how to get input from list in python

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showing results for - "how to get input from list in python"
29 Feb 2018
1a = list(map(int,input("\nEnter the numbers : ").strip().split()))
14 Jun 2016
1# number of elements 
2n = int(input("Enter number of elements : ")) 
4# Below line read inputs from user using map() function  
5a = list(map(int,input("\nEnter the numbers : ").strip().split()))[:n] 
7print("\nList is - ", a)
22 Nov 2020
1input_string = input("Enter a list element separated by space ")
2list  = input_string.split()
3print("Calculating sum of element of input list")
4sum = 0
5for num in list:
6    sum += int (num)
7print("Sum = ",sum)
11 Jun 2018
1lst = [ ] 
2n = int(input("Enter number of elements : ")) 
4for i in range(0, n): 
5    ele = [input(), int(input())] 
6    lst.append(ele) 
23 Oct 2016
1for i in range(0, n): 
2    ele = int(input()) 
4    lst.append(ele)
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at index in liststring list input pythoninput elements in list pythoninput data in list by user and sort listhow to get list of inputs from user in pythonpython create list from inputhow to input a list pythonhow to get input in list in pythonhow to take a input as a r string in pythonhow to take range of input and store in list in pythonpython list input from useruser input py listhow to have users input into a list in pythonlist in py inputhow to take inputs into a listpython take input in listpython code to take list inputhow to get input list pythoninput a number python create a list from userinput list elemets in pythonhow to take input from user into a list in pythonhow to have user input list in pythonpython create a list from user inputhow to append in list from inputpython string input to integer listinput list from user in pythontaking input of list in pythonbest way to store float list input from user pythonuse list as input pythonhow to number an input list pythonpython 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pythonpython select from list user inputhow to collect a list as input pythonhow to take array input in python 3list input in pythonhow to get input for list in pythonask for number and list the array in pythontaking an input as a list pythonhow to take input in list in pythobadd inputs separated by space in pythonhow to take input list in pythonhow to put user input values in a list pythontaking input for a listhow to make a list from user input pythoncan we take list as a inputhow to create an array with user input pythonhow to take input in python for listinputting list in pythonhow to enter elements in list in pythonhow to take a list as a input inside a list in pythonget list as input from user in pythonhow to get item from list as player input pythonhow to read a list from input in pythonhow to input values into a list in pythonhow to convert given input into a list pythoncan elements in a list be input variables in pythonhow to take input list of int in python how to take given inputs into a list in pythonfunction input list pythonhow to give list as input in pythonhow to user input list in pythonhow to take input for an array in pythontake input from user in list pythongiving input as list pythoninput string listpython input integer list separate by 2cget list input pythonhow to take the inputs into a listhow to store user input into list pythonpython list map inputinput list of string pythoninput data in list by user and sort thisin python how to get user input based on listlist append input pythonpython input as diferentes values from a listpython get list of inputslist comprehension taking user input as int and string in pythonhow to append user name inputs to a list in pythoninput value into list in pythontake user input in listpython input 28 29 listhow to add inputs to a list in pythontaking inputs and putting them into a list in python list input pythonpython input list of intshow to accept a list of integers in pythoninput the list in pythonhow to put user input into a list in pythoninput split python listhow to input a list in python using for loopcreate a list from user input in pythontake input from user in list in pythonpython making list inputuser input for list 7c python programshow to take input in a listpython get input from user in listhow to input list using maphow to append user inputs to a list in pythonpython get user input to listget string list input pythonhow to input number in list in pythonget list from user inputhow to take user input as a list in pythonhow to input numbers into a list pythontake the minout form user to a list in pythonconvert input into list pythontake input array in pythonpython int list from user inputtake list input in pythoncreate list with two inputs pythoninput list of strings in pythoninput numbers into a list pythonhow to take input to list from user in pythonget list as input in pythoncorrect way to take a list as input in pythoninput data into a list using array in pythonaccept a list in pythonpython turn input to listpython get list from inputinput int list in pythonmake iist with inpout number in one time pythonhow to get a int list as input in pythonpython program to input user input to a listtaking string input in list pythonstring list user input pythonhow to input number and convert to listpython input list of inthow to get integer value from user to list in pythoninput array in python list comprehensioninputting a list in pythonhow to make a list from input in pythonpython input string list of integerstake input for list in pythonlist array input pythontake input of list inpythonhow to input list in pythonhow to call the information from a empty list by the user inputlist 28list 28input 28 29 29 29 in pythonpython how to