plot using matplotlib

Solutions on MaxInterview for plot using matplotlib by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "plot using matplotlib"
30 May 2020
1from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
2plt.plot([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25])
14 Jan 2017
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2fig = plt.figure(1)	#identifies the figure 
3plt.title("Y vs X", fontsize='16')	#title
4plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [6,2,8,4])	#plot the points
5plt.xlabel("X",fontsize='13')	#adds a label in the x axis
6plt.ylabel("Y",fontsize='13')	#adds a label in the y axis
7plt.legend(('YvsX'),loc='best')	#creates a legend to identify the plot
8plt.savefig('Y_X.png')	#saves the figure in the present directory
9plt.grid()	#shows a grid under the plot
Diego Alejandro
08 Jan 2018
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 9, 16])
22 Oct 2017
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
3plt.ylabel('some numbers')
26 Nov 2018
1import numpy as np
2import pandas as pd
3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5df = pd.read_csv("filesc/file1.csv")
8BBox = ((df.x.min(),   df.x.max(), df.y.min(), df.y.max()))
10ruh_m = plt.imread('map.png')
14fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,7))
15ax.scatter(df.x, df.y, zorder=1, alpha= 0.2, c='b', s=10)
16ax.set_title('Plotting Spatial Data on Map')
19ax.imshow(ruh_m, zorder=0, extent = BBox, aspect= 'equal')
03 Oct 2020
1import numpy as np
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4fig = plt.figure()
5ax1 = fig.add_axes((0.1,0.4,0.5,0.5))
7ax1.set_title('Title of Plot')
21txt = 'Write something on the graph page\
22		\n over one or more lines.'
queries leading to this page
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mumber in phythonmatplot library plotpython plot 28 29 functionmatplotlib create graphplot values pythonplot in python with codelplot matplot pythonpython matplabmake graph python matplotlibcode for matplotlibplot functions pythonmatplotlib plottinhpython matplotlib plotmatplotlib graphpython plotyplt plot pointshow to plot only point in graph using python matplot libfunction graphing pythonhow to use python3 matplotlib in place of matplotpython visualization matplotlibpython plotsmatplotlib plot 28 29 functiongenerate a plot in pythonplot rely in pythonpython graphinghow to draw a graph with matplotlibmatplotlib plot functionhow to plot a graph in pythonmatplotlib plot plotplot array matplotlib pythonplot on a plot pythonhow to plot graph in python from data setmat plot libmatplotlib documentationmatplotlib python examplehow to plot x y in matplotlibplot a function with matplotlibpython code to plot a graphplotting arrays from pythonmatpltolib plot graphpython plt plothow to indicate 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logograph plotterplot equation in pythonplotting function in pythonplt plot 28 29 plot what kind of graphmatplotlib onlinehow to automatically show graph from x to x matplotlibpython plt plot 28 29matplotlib plot a figurenp plothow to get y value points from matplotlib figure functionmaptplotlibplots in matplotlib plot in matplotlibmake a graph in matplotlibplot a bar graph in matplotlib with pandasmatplotlib plotingdraw graph with matplotlibmtaplot lib lines floating in chartgraphs in python matplotlibhow matplotlib graph workspython plotting like matplotlinbmathplot plot argumentsimport matplotlib pyplot as plt python3how to import matplotlib 25mathplotlibplot graphs 5bythonpyplot format plotgraph list pythondraw x and y axis matplotlibhow to write on python graphs matplotlibplt draw rgaph plot 28 29 pythonmatplot lib for pythonmatplotlib graphs and plotsfrom matplotlib importhow to plot and print in pythonhow to save a matplotlib graphdraw plot using matplotlibhow to draw a graph in 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matplotlibhow to a graph in pythonplot a list in pythonpython plt plot documentationplotyy matplotlibline graph matplotlibplot points pythonline plot in matplotlibmatplotlib