif string contains substring phpif has phpphp string includes a wordcheck if sting contains word phpphp check string contains wordcheck if a string is already in a string phpphp check if text contains lettershow to check if a php string contains a certain wordphp string function reffphp checks if string word containsphp check if string contains a type of characterregex to check whether string is passed to strpos 28 29 function or notstr contains php 7 3contains phpphp checks ifs strings word containsstrings functions are used in phpif value conatins in word check in phphow to create function from string phpsearch in string phpphp check if string word contains php detect if string contain majhow to check if contains phpphp string functions for converting string with 2aphp 24string methodsstr str in phpphp verify if string contains substringcheck if string contais substring phpphp check if string matches with 2astr contains php 7php star here document syntaxphp is heredoc stringhow to check if a string does not contain a substring phpphp stringphp include stringhow to check if substring contains substring phptostring phpphp include in stringphp string has charactersphp checks ifs string words containsmake string function phphow to check if string contains something phpstring contains word in phpif word contains letter in phpstring contains wordif string present in word phpphp check if string word contain sphp if string likehow to check string has specific char in itselfstrcontains phpphp if in string truephp string includes 40php if line contains stringlist of php string functionfind if string contains phpphp check if word exists in stringstring contains a word in phpfunction php valider une chaine de caracterephp heredoc functionphp 3fstring syntaxif string have word phpphp match substringcheck if str include in phpphp check if a string contains exact wordif has string phpphp check if string has substringcheck string contain string phpphp sessidphp has substringphp check ifs string words containshow to chec k if a string has something in phpphp syntaxe eod htmlphp check string containsphp check if value contains stringuse of strpos 28 29 function in phphow to check if a string contains a specific word in phphow to check exist substring in string in phpstr contains php 8php string containsstring 3d phpcheck if string contains substrin phpphp 3astrpossearch string for character phpif string contains string thenfind word in string in phpphp check if string is in stringhow to check text contains in phphow to check character in string in phpstring contain string phpphp check if string containsstring fucntion in phpcheck if has char in string phpphp documentation memephp net string functionsif string contains any string phpheredoc vs nowdocphp strings functionphp contains string checka program for string manipulation in phpfonction qui prend en param c3 a8tre deux chaines de caract c3 a8res phpphp check string inside stringcheck if string is substring of another phpphp strng containsif has substring phpwhat is the use of strpos 28 29 function in php 3fcheck string contains a word phptext contains phpphp how to check if a string contains the 26 symbolheredoc php variablesphp check if string contains a charphp function to check if a string variable contains textfind word inside stringif contains pnhpchech word exist in string in phpcheck if substring is present in string phpphp check if other string is containedcheck substring present phpcheck if string contains a sentence phphow to use strpos in phpcheck if result contains a word phphow to check string contains phpphp strpiposphp check if string exists in stringphp string contains only lettersstr contains php php if string containhow to get if a string exist in a word using phppresent in string phpequivalent of str includes js in phpcheck if a string has a certain character phphow to use php variables in php heredocphp strrposstring funcation in phpphp contains text 2fmanual 2fen 2flanguage typesfing if string contains phpif string contains a word phpphp str containsphp library for string functionscheck string exist in another string phpcheck if a string contains characters phpphp string contains charhow do strings work in phpstr contains php supportcheck substring exist phpphp string operationsstr contain phpphp string contains anotherstring fuctions phpphp check ifs string word containphp strpos 1php find if string containscontains str in strin phpstring exists in phpexplain string functions in php php if string has 40strpos in php string find from the word in phpphp function 3fstringhow to check if string contain combination of uppercase and lowercase letter javascriptphp string methodphp if stirng containcheck if a word contains pythonphp check if string contains lettersstring methods in php string phpcheck if an string contains un string phpcheck is string containsget string function phpphp variable contains substringwhat does str contains return phpphp string includes charphp check if string contains worphp string literphp find word in stringstr contain phpcheck if strings contains in phpphp function inside heredocdefine php value in eodstrtr method phpphp string contains substring checkphp how to know if a string contains a valuecheck if string on string php strpos 28 29string contains a string phpcheck string contain phpcheck a symbol exist phpstring php stands forstring has word phpphp check if string word containphp check if value contains characterif word contains phpphp find if substring is in stringphp check if string not containsif string contains words phpfind if string contains substring phpphp check if string words containsuse 26 as a string phpheradoc phpcheck if a text include a word phpcheck if a string contains a substring in phpphp check if character appears in a stringcheck if 24 get contains something phpif a string contains a letter phpstring inside of string phpphp when do we use heredoccheck if string contains a string phpphp