input listtaking user input in python listshow to enter a list in pythonhow to take input as a list in pythonpython convert input to listpython give list from input for loopcreate list from input pythonhow to take string input in listgetting input from a user and adding it to a list and printing it out example in pythonhow to input the list in pythonhow to take input list from user in pythonhow to get element of particular userhow to take in inputs integers for a list in pythontaking input in list in python for loopinput a list from user in pythonaccepting array integers in pythonhow to take a list as input in function in pythoninput array to pythonread these numbers into an array or a list in pythonho to take list input in pythontaking a list as input in pythonhow to make input into a list pythonhow to input as list in pythonhow to take anyinput in list in pythoninput string in a list pytohnhoe to enter numbers into list in pythonread input into list pythonpython ask the user to input a listget list input from user in pythoninput in list pythonaccept list elements in python from user and print themhow to get list input from the userhow to get a list from user in python without asking lengthfunction with list input pythonhow to take input in list in pythonlist 28input 28 29 29 in pythonget input in list in pythonpythoncode to input to listhow to take input directly n a listcan an input be a listhow to take input a list of list in pythonhow to input a whole list in pythonhow to take input in of listhow to plus a number in a list with an inputhow to take user input of list in pythontake a list as input pythonhow to take input to list in pythonpython input get a listread the input into a string list pythonhow to get input list from user in pythontake list of integers as input in pythoninput 28 29 split 28 29 in python listlist of input pythonarray input in pythonuser input of list in pythonhow to get an array as input in pythontaking input as a list in pythonpython specify input as element of a listinput in python listpython how to add user input to a listhow to give input to array in pythonlist map input pythonpython taking list inputpython accept input basis listlist input from userhow take input from user in python and put every item in arrayhow to input list inside list in pythona given list user input which number in pythonstore input in list pythonhow to get string list inputtaking array input from the user in pythonenter elements in list pythonhow to make a list of inputs in pythonlist user input in pythonhow to get a list of inputs in pythoninput in python as listpython convert user input to arrayhow to input a listprint all the elements taken as input during run timwgget list from user inputprint even from a list from user input in pythonhow to take input from user in python in listtake user input list in pythontake input input in list pythonlis input pythonpython for loop input listhow to input list of lists in pythonhow to put a list element in an input in pythonhow to take input of listhow to make input a list in pythonhow to add userinput into a set pythonuser input list in pythona list of list user input pythonhow input list in pythonpython program to accept the input as the list in init methodpython take input into listhow to create a list in python using inputprogram to input listscreate list based on input pythonread input as a list of number in pythonconvert value of input into list pythonhow to take list input in python in single linelist from user input pythonhow to take list of integers as input in a function in pythoninput string into list pythoninput une liste pythonhow to take input of list of values in a certail rangehow to inputa listinput list in python using maoinput list integer pythonhow to take user input in python for listhow to take input in list from user in pythonpython input from user to listhow to take list of integers as input in pythonget user input of list in pythonhow to take input of elements in array pythonhow to make input of a function a list in pythoninput items in list in pythonaccept a list from the userread array of numbers from user in pythontaking input in list in pythoninput python from listpython input list instead of stringtake list input from user in pythonnumber of elemnts as input pythontake list from user in pythonstring list input in pythonpython store user input in listtake list as input in pythontaking input into list in pythonconvert input to list in pythonpython read input as list of charhow to get an input into a list pythongetting input for list in pythonpython get user input listhow to take input into a list in pythonhow to ask a user to input a list of numbersin python how to control user input from listshow to input elements in a listhow to get the input of a list in pythoninput elements to a listhow to input in listinput of list in pythonhow to accept list of numbers in python in same linecan we input a list in pythonpython enter list of numbersinput lsit funtion pythoninput from user in list in pythonhow to take name input in list from user in pythonaccept input listhow to read array from user in pythonhow to make a list of inputs pythonhow to add a users input into a list and print it out example in python 3split input into list of numberspython accept list as a input from user pynativepynative com e2 80 ba python accept list input from usera python program to scan inputs in a list take an array as input in pythonhow to let user input a sequence of numbers in pythoninput a list pythonhow to enter in a list pythonhow to create a list from user input in pythontaking space separated input in python listuse input and list on the same string in pythonhow to ask a user to input a list of numbers in pythonho to take list as input in