plot curveplot a line chart matplotlibploting library in pythonplot kind pythonpython matplotlib plot x ymatplotlib plot line and pointsplot values in python python matplotlipython matplotlib create graphplot in ipythonplot using matplotlib pythonmatlib plot pytohplot a figure with python openpose pythonplot python and showpython plot matcreate plot in pythonhow to plot with pythonhow to use matplotlib to plot graphhow to make a line plot against floats and integers in matplotlib pythonpython plot a functionhow plot graph in pythonpyplot list plotsmatlabplot pythonplot graph in python using matplotlibmatplotlib addplotploting x2 matplotlibimport pltdifferent things to plot using mat plot lib pythonpython plot libpython how to plot an arraymathplot graphichow to graph using pylabmatplotlib plot example pythonplot 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matphplotplibhow to plot using matplotlib in pythonuse matplotlib to plot graphspython plotextra figure hsowing up with pltpython plot a curvepython matplotlib 2d plothow to draw various axis on pyplotpotree python notebookarray matrix python plot dot diagrampyplot libraryplotting in python matplotlib plot function pythonpython pyplotwhat is plt pythonplt plot plotterspython plot funcplt plot ba matplotlibpython plotting graphspython matplotlib simple plot examplematplotlib plot 28 29 docspython draw example functionpythonr plotplot matplot python linepython show x in function with yline graph matplotlib exampleusing matplotlibplot in matplotlibplot matplotlib function in pythonplot pyplot handle pythonplt plotplot lwhow to plot a in pythonpython plot librarymatplotlib graph functionhow to make a plot in pythonmath plot lib python libraryplot points to make a graph python plot 28 29 pythonplot function in python matplotlibpython pyplot chart series of pointsparameters in plt plothow to show graph in pythonplot array in matplotlibline plot pyplotpython draw graphpython bar plotmatplotlib for plottingpython plot methodplt mathplotplt plot matplotlib docsplot method matplotlibgraph plot in python plot 28 29plot usinf pythonpython plot in a plotplotting graphs with matpltolib in pythonplot line graph python matplotlibpython plot 28 29for plot pythonmatplotlib pyplot graphhow to get graph on matplotlibpython display graphplot using matplot lib pythonplot 28 29 pythonmatplotlib python tutorialplot function x 2a 2a2 pythonmatplotlib plottingplt plot plt plot 28x 2c y 2c lw 3d2 29what is plot in pythonhow to plot to lines in matplotlibpython 3 plothow to plot a graph using matplotlib plot figurematplotlib plot 5dfigure plotting matplotlibusing matplotlib in pythonmath plot graph sample codesmatlib plotuse pyplot in a functionwhat 27s matplotlibpython plot function graphpython plit make plot in python with matplotlib plt plot 28 29plot line plot matplotlibmatplotlib library sizemake plot in pythonmatplot plotplot python matplotlibhow to print to plot in one figure pythonmatplotlib to plot graphpython plt plot listpython plot syntaxplot line matplotlibimport plotting pythonsimple plot python matplotlibmatplotlib plot function documentationusing matplotlib to plot graphspython to graphpython create plotline chart in matplotlibplot a figure pythonhow to plot bar graph in pythonmatplotlib create graph functionpyplot plot graphplt in pythonmatplotlib example figureplot a graph matplotlibplot in matplotlib in pythonmatplotlib add plotplot plt pythonmatplotlib plot documentationhow to plot in python matplotlibhow to make a graph using matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot plohow make graphic with help pltpython matplotlib plot exampleshow plot pythonplot plot 28matlab plot python basic examplematplot libmatplotlib plot valuesthe plot method in matplotlib ismatplotlib single graph linear plothpython matplotlib afor to plot pythonmatplotlib 27ro 27plot graphs in pythonmatplotlib optionspython pyplot plotplot plotpythin plotmatplotlib bar graphmatplotlib dotplotpython plot figurematplotlib for pythonplotting in python with matplotlibplot on a graph