date to string in php

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showing results for - "date to string in php"
02 Jun 2020
1$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
2$date = strtotime($s);
3echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);
4The above one is the one of the example of converting a string to date.
5echo $s ->format('Y-m-d');
6The above one is another method 
19 Sep 2019
3$date new DateTime('2000-01-01');
4echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
09 Jan 2019
1$element = '15-Feb-2009';
2$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y', $element);
26 Jun 2019
1echo date('Y.m.d H:i:s');
20 Sep 2017
1Date to string
3$date = "2021/03/13";
4$newdate= date('d M, Y', strtotime($date));
5echo $newdate;
11 Sep 2019
1$date_string_prepared = date_create("2020-08-07");
2$date_string = $date_string_prepared->format("d M Y");
3// result 07 Jul 2020
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str to datetime phpphp template the date phpphp time from timestampphp strtotime to datehow to get the datetime today in phpphp str to datedate 28 29 php format variabletime to string in phpformat date phpget date from string phptimetostr phpphp formathow to make a date to string in php7995 str in time phpconvert a date into string in phpphp make date from stringphp where date formattime string to date time php c3 8a c3 a1 c3 b4 c3 a1 c3 b7 c3 be c3 b1 c3 a7 c3 b3 c3 a7 c3 90 c3 a1 c3 b1 c3 a1 c3 a3 c3 a3 c3 a5 c3 ab c3 9f c3 a1 c3 b2 c3 ac c3 a5 c3 a1 c3 b1 c3 a9 c3 a8 c3 ac c3 bc format phpphp datetime parseinput date actual date phpphp fromat string to datephp datetime format stringhow to conver date and time to datetime in phpconvert date string to date phpparse date phpphp string to datphp parse string to datetimephp default h in date format if none providedcreate date from string javascript phpphp th to datephp create timestamp from stringphp date time formatphp write today 27s date to fileconvert date to str phpphp make datephp datetime to sringphp string to datetimedatetime php t datephp new datetime to stringphp today 27s date timestamphow to get datetime value phpphp convert date and timedatrtime to string php12 hour time format phpconvert datetime to string in phpdatetime 3a 3atimeformat phpphp convert to date objectphp datetime with date stringphp datetime convert from stringphp create date time from stringphp date in 24 hour formatnow to to string phpphp year dateconcat time and date into timestamp in phpphp datetime mtime formatphp deconstruct date typedate to string convert phpphp getdate to stringphp text to datephp time in 24 hour formatphp get the date and time now ifparse time datetime phpmake a datetime object from string and timestamp phpphp get data todayphp date convertdatetime get date phpcusatom time format to timestamp phpdate formats in php 5chow to convert the string to date in phpday from timestamp phpphp datetime to string formatphp 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for datetime create format phpphp formatted datetime to datetimeget date from datetime object in phphow to decode date range url in phpphp format 25how to convert a date to a string in phpcovert string date form 2f to phpnew datetime 28 29 to string 24datestring 3d validdate 2812 2c 31 2c 2018 29 3b phpmake string a date in phphow to parse date in phpdate time to string phpphp specific formatwrite php code that will output html code for displaying the current date 2c month and year convert date object to string phpphp parse string datephp todaydatephp format datetime nowphp date string to timedate php convertphp formarphp mysql date to stringcurrent date with format in phpconvert date tot string phpdatetime to str phpphp datetime formatdcurrent timestamp to string in phpphp scasst string to datetimephp parse string to datephp datetime format ymd hismaking date to be in date format php12 hr time format in phphow to change date to string phphow to convert string to date phpphp datetime format why i used for minutecreate data from string phpturning string into date time interface phpphp format datetimephp 01 2f01 2f1999 to datetimephp parse date year month daydate from string phpphp datetime to stringphp date format for unix timestampconvert date to numeric string phpphp tatetime to datephp datetimecurrunt date time in phpdate php to stringdate str phphow to change datetime to string phpphp convert dateperiod item to datephp date and time formatsy m d format date from php datetime objstring date in phpdate to str phptime in php formatdatetimr format phplaravel string to datephp date to timestamp formatconverting date time to string phpphp get data timephp convert string to date y m dphp print date sort timezone in