javascript get current url

Solutions on MaxInterview for javascript get current url by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "javascript get current url"
24 Jun 2020
1var currentUrl = window.location.href;
02 Nov 2016
1window.location.pathname; // Returns path only (/path/example.html)
2window.location.href;     // Returns full URL (
3window.location.origin;   // Returns base URL (
23 Jan 2020
1var currentLocation = window.location;
15 May 2017
21 Oct 2016
3As noted in the comments, the line below works, but it is bugged for Firefox.
25 Aug 2020
1let location = window.location.href;
queries leading to this page
get document urlget pathname from url javascriptstring get domain jsget browser url jsjavascript get url of websitewindow location get urlwindow location javascriptjavascript get url host javascript this locationjava script detect current domain 27js find urlhwo to get current href in javascripthow to display the current url but another url data in javascriptget current url in javascript w3schoolsjs get url link 23how to get the domain in javascriptget url on jsget path javascripthttp 3a 2f 2fwindow location host 2fget local domain jsget domain javascript urlget url using javascriptjs get the urlget current host in javascripthow to get javascript urlwindow location hostnamenew url get full url jsget the full url in javascriptjavascript windows locationgetting current page url in javascriptgo to new url using windowhow to get current domain in jsvanilla js get json from urljavascript get links from urlhow to get domain name in jshjs read 23 in urlget url using jshow to get page url jsget url in jsjavascript window location hostwindow location site namefetch url from current urljavascript get page with urlwhat is a javascript domain urljavascript get document urlbrowser get current urljavascript get 23 urljavascript fetch current pageget current full url javascripthow to get the url in javascripthow to get the current url using javascripthow to get current link in javascripthow to get current url in jsget full url in javascriptprint current url jsjs urlhow to get the domain name in javascripthow to get the current urljs location hostnamejavascript get url of linkwindow location 3d 7burl 7dget current rout jshow to find url in javascriptjs url gethow to fetch current page url in javascriptjs get turljavascript get url domainjs get url of current pagejs how to get the current urljs location routejs geturlhow to get url of site in javascripthow to find the website domain with jsget host in javascriptgrab url javascruptget url by jsget the page url javascriptget browser object javascripthow to get domain name from url javascripthow to get the current url in javascript without locationget domain name in javascripotscript window locationreturn window location hrefhow to check the domain name of the url using javascriptconst url 3d new url 28window location href 29js get current url stringthis url javascripturl link path in javascriptjs gett urljavacript get domainscript get urljavascrib find current urlget current website url javascriptjavascript get my current urlhow to get domain name in javascriptjavascript program to get the website urlget current url in javascriptget current location url javascriptjs location currentjs current uriget url js currentjavascript get the current urljavacript gethttpurlget html from urget url on javascriptjavascritp get current urlbase location jsget current route javascriptjs get browser urlget site host name jsstring get url jswindow location pathname with parametersget url from a link in javascriptjavascript browser get urlwindow location href 3bget current urljavascript how to get the site url in javascripthtml how to get current domain nameget page js urlwindow location href jscopy current webpage url button javascriptjs getting domain name from urlgrab current url javascripthow to reterive the url using javascriptjavascript get site domainjavascript get current url from th current pagefull url in jsjavascript get hostnamehow to current url in javascriptget url document javascriptjs get information from urlhow to get current url with jsjs how to display current urlhtml js get urlget url of the page in javascriptwindow location href return valuejavascript get urljascript get urlhow to get browser url in javascriptget url and orget host javascripthow get current url in jshow to get the current page url in javascirptjs window get urlconsole log window urlhow to get url in javascript of current pagejavascript get linkdocument location in javascripthow to grab url in html jsjs get current url hosthow to get address of website in javascriptlocation url javascriptjavascript get html from current urljavascript get html from urlwindow location path givesthis url javascriptdom js get urlscript location urljs get window location pathwindow location href in javascripturl in javascriptget current url javascrgot url from jscurrent urljavascriptget url server javascripthow to get the url using javascriptget domain from url string javascripthow to get current link javascriptjs 2bget current urljavascript get actual urlget the url in htmljavascript get current url hrefjs get actual linkusing window location get domain name javascriptjs current url after 2fjs get current pathwindow location href get current urlget window path javascriptlocation href javascript intget current url jshow to get document url in javascriptjavascript urlhit url using javascriptjavascript function to get current urlhow to get current domain name in jspage url javascriptactual url windowjavascript get url pathcapture browser url for javascriptget current url by jshow to change the current url in javascripthow to fetch domain name programmatically in javascriptis there a way to know the url of a page using javascripthow to check page name in jsjs get current uriget current href javascriptget site url javascriptget url via javascriptjavascript window locationgettting domain name jswindow location pathnamejavascript get current hostname from urlwindow location with linkhow to get current url in javascript 3fjs get the current page urllocation protocol javascriptwindos locationjs get url of pagejs get url of the pagejavascrtipt get current pathget the current url in javascriptcurrent window url in jsfunction window location hrefhow to get url of the page in javascripthow to get the url using dom jswindow url w3schooljavascript check the current urltrack page url using javascriptjavascript get