php sort reverse

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showing results for - "php sort reverse"
04 Sep 2018
3$fruits array("lemon""orange""banana""apple");
5foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
6    echo "$key = $val\n";
23 Jun 2018
4$fruits array("lemon""orange""banana""apple");
6foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
7    echo $val;
25 Sep 2017
1function aasort (&$array, $key) {
2    $sorter=array();
3    $ret=array();
4    reset($array);
5    foreach ($array as $ii => $va) {
6        $sorter[$ii]=$va[$key];
7    }
8    asort($sorter);
9    foreach ($sorter as $ii => $va) {
10        $ret[$ii]=$array[$ii];
11    }
12    $array=$ret;
15 Aug 2018
1// Fonction de comparaison
2function cmp($a, $b) {
3    if ($a == $b) {
4        return 0;
5    }
6    return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
15 Jun 2020
1// array sort php
2$room_details = array(
3      "2020-09-27": [
4                {
5                    "content": "how are you",
6                    "detail_id": "1",
7                    "time": "17:57:28",
8                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:28",
9                    "width": "0",
10                    "height": "0",
11                    "type": "1",
12                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
13                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
14                    "position": 2
15                },
16                {
17                    "content": "I am fine, thanks",
18                    "detail_id": "2",
19                    "time": "17:57:45",
20                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:45",
21                    "width": "0",
22                    "height": "0",
23                    "type": "1",
24                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
25                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
26                    "position": 2
27                },
28      ],
29	 "2020-09-24": [
30                {
31                    "content": "how are you",
32                    "detail_id": "1",
33                    "time": "17:57:28",
34                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:28",
35                    "width": "0",
36                    "height": "0",
37                    "type": "1",
38                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
39                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
40                    "position": 2
41                },
42                {
43                    "content": "I am fine, thanks",
44                    "detail_id": "2",
45                    "time": "17:57:45",
46                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:45",
47                    "width": "0",
48                    "height": "0",
49                    "type": "1",
50                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
51                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
52                    "position": 2
53                },
54      ],
59// result
60// array sort php
61$room_details = array(
62      "2020-09-24": [
63                ...
64      ],
65	 "2020-09-27": [
66               ...
67      ],
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php ksort reversehow to reverse array order in phpreverse sort ingers phporder arrays phpusort php descendingarray sorting in phpcan we sort collections in phpinverter order array phpsort array in particular order phporder an array into ascending phparray sort not working in phpsort string number in phpphp array indices orderphp sort array by similar valuesphp order an array by valuesorti ng function in phpphp sort array of words alphabeticallysort 28 29 array php gives me 1php sort and rsortphp order array by keyradix sort code phpphp order arrayorder desc phpsorting phpsort an array by value phpphp array order by key inversephp sort methodphp array order items by length descendingarray orderby array parameters phpphp sort returns truesort array with element phpsort array by value desc phphow to sort arrays phpasort by value in phpordernar array php usorthow to sort a index of array phpphp array and sorting valuesorder array by phpphp order in ascending orderphp sort array reversephp 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in phpvalue diffrence short by disending order phpphp sort array by a valuephp order ascendingphp order by valuephp array sort by string descendingdesc php textphp array sort methodshow to order an array phphow to use order by function in array in phpsort in array phporder by alphabetical phpsort array in ascending and descending order in phporder array by key valuesort by key phpphp sort array with functionsort array of array in phporder array php by user defined valuephp array sort valuesascending order and descending order in phpphp 7 ans for getting first element after alphabetical sorting in array using loopphp sorting functionsphp order array by key descendingwhat does sort array do phpreturn