showing results for - "javascript get url path"
15 Jan 2017
1var currentUrl = window.location.href;
12 Mar 2017
25 Jan 2019
1var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + window.location.pathname +
01 Aug 2018
1function parseUrl(url) {
2    var m = url.match(/^(([^:\/?#]+:)?(?:\/\/((?:([^\/?#:]*):([^\/?#:]*)@)?([^\/?#:]*)(?::([^\/?#:]*))?)))?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/),
3        r = {
4            hash: m[10] || "",                   // #asd
5            host: m[3] || "",                    // localhost:257
6            hostname: m[6] || "",                // localhost
7            href: m[0] || "",                    // http://username:password@localhost:257/deploy/?asd=asd#asd
8            origin: m[1] || "",                  // http://username:password@localhost:257
9            pathname: m[8] || (m[1] ? "/" : ""), // /deploy/
10            port: m[7] || "",                    // 257
11            protocol: m[2] || "",                // http:
12            search: m[9] || "",                  // ?asd=asd
13            username: m[4] || "",                // username
14            password: m[5] || ""                 // password
15        };
16    if (r.protocol.length == 2) {
17        r.protocol = "file:///" + r.protocol.toUpperCase();
18        r.origin = r.protocol + "//" +;
19    }
20    r.href = r.origin + r.pathname + + r.hash;
21    return r;
17 Jan 2016
1var reg = /.+?\:\/\/.+?(\/.+?)(?:#|\?|$)/;
2var pathname = reg.exec( '' )[1];
queries leading to this page
js get the urlgrab url path javascriptjs how to get window urlhost url in javascripthwo to get current href in javascriptget the path in a link javascriptjs url get path with searcjdom get current urllocation href completefind the url in javascriptwindow document location hrefjavascript entire current path urlcurrent url in javascriptjavascript call current url in a functionget specific url from bodyjavascript function to get urls third pathnamemethod that get url javascriptwindow location urlwindow location get domainget the url from javascriptjavascript get the urlbrowser get current urlvariable get current url javascriptwindow get urljavascript parse window locationhow to get the current website a user is looking at in javascriptjs get url namejavascript get current url page namejavascript get url of websitejavascript dom get urlurl pathname javascripthow to get current url in htmlget window url in javascriptjavascript current url completehow to get current path in javascriptcrunt url in javascripthow to get the value of url in javascriptjavascript urljavascript location pathnamewindow url 28 27 27 29 3bhow get current url in javascriptjava script get urlhow to get document url in javascripthow to find current url in javascriptget current webpage javascriptget url 3fwindow location hostcheck the current url javascriptget document url javascriptknow url path javascriptevery way to get the window location in javascriptcan js read urlget url of current website javascriptget path from current pagegrab url javascruptfind current url in javascriptget curent url with jsget current url object in javascripthow get present url in javscriptget url from jshow to get the current url using javascriptjavascript get path from urlhtml get url pathget current path url jsjavascript server urlget pathname from url javascripthow to get the current urljs get directory uriwindow current url javascriptjs get window locationscript window locationjs get uri pathwindow location hostnameurl path get valuejs get window urlhow to get current url javascript 3fjavascript get hostget url for javascript codeget the url with javascriptwindow location href absolute pathcurrent document url javascriptget page path in jsjs get url pathnamejava script chnage urlhow to current url in javascriptget url jwindow location href without domaindocument location current pagejavascritp current pathget url parts javascripthow to get browser url in javascriptwindow location vjavascript function to know location path namejs get the current urlcheck www url path javascriptjs get html code from urlhtml getting currentpage urlget html of url javascriptjavascript get route urlget variable from url javascriptjavascript get entire urlget path to url tyopescriptjavascrib find current urljs window location pathnameget domain name window locationscript location urljavascript get html from current urlwindow location current urlget current window locationjs get url of current pagejavascript location host httpshow to get the url of a website with javascriptget pathname of url javascriptget location hrefhow to access url from javascriptpath url jsget current link in javascriptget page url jsget url path javascripturl get javascriptes6 get urljavascript how to get current window urlgo to new url using windowjavascerit full urlwindow location get urlwindow pathnamejavascript get url path not entire urlget url by page jshow to look at the page url jsget url in javascrioptjs find link with current urlhttp host javascriptjavascript get script pathhow to read from url in javascriptwindow location 3d 7burl 7dhow to use window location in javascriptcheck current path javascriptjavascript get url endpointget route in javscriptjavascript check pathjavascript get host pathhow to get website url in javascriptjavascript how to get website propertiesget path javascriptget host jsjs get urihow to get window location in javascriptget url with jsget path from url jsget website url in javascripturi jsurl link path in javascripthow to access the url with javascriptreturn url jscurrent window url in jsjavascript determine if determine the name of the current urljavascript get 23 from urljavascript current domainpath from url in javascripthow to get full path in javascriptget browser object javascriptget current url of website javascriptcurrent location javascript document javascrip get url locationhow to get url from client in javascriptjavascript go to location href 22 2fjs read url pathvue router get current viewjavascript read url path with 23jquery get uri parthow to find url in javascriptdisplay current url javascriptget the url of page jsjavascript window location hrefpath url javascriptjavascript get html page from urluse window to get the current locationwindow location pathhit url using javascriptget page from url javascripthow to get the url of the