phpdatetime php parseconvert date type to string phpphp string to date mysql55 betwin time js and phpsave the actuall date phpdate object from string phpphp date now to stringphp how to convert time to stringturn string date intor date phpconvert date to string in phpphp code to print curent datetimephp date create date from formatdatetime object to string en phpphp date from stringdate and time php formatedphp date 28 22h 22 29 3bphp from date to string php cast datetime to stringtime to string convert in phpget current date with formatted in phpget date with time format in phpphp unix timestamp to stringd from string date phpnew datetime from string phpconvert given string to date phpphp formateis php date output a stringphp create date from variablephp create datetime from database stringdate format php timestamp 3c 3fphp echo data 28 27y 27 29 3b 3f 3ehow do i convert datetime to string format in phpconvert time to string phpphp date to stringsphp current date formatdate format in php to stringconvert a datetime object php to stringsave a actuall date phpphp convert sql date to stringphp string format to timestampphp get current timedate 2b time phpmake a date from a string phpdate formte phpstring to date format in phpstring to time month day year phpphp parse date from stringphp create custom date from stringphp read string as datehow to store time in 24 hours format in phplaravel string to datetimephp convert date to stringtotimephpdate formatdate to str in phpactual date phpdate 28 27h 3ai 3as 27 29 phpconvert datetime object to string phpstring to date format phphow to format the date in php get current datetime phphphp create time from string for timezonetimestamp format phphow to format 27 in phpfrom date to datetime phpphp format time stringformat phpput date in php functionstring to date format in php php date object to strngformat in phpphp convert date to datetimephp code to echo the created date from stringycal link not set title and date phpget date from aphp datetimephp date typephp create a date from string y m d h 3ai 3asstring date to date phpecho date phpget current full date and time phpphp ojbject to string format outputphp date string to datatimefrommat phpphp convert datetimephp datetime format why i data date format in phpphp european date formatphp datetime format to stringget date from datetime string php24 hrs format in time date datetime phpphp datetme to stringphp simple current datetimestring to datetime phpphp timestamp formatphp create datetime by stringconcert date string to date phpputting current date in a variable phptime format 24 hr phpphp format time to datetime inputformat utc datetime phpphp date to string for namephp change datetime formatphp string date objectstring to date time in phpphp datetime to datephp parse dateweek php objectphp format string to datephp used date db change format to onlu datephp astring to dateto string date phpphp convert string date to datecreate a date with a string phpphp get range between to datedatetime php to stringstring to date phphow to convert datetime to string phpphp date with time to stringdatetime to string in phpphp create date variable from d 2fm 2fydate shows 1984 in phpcreate date by str phpdatetime to string en phpdate formate in phpphp function to get string value of a dateformat a get to date phpstring to date object in phpphp format a string to datestrtotime y m dphp 7 get current datephp get datetime in variablephp echo date objectget date of today phpphp date time to datedate hour format phpget date of string phpcreate datetime from string phpphp date only todaygenerate date timestamp phpstring date to date in phptime format php 24hphp current time and dateget time in t datetime format phpconvert date into string in phpphp string date to datephp get date with stringphp convertir string a datetimeconvert to timestamp php call format on string php datephp get datetime stringparse datetime to date phpphp datetime tostringphpdatetime to stringdate format functino phpphp create date time froom stringformat date php string to stringdatetime to string pythonphp time 280 to stringphp get today 27s date in timestampphp convert date m to nconvert datetime php to stringhow to change dates to string in phpecho date 28 22 g 3ai a 22 29php date string to dateconvert datetime phpphp strinf to datephp fprmat hoursphp date time object to stringphp 7 get now date timephp get now datetimedate formatter in phpdate separator php same with skypedate format with hours and minutes and seconds in phpdate as datetime phpphp tostring datetimecast date to string phpcurrent date php timestamphow to convert date object to string in phpphpdoc create datephp datetostringcovert datetime varaible timeonly in phptime format