sort in phpphp sort associatarray descending by valuephp array sort key hashphp array sort by valuessort array php ascendingsorteer array phpphp sort array by functionorder by value array phpphp order array for an itemfonction sort phpphp array sort by columnhow to sort associative array by 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valuedescending sort button phpcreate order list php from arrayphp descending ordersort wp phpphp alphabetize arrayphp array sort boolphp numerical array sortarray in ascending and descending order in phphow to sort numbers in an array in phpreturn sorted array phpsorting an array phpphp rvers asortsort array by name phpsort by value in array in phporder by array value phpphp sorting functionsort array without sort function phphow to sort without sort function phpsort array in reverse in phpsort array numbers in phpphp how to invert array orderphp sort array by value namehow to sort array based on string in phpsort array by valuesort through array for a specific value phpphp array create order by number valuephp sort an array by valuephp sort string 26 numeric array descendinghow to sort data alphabetically in phpphp sort array ascendingphp sort number by alphabetical orderdescending ascending for php array sort asc phpreverse sort phparray sort phpsort arrary by character phpphp sort array on time addedphp order by string and variablewrite an function to sort an array in phpphp order by array valuephp sort array values alphabeticalorder position array phpusort sort by phporder array by valuesort php tablesort string array phparray value sort in phpphp sort data of timesort ascending phphow to sort php array manuallyphp sort array and returnsort commands phparray sort with value phpordered array in phporder array by value phpphp sort 22 c5 a0 22php sort array stringorder an array bu a variable value phphow to sort an array in phpphp sorting without sort functionphp array order byphp sort array alphabeticalphp sort numner descendingsortby phpphp array sort unorderedsort array in ascending phpfunction of ascending sort in phparray order by value php optionsphp sort array based on valuephp select asort itemsortdesc phporder by array phpphp array sort byhow to sort array on certainn valuesuse the correct array method to sort the 24colors array alphabetically in phpsort integer array ascending order phparray sort ascending php php order items examplehow to sort dscnd in phpsort in php w3schoolssort direction phpphp sort array withourt php sorting methodarray sort by array value phpsort phpsort array in phpsort functions phparray order desc phpphp arrange array in ascending orderphp array ordersorting algorithms in phpfilter and sort in phpphp sort array callbaclkphp functin tri 28 24tab 29php sort array by valuephp array order valuesort array in php using functionasceding phphow to make an array sorting algorithm phpphp order array by valuephp sort array by valuesphp asort numberarrange array alphabetically phpphp sort funcitonsort items php databaseorder by in phpphp sort array by value alphabetically case insensitivesort php array in ascending orderorder array alphabetically phphow to sort a string in phpphp order array by functionsort array value descending phporder array by a specific element phpphp code to sort an array in ascending orderphp sort array ascphp sort mysql resultsreverse sorting phpphp sort in reversesort an array descendng in phport an array in descending order 2c according to the value in phpphp usort reverseorder by php arraysort array alphabetircally by valuearrang ordering array phpphp order by given array ordertoarray sortable phpphp diacritics array sortarray sort alphabetically phpsort posts into array php sort asc phpphp always sorted arrrayphp array sortphp sorthand functionphp sort array ascending and return arrayarray index sort phpaarray ascending order phpphp sort array with forsort by in phpphp add order by descendingk sort phpsort of array phpforeach asc or desc php arrayorder in descending order array phpsort array according to value in phpsort array php by numberhow to make ascending order in phporder array by attribute phpphp glob sortphp integer in descending orderphp array method to sort descendingalphabeticallyinsert value and sort array in phporder array collection phpphp sorting programswhich of the following is a php function for sorting arrays 3fphp how to sort int arraysphp loop descending orderarray sort php callbackphp sort stringsphp sort array numericallysort list of arrays by value phpphp order by functionphp sort array by value numericphp foreach sortphp sort lowest to highestsort php order bysimple array sorting function in phpnumber sorting in phparrange array by value phpphp sort values in arrayordenar arreglo php w3sort numbers in array phpphp order desc arraycreate order number phparsort descending order in phpassending array inphphow to order array in phpphp fastest sort associative arraysort descending php selectphp array sort in descending orderhow to sort an array inside array phpphp array sort usort descarray order by value