next palindrome number in cpp

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19 Sep 2016
1#include <iostream>
4bool isPalindrome (int number) {
5    int decomposed = number, reversed = 0;
6    while (decomposed) {
7        reversed = 10 * reversed + (decomposed % 10);
8        decomposed /= 10;
9    }
10    return reversed == number;
14int nextPalindromicNumber (int number) {
15    while (!isPalindrome(++number));
16    return number;
20int main () {
21    int testCases;
22    std::cin >> testCases;
23    while (testCases--) {
24        int number;
25        std::cin >> number;
26        std::cout << nextPalindromicNumber(number) << '\n';
27    }
28 Jan 2019
1#include <iostream>
2#include <string.h>
3using namespace std;
4int nextpalin (int num){
5    while (num++) {
6        string str = to_string (num); /// int to string conversion
7        int l = str.length()-1;
8        int s = 0;
9        while( s<l ){
10              if (str[s]!=str[l]) break;
11              else {
12                    s++;
13                    l--;
14                    }
15        if (s>=l) return num;}
16                }
17   }
19int main () {
20    int t;
21    cin >> t;
22    while (t--){
23    int num;
24    cin >> num;
25    if (num==0)  cout << "1" << endl;
26   else { 
27       if (num<9)  cout << num+1 << endl;
28       else  cout << nextpalin( num) << endl;}
29     }
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