get the current url with javascript 3f

Solutions on MaxInterview for get the current url with javascript 3f by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "get the current url with javascript 3f"
10 Jun 2020
1var currentUrl = window.location.href;
05 Mar 2016
1window.location.pathname; // Returns path only (/path/example.html)
2window.location.href;     // Returns full URL (
3window.location.origin;   // Returns base URL (
21 Sep 2019
3As noted in the comments, the line below works, but it is bugged for Firefox.
queries leading to this page
5cget current url javascriptjavascript call using current url in a functioncurrent urljavascriptjavascript check the current urljavascript url to pathget location urljs document location self pagehow to display the current url but another url data in javascriptget the current url in javascriptjavascript function to get current page urlget current url javascrwindow location 3d 3d 3d 27 2f 27how can i get host url in javascriptget full current url jsjavascript location pageget current link in javascriptjavascript new url from current pagejavascritp get current urljs window url pathjs get html from urljs get current hostnameget current url jswhat is a javascript domain urljavacsript get urlhtml get current urljavascript get url from browser get url path in javascriptwindow location with linkget browser url javascriptwindow location href protocolretrieve current url javascriptset url javascript windows url in jsread url jsget current page urlcheck current url in javascriptjs find self urlhow to get the current url for the windowhow to get th url in jshow to see window url javascriptjavascrig get hostcapture full urlgetting current url from browser urlget url javascript browserget exact url of web pagejavascript reading url from browserjavascript go 28 29 on my urljs get actual domainget url javascript pathhow to get url javascriptjs check current urljavascript get url domainjavascript location domainis there a way to know the url of a page using javascriptjavascript get current url window locationget window urljs urlhow to print current url in javascriptfetch the current urljavascript get domain and path from urlget specific path from routes angularjs get the current page urljavascript get requestget page from url javascriptget url vanilla jsjavascript get current page urlwindow location vjascrypt get urlwindow object get page urljavascript window urlhow to get currenturl in jsget in url jsjs get url linkget url in javascriptget document location from urlblazor get urldocument location javascript exampleget the url of a page in javascripthow to get the url in the jsjs get urkhow to show url on page jswindow location js getting current urlget url of current pagejavascript get html from current urlhow to get and set the url using javascriptcurrent page url javascriptget url javascript examplejavascript get current url 5c js get urlshtml js get from urlhow get current url in jsjavascript determine if determine the name of the current urljavascript get hostget domain name javascriptjs get url current pageget url path javascriptjs window get urlhow to get url uri in javascriptwindow url w3schoolhow to get data from the current page url in javascript in browserknow url in javascriptget location path javascriptwindow location origin and hostname storing in jsgo to window location hostnamehow to href to current url in jsget current pagejavascripthow to know the url of the current webpage in javascir 5btjavascript get current linkget url 3fjavascript this urlcan js read urlget the url of a webpage with javascriptjavascript get domain from window locationwindos locationhow to get current url location javascriptjavascript window locationget pathname from url javascriptget current url in javascriptget url of the current page javascriptget url of current page jswindown location jsget curent urlfind url for javascriptget counsciousjavascript get actual domainurl get full url hsget current url in conoslehow get document url javascriptcurrent urlget url with jsjavascript get this urlgot url from jsjs location routehow to get the page url in javascriptget document url javascriptget current full url javascriptwhat is window url 3fget url in jshtml windows page locationjavscript get url of current pagehow to get location url in javascriptget url with javascripthow to get the server url in javascriptjavascript get current server urlhow to get current url in javascript 3fget current url location javascriptjs get domain from pagewindows ref javascript window href url with parametershow to get url of current page in javascriptjavascript to get current page urlget actual url javascriptget current url jsjs get current location windowjs get current url pathjs to get url of current pagehow to get the url of your current page in javascriptget current url windowwindow location get domainjavascript get full url on pageloadvar url 3d window location hrefjs find urljavascript window location urlget url from window locationuserscript get current urlnot getting full url in jsjavascript get urget data from current url javascriptjavascript see urldom js get urlhow to get domain javascriptjavascript access current urlhow to get the url of the current page in javascriptrouting on window object javascriptthe property returns the number of the internet host port 28of the current page 29return url jsget the data from url in jsjavascript url current pagejs window path nameho to get the url using jswindow urlget current url method