phpphp get today 27s datedate ymdformat phpphp formatsphp get date to stringhow to get date from datime in phpdate converter to string phpphp read date format convert php date to stringhow to get todays date in php 7php timestamp to year month dayphp current datetimedate create to string phpnew datetime php to stringdate unix format phpphp format date timedatetime format nget the current date string in phpconvert date php to stringformat string date to date phpnew datetime format phphow to create a 2cc 2cb date form in phpphp date and time to stringphp get date from datetimereturn date 28 27f d 2c y 5ca 5ct h 3ai a 27 2cstrtotime 28 24date 29 29 3bphp date from string wedformat time phpdatetime to string php no timephp get date as stringphp display full datetime formatphp datetime formattingdate to string with format phpdate to minutes phpget date php formatdate string in phpdaste time in phpdate fromat phpdatetime create from format with datetime 24date 3d 5cdatetime 3a 3acreatefromformat 28 27d 2fm 2fy 27 2c 24data 5b 27lead date 27 5d 29 3bdata 28 29 in phpphp month and year from stringphp turn string into datecreate date from string in phpmake string date phpnew datetime formatconvert date in php date from string phpphp fill date timefield with constantphp write todays date to filephp format date and timephp get daily datephp get date arrayto stringphp get date year nowdate input n phpphp convert string with 2f or to datephp convert date to stringphp to datecreated at date get in y m d h 3ai 3as phpdate with timezone in php formatdisplay datetimein phpcreate date from string phpformat string date phphow to make date to string in phpconvert date and tome to string to time phpdate format in php 5cphp function thet can headle all date formatsphp date time to stringy m d format in phpstring to datetime in phpphp return date as stringphp time formatphp time h 3am 3as format to h 3amphp time format with leading 0php convert date format to stringphp convert to date from stringconvert php time 28 29 to stringturn date to shamsi phpphp current datetime to stringstring ot date phpphp how convert year into datechange date to string in phpdate to day phphow to convert date into string phpget date to string phpconvert datetime object to string php 5cconvert string to datephpcue forma te dattimephp what datetime formatphp date convert string to dateget current datetime phpdateime php from stringphp object writing formatateget datetime to string phpphp get time of dayphp str to daeget current date in string phpphp date format monthsphp get gurrnet date time 12hdate to timestamp phpdate format php examplephp generate date stringphp date string to date objectdate create phphow change currenttime stamp to string phpphp datetime formatphp convert string to datetimephp convert the string to datephp createfromformat strtotimecreate class function date in php php formate date timephp date of today 1daybest way to get date from string php3 letter month abbreviations in php date formathow to create date from string in php 3fget current date in specific format phpdate to strftime phpphp datetime format optionsdisplay php datetimedisplay today 27s date or change phpdate 28 27h i a 27 2c strtotimelaravel convert 2020 2f08 2f20 00 3a00 3a00 to datecreate datetime string phpphp datetime 2f to datetime object to string phpconvert styring to date phpdate 28 22y 3am 3ad h 3ai 3as 22 29 3bphp datetime create from stringphp get today date as timestampphp get date formatted stringconvert a string to date phpunix date to date phpphp create date from datetimephp conversion date to stringphp new date from stringconvert time into string phpdate to string in phpphp timestamp from date stringphp datefromstringphp fromat datephp string to dateformat date with timezone phpphp date format include dayphp date 5minutysphp year now functiondate to string php formatphp date based on stringphp get date from datetime to stringtime input to string phpconvert time to string in phpcreate date time from string phpdate object in string in phpdatetime string phpcast string to date phpdate 28 22y m d 22 29php format time to datetimejan 5 2c 2021 15 3a37 3a25 time format phpphp time to string formatformat h 3aidatetime to datestring phpphp create datetime object from string datehow to sed a datetime object in phpphp datetime to string exampleslaravel datetime to stringphp date format dphp calendar str format codecreate from format timestampconvert date string into format phpphp to date codephp from string create datephp function to get the current datechange format of time phpphp get current datestring time format phpparse date string phpphp get current date with formatphp convert datephp date string formatdate function php