pythonplt plot in python exampledeaw graphs on pythonset show 1 by 1 python plotplot 28 29 in pythonpytho plot graphimport plot from matplotlibplot graph online pythonmatplotlib plot bar graphplot x 2cymatplotlib basic examplespython matpoltlibplotting the graphs in pythonplt plot from 1show to graphs python in one plotplot attributes pythonhow to plot in pythonpython graph matplotlibpyhton plotplot matplotlib examplecreating a plot using matplotlibinteractive graphs in matplotlibto plot in pythonmatplotlib line chart pythonplt plot pythongraph plot pythonnew plot pythonplotting with matplotlib defining your own x and y from tableplot numpy array matplotlibhow to plot data on top python matplotlibpylab plotmathplotlib plot 28 29matlib plot to pythondraw plot pythonpyplot plotwhere i can matplotlibpyplot pltplotting functions in pythonplotting library pythonmatplot lib pythonpython pyplot graph plotmatplotlib grph plotlayout 281 2c1 29 2c how do we plot pythonhow to use plot in pythonplot a graph with pyplotmatplotlib functionsdraw function matplotlibwhat can matplotlib dohow to graph in pythonmatplotlib figure plot examplebar graph using matplotlibpython plottingpython script plot graphplot a graph pythonfigure in matplotlib pythonpython plot line don 27t collpushow to set the y reference points matplotlibpyplot plot pythonplotting graphs python x and y valuesplot of a function i pythonplt plot examplematplotlib display graphplotting data with matplotlibhow to show graph in matplotlib pythonmatplotlib plot graphexample matplotlib plotplot numpy array with matplotlibhow to create a plot matplotlibpython ppltmatplotlib plot python functionmatplotlib python graphsmatplotlib fig plot two graphshow to plot on matplotlibplt in 28 29 pythonplot library for pythonplot graph matplotlib python 2 7plt xsimple plot matplotlib pythonplot figure examplematplotlib plt simple matplotlib examplematplotlib python plot plot in pythinpython plot 3dmatplot lib plot a functionplot in matplot libpyplot python linematplotlib python paramslinbe plot matplotlibp p plot in pythonhow to import matplotlib in python as pltplot matplotlib functionplot line graph in pythonpython matplot libgraph data set pythonpython plot pypython matploywrite n graph python matplotlibmatplotlib what isusing matlib in pythonplot numpymatplotlib library to display graphmatlib plot pythonpython library used for graph plottingplotting graphs in pythonpyplot make plotmatplotlib pyplot plot exampleplots by pythonpython plot kindbasic graph ploting in pythonpython plotting based on graphpyplot plot how tomatplotlib 2 plot linkedpython plot dataplot on matlplotliblength of x and y in plotting matplotlibwhat is a plot matplotlibfigure matplotlibmatplotlib graphs in pythonimport mathplotllibhow to draw cord diagram from dataset in pythonplot in pythoncreate matplotlib graphhow to plot from function call in pythonplot figure matplotlibhow to plot graph using matplotlib in python make a graph in pythonhow to plot numpy array in matplotlibhow to make matplotlib have a line showing y axis matplotlibimport pyplot matplotlibmatplotlib show graph for 28i 2ci 29python curve graphplotting graph in pthondraw graph using python matplotlibhow to draw a graph in pythonhow to plot x 5e2 in pythonplot python interactivematplotlib in python exampleimport matplotlib librarymathplotlib plotpython plot functionsmatplotlib create a chart pythonplot show matplotlibplot on python 25matplotlib pythonplt plot x ymatplotlib create graphspython matplotlib graph matplotlib line graph select dataplotting matplotlib pythonpython 23d plothow to represent the graphs in pythonr 2b pythongraph plotmatplotlib python plot functionhow to use matplotlib to graph datahow to use matplotlib pyplotpython plotiplot python figurepyplot data plot 28 plot 28 29plt plot 28 29 in pythonhow to plot a function in matplotlibmatplotlib plot examplematplotlib plot pointsplotting ve y in pythonplots in pythonline plot in python plot 28 29 differentpython map plot libplotting a graph pythonploly plot in pythonplot using matplotlib