javascript get current script urlhow to get page hostnamejavscript get urlthis url javascriptjavascript get window hostnamehow to get the current website a user is on in javascriptget actual url in javascriptjavsacript current urlwindow get current urlcurrent page url in javacriptcheck the host in javascriptget url using javascirptget url and orurl in jswindow location href routeget link in jswindow location jqueryjavascript find current urlwindow location href without domainevery way to get the window location in javascriptget the javascript from urlget link in javascriptget full url in javascriptgetting url in javascriptverify current url javascriptjavascript get current url as a stringhow to use window hreflocation href completevariable get current url javascriptget current host jsstring get url jsjs get pathget host form url javasctiptjavascript get from urljs get url withhow to reterive the url using javascriptjs get current pagehow to get get url with javascriptget current location url javascriptjs get current page urlwindow location loadurl 3a window locationhow to get current url pure javascript javascript 3fconsole log window urlget full url jsjs get domainhow to get current url from javascriptset window location javascriptjavascript get current url domainhow to get the current page url in javascript 24 get javascript with urlget uri from url javascriptwindow location save functionjs get location urlget js urlcurrent window url javascriptget window hrefget the url in javascriptcurrent page javascriptjs get html by urlurl url javascriptget current url adresss javascriptwindow locationjs get page sourcewindow location href return valuejascript get urljavascript set urlwindow location domainjavascript check current urlget url of current window javascriptget url jcheck current web address jshow to current url in javascriptjavascript get hostnameget web url jsget url 3f in javascriptjs retrieve urlglobal path in window location in javascriptjs get actual linkget the current url with htmlget current url value in javascripthow to get current link javascriptwindow location pathnamehow to get full addres of page in javascriptif 28window location hrefjavacsirpt get urlget url browserscriptcopy current webpage url button javascriptget current date javascriptjs 2bget current urlwindow location load urlhref 3dwindow locationwindow location jshtml javascript get urlget full url javascriptjavascerit full urlget window url jscurrent url in javascriptjavscript location readget the page path in javascriptjavascript get dom of urlhtml print current urlget html from urjavascript grab urlcurrentpage object javascriptget uril of pagehow to use js to check the current urljavascript site urlget url html javascriptget this url jscurrent page jswindow location href actuve pagejs location get 2fget host javascriptjs to get full url pathget url window location hrefja get urljavascript get domain urllocation url javascriptget current url from javascriptjavascript get current parthhow to get url of page by jssymfony get the url string in controllerget current domain javscri c3 a8tjavascript server urljavascript location host httpsget window url in jswindow location href javascript get actual urlfull url in jsdocument get current url javascripthow to get current url with jsjavascipt get urlget current hostname in javascriptgethost javascrjavascript get current urljavascript save current urlhttp get from address jsget current path javascriptjavascript detect url copyget the current path javascriptwindow location href not using current pathhow to get current url using javascriptjavascript get current page linkread url from javascriptget image from url javascripthoe to get the url of the page in jsget current linkhow to get the address of current page jsget current complete url javascriptjavasript get urlget the url javascriptjquery get current contextget dom from url javascriptjs how to get window urlget get current urlhow to read url in jshow get url in javascriptwindow location 3d 7burl 7djs find link with current urljavascript window location href current urlcurrent window locationlocation href 3d location originmatch the response url in javascriptcurrent url javascriptcurrent url jscriptget url of current page javascriptjavascript get current url page nameget current page url in jsgrab url javascriptjavascrpt get urlnavigate to window location hostnamejavascript dom get urljavascript current uriget current url with parameters javascripthow to get url value in javascriptcheck current url javascriptget window url javascriptjavascript to get current urljavascript read urlwindow location href in htmlhow to get the url of current page jswindos location linkjavascript to get the urlget current page url in javascriptretrieve url from javascriptjs to url 2fwindow location get hrefhow to get url of site in javascriptjavascript window location namejavascript window location hrefjavascript current domainjavascript function to get current urlget url location jsjs current pageget url in javscriptjs window locationhow get present url in javscriptjavascript access current domain in javascriptjs get current host urljavascript get current hostjavascript how to find the right request urlget url current javascriptjava script get urget 23 from url javascripthow to get from url in javascriptjavascript location pathyjavascript take current urlget pathnamewindow location hostnameget current urlhow to know current urlwindow loacation pathnameget current pathname in jscurrent