requestcheck href current in javascriptaccess current url in javascriptwindow location pathnamjs get the uriscript include get window locationhow to find host name from url in javascriptget current domain in jsget current url windowget window url wiindowdocument location host and pathjavascript get domain name from urljavascript get method from urlget current pagejavascripthow to get domain javascripthow to get current url javascriptwindow loacation javascrtipthow to detect domain name in jsget the domain name in javascriptwindows ref javascript window href url with parametersget current location windowjavascript get website domainlocation urlhow to get server url in javascriptcurrent window url javascriptlaay link url jsget my current url javascripthow to get url and domain in htmlgetting current url from browser urlget local domain javascriptjavascript detect url copyhow to access the url with javascriptjavascript window top url pathjs get current pagewindow location loadjavascript current urlhow to get window location in javascriptjs windows location hrefjs read urljs get url host and domainwindow location for getting urlwindow location hostname typeread current url jswhats the url for the current windowjavascript get current url window locationdomain get in js scriptjavascript get the url of current pagejavascript find url of page uri scheme window location href 3d 22 22get current domain ajvascripturl in jswindow location hrefget domain name of current page javas cript without wwwjs get domain nameget a domain namejs get from url window locationget web url javascriptjavascript how to get urljs get current ulrcheck the url path on the request javascriptget url javascript browser get url in javascripthow to know your current urljavascriot get pathhow to show url on page jshow to get current window location javascriptwindows location href vs windows location pathname 2b jsjavascript page domainlocation href completejs location domain getjavascript get page domainhtml javascript take value from current urljavascript get domain without httjavascript get currect url originjavascript check page urlget actual url javascriptget curenturl javascriptjavascript get url linkget value url javascriptwindow location to urlhow to get domain of website jsjs get window urljs get a url pageget url domain of url javascripthow to get domain name javascriptget current page path javascriptjavascript test current urljs function to get the current window urljavascript get current website domainget current url in htmljs location urljavascript set window location hrefget dom from url javascriptwindow location javascriptjavacript get urlget url jsget current domadin jswindows locationnet url get full url jsjs get current url with parametersget url javascript pathreturn url jsjavascript get dom from urllog current host in jscan i get the url page using javascriptwindow location pathnamewindows location javascriptget page path jsget current path of webpage jsjavascript get window hrefdocument current urlhow to target url path in javascriptget the url in javascriptget url of page in javascriptjavascript check domain namefrom current link get domain javascriptjs get url withblazor get urlhtml javascript get urlget current url nodejsget the url for current webpagehtml get url of the page jswindow url javascriptget the url of the windowjs get current domainget current url location javascriptjs get domain onlywindow location href 28 22 22 29get windows path after hostnameget current complete url javascript 7e javascript location domainget domain namewindow location in htmlhow to get url of webpage js 5dhow to get the current url values in javascriptjs access url 3bcheck domain in jsjs get domain from urlget domain name inn jsjavascript get current pagegetting domain name jshow to find the current url in javascriptget the url of page jsget the domain name from url in javascripthow t get the current url page in js 3fhow to get current page url in jswindow location domainget current url path javascriptjavascript get base domainget uri javascriptreturn domain javascript js domain namejavascript to know the own web addresshtml js get from urlhow to get your domain name in javascriptget domainname javascriptgrab url in javascriptget js org domainhow to get the server url in javascripthow to get from url in javascriptjavascript 2b get current urlhow to get the current link in jsjavascript domain of a functiondomain name javascripthow to get the current url in a variable in javascriptjs get domain from pagehow to retrive the current href of the browserhow to get url from jsget current url of window openjavascript get document locationhow to read current url using jsget url 3f with jsget current url using javascriptjavascript get current urljavascript get full urlhow to get the server name in javascriptcheck domain javascriptget current web url in javascriptwindows location in javascriptget url from link javascriptget url jacheck current url javascirptlocation javascript javasxript get urljavascirpt get current page urlhow to get winows hrefhow to print current url in javascriptget the url from javascripthow to get current url from javascriptwindow location href in htmlhow to javascript to get urljavascript get url from websiteuse window to get the current locationget domain from url javascriptjavascript requete get urljs get domain from stringhow to get url with jswindow location pathvariable get current url javascriptget current url of website javascriptget current hostname in javascriptget url of page javascriptget domain of an urlhow to get the current url of the page in javascriptjs retrieve urljavascript 7b 7bpage url 7d 7durl to location jsjs get location urlwindow location 3dhow to get current url jsuse url in javascriptweb page location javascriptget url current page javascripthow to get page hostnamejavacsript get current urlget current page javascriptconsole log url javascripthow to get full addres of page in javascriptjs get full current urljavascript get current parthpage url return entire urlhtml get current urlfetch cuhrrent pathget the adress windowget window hrefhow to get the 23 in url using jsjavascript on load get urlget current curl of page in javascriptwindow location href get only pagewindow location href current pagehow to check current url in jsget url in browser javascriptjavascript use domainget uri from url javascriptcurrent page url in javacriptuse url in javascript in htmljs get current url pathjavascript get