formatphp date createfromformatdatetime y m dstring to datetime in phphphp date format to an 2020php date array to stringphp date formattingphp string date to strftimedate to string phpx 23created at datetime in phpphp create date from date and timeconvertir date a string phpgetting just current date in simple format phpphp convert string to date0 in date format phpcovert string to date phpconvert date into string phpconvert php datetime to stringformat time php from time stringphp curdate printdatetime get current day phpconvert date to string phpto str from date phpecho date formet in datereturn as date timeformatephp date as stringconvert string to date in phpforamt phpdate string to date phpphp date string to formatphp datetime to date and timephp store date to string php echo date 28 29object datetime to string phpdate format phpcarbon 3a 3acreatefromformat 28 24format 2c 24time 2c 24tz 29formate a date in phpphp create date formatphp code of todays date in timestamps formatphp date to stringphp convert datetime to stringphp time 28 29 formatturn string to date php tphp echo date and timephp datetime y m d h i sconvert string in date phpdate to string phptime to string phpdatetime drfault format phphow to convert date to string in php how to convert string into date in phpdate create from string phpnew date from string phpget date in different formats phpparse dattime to string phpget current date and time using phpphp datetime 3a 3acreatefromformatphp date time strngcurrent date time format phpphp string to date from formatstr to date phpconvert date phpphp time 28 29 to stringconverting date 28 27u 27 29 in php to stringphp 24 hour time formatphp today 1daydate to php datephp get current datetimestring to date in phpformating phpdatetime object to string in php3 letter of month in phpphp to string datephp dateinterval to stringconvert date string to datetime phpmake date from string phpconvert string to other format phpphp date to string 281 2f1 2f1 29php strtotime converterphp show datetime nowchange string to date phpchange date time to string phpphp dateto stringphp format date from timestampfrom date object to string phpphp format 2b0100 timestampphp create date from stringin php using current date time create a stringphp create datetime form stirng php format date from stringphp time format 24hformat 1dtime phpphp date time to stringphp date n to mphp time format t insidephp timestamp from stringphp string complete date with time to datehow to change php date to stringdate from string in phpphp to date functionphp date format examples currentstrtotime in phpadd 3d c3 a0 now date phpdate str to timedate time to timestamp phphow to convert date to string in phptime to string phpconvert date now to string phpdatetime 24 hour format phptime 24 hour format in phpphp date parsephp date format from stringphp display date formatphp current date in formatphp different date formats displayprint dates in a specific format in phpphp print date in formatphp date string to datetimephp datetime createfromformatphp convert to datefrom date to date php php format an objectadding current date a variable in phpphp parse date time by formatphp from date to timestampphp convert date time to stringconveert date to string phpdate format y m d h 3ai 3as and time zone in phpdate fromat in phpget date from string of field in phpdatetime 28 29 php to stringphp date time converthow to convert a date to string in phphow to get date from string in phpformat datetime phpnew date 28 29 now phpdatetime from format phpphp format display of datetimedate forat in phpdatetostring phpphp convert datetime object to stringphp convert string to date with timezoneget datetime in phpconvert string date to date phphow to convert string to date in phpdatetime in echophp get todays datecreate new datetime from string phptime date in phpphp datetime object formatscurrent time in phpdatetime format phpphp an application that you are implementing requires multiple date format to be transformed into one implementing the functions change date format which accepts a list of string 2crepresenting dates and returns new list of strings24 hour format phpdate to strong phphow to turn string into date phpphp create from date and timehow to convert 1603437974 to datetime in phpphp datetime create from text stringphp date format variablephp datetiome codeschange datetime to string phpcurrent date php date formatmysql string to timestampcreate date php from stringnew date to string in phptime format h 3aiphp parse date stringconvert string to date phpphp create datetime from formatted stringphp convert datetime to string formatphp date convert to stringphp datetime format only datephp in chage date and time formatshow to get server