check if string is written in englishphp function example for stringsphp if contains textphp strposphp strings manipulationsphp herodocphp find string between stringseot phpstring contains in string phpfind string inside a stringwhat is heredoc in phphow to check string includes in phpif str includes phpcheck if php string containsstring 22 in stringphp substring existsnumerous php string functions are listed under the section e2 80 98how to work with strings e2 80 99 in chapter 9 demonstrate 5 of these functions with the strings of your choice explain the purpose of the function and then demonstrate the function php search if string containschecking if a string contains a substring in phpcheck if contains caracter on string phpphp search one string in onotherphp check string exist in texthow to check string contains substring in phpexplain string and string function with example in phpsearch tring in phphow to cjeck if a string has a wordcheck if contains 1 in string phpphp string 28php string 2aif string consists phpsearch if string contains phpphp if var contains var do somethingstrval in phpstr contains in php 7 4how to check a string contains phpphp includes string in textphp is string containsinclude str phpphp substring in stringphp check if sentence has wordhow to check string like in phpphp check if string is contained in anotherphp string contains wordstring functions php w3schoolsphp if string contains letterphp heredoc 3bphp string include checkphp check if string contains a wordphp stringhow to know if string contains substring phpstrpos 28 29 in php explanationcheck if string contains letters phpphp if sub str existphp if string containchar exists in string phpfunction 28 29 3a stringcheck if string contain value in phpif a string contains a word phphow to check if a string matches specific word like in phpinvclude string phpcheck if stirng scotnaincs string phpphps check if string words containsting function phpsolr check if word in lookuphow to get strpos in phpstring functions in phphp check if contain wordphp if string contains text 25php str includescheck if variable contains phrase phpphp if string contains letterswhat is the purpose of strpos 28 29 function of php 3fphp check in string if has characterif word is in string phpphp check if string containgphp checks ifs strings words containsstring contains function in phpcheck substring in string phpphp stringcontainssarch string inside a stringphp contains substringfind substring in string phphow to check a string contains a words in pohpphp str containescheck string contains phpcheck if contains phpstr contains alternative phpcheck if a string has a character phpexplain string in php with detailstrpos in php 5cphp match word in stringphp string reference php check if string contain 23 23contains letter phpphp function on stringif string contains value phpphp search for word in stringheredoc in phpphp if string contains numbersphp check if string contains caracterphp string functions with examplesreturn word if it contains part of stringinclude php strphp string contains specific wordphp string inclduescheck if string contains word phpphp start contains stingcheck if send of the string contains phpfint text in string phpphp reference function as stringphp check if string contains substringeod phpphp if strings containsphp str functionsstring example phpis string phpphp check if substring exists in stringimportant string functions in phphow to check if a string contains a character phpcheck word exist in string phpphp text containsstr functions phphow to check word exist in string in phpif string contains php return valueshould php contains phpstrpos string phpusing php strposphp check if word exist in stringcheck if a word is on string phpstring and string function in phpcheck string contains 2c in php orcheck if string has substring phpphp function for stringsphp find if string contains charactercontains a character phpphp detect string in stringphp check substring in stringphp check containsfind substring that has character php 60 string phpphp check if char exists in stringphp if substring in stringphp check if string contains a substringhow to check word is availabl in str in phpfind if a string contain any of a given words phpphps check ifs string word containcheck if string contains phpstring contains in phpstring contains character phpif string contains wordphp strpos indexphp check for string in stringphp if text contains letterscheck string contains character in phpphp how to check if a string contains a substringphp contains in stringcheck if a word exists in a string phpsearch word in string phpphp check if a string contains a wordhow to see if a string doesnt contain any letters phpphps checks ifs strings words containnowdoc phpphp see if a string contains a stringstrings fucntion in phpstring function php 5dstrpos 28 24html array 29 phpstring manipulation phpstring contain check phpstring method phpstrtime in phpcheck string exist in string phpcheck word inside string phpdefine string phpstrstr phplist out built in string functions in phpphp if text contains in variablephp see if string contains a substringif string include phpphp search if string contains stringjs check if string contains specific wordhow to check letter in string in phpphp get string containsphp if contains lettersphp check if a substring exists in a stringcheck if character is in string phpincluides string in phpfind a character in a string phpinclude or includes phpheredoc example phpif value contains in word check in phpincludes in phpphp check if a string contains substringsphp if contains string php string string functionsphp strpos 28 29str contains 28 29how to check string contains 22 22 in phpmakefile check if string contains substringphp string contansincludes string phpheredoc php example how to show only that part of text where word existssearch particular from string phphow to check if a string contains a string phphcheck if a word