current location without domainapp get current url jsget url in javascriptget url from javascripthow to get the url in consolewindow href in jsget current url htmlget url client side jsget domain in javascriptgetting url javascripthow to get com in window ocationget domain of url javascriptget url bywindow location getget window url jsjavascript get site urlwindow location 3d urlhow to get 23 out of link jsjs detect current urljscript get request domainjavascript page ur 3bjavascript how to get the current urljs current pagewindow loation path namecurrent url jsjavascript get this urlget this url javascriptobtaining the url of the pagejavascript domain uri javascript document get urljavascript get url domain onlyjs i want to show the user their urlget full url jsjavascript get domain with httpwindow host javascriptget from url javascriptlocation href pathnamehow to get the current url with javascript 3fjavascript domain namesget url of page jsjavascript domain urijs get url 23domain name checker jsjs get web urltrack domain name using javascriptjavascript check hostnameget url with 27 23 27javascript entire current path urlget current link using javascriptjscript current domainjavascript location pathcopy current php file in url in jsget the domain of the site javascriptjs href location currentwindow location save functionjavascript currenturlget domain name javascripthow to get current path javascriptfetch location urlcheck url javascriptjavascript get current page linkwhat is window url 3fjavascript get the domain name from urlwindow location urljs how to get current urlhow to read the path of current request in jshow to get e url in javascriptjs how to get urljs locationhoe to get the url of the page in jsget url location jshow to find get url in javascript codejs get current site donmainurl get javascriptjavascript get something from urljavascript to get current domainhost url in javascriptjavascript get the browser current urljs get domain from url with httpjavascerit full urljavascript window location absolute urljs curent domainjavascript url current pageset url javascript js check current urljavascript get to urlget web url jsget url of the current page javascriptjavascript get html of urldom javascript for current urljavascript get html from urlget current host jsget url from window locationhow to get url of page by jsjavascriot get urlurl get jshow to get window url in javascriptjs html locationget current domain name javascriptdomain url in jscurrent url with jsjs get current urlget source urn of currtn javascriptcurrent url in jsjavascript get domain and pathhow to get url jshet url jsurl the page jsget current site url javascripthow to get domain name with jshow to get the url of a website with javascripthow get current url in javascriptjavascript get current location urlget website url javascriptjavascript location host httpshtml5 button location hostnamehow to get website domain using javascriptget hostname jsget current url javascript objectget exact url of web pagejs get link urljavascript to get current urlwindow href locationjavascript get full url of siteget from url js 7e javascript get from urlhow to change window location origin path using a tagjavascript get complete current urlconsole log document urlget the domain name in jshow to get the url with jshow to get current url javascript 3fhow to make a domain with javascriptjavascript current location urljavascript show domain with httpget window hostname javascriptjs current urljavascript get script urljavascript get url of current pagejavascript get current url domainreturn current url in javascripthow to get current url as a string jsjs get url domainhowto use javascript to return the current routeset page url from javascriptget domain name from javascriptjavascript get url infowindow location href vs window location hostnamejs get currenturlview the url in jsprint current url using javascriptjavascript domainjavascript get current page past 2fwindow location href go to urlhow get url by jsjs get hold of current pagejavascritp get currrent urlwindow location href 3d this urlwindow locationcheck domain name availability with jsjs get main domainhow to use window hrefprint location javascriptlocation url in javascriptget url of current page jsget url using domjavascript to grab urljavascript get url actualget html from urlget page url in jsjavascript call using current url in a functionget domain of path jswindowlocation routejava script get hostnameget current url method save current url to a variable javascriptget url of site javascriptjs read current urlget url jsget the current url jshow to get the url of page using javascriptwindow location hostname 3bwindow location get domainjs extract domain from urllocation pathname includesget current url with jsset window location javascriptjs get 22 23 22 from urlget site page jsget domain name with http jslocation href domainget url of current website javascriptjavascript get current domain namereturn current urlhow to get a domain namejs get document urlget something from url javascriptjs get page locationhow to get current url in javascriptrequest get url namesjavascripthow to check the current url of a website using javascriptwindow object get page urljs get urget current url javascripget window url javascripthow to check the page url in jsjavascript window location urljs get url linkjs currenturl pagewindow set location javascriptwindow get urlhow to get the current domain in javascriptjavascript this urllocation other url jsjs get url for pagevar url string 3d window location href 3bget url javasciprjavascrip get domainjavascript get html by urlhow to get url in javascripthref get current urlget domain from windowget current link in javascripturl url javascriptwindow urldocument location current pageget the current url domain in javascriptjavascript get the url of the current pageget current pathname in jsget current urlhow to get the current url in javascripthow to check the current url in javascriptget host form url javasctipthow to get url in jsjavascript get domainget page path in jsjavascript current domainread url jshow to check current url in javascriptjavascript get from urljavascript get domain and page pathget actual url in javascriptget current url in jsjs get urkjavascript current locationget current url using jshow to get url in window javascirptjavascript to get the urlget url for javascript codeget pathnameajvascript get full urljavascript get full domain urlget