current date and time in phpdate object to string phpdate from string new datetimeformatter phpphp datetime format hours and minutesdisplay time from date with phpphp formate to datetimephp echo datetimevarchar to date in phphow to get current date and time formate in varaible phpphp date 01 aug 2020date time to string in phpdate 28 29 to string phpdatetime php get datetime format in text phpphp date string to other formatphp time 24 hour formatget format in phpcreate new date from string phpphp get todays date in timestampparse date in phpphp parse datetime to stringphp code to display current date and time in different formatsphp datetime 3eformatlaravel convert date to stringphp formt dteget current datetime in phpecho date time object php as stringdatatime object into string phpdate time object to date strign phphow toprint date value in phpconverting date to string in phpphp convert string date to string dateexplore date phptime function in php to datestring to time phpdatetime format with timezone php t zconvert date and tome to string phpsend current date phpphp time format listphp get date time stringphp convert date time to datephp convert string into dateconvert date time to string phpphp create date object from stringget date from datetime phpphp day formatstring date to datetime phpget day timestamp phpphp get current date formattedphp current date to stringphp string to date format examplenew datetime php formatdate php formatphp date object from stringdate 3a 2020 12 05 02 3a38 3a14 0 utc 28 2b00 3a00 29 convert to 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27php get current time date timeat string in date phpformat string date in phpdate to datetime phpphp function in php for current date and timephp string to date formatphp standard date time formatphp get date in stringphp get current date in formatget month year day from a month string phpphp 24 hour timedate format 24 hours phpd 2fm 2fy g 3ai a to datehow to get todays date in phpcreate date with time and format phpfull date in phpdate now to string phpset date from string phpphp date from datetimegenerate time string in php24 hour time format phpphp date object to stringdate format with hours and minutes and seconds in phphp convert date to strinmake a date format with phpphp datetime today as texthow to convert string dae in strtotime in phpphp date time create from stringphp get date year month datelaravel convert date creadted to stringphp dateformatphp date to timestampdate convert to string in phpphp date stringphp datetime object to stringphp mysql datetime to stringphp date time of dayprase utc datetime phpphp get data of todayturn string to date php php convert date time to normal datedate timeformat in phpcreate date in php from string php string to timephp year from datephp date now to formatget date object from string phpphp time format without datephp time to stringturn date string into date phpconvert current datetime to string phpgetting system time in phpphp variable date formatphp format a string into a datephp create datetime from stringhow to get today date with date formet in phpphp get current time in formatdatetime to string phpphp datetime format h 3ai without scecondsdate time php formatcreate date phpserver time formt phpmake date from a string phpconvert datetime to string phpphp date from full stringphp code for datedatetime string php 5cphp date to string 281 2f1 2f21 29how to show current time php formattedstr to date php 24date format phpphp store date to string yyyymmddphp format string datephp string to date objectphp dastephp show current datetimechange datetime object to string phpformat function in phpphp current timestamp formathow to convert string date in strtotime in phpphp get date stringphp date formatgrab current date phpdate time format in phpformat date in phpformat time to show only date phpconvert string to 27 27 fomrat phpphp string to future dateformatter function phpreturn dates from today to specific date in phpconvert string date format phpphp code to print the current datetimeformat date from string phpdate time to date phpformat datetime to year in phpphp get date in formatphp to create date with year month dayphp create a date from stringstrtodatetime in phpphp string complete date to datedatetime in phpunix to dateformat phphow to have a current date in phpphp srtstoy datephp code to display current date and timecurrent date in formate phpphp datetime to string formartphp datetime format functionphp convert time to stringphp format date object date in pphpconcert current datetime to string in phpphp strint to datehow to convert date data type to string in phpphp datetime as stringphp get current date onlyphp date in stringdate to string in php