url with jshow to detect current url in jsgetting url javascriptjavascript get site namewindow hrefget url window javascriptjavascript how to get urlget host in jscheck href current in javascripthow to get the current url in a variable in javascriptjs get url as htmlget page url in jsjavascript read current urljavascript get links from urlhow to url in jshow to get the url using javascriptjs get full urljs get current site donmainwindow location herfjs get url locationcheck www url path javascriptget currnt url pathwindow location 3dpathjavascript currenturlrequest get url namesjavascripthow to get current url in htmljavasxript get urljavascript go to location href 22 2fjavascipt get url where page comes fromget the page url javascriptwindow location get full current urljavascript output current urljavascript current urlget current url of page javascriptget uri javascriptjavascript get html from urlget domain url in javascriptjs window current urlget current current url jslocation javascript w3schoolshow to check page name in jsget widow urlcurrent url with window objecthow to get location path urlwindow location pathjs get url of current pagejs get page urlget current html urlget url using domjavascript get complete urlread url javascriptget the hostname javascript urllocation window get url being browsedget website url from htmlget url 3f with jsfind url html jsjavascript get url locationurl the page jsget current location javascript urlhow to get url method in javascripthow to read url in javascript js url pathwindow location in jquerywindow locationhow to find url in javascriptwindows locationget web url javascriptget present url in jsget the url jsget current route in jsget current path of webpage jshow to read the current url from javascriptjs to get urljavascript get current hrefwe can get the url in jsget main domain url in javascripthow to get current window url in javascriptcurrent path url jshow to get current page url in javascriptfetch location urlcurrent url jkavascriptget the current url with javascript 3fgrab url javascruptwindow locationjavascript get site urljavascript check page urlcurrent url locationget current url with javascript 7e javascript get from urlget path from windowget curenturl javascriptget the url from javascriptjs get host windowjs get a url pageget a other page url javascriptjquery window locationwindow location href in javascriptjavascript get url pathwindow set location javascriptcan javascript get url 3fselect url in jswindow pathnameget cyrrebt url javascriptget current urr jsjs gett urlcrunt url in javascripthow to get url of current page in javascript 5cjavascript code to get the current urlhow to get the current url in javascript without locationjavascript 2b get current urlget url in browser javascripthow to get the url in javascripthow t get the current url page in js 3fget in js urlhow to get the site url in javascripthow to get current path javascriptjs get window locationlocation href to current pagejs location currentget previous window location pathname javascriptget url of the page in javascriptget urlread current url in javascriptwindow location for getting urljs how to get urljavascript document get urljavascript function to show locationjavascript get the browser current urljavascript how to get url from browserread uri from window locationhow to get url in javascriptjs get link urllocation href domaincheck host in javascriptwindow location href jswindow location href 3d document locationjavascript window get urlcurrenr url javascriptjavascript get window location href within objectwindow location set hostget the page url in javascriptget browser url in javascripthow to retrive the current href of the browserlocation urlget url javasciprget the url of the current page jsget the current page jsget url of current page in jsjavascript grab the site urlhow to access the url with javascriptjavascript get current domainget host url javascriptget url from jsjavascript url get uriwindow location 3d urlfind url javascriptget current href location javascriptcheck url javascriptwindow location javascriptcurrent url in jsaccess url javascriptget address javascriptget dom using a url in javascripthow do i get the url javascriptget current web url in javascriptjs use window location to new htmljavascript get site domainjavascript get url htmlwindowlocation routeprint current url javascripthow to capture url from window locationurl link path in javascriptjavascript get dom urlwindow path urlwindow location in javascriptwindow location fullcheck current url javascirptjavascript get domain window javascript get current locationjavascript get dom from urlgeturl javascriptjavascript page url getjava script get urljs get urhow to check the page url in jsget url pagejavascript get current page past get hosename jsget current url in htmldom how to get page domainjavascropt window locationtake url javascripthow to get the url from a website javascriptwindow location pathname 3d with parametersjavascript get to urljs get linkget current hostname in reactget the url of the page jsjs href location currentget domain name window locationget current location windowtake current url javascriptget link javascripthow to get the main url of a page in jsjavascript how to get url of current pageget current link jsjavascript get website urlhowto use javascript to return the current routehow to find current url in javascriptwindow location href from originaljs get current routehtml get url of the page jshow to