current url document javascripthow to get url uri in javascript 24 get urljavascript get window location href within objectnavigate to host url javascriptget window location jswindow location vjs get hostget current url jadocument url pathdocument get urlvanilla javascipt get urlhow i can get the current location url in javascriptget the current page jshow to get the 23 in the url using jsjavascript get page urlget dom using a url in javascriptjs get current routehow to get pgae apth in winsow location hrefjavascript location domainjavascript get url namejavascript get full url on pageloadget only domain name javascriptjs url readwindow location set hostget current url value in javascriptcheck current web address jscheck host in javascriptget url jget current url in javascrriptget current page url in jshtml getting currentpage urlget current url from javascriptjavascript get hostget the domain jsjavascript use current urlhow to get the url of the current page in javascriptwindow location in jsread current url in javascriptcurrentpage object javascripthow to get data from the current page url in javascript in browserjavascript get current page urljavascript code to get the current urljavascript get urjavascript current url pathget host jshow to get pathname using windowhow to get the host and path from url javascriptcurrect urlget javascript from urlusing javascript to grab url of current pagejs get url locationhow to select the entire path from a url bar in javascriptwindow urljavascript get current url locationget url of current page javascriptget page url jdmatch the response url in javascriptget full current url jswindow location href absolute pathjs get url current pageget web domain in javascriptget current hostname in reactjavascript window location hrefcheck domain name jsjs get domain name from urlget the url of the page jswindows locationget current url domain javascriptjquery get current contextbrowser url 28 22 22 29 javascripthow to get get url with javascriptdom get current urljavascript window location nameget current page locationdinwod location pathnamehtml how to get current domain name 27javascript current page urlhow to get the current website a user is on in javascriptget url with javascriptmodel appear at current window locationget web page url javascriptjavascript find full domain urlget from url in jswindow location host jqueryhow to get url information in javascriptget new url jsjavascript window location hreffetch current url in javascriptget domain with http in jsjavscript get urljavascript get current page past window loacation pathnamewhat is domain in javascripthow to get the current url in jsget the url javascriptget the current url using javascriptwindow location functionget current domain ip javascriptwindow url 28 27 27 29 3bjavascript window get urlget uril of pagejavascript 2bget 2burlhow to get current url location javascriptwindow location 3d 3d 3d 27 2f 27how to get javascript from pathget page url in javascrpjavascript get current url as a stringcheck the current url javascriptclient side get url jsfind url jshpw to get url in jsjs get html by urlwindow locationjavascript to extract current urlwindow path urljavascript get domain from window location js get full urlnavigate to window location hostnamejavascript get host and domainhow to get url method in javascriptcheck domain url jsjs window location urlget domain from string javascriptjs get page urljs to get url of current pagecurrent link jsjavascript get data from urlget url vanilla jsextract the domain name from a url jshow to find current page url in javascriptfind javascript urlwindow pathnamecurrent url with window objectjavscript get element urljavascript location pagejs get window pathjavascript get current hrefget url in javscriptjs document current urlhow to get url of the current page in javascriptget previous window location pathname javascriptto check current urlthis get current urljavsacript current urlget url script jshow to get the browser url in javascriptcapture cureent url in javascriptjavascript current url completejs widnows locationjavascript call current urlget this url jshow to read the current url from javascriptjavascript get locationjavascrpt get urlget element from url javascriptjavascript how to get page urlhow to find current url in javascript w3schoolsjavascript display urljs get domain of sitematch domain name javascriptcurrent page url in javascriptget location url javascripthow to get th url in jsurl 3d current page javascriptwindow pathname javascripturl current jsurl get domain jsurl get full url jsget link javascript window location host url actualget domain from url jsvariable get in urlget website url in javascripthow to get a website domain in jsjavascript to get url in pageurl get in javascriptjavascript 3a 24 get 28 27 2f 2fdomainname domain 27 29javascript document current urljavascript window locationjs domain namecheck whats the current url javascriptjavascript location host entire urljavascript reference current urljs get url as htmlwindow location origin and hostname storing in jshow to get page path in javascriptget html from url javascripthow to get url in html javascriptget bas url javascripthow to get the current host domain using javascriptwindow href location htmlnode js get domain namejavascipt get url where page comes fromjavacsirpt get urlcheck current url jsget url domain name in javascriptjavascript get method of current pageget current url object in javascriptwant to get the url of the document in javascript i should use urlbroser get current utl without pathget current url portion javascriptget document url javascriptjavascript get url domhow to get html from url in javascriptho to get the url using jslocation in javascriptget browser url in javascriptget url 3f in javascriptget current url pathjavascript get domain from urlread uri from window locationhow to get page url in javascriptjavascript get currenty urlget specfic url in javascriptjavascript window urlhow to get url in javascriptextract domain from url javascriptget url path in javascriptjavascript to get urlget from url in javascriptfind current url in javascriptget url from javacripthow to check all domain and javascripthtml how to get current urlget javascript urlwindow pathnamejs how to get the domain name from a urljs domain gethow to get url from javascripthow to get the element from url in javascriptjavascript get window domainget window locatino domaintake current url javascriptjavascrig