how to plot a graph using matplotlib

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to plot a graph using matplotlib by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to plot a graph using matplotlib"
22 Jun 2017
1from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
2plt.plot([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25])
30 Jul 2018
1matplotlib Graph
3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
4x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 
5height = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 
6tick_label = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'] 
7, height, tick_label = tick_label, 
9		width = 0.5, color = ['red', 'green']) 
11plt.xlabel('x  axis') 
12plt.ylabel('y axis') 
13plt.title('matplotlib Graph')
26 Jul 2020
1import numpy as np
2import pandas as pd
3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5df = pd.read_csv("filesc/file1.csv")
8BBox = ((df.x.min(),   df.x.max(), df.y.min(), df.y.max()))
10ruh_m = plt.imread('map.png')
14fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,7))
15ax.scatter(df.x, df.y, zorder=1, alpha= 0.2, c='b', s=10)
16ax.set_title('Plotting Spatial Data on Map')
19ax.imshow(ruh_m, zorder=0, extent = BBox, aspect= 'equal')
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do plots in pythonplt plot 28x y 29 pythonpython show matplotlib graphpython 3 plotmatplotlib plot from y valuesplot method attributes pythonlinbe plot matplotlibplot attributes pythonuse pyplot in a functioninteractive graph using matplotlibdoes matplot lib work with a listplot based on x and y matplotlibmatplotlib plotingplotting graph pythongraph plot in python matplotlib line graphspython graph plotnumpy plot dataplot two graphs in one figure matplotlib generated by a functionplot values in python matplotlib in python examplehow to draw a graph with matplotlibhow to plot in python with matplotlibhow to plot a p mumber in phythonhow to plot function in matplotlibplot numpy array pythonimport plot in pythonplt plot x 2cyhow to build a plot in pythonhow to plot x vs y in pythongraph using matplotlibhow to plot graph matplotlibplotting graph matplotlibplotting a function in matplotlibpython plot a functionpython plotsline graph matplotlib examplex axis pltgraph plot pythonplot list as 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values using matplotlibplot a function pytonmathplot libplot line pythonplot en pythonmatplotlib in python tutorialmaking a graph in python pyplotdraw graphs matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot show axesmatplotlib get graphpython graph plot exampleplot to graph together matlabplot data in pythonfigure tutorial matplotlibmatpllotlib plotgraphing in matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot pythonmatplotlib graph functionplotting a graph on matplotlib pythonpython plot lineplot 3x200x200 array pltplot graph of function in pythonhow to plot a function in matplotlibplot list pythonline plot graph matplotlibplot numpyplot x and y in matplotlibtype of plot for numerical plot in matplotlibplotting in python matplotlibmath plotlib vplot chart pythonplot in matplotlibmatplotlib ascode for matplotlibgraphs in python matplotlibplot in pythinhow to curve plot in matplotlibdraw graph using matplotlibplt plot ba matplotlibimport matplotlib pyplot as plt python3python plot line graphhow to make a pyplot pythonmathplot python plottingplot a graph in phthongraphs matplotlibtype plot matplotlibmatplotlib org 2f numpyusing matplotlib in python to plot graphmatplotlib xy plotplot line graph in pythonplt in 28 29 python plot 28 29plot of list using matplotlibplot pythhow to only show x data points matplotlibplot numpy array with matplotlibhow to import matplotlibpython matplotlib create graphmatplotlib graphingmatplotlib pyplot python supporthow to plot graph in pythonmatplotlib plot a valuehow to use pyplot with numpy arraydraw function matplotlibhow to show axes in matplotlibpylab plot pythoncreate plot pythonhow to plot a graph using matplotlib