current page in jsfind element with current url in javascriptget url of current window javascripthow to get url 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urljavascript get current page past js how to get the current urljavascrript escape url pathjavascript get urget current current url jsget current url with javascriptjavascript set urljs window location urljavascript url pathwindow path jsjs to url 2fdom window urljavascript url getjavascript get urlget pathname from url value javascriptget path javascript urljs get current url pathhow to use js to check the current urljavascript get current url domainwindow urlget windows path after hostnamejs take url partsjs retrieve urlhow to get something from url jsjs get urjavascript find in urljs get url hosthow to get the url of page using javascriptget url of documentjs get only uri fromjs get part of url 27get current url in htmljs window locationprint url parts in javascriptjavascrpt get urlcapture full urlhow to change window location origin path using a tag 7e javascript get current urljavacript get current urljavascript get full urljs get urlurl pathname jsjavascript get url of browserhow to get url in javascriptjavascript get currenty urlget url from url javascripthow to get part of the url javascriptcurrent site url in javascriptget url of page in javascriptjs url get after 2fhow to get url of a page in jsjavascript get current hosthow to get current url as a string jsjavascript go 28 29 on my urlwe can get the url in jsscript get urlhow get name url jshow to check the url in javascriptjavacsript get urlextract url body parts javascriptget the first string after url origin jstrack page url using javascriptjavascript get 23 urljavascript grab the uriget url path in javascripthow to get the url in javascriptscript include get window locationfind javascript urlget image from url javascripthow to know your current urlget url jsget url via javascripthow to get get url with javascriptwindow locationjs get information from urljavascript program to get the website urlget window location pathname after appending js scriptjavascript how to find the right request urlget host url javascriptjavascript get complete urljs get website url from pathread url in javascriptcurrent url in javascriptjs get only patn from urllog what window url in javascriptget location url javascriptjavascipt get url where page comes fromget path with javascriptjavascript how to get url from browserget url not including 3f jsget current url in conoslewindow hrefjavascript url to pathjs get url path from stringhow to get pathname using windowhow to get current url retrieve current url javascriptprint current url jsjavascript check url pathpath name coming only 2f js urljavascript window locationget current website url javascriptjsdom get current urljs window path namees6 window url pathget url of path where htmlhow to get the host and path from url javascriptget hostname javascripthow to get top full url in javascriptpage path without page name jsget current url from request object javascriptget current website url javasciprcurrent page url in javacriptjavascript get url linkjavascript to get current urljs get url path from hrefcurrent url 28 29get url parts jsuri in javascript urljs location currentcurrent url with window objectjavascript get page pathcurrent url jscriptcapture cureent url in javascriptget path of url in javascript from stringjavascript location pathjavascript window location nameget page path javascriptjs get domain from pageurl get full url jsjs get cuurent urlwindow location domain namejs get domain namejavascript grab the site urlgetting current page url in javascriptwindow location domainjs location routejs host urlhow to get url of the page in javascriptslice url location pathnameget html url javascriptcurrent link jsjavascript to grab urlhref window locationjavscript get current urlhow to get th url in jsjavascript browser get urlget url of browser jsjavascript replace url pathget the current url javascriptget location path javascriptwindos location linkjavascript get data from urlget current href javascriptjavascript get current url window locationjavascript read current urlhow to get current url javascripthow to grab the url in jsjavascript window location hostget url of current page javascriptjs current web url getjavascript get location full urlget the url in javascripthow to get entire url in jsjs current url pathget only the url without the path javascriptwindow location href actuve pagelocation href javascript inthow to get javascript from pathhow to get the url of current page jshow do get the first url of website using javascriptjavascript get url directoryget uri in javascriptjavascript function to get current urlget url pagewhat is location protocol and location host in jquerydocument path in a urljs get whole url path from browser get url in javascriptcheck current url javascirptget js urlcurrent urljavascriptjavascript get html from urljs gett urlget the url in javascript locationget the path in url load 28window location 2bcurrenr url javascriptget in js urlhow to read any url html page in javascriptaccess current url in javascriptget current url in javascrriptwindows location javascriptget path element in jsset url javascript accessing a url directory in javascriptread uri from window locationjavascipt get urlhow to check the current url of a website using javascriptget in url jsjs get endpoint from urlget current route javascriptget host javascriptget location urlwindow object get page urljavascript get document url pathget the first part of a url javascriptjavascript window location hostjavascript get current url 5cdocument get urlhow to read directory using url path javascriptgetting the current url in javascriptget hostname jscheck www in url path javascript window location href 3d 22path 3a 2f 2f 22 3bget the current url jsget current page locationhow to get the url in consolewindow location href 3d this urljs get current urljs get current location urllocation javascript after domainhoe to get the url of the page in jsjavasript get urlwindow locaiton hrefhow to find the javascript domain uri javascript get site nameget previous window location pathname javascripturl get pathgetting url from javascriptnew url file path javascripthow to get the page url in jshow i can get the current location url in javascripthow to get