get hostbrowser js how to get urlread url javascripthow to get a url using javascriptwindow location href protocoljavascript get current pathget current url in conoslehtml current url pathget the url in javascript locationhow to get the url of current page in javascripthow to get domain name in nodeget url function in javascripthow get name url jsget page url javascriptvar url 3d window location hrefget url from url javascriptget current url jsget url details in javascriptjs location get 2fhtml window location pathjs get curent urlget current location javascript urljavascript show domain namjavascript access urlglobal path in window location in javascriptwindow location get full current urles6 get current urlhow to get url of current page in javascriptwindow location pathname javascriptwindow location pathget current urkwindow get domainjs get current ur 3bget image from url javascriptwindow path javascriptwindows location pathnameget browser url javascripthow to get current domain in javascripthow to get website url in javascriptjavascript function get urlger uri javascriptget url location javascriptwindow location get urlhtml windows locationjava script get urljavascript location pathcurrent domain jsjavascript get url from browser console current urlhow to get current linkget the current host domaine jsget url of current window javascriptget url using javascirptget widow urlvanila js get pathhow to get and set the url using javascriptdocument get current url javascriptcurrent url jscriptfind broser url in consoleget current page url in javasriptget window urljavascript domain nameget host domain javascriptget the current page url in javascriptjavascript page url getcan js read urljavascript get host domainurl get in jsget site domain jsjs window url pathget domain javascriptjavascript function to show locationjavascript take domain nameget urljshow to get url in javascript in phpget current page in javascripthttp host javascripthow to get the domain from a webpage through jsjavascript current path urlyjavascript take current urljavascript getting uri how to capture url from window locationjavascript get http urlget current windows url javascriptretrieve url from javascripthow to get url in vanilla javascriptget domain jshow to get the url javascriptwindow location server codehttp get actual urlhow to know the url of the current webpage in javascir 5btobject url get full url jswhat is javascript domain urilocation javascript w3schoolsget actual url jshow to get the url in jsjs parse current urlget the url of the current page in javascriptjavascript get current site domainhtml print current urlwindow current urlhow to get current page url jswindow location get alljs get urlhow to grab url with javascript element from javascripthow to get the current website a user is looking at in javascriptget hosename jsget domain name of a url js js get urlsjavascript get url urljavascript get domain urlget url in jsselect url in jsthis doc url take server urlsee url of window in jsjavascript get data from current window urlget url htmljavascript get current hostcheck www url path javascripthow to use window locationjavascript domain from urlget current route in jsjavascript new url from current pagejavascript get dom urlget hostname javascriptusing js to get the users current url and store for use later javascript geturlget actual url in variablejavascript url locationget the current url with javascript 3fget data from current url javascriptwindow location jqueryjs current web url getcurrent url in javascriptjs location pathnamejavascript request url gethow to get url in javascriptjavascript get current linkwindown location jsget current uricrunt url in javascriptdom window urlget url from window javascripthow to get url of current page in javascript 5ccurrent url jkavascriptcheck current url javascriptjs get current hostnameif 28window location hrefhow to know domain name of url javascriptrequest js find domainget curent urljavascript get current website urlfetch the current urljs page url 23how to get only domain name from url in javascriptget current urr jsjs get current location windowget page path javascriptjavascript get domain and path from urljs get based urljs get location domainhow to get something from url jsfind url html jsget domain in jsget url by page jsget url from page javascriptjaavscript window locationjs current locationget url by javascriptjavsacript get wwwnew url 28 29 getting current local urlprint current url javascriptjs get actual domainget url of browser jsget current domain javascript 24 current urlhow to get the current url for the windowget domain of url jshow to url in jsget the current host domain jsgrab url javascripthow to read from url in javascriptjavascript get te current urlwidnow locationhow to find the current url pathname javascriptget domain url in javascriptjs host urljavascript get current url path window javascript get current locationjavascript get from urlgetting urlget method urljs find link with current urljs get url namejs get uri pathget current href jslink to current url jshow to get the main url of a page in jsread url in javascriptjavascript get url valuesjs get domain urlget url javascript exampledisplay current url javascriptjs get current page urlhtmlelement get urlwhat is window urlcheck domain name or not javascriptwindow location href 3d document locationhow to get location path urljava script get current urlwindow location href actuve pageget domain only jsjs code for get the urlget domain path in javascriptget website domain jsjs get 23 from urlget current domainhow to get the page url in jsget current html urljavascript dom get urljs get location url of find element with current url in javascripthow get from get link in javascripthow to grab url with javascriptjavascript save current urlmethod that get url javascriptget current window location jshow get my curent urljavascipt get urlget the url with javascriptget url html javascripthow to read url in javascript this page url jsget current webpage javascripthow to get current domain javascriptjavascript read domainjs get domain not hostnameget current timestamp jsget the url of a page in javascriptjavascript get the the current urlverify urf page javascripthref 3dwindow locationjavascript get dom of urlhow to get current page url with javascriptget current linkjs get full urlget page url in javascriptget current url with parameters javascripthow to get domain in javascriptjavascript get url of