is like phpphp check if string contains amount string functions in phpif sub str in str phpif string does not contain substring phpincludes this string in phpcontain in phpphp here doc echophp string functionssubstr php indexofif text contain phpstring specefic word then no need phpcheck if value contains in string pohptest if substring in string phpif string has substring phpif string haschacke if string contains word phpsting contains phpphp has in stringin string phphow to search for a string in a word in phpphp includes the stringphp check if string has characterhow to use a sting in a function in phpphp check if variable contains stringfind word in string phpcheck work instringphp check if string contains charactersphp strpos examplephp function str funcoes string phpstring manipulation in phpphp 3fstringphp check if strings words contain 3fstring in phpphp strin containsphp detect word in stringstring contains string in phpcheck if string contains a character phpphp check if string has php find a word contains a lettercheck if string exists in another string phpphp are containscheck if string in string php 3c 3c 3ceot phpphp 7 check if string contains a substringphp strpisphp string functionstring contains phpcheck if a substring exists in a string phpwhat are the string manipulation functions in phpphp check for string containg wordstringain contains phpcheck string php containssearch for string in string phpcheck if string contains substring phpcheck if a string has a substring phpstr contains php 5check conatin word phpphp heredoc variable interpolationphp string and syntaxphp 7 1 string containsphp if part is in stringphp heck if string containsphp check if has english character in stringphp check ifs string word containshow to check if the string has certain string in phpstrpos in php examplephp string containtsee if string contains a word phpphp heredoc to stringmatch string in php parthow to check a variable contains a word in phpphp find match in a string and return true or falsecheck if string contains value phpsubstring in phpcheck if string not contain phpstring 2a phpcheck if substr in string phphow to check if string includes a word phpcheck a word in a stringif exists specific word in string phpphp checks ifs strings words containfilter php if string contains substringhow to check substring present in string in phpfunction create string phpheredocs phpstrpos in php 5cphp string methodscontaine phpcheck if str contain character phpphp contain strverify if str include character phpphp find text in stringcomparaison string phpwhat is heredoc syntax phpphp if is string containsif string has character phpcheck if the string has substring in phpstring meaning in phpstring includes substring phpstring functions php 3fif chrctor exsisit in to paragph in phpphp check if string contains letterphp if contains some stringphp if like stringstrpos 28 29how to check if a string contain another string phpphp 5cn in eotphp if includescheck if a string contains phpphp check if string containes wordphp check contain stringphp if str containphp how to check if string is in stringhow to use heredoc in phpstrpos en phpstring funciton in phpphp strings containstrpos php parametershow to check string contains particular text in phpcheck if sting contains a word in phpphp if character exist in stringphp in heredoccheck if a string contains some characters phpif letter in string in phpstrlen phpcheck sting contain sub sting phpphp string method containssearch string in another string in phpphp check if string contains returnphp find string contains 24php string functionscheck character in string phpheredoc stringchech of string contsins a word phphow to check if text is in a string phpcheck if substring in string phpphp check word in stringphp string part of string in another part of string phpcontains 28 29 or includes 28 29 in phpstr include phpphp string functions str functionphp code in php stringphp strpos 3e 1if string contains letters php php check if string containsfind a specific word in a string and add another string after that specific word phpif substring in string phpif variable contains one of this string phpcheck sting contsin sub sting phpphp if in string characterstrpos to check if 2c is present in a string or notstring functiosn phpphp if strposcheck string has substring phpif in string phpcheck if substring exists phpphp check if substring in stringphp string strposphp checks ifs string words containcheck if string has character phpknow if substring exusts phpheredoc html phpcontains string phpstring in php all functionsphp contains substrinfhas string word phpphp string contains condition functionphp how to check if string contains substringsubstring contains phpphp search string for word 3a 3fstring phpsee if word is in string phpstrdate phpstring inside a string inside a string phpcontain string in phpcheck if a string contains a string phpin php string functinohow to read a string in phpcheck if a substring is present in a given string phpphp str 60php obscure stringfind word from phpphp 7b 24 7dstrp in phpphp strstrphp contains 28 29php check string containphp 3c 3c 3ccheck if value contain some text phpphps check if string word containwhat does strpos do in phpwhat are the string manupulating functions in phpphp if variable like stringphp str 28 29string contains string php strposif strpos php contains 40php check string contains stringphp check if a string contains a substringhow can improve string with string phpphp condition to check string contains particular string 28 29 3a string phpphp check if strings word containsphp string 27check if string contains any characters phpphp check if string has with regexin php how to check the contains in the stringhtml php form strings for testinghow to check if a string includes a certain value phphow to check if a string contains a substring phpif a string has a word in it phpphp if variable contains strcheck string is present in