current url jsobtaining complete url javascriptup to var and url to make complete url in htmljavascript check path urlchange th location pathname with javascriptget nth element from url in javascripthow to get current url in javascript 3fwindows location hrefhow to get the browser url in javascriptwindow location jquerywindow location for getting urlget current url path javascriptshow to get the id sent through window location href in next page through url javascriptjavascript get current page past 2fhtml javascript get urljs full urlcheck the url path on the request javascriptjavascritp get currrent urljavascript get domain from window locationjs how to get current urlhow to find current url in javascript w3schoolsjs to get 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urlcurrect urljavascript geturljavascript get to urlhow to get a url locator using javascriptjavascript get current website urlhow to find get url in javascript codehow to get url of current page in javascriptjavascript get url path partsget path of urlhow to get url of the current page in javascripthow to get the domain url in javascripthow to check the url that someones in jshtml windows page locationjavascript es6 find urlfind url jshow to get current website domain in jswindow location partsget current window url javascriptjavascript get html by urlwhat is uri in jsget current timestamp jsget the current page url in javascriptget current url 5cget new url jscurrent page javascriptjavscript get urlhow to get window location hrefjquery get url partsget value url javascripthow to check the domain name of the url using javascripthow to get url from jswindow location href 3bjs read urljs find urlget the path of current url in javascripthow to check the path of url in string in javascriptget full url of current jsurl path jsget page urlgeturl pathprint window location href pagechange url pathname javascriptgot localatio jshow to get url with jsurl get in javascriptjs get current url php nameget url from page javascriptjs url get pathcurrent position javascript a hrefget url in jshow to get path jsget urljsjavascript get browser urljs get currenturlget full url javascript with id elementjavascript current locationhow to grab a url in javascriptlocation href pathnamewindow location href current pagejs obtain current urljavascript html file value set url pathhtml5 refer to current urljavascript get url paththis page url jsget the current path location in jswindow location href 3dget pathname from url javascript nodejavascriptget urlget the current path javascriptget path of page javascriptjavascript access urlwindow location href 28 22 22 29javascript replace 2f in url pathnameget current url javascrget dom using a url in javascriptuse javascript to get urlhow to get current url by javascriptjavascript url get urihow to read current url using jsget document location from urljavascript request current urlthe property returns the number of the internet host port 28of the current page 29js get url from websitewindow get current urlget current complete url javascriptget current hostname in javascriptget url in javscripthtml javascript take value from current urlget part of url javascriptjavascript read urlhow to get url in javascript in phpjavascript get window location href within objecthow to get the current url of the page in javascripttake current url javascriptgeturl javascriptjs get full url pathhow to get the 23 in url using jshow to get current url location javascriptget urls javascriptget current url express nodejshow to get the current url in jsjavascript get links from urljs current page urlextract path from url javascriptjavascript request url getwindow location hostwindow location href get only pageget current url of browserget current urkwindow path urlurl parts in jsjavascript how to get current page urljs get hostwhy get full path or url in javascriptget url javascript locationwindow location 28 22index html 22 29 3bjs get current url without pathlocation protocol javascriptget page url in jsjavascript get url domainjs url getaccess current window urljscript get urlget path in javscripthow to get current url of page using javascriptget curent url jsjs get full urlget current url pathget url jajavascript find url pathjs get host namejs get host windowjavascript current pageget current web url in javascripturlcat get pathwindow location 3d urlget main domain url in javascripthow get my curent urlfind url html jsget current url domain javascriptget link web jslocation href go to current pageget window hrefjavascript url string get pathjavascript urlpatjget current domain javscri c3 a8twindow location hostname typejavascript url to uriread url using jsget value from path javascriptparse url path javascripthow to access url in javascripthow to get current page url in javascriptget exact url of web pageget javascript from urlget the path past 2f page jshow to get the url of current page in javascriptjs get url of current webpagejavascript get get from urljs get my urlget url on javascripthow to get the current pathname in javascriptget get current urlhow to get current url from javascriptget url document javascriptlocation urljs get website urlget path name from url javascripthow to check the current url in javascriptjs url get non host partjavascript get pagehow to get url injsget current rout jshow to show url on page jshow to get the current url in a variable in javascriptjs get current hostnamejs find pathjs location get 2fcurent path javascriptjavascript window location absolute urljavascript get current hrefgt url javascriptwindows location pathnameget extract path from url javascriptjavascript how to get page urlget current url window jsget actual page url jsjavascript get domain urlget url javascript pathget the current url with javascript 3fhow to get local domain in jsget url javascriptjs get path from url from stringjs get section of urljs current urijs get current site donmainjs get part of url stringprint current url using javascripthow to get the url using javascriptjs get sitenameget current curl of page in javascriptcheck current url javascriptwindow url w3schooljavascript get addressget current url in jsjascript get urlhow to find the current url pathname javascriptlocation path change javascriptjs get curent urlhow to find the path js absysse ordonn c3 a9windows locationurl pathname jsjs to get