phparray php sort by valuesort array in php and returnarray sort associative phpsort array php by columnphp sort array numerically ascendingphp get order of arrayorder integers array phpsort function in php descendingphp sort array of numberssort function phparray sort desc phpsort reverse phpphp sort by asc on arraysort array by item phpphp array sort turkishphp 2b sort arrayphp array sort custom orderphp array reverse vs rsort 28array 29sorder by descending php querysort the array using different ways phpphp sort c5 a0sorting array value in phparray to order list phpar sort phpusort reverse phpphp sorterhow to organize a list in phparray sort without function in phpphp array sortierenphp sort array by key descendingphp reverse array orderphp array of string sortphp sort array according to valuesort array php by a valueorder array php by valuearrange array order phpsort an array of numbers in descending order phpphp sort array from lowest to highestval sort phpsort string according in phpsorting an array by value php sort php descsort array in descending order phpphp sort array by key ascendingsort array by key phpsort array by value in phpphp array invert elements orderphp sort array basedsort array numerically phpphp operator sorting operationsphp sort by array valuein php which of the function is used to sort an array in descending orderphp array sort 24 array short in phpphp array sort alphabeticalphp sort array by value is arrayphp sort array in order of valuelist functions available to sort an php arrayhow to sort array in descending order in phpsort integer array in phprsort phpstring to sorated array phpphp sortybysort descending phpphp sort array descending by valuesort descending array in phpsort by descending in phphow to sort by id in php mnysqlsort string in phpreorder array phpaphp sort arrayorderby phparray sort specific valuephp ass array sortjava sort array descending without function phpsort numbers descending phparray order phpsort an array in ascending order phpsorted aray phphow to order variables in phpphp sort by namearray sort php examplephp keep array in orderphp order array from highest value to lowetsorting the array inphpascending descending order in 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descending order functionsort by value phpphp array sorting typeusort lowest to highestrsort arrayphp sort by string reversesort dictionary by lowest to highest number key phpphp orderyby arrayarray order by id phpphp sort in reverse orderphp array ascending order asortarray sort by price phpassociated short from array sortphp and sort associative arrayphp sort items with array of valuesphp table sortorder array php descphp sort array by conditionphp sort accociative arraywrite a function to sort an array in phpsql data sort phpsort array in descending order according to key in phpphp sort array by value alphabeticallyorberby array phpphp rsoirtordenar array phpphp array in acesnding order with the valuesort arry in phpphp sort function valuesort in phpphp sorting with for functionsort by array of array value phpassociative array sort by value in phpsort array key descending phpsorting array phpsorting array crescent phpphp array and sorting algorithmsphp sort alphaphp sort array in ascending order using valyuesort by vallue phporder by desc 1 in phporder array desc phpphp sort array and construct arrayphp revert array orderphp array method to sort alphabeticallyhow to sort array of in phparray sorting code in phpphp order descendingphp arrry sortorder assoc array by a value phparray sort array phpbasic sort phphow to sort data in descending order in phpshow array items in order phpphp sort based on array valuesort array of number in phpphp str sortphp reorder assoarraysort array with for phpphp array sort reversesort numeric array in phpphp sort take indup array numerically descendingphp organize array of integers in descendingsort in descending order phphow to sort php stringsql order by descending id phpfunction sort array in ascending order phpphp reverse sort arrayphp sort array in descending orderphp sort alfabeticallysort one element phpsort php arrayarray sort pghpphp sort numnersort functions in array phporder an array phparray order indices phpsort ascending array phpsort array in ascending order in a foreach phphow to sort array without using function in phpphp sort inside arrayphp sort araysorting on phpsort an array 281 2c6 2c63 29 in php without php functionarray sort by number phpphp reorder array based on valuephp sort array key ascendingksort descending phpphp short array functionhow to sort numbers alphabetically phpforeach order by php c 23sorting array function in phpphp order by key valuephp function sort numeric array in descending order invert order array phparray descending order in phpsort by order phparray sort in phpphp sort array of stringsphp sort by lowest value in arrayphp sort an array and return a sorted arrayreorder array by value phpsort 28 29 in phpphp array order by key valuephp tri 2cwhich of the following function is used to sort an array in descending order 3f