get current window location javascriptget current url jqavascripwidnow locationcurrent href javascriptwindows urlget server url jsjavascript current url pathget windows path after hostnamethis page url jshow to get the url of the page in javascriptjavacript get domainwindow location pathnamehow to get current url jsjavascript get addressget page path javascriptget current url path javascriptdocument location current pageget url by page jsjavascript get url urljs get current location urljs how to get the current urlwindow url how to get the url with jsget current path jsget current href javascriptjavascript get current hostname from urlapp get current url jsjs get full current urljs get window location pathjavascript get the current urlget bas url javascriptlocation javascript after domainhet url jshow to get url of a link with jsjavascript program to get the website urlget the adress windowget url javascriptiwindow location domain namejavascript to get url in pagejs get site locationhow to get the url using dom jsjavascirpt get current page urlhow to get website url in javascriptget current window locationget from url javascriptwindow location hrefget current html from url javascriptjs url getget url in jshow to get pathname using windowhow to get browser url in javascriptwindows location pathnameget document urlhref get current urlhow to get the url used with javascriptgrab current url javascriptget current url jaread url using jsjs read urlvue router get current viewset page url from javascriptuse window to get the current locationget current page url javascript window location href 3d 22path 3a 2f 2f 22 3bget current host in javascriptjaavscript window locationget current page in javascriptwindow location pathjavascritp get urljavascript check hostnamenavigate to host url javascriptgeta url with javascriptget url server javascriptjavascript get url from websitehow to add php get current url in javascripthow to get the url of a page in jsget current url from windowget current domain javascriptjavascript 2bget 2burlget current url using javascriptget page urm javascripthow to get url in html javascripthow to get current url of page javascrptwindow location hostname typejavacript get current urljavascript get locationdisplay current url javascriptjavascript get document urlprint current url using javascriptwindow location hostjs get current domainjs window locationjs get url keywordjs window location urlwindow url 28 27 27 29 3bnode get urlget hostname jsserver path in javascripthow to get current url with javascriptwindow location href 3djavascript get get from urljs get url from websiteget window path javascriptget url from window javascripthow to get current page location in jshow to get current url in jsget current url javascript objectjavascript location pathnamejs get this urldocument url pathget page path jshow to get current url javascript 3fget url get javascriptjavascript use current urlget url parameters javascripthow to find current page url in javascriptget the current urlhow to get page url jsjjavascript get current urlhow to get the id sent through window location href in next page through url javascriptget the current url jsjavascript get url path not entire urlget host url in javascripthow to grab url in html jswindow location href get current urlbase location jslocation protocol javascriptjavascript get urljavascript get 23 urljavascript access urlurl 3d current page javascriptjs full urlget current url except the host namejavascript on load get urlget a url with javascriptjavascript current path urlwindow this url jsget request to current site htmlwindow href locationwindow locaiton hrefget current url of window opensee url of window in jsjs get url of current windowcurrent url jsget current page javasriptajvascript get full urljavascript locationget domain in jshow to change the current url in javascriptcurrent position javascript a hrefhow to get url information in javascriptlocation pathname includesjs get url 23how to get your page url with jsjavascript get url of current pagehow to get the domain url in javascriptjavascript get document locationuse javascript to get urlget site url javascripthow to use window location in javascriptjavascritp get currrent urljs current locationwindow location domainget url js currentjavascript current pathhow to get url of the current page in javascriptget currenturl jshow to get the url in consoleget current url from request object javascriptget current window location jshost url in javascriptget from url in javascriptdocument get current urlwant to get the url of the document in javascript i should use urlurl get full url jsget current page javascriptget current url pathget current url of browserjavascript return urlhow get current url in javascriptget domain javasciptjavascript dom get urljavascript get url browserwindow location href 3d window location hrefjavascript to know the own web addressjavascript url getget current url object in javascriptget location hrefget current web page url in javascripthow to get a url locator using javascriptget url from document javascriptget url current jsget current url javascriptget browser object javascripthow to find the current url pathname javascriptjs get current url with parametersjavascript get currenty urlget current url using jsget actual page url jsjs site url functionslocation in javascriptgetting the current url in javascriptjs get hostlocation href pathname jquerywindow location path givesget variable from url javascripturl