current urljavascript get full path urljs getting current urljs get current host urlhow to get domain javascriptjs window locationwindow get url pathdom how to get page domainhow to get the current url pathget data from current url javascriptgetting current url in javascript js get full urlhowto use javascript to return the current routejs how to get the current full urljavascrig get hostwindow location in htmljs get current url hostget url of the current page javascriptget domain in js window location host url actualhow to get current browser url in javascriptjavascript set window location hrefjs get page sourcegetting urls from javascriptsee url of window in jsget route of a page using jsglobal path in window location in javascriptjavascript reference current urlhow to get current url using javascriptjavascript only parts of a urlhow to retrive the current href of the browserjs get window pathget the javascript from urlbrowser get url path javascriptget url from window locationjs get pathname homehow to replace url pathname in jswindow urlhtml windows locationget url window location hrefjs change pathjs get current addressjs get url pathcapture browser url for javascripthow to get url path in javascripthow to access the current url without javascript 3fjavascript detect url copy window locationjavascript get full url on pageloadhtml get url of the page jsget url from javascriptjavascript reading url from browserget path variable javascriptjavascript get full url of sitehow to get the site url in javascriptcan javascript get url 3fwindows locationget html from url javascripthow to get current domain javascriptjs window get pathhow to get the url javascripthow to get com in window ocationcurrent url in jsjavascript call using current url in a functionhow to grab url with javascript element from javascripthow get url in javascripthow to access url 2fpath 2f jshow to get the path url havascriptwindow location hrefjs get current ulrget current route in jsget url by javascripthow to get the url from a website javascriptwindow current urlget dom from url javascriptjavascript get requestwindow location pathnamjavascript get pathnamehow to get location path urlhow to get current window url in javascripthow to set file url path in javascriptwindow location href not using current pathget pathname with javascriptjs get path from url 27take url javascriptsave website name javascriptjava script get hostnameget the current url in javascriptget element from url javascript window javascript get current locationget current page javascriptjs check url pathjavascript get current domainjs location pathnamejavascript keep current path urljavascript read path urljs get url of current windowget url pathname javascripthow to capture url from window locationwhat is window url 3fjs get url for pagejavascript url get pathselect url in jsjavascriot get urlja get urljavascript break down urlgo to window location hostnameget url on jsuri in javascriptes6 get current urljavascript get current url locationjavascript get window hostnameget current page urlget counscioushow to get url uri in javascriptjavascript get the page urlwindowlocation routejs get url https without pathwindows location javascriptjavascript window location host with portjavascript use current urlwindow location origin and hostname storing in jsjs get current ur 3bget current urlget url and orhow to see window url javascriptwindow location save functionjs get url path namehow to set url in javascriptget only main path window locationjavascript current url pathtrack domain name using javascripthow to change url path in javascriptajvascript get full urlget current full url javascriptget the hostname javascript urllocation href to current pagejavascript path urlget current hostname javascriptlocation href pathname jqueryjavascript not change path urlget actual url in javascripthow do i get the link of the current page in jsget current url with jsget current page url in javasriptget current url jscurrent path url jsstring url to get path jsjavascript get came from urlcurrent page url javascriptjs how to get urljs figure current urlwindow location hrefwindow get url javascriptjs get 23 from urlhow to get website name in javascriptget current host in javascriptwindow location set hostget uril of pagejs current locationjava script get current urljavascript change url pathnamehtml window location pathjavascript how to get url of current pageget path of url javascripthttp 3a 2f 2fwindow location host 2fhtml get current url pathhow to detect the current urlhow to get the address of current page jsjs geturljavascript url get after 23model appear at current window locationfind url for javascriptjavascript get url codeurl get javscripyjs get path part from urljavascript get base urljs how to display current urljs check get current urlwindow location href 3d document locationurl from path jsget widow urlget cyrrebt url javascriptclean url in plain jsjavascript get part of the urlchange path to urlget current page url using javascriptwindow location 3dpathget current url htmljavascript page url getwindow location href from originaljs get the url before entering how to get only url in javascriptjs get url current pageget path url in javascript check path javascriptjs find url from fileget link in javascripthow to get the current url in javascriptnavigate to window location hostnamejavascript get pathname of urljavascript get something from urlvar url string 3d window location href 3burl get jsjavascript find url of pagejavascript get url namejavascript get domain and path from urljavascript check hostnamewindows ref javascript window href url with parametersjavascript get hostnamehtml get urljs get actual linkslatejs get path by elementcheck route javascriptjavascript get url of current pageget request to current site htmlget current url with parameters javascriptjavascript document url pathhtmlelement get urlget current url nodejsget curent urlget path string from url javascriptjavascript window urljavascript separate path and searchjavascript get path of this pagehow to check current url in jshow to select current url with javascriptgetting urlget uri jsget url filename javascripthow to get url in html javascriptget url in jsjs get url path from href urlwindow location javascriptcheck href current in javascripthow can get path name in url when hit in nodejsyjavascript