browserjavascrip get url locationhow to select current url with javascriptvue router get current viewhow can i get host url in javascripthow to get website name in javascriptwindow location get hrefget in js urlfind url for javascriptget url from browser javascriptnode get urljs get url keywordjavascript window location href current urlhow to get current website domain in jsjavascript read current urlget url current javascriptwindows location jsdocument location javascript examplejavascript to load uri from windowsget curent url with jsurl url javascriptget url browserscriptjavascript get window location pathread the windows urljs getting current urljavascript get current domain urljavascript access current domain in javascriptjs get html from urlget urls javascriptjavscript location readuse javascript to get urlget urlwindow url how to get host domain from javascriptjavascript get the page urljs page urlcapture full urljs get has from url stringja get urlwindow location urljavascript get url htmlget url parameters javascriptjs window routeget host url in javascriptwindow location href get window url in jsjavascript get html page from urljavascript url variable getjavascrtipt get urlget url of a page window location vs document urlhow to retrieve domain name in javascriptwindow current url javascriptwindow location location jshow to get the url from javascriptjavascript check current page pathjavascript get the current domainjavacsript get urljavascript function to get current page urlcurent path javascriptif window location href javascriptaccess windows url havascrptserver path in javascriptjs get current api url 24 get javascript with urlget host url javascriptgetting the url in javascriptjavascript get pagejavscript url pathjavascript get current url porthow to get domain jshow get present url in javscriptjs geturl 28 29javascript how to get website propertiesget the url of the current page jsget url from variablejs get this urljavascript current pathget current url express nodejswindow js get page after domainhow to get the url of a webpage javascriptjavascript see urlhow to get page domain javascriptjs retrieve from urljavascript to show current urllocation window get url being browsedjs window locationget url of documentcurrent url locationwindow location hostnamehow to get current page url in javascriptjavascript get current url eventjavascript get uricheck current url in javascriptjs find domainhow to get current url using javascriptjavascript get current url page namejsdom get current urljavascript get main domain from urlhow to get the url of the page in javascriptcurrent page javascriptwindow object in javascript get pathhow to get current url of page javascrptget the page url in javascriptwindow locaiton hrefjavascript complete url path location searchwindow get current urlcurrent window locationjavascript determine if determine the name of the current urllocation href go to current pageget full domain javascriptget location href javascriptgot localatio jswindows location hrefconsole log url javascriptget current domain in javascriptjs url to console logcheck current domain javascriptjs get the actual routeget current url of page javascriptget page location jshow to get url value in javascriptjavascript get addressgt url javascriptjs check current domainjavascript get website urlget html of url javascriptjs access url in all browsershow to get main domain name from url in javascripturl get variablesjs getcurrent urljs get domainwindow location 3djavascript get urlwindos location linkwindow location hregetting url of current pageget html url javascriptget host in jswindow location urljavascript show domainplaywright detect current hostjavascript get current site domain with httpget present url in jshow to get the url of the browser in javascriptget domain name javashow to see window url javascriptcurrent location javascript document get request to current site htmlget current url except the host namejavascript url to pathhow to get current page url using javascriptdom get exact urlget current window url javascriptget variable from url javascriptread url using jsjavascript get domain of urlget current url from windowget current current url jsget currnt url pathjavascript current domain httpaccess current window urlget link in javascriptgetting current url in javascriptget url in javascrioptget page domain javascriptget current url using domjs get page sourceget in url jshow to read url in jshow to get the url used with javascriptget variables in urlget current web page url in javascriptjavascript site urlget full url javascriptget current path of website window location javascriptfind url javascriptget url javascriptget public url javascriptjs get website domainnjs to get full url pathjavascript get current href valuejavascript get current only domainjavscript get current urlread current domain in javascripthow to get the id sent through window location href in next page through url javascriptjs figure current urljquerywindow locationwindow location hostjavscript get current page urlget urls jsjavascript to get a current urlget domain javasciptget domain name url javascriptdocument location pathnamehow to get the url of your current page in javascriptget url of current page in jscurrent page url javascriptjs get server urlget current url adresss javascripthtml get urljs get host windowhow to get the url from a website javascriptjs to get urljavascript get element urlcurrent document url javascriptread url from javascriptjavasript get urljavascript get domain from specific urldom how to get page domainjavascript urlpatjget the data from url in jsget domain name jsjavascript return urljavascript location pathname 5cget current url javascriptget the address jsjs get website urlrouting on window object javascriptget url variablesgetting url from javascriptget current url with javascriptjavascript get page from urlthe property returns the number of the internet host port 28of the current page 29extract domain from url jsjs how to get window urljavascript go 28 29 on my urljs get http urlget the current urlget current url jqavascriphow to get the url of current page jshow do i get the link of the current page in jscurrent position javascript a hrefget url with jshow to get url of a page in jsjava script get page urlhow to get location of the url in jshow to get location url in javascriptjs get name of url get domain name using javascriptjavascript request current urljavascript get window hostnamecurrent