of current page in javascriptjavascript get script urlhow to get the current url of the page in javascriptjavascript current doamaincurrent location javascript document ger uri javascriptget the whole url in javascripthow to get url from javascripthow to get the current page url in javascirptes6 window url pathjavascript check current page pathjs geturlbrowser js how to get urlurl get javascriptscript get urlhow to get url in javascript of current pagejaascript get urljavascript get method from urlhow to find get url in javascript codejavascript get current url eventget url en jsget current window urljs code for get the urlwindow location pathname with parametershow to access current url javascriptget url location javascripthtml5 refer to current urlget current url express nodejshttp host javascriptwindows location hrefjavascript get current url hrefwindow current url javascriptget page urljavascript get url actualjavascript get current url portjs window location pathnamehow to get current url in javascriptwindow location href 28 22 22 29javascript window pathnamejavascriot get pathjs how to display current urlhow to get a url using javascriptwindow get urlget url of browser jshow to get com in window ocationget element from url javascripthtml windows locationget path in javscriptjs document get urlfind url jsget window url wiindowget url of site javascriptjs host urljavascript get current url pathjquery lcation href after domainwindow location to url uri scheme window location href 3d 22 22js get website urlprint window location href pagehow to get local domain in jsaccess current window urljs get the current urlhttp 3a 2f 2fwindow location host 2fhow to get url of webpage js 5dhow to get javascript from paththis get current urljs get server urlget host jsget the url path in javascriptjavascript urlwindow locatioget the current url javascriptget url for javascript codejs get curent urljavascript how to get current urlget the current page url in javascripthpw to get url in jsget javascript urlwhat is location protocol and location host in jqueryhow to copy current url in jshow to check current url in javascriptjavascript to extract current urljs get current addressgetting the current url with javascriptwindow location 28 22index html 22 29 3bgetting urlget window location javascripthow to get e url in javascriptjavascript set window location hrefhow to get the current url in javascriptget urls jsjavascript get complete current urlhow to get the url of a website jsuse url in javascript in htmlgetting urls from javascriptget current url in javascrripthow to access url from javascriptlocation href pathnameget website url in javascriptwindow document location hrefjs get urlwindows locationget current page location javascripthow to use window locationhow to get the current url with javascript 3fgetting the url in javascriptjs parse current urlhow to get url from jsjavascript get window urlhow to get url with javascriptjavscript get current page urljavascript get uriwindows location jshow to check the domain name of the url using javascripthow to get current link in javascriptwindow pathnameobtaining complete url javascriptjs to get current urlget current url domain javascriptwindow location get urljavascript get current pathjs get document urlget url of a page window location vs document urlhow to read current url using jswindow location 3dget my current url javascriptget current webpage javascriptwindow href w3how to get the url of a webpage javascriptget web page url javascriptjavascript get the url of the current pageurl url javascripthow to get url of page in javascriptjavascript to load uri from windowsjavascript get url nameget current url with jswindow location href absolute pathtake current url in jsfunction window location hrefget current link javascriptlocation href go to current pagejavascript get data from current window urlget current url javascriphtml5 button location hostnamevanilla js get json from urljs detect current urlget url function in javascriptjavascript get location urlhow to get the url javascriptjavascript get current href valuehow to get current page url with javascriptget window locationhtml current url pathjavascript get current url locationnet url get full url jshow to get page url in javascripthow to grab a url in javascriptjs url readget current site url javascriptjs get page locationhow to get the current webpage in javascriptjavacript get urljavacript gethttpurlget current browser url in javascripturl get in javascriptjs get url from windowjs get from urlget current domain jswhat is window urlhow to read from url in javascriptjavascrip get url locationjs access url in all browsersget url of page jsjavascript request current urlaccess windows url havascrptget the url with javascriptjavascript get from urljavascript browser get urldom javascript for current urljava script get hostnamebrowser url 28 22 22 29 javascriptjs locationaccess current url in javascripthtml getting currentpage urlhow to detect the current urlget url javascriptjavascript get location full urljs get current urlget full url of current jswindow loation path nameget url of current website javascriptget window url in javascript 7e javascript location domainjava script get current urljs get url of current webpagehow to get the current url using javascriptreturn current urlget current page url jsweb page location javascriptjavascript current pagefind element with current url in javascriptjavascript current url completejavascript to