pythoninput list elements in pythonmaking a function that takes an input and append it to a list pythoninput numbers list pythonhow to take list of list as input in pythonlist input from user in pythoninput list of list in pythontake list as an input in pythonread the list in pythonhow to store n inputs in a list pythonhow to get a list from user in pythonjava take user input integer and put them to a list pythonhow to change input to a list in pythonget list as inputpython input integer listtaking input a array of numbers in pythinhow to input a list of integers in pythonpython make the user input a listhow to take a list of numbers as input in pythonentering elements in a list in pythonhow to input a list of strings in pythonsplit a string input an input in two list pythonhow to take input of a list of numbers in a string in pythonhow to take user input as list number in pythonpython list from user inputdevelop a python program to create a list of 10 integer by taking input and find sumhow to take input with a for list in pythonpython make list from inputhow to turn input into a list pythonhow to take input from user for list in pythonpython take array as inputhow to get input and conver into listinput python to arrayhow to take input list of lists in pythonhow to make a list of the inputhow to store list of numbers in python through inputpython class for create a list from userinput into a interger listpython get 10 numbers from a user in a list how to take input in python listhow to make a list with input pythonhow to copy the input into an list pythonpython take input listhow to take string input in list in pythonhow to take user input of an array in pythonpython program that can accept 10 names in a listhow to make user enter an list in pythonuser input apend list in pythonlist and input in pythontake arbitary list of numbers as input in pythontake input for list of lists in pythonhow to take user input in python listappend a series of numbers from input pythonpython input list from the usertake input in python listinput list using split in pythonconvert input values u list pythonuser input list with 2chow to take user input for list in pythonhow to store elements in list from userhow to get a list from input in pythoninput python listsmap in python input listinput from a list pythonpython print list inputenter elements in list from usercreate a list from 2 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to declare an input as a list in pythonhow to take list as input for function in pythonhow to get a values from a user and add them to a listhow to enter integer list in pythoninput a lsit of numbers pythonarray char input in pythonconverting input to list of numbers in pythonhow to make a list input in pythonhow to get input in a list in runtimehow to take input in the list in pythongetinput from a list in pythonhow to convert input to list in pythonhow to append input in list in pythoninput the list in oythonget array input from user in pythoninput 28 29 in python listhow to convert an input to a list in pythonlist from input pythonlist comprehension in python input convert to inthow to create a input list in pythonget input as list in pythonpython input list of stringspython make input into listhow to take input a list in pythondefining user input list in pythonlist as input in python 3input value in list pythonpython input int arraypython program to take a list input and printpython code accepting list from input how to take input in list pythonlist 28input 28 29 29how to take input for list in pythonuse input list in pythonhow to get user input in listhow to make from a input a listinput a list in pythontake input in list in python 3taking input in a list pythontake array as input in pythonread input as a float python listhow to take list input in pythonhow to get user input of list in pythonuser input to list pythonlist input in python 2 7how to turn user input into a list pythonlist python for inputdefine list input python 10 funcitoninput list to set in pythonhow to get the input of a list in python from the usertake input in python for listhow to input a number in array in pythonhow to give input list in pythonlist as input in pythonhow to input elements into an a list pythonhow to add a store list in python 3 by user inputhow to convert a input to a list in pytohntake input in a list in pythoninput in list in pythontaking list as a input in pythonlist as a inputpy make list form inputhow to take input of list in pythonget list input from useruser input python listreading list using input split 5cnget list input in pythonpython program to input user input to a list with already have a valueinput append pythoninput receive a list pythonhow to get input of list in pythonpython function with list as inputhow to store inputs in a list pythonhow to get int list input in pythonhow to user input a list in pythonhow to take input in list in python separated by spacepython how to get user input as a listinput list of names in pythoninput list of list pythonhow to get a list of numbers below an input in pythonlist of integers as input pythontake values in list by user in pythonpython inputs for listreading list using input splitinput values in list pythondisplay user input data to a listinputing a list in pythonuser input in listhow to put user input into a list pythontake inut of list pythonconvert input string to list pythonhow to enter elements in list using for loop in pythonenter the array in python inputhow to take a list of inputshow to get user input for a list in pythonpython program to take user input in listpython input list of integershow to get list from user in pythontaking user input in python listpython get list inputpython user input add to listhow to take list input