url jsget actual page url jsjs actual urljs get complete urlhow to get url injsjs window current urljavascriptget urlget a url with javascriptjavascript current pagehow get url jshtml windows page locationjscript get urlget location of pagejavascript get url 3bjs get my urlread url address javascripthow to look at the page url jsget 23 from url javascriptget domain name of current page javas criptjscript extract domain from current locationjs get url from websitehow to get current url pure javascript javascript 3fjavascript get url from current pagewindow location 3dpathlocation javascript after domainget url javascriptiget current domain javscri c3 a8thow to get current url with javascriptget the url jsjavascript grab urlselenium get url pythoncurrent domain javascriptget current domain jsverify current url javascriptjavascript dom get urlreact get domain nameget current url javascriptget cyrrebt url javascriptget current html from url javascriptget current url domain js load 28window location 2bjs get current addressbrowser javascript html get domain urlhow to check current url jsjavascript get browser urlcurrent url javascriptjs full urljavascript get route urljavascript get host pathgo to window location hostnamejavascript match domain namehow to get the domain url in javascriptjavascript get page namecheck for domain javascripthow to get url with javascriptwindow this url jsjavascript output current urlobtaining complete url javascripthow get url in javascriptjs get current domain and prtget url hostname javascriptwindow location herfjavascript urlhow to find current url in javascriptget current url in index htmlhow to get the url of a page in jsjavascript set urljs get url of current webpagehow to access url from javascriptget counsciousjavascript how to get url of current pagejs ger urlhow to find url in javascriptmake domain name with javascriptget name of domain jsget domain name in htmlget page url jsget current page url in javascriptget url pageget domain name with javascriptjavascript how to get document domainjavacript get current urlget current page url from javascriptwindows url in jsevery way to get the window location in javascriptjavascript get the current url pathurl 3a window locationhow to copy current url in jsget url window location hrefjavascript how to find the right request urljs get url from windowjavascript window location host with portget location urlcurrent page jscurrent url in javascriptjavascript get entire urlwindow location to current pagewindow location domainjavascript locationjavascript how to get current urlhow to get url from client in javascriptwindow location href from originaljavascript get get from urljavascript get 23 from urluserscript get current urlget current link javascriptget the whole url in javascriptcurrent urlget server url jsget site link javascripthow to access current url javascriptjavascript how to get the domain namewindow location pathname 3d with parametersget url domain name in jswindow locationwindow location jsgethost javascrhow to get sub domain from jsget current page location javascriptget current link jsget js urlhow to echo the urlget url get javascriptget location path javascriptget curent url jsprint window location href pagejavascript get url locationget page url javascript mainget url from jsget path in javscriptjavascript get page locationextract domain name from url javascriptwindow location href not using current pathjs get site locationcurrent url 28 29js get html code from urljavascript get current url and porthow get document url javascriptcurrent path url jshow to get the current page url in javascripthow to get the url of a website jshow to get the url of the current website jscurrent href javascript window location href 3d 22path 3a 2f 2f 22 3bget domain name nodejsjavascript get current script urlhow to get the current url 3fjavascript window location domain before 2fjs current page urlcan javascript get url 3fget site domain javascriptget current url window jsget page urm javascriptget get current urljavascript url get uripath from url in javascriptjs get pathwindow location hostfind the location in website of current pagejs how to get the domain from a urlhow to return current urljavascript find current urlgetting current domain name in javascriptjs window path namewindow path jsjs get the page urlcheck the host in javascriptknow url in javascriptjavascript get current url 5cwindow location href 3d window location hrefjs to url 2fjavascropt window locationjavascript document url and load ithow to get current url in htmljs get current host urljs new url get domain onlyget path from windowjs find self urlgetting the current url in javascriptsymfony get the url string in controllerget page urlgetting url in javascriptget window url in javascriptwindow location in jquerycurrenr url javascriptget url of current pageget url en jsjavascript window pathnamehow to detect the current urljavascript call current url in a functionwindow location jsjavascript get current server urljs to get current urlget current date javascriptget full url of current jsurl of current page in javascriptget current domain with javascript functionjavascript check current urlget url string javascriptjs current domainhow to get current url by javascriptget current path jsget domain name from url jsjavascript extract domain from urlhow to get the url in the jsjs use window location to new htmlhow to get the domain of a website using javascriptgetting the current url with javascriptget window locationjquery lcation href after domainhow to get the domain of the current website jsjavascript get complete urlget domain name from url javascripthow to get current browser url in javascripthow to get url javascriptjavascript window location to get domain from urlget url javascript with httpwindow location load urlhow to get current window url in javascriptget current window urljavascript reading url from browserget current window locationmake a current on a hreflocation href to current pagehow to know current urlwindow location hrefjavascript go to location href 22 2fwindow location in javascriptjs check get current urlhow to use window location in javascriptjs get hostnameget the current url javascriptget main domain url in javascripthow to get window location hrefgeta url with javascripthow to use js to check the current urlget url from document javascripthttp get from address jsget url in java scriptnot getting full url in jsget page urlwindow location