php sort 28 29

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showing results for - "php sort 28 29"
04 Oct 2016
2$fruit = array("apple","banana","mango","orange","strawbary");
4sort($fruit);       //arrange in ascending order
5echo "<pre>";
8rsort( $fruit);     //sort in descending order
9foreach($fruit as $val)
11    echo $val."<br>";
14$girl = array("krisha"=>20,"yashvi"=>30,"ritu"=>4,"pinal"=>80);
15asort($girl);       //sort in ascending order according to value
18ksort($girl);   //sort in ascending order according to key
21arsort($girl);      //sort in descending order according to value
24krsort($girl);      //sort in descending order according to key
01 Jun 2019
1$price = array();
2foreach ($inventory as $key => $row)
4    $price[$key] = $row['price'];
6array_multisort($price, SORT_DESC, $inventory);
28 Mar 2016
4$fruits array("lemon""orange""banana""apple");
6foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
7    echo $val;
12 Apr 2017
4$fruits array("Zitrone""Orange""Banane""Apfel");
6foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
7    echo "fruits[" . $key "] = " . $val "\n";
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