phpcheck string has substring in phpphp string contain a charactercheck if a string only contains phpif string contains another string phpphp check if string is substringphp heredocsphp checks if string words containcheck if letter exists in string phpif string contains letter phpcommon string functions in phpsubstring if phpphp str contains substrmatch substring in string phpstring functionsphp str includephp check specific word in stringphp eod with variablesstring function program in phpcheck string contains in phpcheck text contain word in phpcheck if string has specific world phpstr containsif php string containscheck if string contain one value or another phpcheck string has character phpcheck if a string is inside another phpseacrh word in string in phpphp if string contains certain wordscheck for a word in a string phpphp string functjionstrpos 28it strpos phpstrpos phpphp string conftainsstr containphp string containphp is substring existscurt string phpphp contains wordinclude certain characters in string phpfind string into stringstr in phpcheck if string contains a word phpcheck word in string phpstring contains substring in phpphp string 60contains phpfind specific word in string phpcheck string contain char in phpphp cointainsphp string toolsphp includesstr contains php7how to make sure value is a char phpif string includes string phpstring contains word phpphp if contains wordhow to check if a string has some word in phpif variable contains string phpcheck if part of the string is in other string with space or special caracter phpmatch substring in phpphp other ways to strposcheck if certain string in string phpwrite a php program using string for formatting operatorstring contains en phpphp strcontainsphp string include examplephp check if string contains string indexhow to check if string contains specific character in phpphp check if string contains characterstr function phpcheck if string contains exact substring phpheredocjustify how to locate a string within a string in php with a suitable example 3fphp 27 3fstring 27 methodscheck for a substring in a string phpstrpos example phpphp get all words the has char in stringphp 3d stringcheck word contains in phpcheck if a word is onto a stringfunction string phpphp check if containsstr contains a text in phpphp if a string contains another stringremove substring in phpphp include string conditionphp 28str 29how to find value in string in phpphp word contains lettercheck string have 25 in phpcheck if a string contain a substring phpphp if text inside stringstring contain phpphp 2bif 2blikephp getting double quotation marks at the end of heredocinclude string phpif string contain character in phpphp string contain textverify string phpcheck for substring in phpcheck string contains another string phphow to check if string contains substring phpfind if string contains any of character phpphp stromephp check whether string contains substringhow to test if a string contains a character phpcheck if string contains specific word phphere doc in phppregex string contains substring phpstr phphow check if a string contain in phpphp check if string contains specific subset of charactersif string contains word phphow to find the string contains in php php check if string contains stringcheck strinh in phpif string have 2cphp check if contains stringphp includes textcheck if part of the srint is in other string phpcheck if the string match in phpcheck if a string contains a specific word phpphps check if strings word containphp exist in stringwhich of the following is the use of strpos 28 29 function in php 3fphp function to check if a words are present on stringcheck if string contains phpcontains word phpstring contain syntax in phpphp string check if containsphp check if string contain stringcheck if contains a var phpcontains in phpphp string functions liststring exist in other wordphp string contains substring at positonphp see if word is in stringphp if string contianstring php functionstring is exist in variable phpphp sring functionsstring methods phpphp see if string contains substringcheck if a string includes something in phpif string contains anything other than phpcheck if text in string phpphp string contain charphp check if url contains stringstr exists 27php strposhow to check a word is in string in phpphp checks ifs strings word containhow to check if a string includes a substring in phpphp string contains specific stringcheck if the word contain certain character in phpcheck if substring exists in a string phpphp in string functionexecute php str containscheck if strcontainsphp check whether string containsphp string lateralcheck if a string contains a word in phpstr includes phpdifferent string funtions in phpif string not contains phpphp contains string in stringlaravel single code check in stringphp search if string contains substringphp if string has characterphp multiline stringwhich of the following is not a built in string functions in php 3f 2a 1 point strlen 28 29 strreverse 28 29 strpos 28 29 str replace 28 29check for word in string phphcheck if a string contains a word phpif contains php stringcheck if word in stringphp check for substringphp check string only contains lettersphps check if strings words containif string has string phpstrpos function in phpphp get word in string there has a charimportant things in php stringscontain string phpcheck substring php php stringwp check if content contains charsif string contain phpphp if string inside stringphp in string containsphp check if string contains strngphp check if string contain faxphp if contain stringcheck if is in a string phpfind if string contains characters phpphp eof characterphp check if string contains textstring has substring phpcheck text is in string or not phpstrpos check if string contans interger phpcheck if the value contains string phpstring contain in phpphp str poscheck if contains substring phpphp string contains number or letterphp detect