from user in pythonhow to create input lust in pythonhow to input the array values during runtime in pythonuser input into list pythonhow to take list in list input in pythoninput sequence pythonpython how to take array as inputtake array as inputs in python using for looptake integer list input in pythonto enter numbers in a list and use all functions of the list in pythonpython how to get a list as inputasking user to add to a list then add list together pythonpython how to get user input as integer listinput list from the user pythonhow to convert inputs into a list in pythonpython input as listtaking input for list in pythonhow to list input in python 2how to get input into listlist as a userinput in pythonhow to input a list in a single line in pythonhow to take strings as input to a list in pythonpython taking list as inputhow to get input listuser input of eleement in pythoninput elements in list in pythonhow to take user input in listhow to make user input be a list of strings pythonpython input list and display listhow to take input for list in pyhontake list of lists in python inputinput a list of values pythontake input array in python from user list of stringsget elements input list pythontake input values from a list pythonhow to make user input a list in pythonpython how input can take two listtake a user input to a list in pythonpython store user inputs to listinput list from the usertake list as a input oythintaking input in listgetting list from inupt pythonsingle line input for list in pythonuser input to python listhow to get list of items as input from user in pythonuser input a list in pythonpython how to add input to a listappend with input ptrhontaking input in list pythoninput lista pythongetting list as input in pythoninput into list pythonadd value from input to list pythonlist as user input pythonhow to get a list as input in pythonallow user to add to list pythonhow to ask user to input a list in pythoninput in python array stringhow to take list as input in pythonget input list pythoninputting values in list in pythonpython enter number into listhow to input data in to a listdefine list input python 10ask an input in python that becomes a listinteger list input in pythongetting input from list in list pytohntake a list as an input in pythonhow to create function with list as inputhow to accept a list using function pythonget array input in python for stringsinput in a listhow to get array input in pythonhow to input list from user in pythoninput to list pythonpython getting input from list from python scriptlist based on user input pyqtadd classes to password 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user input in pythonhow to take a input of values of array in pythonpython examples with user input from listhow to take input into list in pythoninputton value in the list pythonhow to take input directly in list in pythonhow to take list as input in python from userptyhon list inputhow to make an input list with a function in pythonpython input to listhow to insert input value to the list pythontake numbers from list pyhoninput list of elements using input function in pythonhow to get list of lists from input in a pythonpython list into list input from userhow to get input in a list in pythonuser input to list in pythonuser input string python liststore user input in a list pythonpython convert user input to listhow can i take input list ininput list user in pythonenter data to list pythonhow to take data input in python when a list of reading are givenhow to take array input in pythonhow to append function find and input user pythonmake a list from the input of the user in pythonhow to take input in a list in pythonfor loop to input list from userhow to input elements in list in pythonhow to make a list form inputhow to accept words in python from userhow to input to a list in pythonhow to get element in list python from userpython function input listpython how to get user input as listtake input in python 2c list of inputinput list withtake a list of integers as input pythonpython inputting a listtake list input from user in pythonlist type input pythonhow to enter the element from list in pythonhow to input a list in python 3how to read no of elements in pythontake input list in pythoninsert an imnput in a list pythonpython input series of numbershow to get list input in pythonhow i take input integer and make it list in pythonreserve a list input in pythonhow to print a list by user in pythonhow to get input values in list pythonhow to take list as input and return the list in pythonhow to have a users input become a list in pythonpython program to accept a list of 5 studentspython get input string in lishow to take input from the list elements in pythonpython how to input a listhow to put input into listshow to take input fro user in list pythonhow to move an user input into a list pythoninsert an input in a list in pythonhow to get input for a list in pythonhow to read from list in pythonenter values in list pythonhow to get input as a list in pythonhow to take input a list from user in pythonstore all input in list pythoninput list in python using maphow to input list within listhow to get list of an input string in pythoncreating list for each line of input pythonlist in python inputtake int input list in pythonmake user entered list in pythonpython get user input and append linehow to store input sentences in list in python methods taking input a list 5d in pythoninput 4 elements at once in pythonpython input element in listget user input as a list the numbers is accepted by userread space separated integers in python to listinput string list from user in pythonhow to scan user input for something in a list pythonhow to get input from list in python