phpphp sort object lowestchange order in list algorithm phpphp how to order an arraysort array based on index phpsort array function phpsortby in phpphp arrange array valuesort an array phphsort array 3d 5b 5d on phpasort reverse phpascending order array phpsort of array in phpphp choose asort itemphp array order by key descsorting in array in phpsort methods in phpsort array by function phpphp sort descarray ordering by valuearray sort descending phpascending order sort by value in phpsort array based on value phpfunction to sort a string in phporder array ascendet phporder by balue phppphp sort array rsort by numeric value array phpphp sortaarrays php w3schools sortingphp sort only some elements in arrayphp sort array ascending by valuesort number array phpsort an array list phparray sort by given array phparray sort by index phphow to order in phpphp sort array by value descendingsort arraty phpsort associative array phpphp sort numeric array descendingsort list phpwhich of the following function is used to sort an array in descending order in phporder result by phpset sorting to string and find minimum value in array of index phpsorting array by value in phpksort by valuephp sort array valuesorting array in phpsort array alphabetically phpreverse order phpsortsort array by value phpphp arrary sortsort an array of valuessort array php value from low to highphp 2b rsortphp program reverse orderstring sort phpusort for sorting array in descending order in phphp sort examplephp ascending array value php aray sortphp sort a compound non associative array considering all columnshow to sort an aeey in phpprint array using sort array phpphp integer sort arrayphp orderbysort number php min and maxphp array sort associative array by valuesort descending order in phpphp sort array by keyphp array sort by array valuephp doc sortasc order array phpphp sort table ascending descendingsort a list in phphow to sort array descending in phpphp sort reversephp table sort and seachsort an array without using inbuilt function in phpphp how to sort itemsarray orderby phpphp order string arrayarray php orderphp query sortphp function for sorting arrayphp sort descending by valuephp sort a json descendingsort php array by indexsort array without using sort function phpphp simple array sortphp sortnotephp how to sort arrayarrange array in ascending order phpphp rank array valuesset array in accending order in phparray sorting logic in phphow to set array in descending order phparray change to descending order phphow to sort a array in php in a descending order phpinvertir order array phpphp sorting algorithm arrayhow to sort on an array phpphp function to sort an arrayphpsort array of numbersarray sort in phpphp sorting with forsort array values with keys phpsorting php w3arrange arrays pgpsort elements in array phpsort names alphabetically phpsort value phparray in order for value phparray in descending order in phpwhich of the following php function sorts an array in reverse order 3fphp array rearrangesort by function in phpphp usort descendingphp arsort descendingphp sort array numbersort an array without using sort method in phpphp array sort by valuesort php 7 2sort array php all functionssort by phporder array of array phpphp sorting operatorphp reverse order of array elementsphp order by sort method in phpsort functions in php file by alphabetphp sort numeric array with forsort array with sort function phpsort per array element phparray sorting by value in phpphp 8 sortstring number sortin phphow to do sorting in phpsort array callback phparray sorting without sort method in phparray order by phpwhich function used to sort array in descending order in phphow to make sorting in phpphp array reverse sortordernar array phporder array phpascending order program in phpphp reorder array by valuephp sort json string values descendingget array in descending order phphow to sorty by value asceonding desceing in toarraysort array php pages in correct orderphp a sortphp choose sortable data asort itemphp library sort arrayshow to sort by descending order in sql phpsort function manually in phpascending and descending order in phpphp order array valuessorting afunctions phpphp invert array ordersortby desc in phpphp sort by array columnsort points form hight to lowest phparray find value using sort phpwrite a function to sort an string array depending on the alphabetical order phpsort and split array phpphp sort syntexhow to keep order phporder string phparray ordering by value phpget next array element with sort phpphp array method to sort valuesphp array sort deschow to sort value in array in php with examplesort array associative phpphp array sort descendingsort array by index phpsort descending order array key and vlaue in phpphp ordenar arraysort algorithm array number phpphp array sorting methodphp choose sorteable data asort itemsort array reverse phpphp sort array in valuephp array sort the vale in assceding orderphp sort orderwhich of the functions is used to sort an array in descending order in phpascending sort algorithm phpphp sort asc