get domainget url javascript locationwindow locatioget location hrefhow to get the address of current page jshow do i get the url javascriptjs fetch to self urlhow to add php get current url in javascriptjavascript get curent url and log itget document location from urlget domain with javascriptjavascript get current domainget path of page javascriptcomplete url from window object javascripthow to get current domain name and port in javascriptjavascript get window urlbrowser get domainjavascript page url js get window domainget current href location javascripthow to get current page location in jsdocument get current urljavascript path urljavascritp get urlcurrent site url in javascriptwindow location href without domainwe can get the url in jshow to detect current url in jsjs get base domainhow to get domain name from url in javascriptget url of website javascriptangular get current page html contentget url name javascripthow to grab a url in javascripthow to get url of a link with jsjavascript get domain namewindow get url javascriptjs get domaine from current urljs domain from urlhow to get the current url of the webpage javascriptjavascript grab the site urlhow to get url of page in javascriptjs window locationget current url 5chow to see url path in consolejs get cuurent urlget current url javasceriprget domain name in javascriptget domain of current page javascriptvariable get urljavascript url getwindows url 7e javascript get current urljs site url functionsget current page urljavascript read urljavascript get actual domainget the javascript from urljavascript check domain of urlget the url in jsjavascript get window current locationhow to href to current url in jshow to write window location in htmljs document get urlhow to set url in javascriptjavascript get location full urlget the url path in javascriptget specific path from routes angularjavascript window location hostnamejs get url that page is going towindoe loaction pathget url with 23window location host jqueryget public path url in javascriptjavascript get url path not entire urlhow to get entire url in jshow to get your page url with jsjs get the current domainjavascript access current urlhtml5 refer to current urlwhat is location protocol and location host in jqueryurl get javscripyget a other page url javascriptget the current path javascriptget url javscriptjava script get urjavascript get current domain and pathget html from url jshow to get url website jshow to get the current webpage in javascriptget full url window referaalget current page url using javascripthow to get current site url in javascriptjava script get current domainjavascript get current url pagewindow location href 3d linkget domain and sous domain javascript how to access the current url without javascript 3fget current url in 22index html 22javascript get url as stringget the domain name jshow to get current url in javascript demojavscript get url of current pagehow to get the value of url in javascriptjavascript current doamainget website url from htmlhtml document location 3d 27default aspget site domain in jsjavascript check domainget url in jsjs get current page linkjavascript get the urljavascript current urihow to get the url of a web page location searchjavascript get location urlhow to get the url of the current page in jsget domain name in jswindow location current urljavascript get uri from urlget current hostname javascripturl get full url hsjavascript detect urllocation href pathname jqueryhow to get current url js take domainget current page javasriptget current page url javascriptjs current window locationhow to get only domain name in javascripthow to get the javascript domain of my websiteget current path javascriptget current url javscriptwindow location domain namewindow location 28 22index html 22 29 3bget the domain from url javascripthow to get url using javascriptjs get the current urlwindow location href goes to current urlhow to get the page url in javascriptjavascript this get urljs get hold of current page after 2fhow to check the url in javascriptget the website domain in jshow to get full domain with javascriptwindow location hget link jsjaascript get urljs get host nameget window location javascripthow to grab the url in jsget currenturl jsget url window javascriptjavascript to get current page urljavascript how to get url from browserget location url instead of html page in responsejs get or take current url or urijs window location pathnameget window href jsget the url of a webpage with javascriptjavascript get window locationwindow hrefhow to get a url locator using javascriptget the page path in javascripthref window locationjavascript get url browserjavascript get hostname and rediretget current url of browserjs obtain current urljs get window locationget current website url javasciprget url name only javascriptget url path javascriptwindow location fulljavascript how to get current page urljavascript get current urljavascript url pathjs url pathjs get current location urljavascript how to get current window urljavascript server urlhow to get the domain url from jsjs get url of current windowes6 window url pathgeturl javascriptjjavascript get current urlhow to get the url of page in javascripthjs get domaintake current url in jsjavascript get site nameget urlid javascriptget domain name window locationjs document location self pageget link in jsget url 3fhow to get current url of page using javascriptjs get server domainif window location hrefhow to get currenturl in jslocation href 3d location originwindow location href routeget page from url javascriptcurrent website url geting in jsget address javascriptwindow document location hrefjavascript get pathget the current url with htmlget current url from request object javascriptretrieve current url javascripthtml show current domain namehow to get domain url with javascriptjavascript get public urlwindows location javascriptjavascript how to get document domain pathjavascript know urlhow to get local domain in jsjascrypt get urlwindow location href 3djs get linkget current page url jsget url current jsjquery window locationwindow href w3how to get url from window object in jsjavascript get came from urlget link web jsjs get a urlaccess url javascriptjs how to get the current full urljs window location hrefget the hostname javascript urlgetting urls from javascriptget current browser url in javascripttake url javascriptjavascript window location hostjavascript get current url