take current urlget domain url in javascriptget current url using jsget the page url in javascriptget url javscripthow to get currenturl in jsconsole log window urlget url server javascriptwindow location host jqueryurl 3a window locationget uri javascriptgrab url in javascriptjs get current page urlselenium get url pythonjavascript get current urljavascript get url actualjavascript get current script urljavascript window top url pathnavigate to host url javascriptget actual url javascriptjavascript current location urlhow get document url javascriptget current site url javascripthow to get url of site in javascriptjs get url partspath of url in javascript 3fwindow location to current pageangular get current page html contentget the page path in javascriptwindow location href get the adress windowjs get oathnameget current path jshow to get location path by particular tag in jsget host url in javascriptjavascritp get urlhow to get current page url in jshow to get the url of the current page in javascriptjavascript get document locationjavascript get te current urlhow to get the url in the jsgeta url with javascripthow to get current path javascripthow to get the pathname of web javascriptfind js name in urljavascritp get this pathshow to read url in javascript get page js urljavascript get currect url originget url from javacriptwindow location href splitcurrent website url geting in jsget current url value in javascripthow to get html from url in javascripthttp get from address jsget current href jsget current page url jsjs current window location endpointget the url path from a link javascriptjs use window location to new html uri scheme window location href 3d 22 22how to get pathname from url in javascriptjs url partwindow location domaincurrent url jswindow location path givesget url htmlget path url javascriptjavascript current uriwindos locationjs get path of urlget url part pathget current domain javascripthow to get url with javascriptjavascript window url pathwindow location href protocolget current domain jsget current url in javascript w3schoolsget current page location javascriptjavascript get document urlget url path using javascriptjs get url of pagehow to get url value in javascriptwindow location pathnamewindow location href 3d window location hrefget nth element form url in javascript 27current window locationwindow location pathname as varjavascript get directory pathhow to read the current url from javascriptjavascript get current url pagejavascript to get a current urlknow url in javascripthow to get url in jsjavscript get element urlwindow location pathhow to get e url in javascripthow to get current window location javascriptget window location jsget url path in jasjavascript get element urlwindow url js get the urijavascript get incoming urlget curenturl javascriptget current url path javascripthow to get url of a link with jsget current url javascriptjavascript get dom urljs get site locationif 28window location hrefwindow href location htmlget url javascript examplejs actual urlget window url jswindow location get domainget current urijs get path from urlget url javascript browserjavascript function to get current page urlget full url path with domain in jsget url current javascriptjavascript check the current urlget current url portion javascriptget current pagejavascriptjquery get current contextjs get url after 26get current linkjavascirpt get current page urlget current url jqavascripdocument location pathnamejavascript get url host js get page urlget something in url with javascriptjavascript getting uri path to url javascriptdocument get current urljs get url locationhow to check page name in jsdinwod location pathnamejavascript get current parthget current urr jsget current date javascriptpath javascript urlwindow location href in javascriptget current url using javascriptnode get url pathhow to get number from url page using jsjavascript page url window location js current pathjavascript get sub urljs get current location windowget page url in javascrpjavascript get routethis get current urlwindow location href jsjs path to uriget website url javascriptget current page in javascriptwindow href locationjavascript get current path urljavascript get uri pathjavascript to know the own web addressget current url from windowjavascript get the current urlget 23 from url javascriptjavascript to get url in pagehow to get the current url with javascript 3fnodejs get path from urlhow to get the current website a user is on in javascripthref get current urlget part of a urljs get location urljavascript window location get pathhpw to get url in jsjavascript window location domain before 2fget current page url javascriptjavascript output current urllocale folder path javascript get urlhow to get current page url with javascriptget current href location javascriptget specfic url in javascriptset url path javascriptjavascript change pathget site link javascriptjavascript url string get pathnameget path of document jsjavscript get url of current pagewindow location with linkjavascript get current href valueget url frontend jsjavascript get url path request urlget url of page jsjavascript find current urlget actual url jsget path in javascriptget url after 23 javascriptjs get url 23javascript get current url from th current pageget url vanilla jsget something from url javascriptfunction window location hrefnode js get url pathjavascript get page with urlget url of page javascriptget current url location javascriptget url from document javascripthow to get current link javascriptget url name javascriptjs find self urldom js get urljs get path from url stringjs access url in all browsershow to get the url from javascriptget specific path from routes angularreturn current urlhow to grab url with javascriptget current url using domtake current url in jshow to check current url jsget url in jsjs get url linkadd path to browser url with javascriptjavascript get from urlhow to get the 23 in the url using jsget route url javascriptaccess url sources javascriptwindow location hget url 3f in javascriptjs get current domainget current url javascript objectjavascript get url valuesget url parthow to href to current url in jscurrent url jkavascripthow get current url in jsjs current window locationjs get server urlwindow pathnamehow t get the current url page in js 3fjavascript