albermaticalphp asort reversesort a array phpsort array php by value descendingphp sort array keys descendingarray sort phphphp ordersort an array criteria php 7ephp sort arrayphp array sort by valuewhat type is php array sortsort in php arraysorting array phporder arary phpentety sort phparray sort desc and data phpphp array sort valuesort collection in descending order phpdesc sort function phpphp order array by one element into arrayphp values sortssort array with phplist sorting phphow to order array desc phpsort the array in acending order phparrange array phpwrite a php function to sort a string array depending on the alphabetical order sort values in array phphow to sort array based on particular value in phpdescending order phpphp array sort by value descse the correct array method to sort the 24colors array descending alphabetically php alphabetical order arrayreverse order of list phpsort method phpascending order in php arraygrouping order numbers phpphp order array by columnphp sort desc mantain keysort an array descending phpsort array php frameworksort array before print phpsort array alphabetically in phpphp sort array by idphp sort ascphp sort by key asc 2fdescsort reverse order phpdesc sort phpsort index in array phpsort a an array in phpindexed array sort in ascending order phpphp array ascending orderphp array sort get booleanphp rsortphp order by exampleget array elements in order phpphp arrays sortierenhow to sort numbers with the number phporder array valkues phpphp array sort backwardssort by number phpsort asc array phpphp sort array per one of the keyssort number phpphp arrray sortphp sort array of arrays by valuedescending order in phporder array ascending phpphp sort array numbersphp sort array in all ordersorder by phpphp sort descendingassosiative array descending sort phparray desc in phpphp sort array by value in arrayphp sort operatorsort array by number of arrays phpeow to sort an element in phparray sort by specific value phpreverse order in array phpsort an array in phpphp sort numberphp string sortphp array sort keysarray sord in phphow to write php sortsort array by numbers phpphp sort based on valuephp array order by valuephp order by arrayphp sort lettersassociative array sort in phpdescending sorting function in phpphp display item descending orderphp sort by elements inside an arrayarray sort inverse phpsort by descending phparray string sort phpsort an arrays within an array phphow to print a number ascending and decending order by array sorting phpsort and asort in phpphp string array reorderorder an array from max to min phpfunction in php to sort with values and keysorder array by indexvalue phpphp sort based on arrayphp array sort alphabetically by keyhow to sort array in phpphp array in alphabetical orderorder by menu sort phpphp array sortinghow to sort base on last index php arrayascending order phpphp array sort methodsort array index in phpsort array in descending order php without functionsorting operations in phpsort 28 29 php optionsfilter sort phpphp k sortascending descending phpsort an array by a value phpphp re sort array collectionsort an array phpwhich php sorting function will sort by key and not valueorder array element phpsort phpdecending order sort array without function in phpphp num to sort numhow to sort reverse phpassociate array sorting in phpphp ascending orderreverse order 5cphpphp arraysortsort array greatest to least phphow to sort array of arrays in phpwrite a class using sort 28 29 in php that returns the following outputhow php sort workshow to print out an array in descending order in phpphp sort by value or arrayphp sort array by arraysorted list in phparray sort php on idphp filter array by value ascendingphp order collectionphp how to sort an arraysort a query in phpphp sort asc descorder array php natsortarray sort values phpphp sort numbers arrayreverse order an array phpget order phphow to sort values in php arrayhow to sort big to small in array in phplaravel math 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functionshow to sort array values in phpphp sorting operationssort small to large phparray sort by value in phphow to order array phpsort array without using sort function in phpphp sort array by valuesort array asc phpchange order by a string in array phpphp sort array alphabetical by valuephp order array by property valuehow to get array values in descending order in phpphp kesortarray order in phpphp sort integer arraysort based on value phpphp array sort by namephp ascending value in arraysorrt array phpphp array sorting by valueorder array by defined valueshort array phphow to order data array in phpsort function in phpsort desc phpphp sort lowest to highest numbersarray sorting phpphp sort array by key 7evaluephp array sort by value in asc 40php array sortsort array in phpsorting techniques in phpnulti arrays sorting phpsort array data in correct order phpsortroman phpsort php associative array by valuehow to reverse sort in phprevert sort phpphp order array of arrays by 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