get a current urlget current url of website javascripthow to get server url in javascriptjavscript get current urljavscript get element urljavascript get window locationjavascript find url of pageget the url of page jswindow location 3dlocation href javascript intjs get current uriscript window locationhtml js get urljavascript window location domain before 2fhow to look at the page url jsjavascriot get urlcurrent page url in javascriptwindow location host jquerywindow location getjs get window pathjavascript get pathget page url javascript mainjavascript display urljs window location hrefcurrent site url in javascriptget url from page javascriptjavascript get current page past 2fhow to javascript to get urljavascrtipt get current pathjs location hostnamehow to get current url javascriptlocation jsjavascript how to get current page urlget url hostname javascriptjavascript get page urljavascript get page with urlget page url javascripthow to get url in jswindow location in jsget url details in javascriptjavascript entire current path urljs current urigo to new url using windowwindow url javascriptgetting url from javascriptget url from url javascriptwindow location urljavascript get 23 from urlcheck the url path on the request javascriptget url domain name in jsjavascript get uri from urlhow to get the url from javascriptjs get cuurent urlmake a current on a hrefget url from link javascriptget page url jsjavascript get current url pagejavascript how to get website propertieswindow location get allcurrent link jsdocument get urlto check current urlget current window url javascripthow to access the current url without javascript 3fhow to get the value of url in javascriptgot localatio jshow to get current website domain in jsjs get current url stringhow to get the domain of a website using javascriptget host in javascriptget domain jsjavascript call current url in a functionwindow path javascriptwhats the url for the current windowjquerywindow locationget current page url from javascriptget window hostname javascriptget html from url javascriptcheck whats the current url javascriptjs get my urlactual url windowjavascript get came from urlgrab url in javascripthow i can get the current location url in javascripthow to get current linkhtml javascript take value from current urlget window location jswindow path js get url in javascriptcheck current url jswindow location jsget current uriget the url of the current page in javascriptget the url in htmljavascript window locationjs get current url hostjavascript get html page from urljavascript request url getget page url in javascrpjavascript get url of browserjavascript know urlhow to get url jswindow location current url 24 current urlhow to get the current url values in javascriptjavascript get page nameusing javascript to grab url of current pageget window locatino domain window locationhow to get url using javascriptjs obtain current urljavascript get current url from th current pagejs get currenturljavascript get url domwindows location javascriptjs html locationhow get name url jshow to get the host and path from url javascripthref window locationwindow location hhow to find host name from url in javascriptget url from javascriptwindow location get urlhow to get the url of a website with javascriptwindow location href 3d this urljs get current ulrget value url javascriptget current url document javascriptjavascript get url from current pagescript include get window locationselenium get url pythonget link jsurl in javascriptmodel appear at current window locationjavascript current locationhow to check current url in js window location host url actualhow to get current site url in javascriptget current hostname javascriptjs get the urlwindow href location htmlangular get current page html contenthow to get website name in javascriptjs current urljs how to get the current full urlget current rout jshow to get the current urljs get domain namehow to grab url with javascriptjavascript to get urlhow to check the url in javascriptget url of website javascriptget specfic url in javascriptwindow location href 3bvar url string 3d window location href 3bjs check get current urljavascript geturljs current page urlcurrent window url in jsjavascript get element urlread url address javascriptget current website url javascipr 7e javascript get current urlcurrent url in javascriptreturn window location hrefget url in jsget urljsget this url javascriptget url jsget path of page javascripthow to get current url in javascript demohow to check current url jsjavascript window location host with porthow to target url path in javascriptwindow location urljavascript location host entire urlget site host name jsjavascript window location hrefdom get current urljavascript get currect url originget current url htmljavascript current location urlcurrent website url geting in jsjavascript current page urlhow to get the url in jsjavascript test current urlwindow location href go to urlwindow location javascriptwindow location hostnameget new url jsjavascript get full urles6 get current urljavascript how to get current window urljavascript get the urljavascript window location absolute urljavascript get current website urljavascript get pagehow to grab the url in jswindows location javascriptjavascript how to get the current urlwindow location href current pageget page url in javascriptcurrent url 28 29get current route javascriptjavascript get url host javascript to grab urlhow to get document url in javascriptwindow