link urlhow get uri jshow to use window hrefwindow location pathname with parametersget current page url in javascriptcheck host in javascriptget window location javascriptget location of pagejavascript requete get urljavascript get the url pathcheck url path jslocation javascript get current url except the host nameget current path of url in javascript from stringjs get a url pageget url in java scriptread url address javascriptjavacsirpt get urljs to get url of current pagehow to get current url with jsjavascript get url of linkuserscript get current urlhow to get url endpoint from browser in javascriptcheck url path javascriptjavascript get part of current urlwindow location 3dhow to get from url in javascriptjavscript location readget currnt url pathhow to get the url of a page in jsget second pathname jsget current url path in javascript from stringjavascript get method from urlhow to get the current url for the windowget url using jscurrent url javascriptjavascript get subpathhow to get the url of your current page in javascriptjs get url as htmljavascript location domainlocation other url jsjascrypt get urlhow to target url path in javascriptget url window javascriptget current pathname in jshow to get number from url using js get path from url javascriptget url get javascriptget url html javascriptjavascript get url urljs window get urlgetting the current url with javascripthow to get the current path jsget domain javascriptget urlid javascriptjavascript get path from linkhow to get url using javascriptto check current urlread current url in javascriptget path of url jsjavascript get url 3bjs get current pagejavascript on load get urljavascript dom get urlhow to check the page url in jsjavascript how to get current urlget urls jsget uri in jsjs get path of locationget url of website javascriptwhat is window urljs get current url stringjs document location self pagehow to get path from urljavsacript current urlget current page url in jshow to copy the url front end javascripthtml change url pathwindow location in jqueryjavascript save current urljs get from urlwindow location get full current urllink to current url jswindow location hostnameger uri javascripthow to get the url of the browser in javascriptget path 3f url javascriptjavascript current path urlhow to get pathname from url javascript get url from current pagejavascript get current urlget current url jaget browser url in javascriptcurrent window url javascriptjavascript get current url and portdocument url pathget window locatino domainhow to get url from window object in jsget current web page url in javascriptget current windows url javascripturl url javascriptjs to get urljs get url path structureget url javascriptiget path with reference jsget url using javascriptwindow location functionjs url readjs get web urldom javascript for current urlget document urlhow to know current url 24 get javascript with urljs get url after 2fjs get url keywordget window url javascriptget url of current pagejavascript read url pathhow to get url of page by jscreate a separate url every time javascriptjavascript this locationchange path javascript urljavascript currenturljavascript this urlbrowser js how to get urlhow to know the url of the current webpage in javascir 5btjavascript get complete current urljavascript document get urljavascript get data from current window url 7e javascript get from urljs read current urlget the first subpath of a url after the hostjavascript url string with pathnamelocation jsget current url of page javascripthow to get url in javascriptwindow location load urlget site host name jshow to get current url with javascriptjavascript window location urllocation href domainlocation pathname includesjavascript 2b get current urljavascript window location hrefverify current url javascriptdisplay part of a path in javascriptjavascript get url path onlyjavscript url pathjavascript get linkjavascript get location urlcomplete url from window object javascriptjs get hostnamewindow location pathnameget url path in jsget uri from string javascripthtml print current urljavascript get request urirequest get url namesjavascripthow to display the current url but another url data in javascripthow to add php get current url in javascriptget the url path in javascriptjavascript get current url portconsole log url javascriptjs get pathjavascript current urljavascript get url partsjavascript get second part of urljs get website domainnjavascript get actual urlget current window location jsget url using javascirptget current link javascriptwindow locationhow to get current page url using javascriptwindow location loadjavascript site urlwhats the url for the current windowget last part of pathname react locationhow to get current linkwindow this url jsjs site url functionsjs get pathnamecurrent url locationget url parameters javascripthow to read url in jsnot getting full url in jsjs urigetting current url from browser urlhow to url in jsjavascript see url pathget domain javasciptcheck for urls path jsjavascript get window urlget a url with javascriptwindow location jswindow location href 3d linkjavascript get route loactionhow to get url pathjs path to urlcurrent href javascriptjquery window locationjavascrtipt get current pathhtml how to get current urlget site url javascripthow to find the current url in javascriptchange path using jsurl 3d current page javascriptget current link using javascriptget address javascripthow to get url of page in javascriptjs get html by urlget bas url javascripthow to get the current url values in javascripthow to get path out of uri in jshow to get current url in javascript demojavascript get website urlhow to get a form search element from url javascriptget url path jsjs function to get the current window urlget uri with jsset page url from javascriptread current url jsget current location url javascriptget website url from htmlget url from link javascriptjavascript return urlget page url javascriptjavascript get path and id path urljs get string url pathget current browser url in javascripthow to get path in javascripthow to get current site url in javascriptapp get current url jsget domain jsjavascript get locationjs pathname from urlwant to get the url of the document in javascript i should use urlread url javascriptget this url jshow to check current url in javascriptjavascript document