maven lifecycle vs runner class

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26 Jan 2019
1What is the different between running a
2test from maven and cucumber test runner class?
4In my project I use cucumber + Junit. to
5generate reports, I use maven-cucumber-reporting.
6This report is only generated when 
7I run my test as a maven lifecycle verify.
8Becuase this is how it works according to
9its configuration. 
10So if I run my test from runner file, 
11it does not trigger the maven lifecycle.
12It only runs that test. In order to run
13any maven lifecycle we have to run 
14as a maven command which starts with 'mvn'.
12 May 2019
1-CLEAN- Cleaning up the target folder
3-VALIDATE - validating the project is correct and 
4all necessary information is available
6-COMPILE - compiling the source code of the project
8-TEST - test the compiled source code
9using a suitable unit testing framework.
10These tests should not require
11the code be packaged or deployed
13-PACKAGE - taking the compiled code and package
14it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
16-VERIFY - running any checks on results of
17integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met
19-INSTALL - install the package into the
20local repository, for use as a dependency
21in other projects locally
23-DEPLOY - done in the build environment,
24copies the final package to the remote
25repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
05 Jun 2020
1The Goal that is executed to generate and deploy a documentation website is: 
queries leading to this page
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