location href 3d linkjavascript get html of urljavascript get host pathget page js urlget website url javascriptget current page url in javasriptwindow location pathnamget url current page javascriptcurrent document url javascripthow to get url of the page in javascripthow to get the current url in jsjavascript urlpatjget current page locationread url in javascriptjavascript reference current urlget urls javascriptget url name only javascriptget url from a link in javascriptwindow location hrefjs get host namehow to return current urlhow to get current url of page using javascriptget url name javascriptget curent url with jsjavascript get route urltrack page url using javascriptjs get based urljs get current ur 3bjavascript get linkget the address jsget path javascripthow to get url from client in javascriptjs get window urljs ger urlhow to set url in javascriptjs get url namejs get url of pageurl get javscripyjs get or take current url or urijs get hostnamejavascript window location hostjavascript get html from urlget url in javascrioptjs getcurrent urljs how to get current urlhow to select current url with javascriptget url on jscapture cureent url in javascripthow to get current url by javascriptlocation url in javascriptwindow pathname javascripthow to get javascript urljs read current urljavascript get http urlhow to get url injsget current curl of page in javascriptget site domain in jsjs function to get the current window urlcurent path javascriptjs get uri pathwindow location in htmlget url from browser javascripthow to get current page url jshow to know your current urltrack domain name using javascriptget url using javascriptjavascript get entire urlwindow location href goes to current urlhow to get the url of the current website jsget current link using javascriptget url on javascriptcapture browser url for javascripthow to grab url with javascript element from javascripthow to change window location origin path using a tagget site link javascriptwindow urljavascript get url valuesjs get complete urlget html url javascriptget domain javascriptget current website url javascriptlocation javascript check the current url javascriptcurrent url jsjs page urlfind current url in javascriptget current timestamp jsjavascript get something from urlget url by jsget location of pagehow to get url in javascriptget current url window jsget url by javascriptjs get website domainnhow to get the current website a user is looking at in javascriptget hostname javascripthow to get current url hwo to get current href in javascriptget url using jsget current url portion javascriptjavascript this locationwindow location site namehow to get the url of current page in javascriptjavascript get page locationget page url jdprint current url jsjavascript get data from urljavascript get full url of sitejavascript url locationhow to get url in javascript in phpget current urkcomplete url from window object javascripthow to get the page url in js load 28window location 2bhow to get something from url jsjs current window locationjs get 23 from urlwindow location to current pagejs get 22 23 22 from urlconsole log url javascriptwindow location get domainjs get current pathjavascript document current urlhow get from get link in javascriptget url of page javascripthow to find current url in javascript w3schoolsjavascript window location hosthow get my curent urldom window urljavascript location pathjsdom get current urlprint location javascriptsave current url to a variable javascriptget current url in jshow to get the url of page in javascripthow to check the current url in javascriptjavascript get url of websiteurl current jslocation other url jsget url via javascripthow to get the browser url in javascriptwindow location href get only pagejavascript path urlhtml how to get current urlget url jswindow current urlget the url in javascript locationhow to get current page url in jsdocument location pathnameget url javascript location js get full urlget url of page in javascriptget the url of the windowget from url jsget current url using domfind javascript urljs location pathnamejavascript get browser urljavascript get the url of current pagejs geturl 28 29gt url javascripthow to get window location hrefjscript get urlget the current url using javascriptget current windows url javascriptjavascript get url of linkdinwod location pathnamejavascript get current urlwindows location in javascriptget actual url jsget url from javacriptwindow location functionget curent url jshow to get window location in javascripthtml window location pathcurrect urlget page urlhow to get html from url in javascripthow to get current domain javascripthow to get url in vanilla javascripthow to get url in window javascirpthow to check the current url of a website using javascriptget current page url using javascripthow to get url of a page in jsjs get url that page is going toget page location jsget current url nodejsjavascript function get urlget url in java scriptjavascript page url how to get the current link in jshow to get url from window object in jsjavascript get urlget location url javascriptjs get the page urljavascript get current url and portget method urlscript location urljs get http urlif window location hrefget page path in jsjs get url for pagejavascript get url linkjs current web url gethow to find the current url in javascriptwindow location hosthit url using javascriptgetting current url in javascriptwindow location hreget the current url with javascript 3f