current urlgetting url javascripturl get in jsjavascript read pathjs locationhow to get the current url 3fjavascript get path only of urlhow to get the current webpage in javascripthow to javascript to get urlhow to get the current page url in javascriptjs html locationjs get current path from urljavacsript get current urljavascript get url without domainget current path javascriptget window hostname javascriptfetch location urlget a other page url javascriptdocument location javascript examplejavascript window locationwindow location javascriptjs get current pathjs look at current url pathlocation window get url being browsedget path from href javascripthow to get the main url of a page in jsjava script get uraccess windows url havascrptget current location javascript urlhow to get url javascriptjjavascript get current urlget current window urlhow to get page hostnamejavascript get path from full urlwhat is a javascript domain urlfind url javascriptget from url jsget html from urljs window url pathget current url javscriptget the url of the page jsget url paartjavscript get current page urlget url from pathget link jsjavascript set url pathhow to get full url os specific siteget url jsjavascript how to get urljavascript check current page pathget current url adresss javascripthow to get the url of a website jshow to get data from the current page url in javascript in browserbase location jswindow location in javascriptjs input current url into stringget current url of window openjs get the page urlcheck the host in javascriptget url browserscriptjavascript get url domget url of current page in jsget url domain name in jsget from url in jsjavacript get domainif window location hrefjs get or take current url or uriget url javasciprjavascript get page urlhow to use uri in javascriptwindow location hreget full current url jsjavascript to get current page urljavascript extract url from urihow to get the path in javascripturl the page jsjavascript get site urlget the url of a page in javascriptjavascript return urlhow to get the url of a webpage javascriptvanilla js get json from urljs get current urihow to get url website jsget path tag in jshtml js get from urlurl url javascriptget current location windowget a portion of the window location hrefget method urllocation javascript w3schoolshow to get url jsfind pathname in url string jsget current url from javascriptsplit get request javascriptjquerywindow locationjavascript get current url as a stringhow to get page url jsjs get url from windowget the data from url in jshow exact from url jsuse url in javascript in htmlhow to get current link in javascriptwindow location 3djs ger urlget url of current page jsget current hostname in reactget host in javascripthow to get path from url javascriptwindow url javascriptjavascript uricurrent page jsjavascript get page endpointnet url get full url jsjavascript get the the current urluri in javscripthow to get the current link in jsjavascript get pathcurrent urlwindows location in javascriptget url from path javascriptjavacript gethttpurljavacript get urlhow to get current page location in jsget url of pathjavascript to get the urlget full url jsjavascript current doamainjavascript parse window location hrefjavascript code to get the current urlretrieve url from javascriptjavascript get path urljavascript get path and id urlprint location javascriptget uri 3fget my current url javascripthow to get url in vanilla javascriptjs url pathjs urljavascript how to get the current urlhow to get homepage path jshow get url by jsjavascript get current page urlurl in jsget the url of the current page jsjavascript location host entire urljs get a urljavascript get url without pathget the current url with htmljs page urljavascript get path variable from urljavascript get everything after web address in urlget the url of the windowjavascript get window locationget url of site javascriptjavascript get current pathwindow location get urlvar path 3d window location pathnamejavascript window get slugget current html urlget current url in javascriptjs window current urljavascript get current server urljs get current routelocation url javascriptjavascript 2bget 2burlget from url in javascriptjavascript new url from current pagehow to find url in javascriptjs get current path urlget browser url javascriptactual url windowwindows urlwindow location to urljavascript see urlwindow location in jsget path in jsjs get url papthget window url wiindowget url in javascripthow to get url in javascript of current pagejaascript get urljs get 22 23 22 from urljavascript get domainget url from browser javascripturl path javascriptcurrent url with jsdetect www in url path javascriptjavascript get http urljavascript check url path namejavascript window location href current urljavascript get path in urlget full path url javascriptset window location javascriptget window path javascriptjavascript location pathurl get path jsget pathname from urlstring get url jsget url js currentwindow locationget page url in javascriptjs get web url till comhow to get page url in javascriptjavascript get site domainwindow location pathname 3d with parametershow to get current url of page javascrpthow to get url of webpage js 5djavascript can i get uri from urlget the url in htmlhtml js get urlget currenturl jswindow path javascriptjs 2bget current urlget site domain in jshow to use window locationget link in jscurrentpage object javascriptview the url in jsget the url of a webpage with javascriptjs get location url of find out current url path javascriptjavascript to load uri from windowsget page url jdjs get document urlhow to detect current url in jshow to get and set the url using javascripthow to get only suburl from winodw 2clocation in jsjavascript get url from pagejavascript window get urljavascript get current url pathsjs parse current urljavascript get uriget path from urljs document current urljs get link urlget url of a page window location vs document urlserver path in javascriptjavascript get this urlget urlhow to get parts of a linkget web url jsget current page javasriptprint current url javascripthow to get url slug in javascriptlocation url in javascripturl in javascriptjs get site urlhow to get current url in jsblazor get urljavascript return pathget current url jsjavascript url pathnamejavascript get dom of urlget url using domcheck