quotes or brackets in a stringcheck if a string contains a substring phpphp heredoc eodstring 2c contains phpcheck if string has symbol phpcheck if contains string phpphp check if string if has characterstring fuctions in phpstring check exist other string phpphp function that take a stringphp check contains stringphp str includephp string contain substringphps check if string words containscheck if a string contains a character php 3fstring phpphp if string includescheck if string is a wordtest if string contains string phpif not substring exists phpcheck if the string contains substring in phpphp while add stuff to nowdocphp string if not contain a strphp check if string is like heredoc phpophp string includesphp str containcheck string not contain phpphp does string containphp function check if string containsif subsctring phpcheck if string contains substring in phpphp if strin containsphp check if a string contains another string at startingif word contains string phpphp check if string contains charphp check if string contain substringphp check if name contains charactereot in phpfind word in phpcheck word is in string phpphp check if string has a given wordcheck if word exist in string in phpif includes phpstrings phpphp find words in stringphp check is string containscontains string in phphow to check a string contains a particular character or not in phpphp string incluyephp includesphp check if string is instringphp string contain stringcheck if string like stringcheck word in string and retun stringphp string contains variablehow to check if a php string atleast contains the follwowingcheck contain string phpif php contains stringconvert string to control phpstring contains some characters phpphp if string exists in stringphp string 3c 3c 3cphp check if string contains anotherif tuis string exist and tis not existif str contains phpif string has word phpcheck word contains in string phpcheck if string has letters phpphp string operations strposcheck if string contains charecter phpstring functions for phpif contains a string phpphp if string contains substringif string instring phpxhexk if string is like another string phpif string contains phpphp contain stringif 27 27 in stringphp check if only contains letterscheck if letter in string phpphp 7 string function pdfphp search string containsif string contain character phpphp substring containswhere is the word exist on string phpif scring contains phpcheck if string have phpcheck in stringcheck if string is like in phpfind word in php stringusing php string functions in tablephp contains methodphp if variable contains charactercheck string exist in phpif string contrains phpphp heredoc version php heredochow to check string contain in phpcheck if string contains char phpcheck if text contain word regexphp contains characterphp strpos string with 2fphp eod stringcheck if substring in in string phpcheck if string contains php 5ccontain phpcheck for substring phpphp if text contains stringfind string in word phpif word exists in string phpcheck word exist in strin phpcheck if contains phphp if a string has a patterphp test if string contains substringif contains string phpphp check if character in stringdefine string php 60php find word from containsphp check if word is likephp if string contains php string checkerhow to use includes in phpphp string doc 5cstrpos in phpphp if in stringstr function in phpphp string hascheck if letter is in string phpcheck if contain string phpphp 3 strings as optionsin php stringcheck if string is substring phpsee if string contains phpphp heredocphp check ifs strings words containsdescribe strings in php 2c list various string operatorsand strpos in phpphp check if a word is in a stringfunction string in phpphp check if string contains specific word in php stringphp string contains with scorephp string is in stringcheck if string contains substring phostrcmp in phpfind word from php 5cphp find if string contains wordphp containsincludes en phphere doc phpphp find in stringphps check ifs string word containsif variable contains a string phpstring include phpcheck in string match phpphp str contains includesstr phpphp if 28content includesstrtodate phpin a string contain a word or not in phpphp check if substring existsphp check if string has stringphp check if letter in stringstrings in phphow to check if a letter exists in a string phpif word in string phpphp check for word in stringphp nowdocphp check if string contain another string or equalphp check if a string contains a specific wordcheck if string is in string phpphp string containeshow escape heredoc in phpstring containf funtio phpcontain php stringcheck string include string phpphp 8 str containsw3school strings in phpphp function of stringif string value contains string phpphp how to check for string containsphp if has substringstring contains other phpphp string functions for converting string with characterscheck substring exist in string phpheredoc phpphp how to strposif string includes channel in phptest if has string phpif string contains string in phpphp if variable contains stringphp summary stringhow to check if a string contains another string in phpstring contains substring phpif string includes phpphp find if string contains substringstring function in php with syntaxif text contains phpphp see if string containsfunction 28 29 3a string in phpstring function in phpphp how to detect if a certain word is in a stringphp string contains symbolphp return heredoccheck if text contains string phpphp find if a word is in stringcheck if string contains letter phpstring functions phpif in string some character phpstrings functions in phpphp 3fstring methodscontains php strphp functions on stringphp if exists in stringphp string contains substrif contains phpstring function php fuctioncheck for word in stringphp if has stringcheck if a string is in another string python phpexplain any five string functions with sample programs in phpphp string