current path location url javascriptjs geturl 28 29read url jswindown location jsjs get page locationjs getcurrent urlget the url of the current page in javascriptweb page location javascriptget the address jsjavascript get urlhow to get current page url jsjavascript get current url hrefget the uri jsjs get actual domainget the url javascriptwindow location site namewindow location get alljs window location hrefget url slug javascriptjavascript get from urljs href location currentjavascript display urllocation in javascriptwindows location jshow to get current url pure javascript javascript 3fjavascript get page locationget current path url javascriptget the current url using javascriptget current location path jswindow location getjs get full path urlget url 3f with jsjavascript get html of urlwindow location jshow to get the page url in javascriptcheck current url in javascriptjavascriot get pathhow to split href links from string in javascriptwindow location get hrefjs get complete urlget server url jsjs get html from urljavascript get actual domainget the page url javascripthow get from get link in javascriptjavascript extract url pathjavascript get page path of urlcheck if string is url js and get pathget url location javascriptjavascript get current hostname from urlget page url javascript main 24 current urljs get based urlcheck url javascriptjavascript access current domain in javascripthow to get url in window javascirptwindow location href return valuejavascript get my current urljavascript check page urljs url pathnamehow to get the current page url in javascirpthow to get the url of the current website jsjs get browser urlget current url method javascript complete url path location searchthis url javascriptget url segments after domain javascriptjs get this urlhow to find current page url in javascriptget parts from url string javascriptusing javascript to grab url of current pagejs code for get the urlget current path of webpage jscopy current webpage url button javascriptget present url in jshow do i get the url javascriptget link javascriptjavascript get the url of current pagehow to print current url in javascriptmake a current on a hrefjavascript access current urlread url from javascriptif element are in url javascriptjavascript get script urljavascropt window locationhtml get current urlwindow location href in html js get urlsread path from url in jsjavascript to get urijavascript locationjs get url from pathhow to access current url javascriptdetect url parameter location pathnamedocument current urlget html from url jslocation href 3d location origingot url from jsjavascritp get current urlhref 3dwindow locationget url pathnamehow to get path of url in jsget current urljavascript window location urlhtml current url pathjs get http urlget the whole url in javascriptget pathnamehow to get current url in javascriptget parts of url javascriptwindow set location javascriptjavascript current page urljavascript location pageget window url in jshow to get current path in javasriptget url in browser javascriptget current url windowjs location hostnamehow to get the server url in javascriptget current link jswindow location href go to urljavascript get current page linkjs get window location pathjavascript know urljavascript test current urlvar url 3d window location hrefhow to get url from javascriptgetting url in javascriptjavascript url locationget domain name javascriptjs get linkhow to get current url path in javascriptget window locationget url current jsget current html from url javascriptget current host jsjavascript get url from browser javascript path url currentjquery lcation href after domainjs get only pathhow to get the url in jswindow locatiocheck current url jsjavascript how to get page pathhow get url jsjaavscript window locationjavasxript get urlhow to get location url in javascriptjs path from urlget javascript urlhow to grab url in html jshow to set url path in javascriptjavascript to get urlget path from windowis there a way to know the url of a page using javascriptjavascript urlextract base url in javascriptjavascript get path from a hrefjavascript get url from websitewindow location herfget path jsjavascript get current linkjavascript get dom from urlgrab url javascriptjs get current url with parametersjs check current urlget current url javascripget host in jsparse url get url without pathwindow location 3d 3d 3d 27 2f 27how to check current url path in javascriptjavascript get the url of the current pageget full url path in jsurl parts jshow to get the url of page in javascriptjavascript get current url pathrouting on window object javascriptjavascript get uri from url 5cget current url javascripthow to get javascript urlget from url javascriptwindow href w3ho to get the url using jsjavascript get url value after page nameget url script jsgetting the url in javascriptjavascript grab urlget url from window javascriptget url location jsget the current page jsget current url path in javascriptjs get the current page urlget page path jsfetch the current urljavascript get html from urlhow to get the current url in javascript without locationget web url javascriptjs get url that page is going tocurrent url jssave current url to a variable javascriptwindow loation path namereturn window location hrefhtml5 button location hostnameget window urlhow to get url in javascriptbrowser url 28 22 22 29 javascripthow to get url method in javascriptget pathname javascriptget full url in javascriptjs detect current urlget url by jsget this url javascriptget hosename jsjavascript check current urlwindow location href goes to current urlfull url in jsjavascript get current url pathnamegethost javascrjavascript get page namegrab current url javascripturl get full url hsget uri from url javascriptjavascript get path out of linkslatejs how to get the pathget url from path nodeurl current jshow to get the element from url in javascripthow to get the url with jsget current url document javascriptget url function in javascriptjavascript get first path in urlhow to get full addres of page in javascriptget url name only javascriptnode get urljs current urlhow to get path in url jshet url jsjs get full current urlget url hostname javascriptjavascript function to show locationwindow loacation pathnamejavascript get url htmljs get domainaccess url javascriptjavascript get url path