how to take input for list in python

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showing results for - "how to take input for list in python"
10 Jan 2018
1a = list(map(int,input("\nEnter the numbers : ").strip().split()))
12 Jan 2020
1#to get integer list
2integer_list = list(map(int, input().split()))
3#to get char or str list, just replace int with str
4str_list = list(map(str, input().split()))
5#syntax of map(): map(dataType, iterable [, iterable2, iterable3,...iterableN])
30 Oct 2019
1input_string = input("Enter a list element separated by space ")
2list  = input_string.split()
3print("Calculating sum of element of input list")
4sum = 0
5for num in list:
6    sum += int (num)
7print("Sum = ",sum)
29 Sep 2017
1# Create an empty list
2Elements = list()
4# Iterating till the range of elements that has to be input
5for i in range(0, int(input("Enter the number of elements: "))):
6    Elements.append(input("Enter the " + str(i + 1) + " input: ")) # Adding the element to the list 
8#Printing the list
06 Jun 2017
1for i in range(0, n): 
2    ele = int(input()) 
4    lst.append(ele)
20 Jan 2020
1a = []
2s = int(input("Enter the size of array: "))
3for i in range(0, s):
4    ele = int(input("Enter the elements of the array: "))
5    a.append(ele)
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to get input listinput to listinpythoninput list from usertake array input pythonhow to take input in list pythonhow to create a list from input in pythonlst 3d 5b 5d n 3d int 28input 28 22enter number of elements 3a 22 29 29 for i in range 280 2c n 29 3a ele 3d 5binput 28 29 2c int 28input 28 29 29 5d lst append 28ele 29 print 28lst 29array values from user in pythonhow to take input a list of list in pythonhow to get list as input in pythoncan you input a list in pythonreserve a list input in pythonuser input through list in pythonin python how to get user input based on list of stringshow to initialize array in python using user inputhow to make input a list in pythonpython find input in list from valuein python how to get user input based on listhow to free input in listhow to make user enter an list in pythonhow to take input in list in python from userget user input as a list pythonput list of input numbers into list pythontake in input as lsit pythonhow to search a list from a user input in pythoninput values in list pythonpython put user input into listhow to store user input into list pythonhow to create a list of output values in python how to convert input to list in pythonpython input a set of numberstaking array as input directly pythonhow to take list as an input in pythonhow to get the input of a list in pythonhow to take list inputhow to take user input as list in pythonlist input create a list inputinput element at index in listhow to get input from user in python listhow to get list of name as input in pythoninput values in array in pythonhow to use the function input to refer to the python listuser input list 5ctake values from user in input tag and convert in listwhat can u input in a python listuser input string python listhow to allow input element which accepts mulitple numers in array and display ithow to take input in the list in pythontake a user input to a list in pythonpython program to input user input to a list with already have a 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pythonto enter numbers in a list and use all functions of the list in pythonhow to input a list of strings in pythonhow get a list from an input from a user in python how to make a input a listtaking list as an inputhow to give input of the empty list in pythoninput the list in pythonpython program to take a list input and printinput a listhow to prompt a list in pythonlist as input in functionpython3 function input as listhow to ask a user to input a list of numbersmake an input a list pythongetinput from a list in pythonpython convert user input to listhow to input all the elements list in pythonhow to read input list in pythonpython specify input as element of a listpython making input into listpython make the user input a listusing list with inputpython take input for loop listpython select from list user inputhow to append in list from inputinput directly into a listhow to take input in python a list using maphow to input elements in a string pythontake input as list of numbers 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pythonhow to create a list in python with user inputhow to input a number in array in pythonhow to convert user input to list in pythonlist python for inputpython input lisinput user listget a list from inputhow to give python a list pf inputspython how to get user input as a listinput list in pythonuse list as inputhow to take list as a input in pythonhow to make string list in python input userhow to read input list of number input in pythonhow to input a string list in pythonpython input list of stringshow to input list to list pythonhow to print input list of numbers pythonhow to make a input into a listinput string list from user in pythonconvert input to int list pythontaking an input as a list pythonhow to make a user input list in pythonmake a list from the input of the user in pythongiving input to list pythonhow to take input in list from user in pythonpython input to list onelineinput string into list pythontake a list as input in pythonpython array inputget list as input 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to take input in list in pythonhow to input as list in pythonhow to get a values from a user and add them to a listdefine list input python 10 funcitontake input in an array in pythonhow to take a list as input in python 3ftake user input numbers and put in listhow to scan an input in a list in pythonpython get list from inputmake input into listtaking input for list in pythontaking list as input in pythonhow to get a int list as input in pythontaking input in list in python for loophow to put an input on entry into a list pythongetting a list as an input from a useruser input in list in pythonhow to input list inside list in pythonhow to enumerate input data in pythonappend input to list pythonhow to give array input in pythonpython string input arrayinput list to listhow to take input in array in python onlinehow to get input list pythonpython input series of numbershow to input number in list in pythonpython how to input a listpython take array as inputpython how to give input from a listreading list from user input pythonuser input into list pythoninput in array in pythoninputting a list dynamically in pythontake input as list in methodhow to take input in list in pythobinput a list of numbers in pythonhow to take list in list input in pythonpython store strings input in listhow to enter elements in list in pythoninput list in function pythontaking input in python as a listvariable list of inputpython taking input from user in listappending user input pythonhow to input a list of numbers in pythonpython take input and put into a listhow to get input from list in pythonhow to input data in to a listtaking input for a listhow to get input values in list pythontake input from user in the list in pythonenter elements in list pythontake input in python 2c list of inputuser input for list in pythonpython program to input user input to a listinput a list pythoninteger input to listtake input as a list in pythonhow to input a list pythonlist of input pythonhow to take input a list in pythonuser list ninput numbers and store the numbers in a list pythonhow to take list as input in pythongiven in a line 5chow to take input in list by using for loop in pythontake the list as input from usrearray input in pythonhow to get list of inputs from user in pythonhow to accept list input pythoninput numbers into list pythoninput to list 28 29python get input from user in listpython function input values as listinput using append commandconvert input to list in pythonhow to input values into a list in pythonpython program to input a listconvert input string to list pythonhow to get list of input in pythonhow to take a list input in pythonpython getting input from list from python scripthow to convert a input to a list in pytohnpython input get a listpython input from user to listhow to take input in python a listpython create list based on integer inputtaking inputs as int in list in pythonhow to take input in list in python using for loopinput in listinput elements in list in pythonget integer array as input in pythonlist as input in pythonpython take input in listhow to make an input in a form list python list input pythoninput value in list pythonlist input string in pythonpython function that takes list as inputmap input to a listtake int input list in pythonhow to take input in a list in pythontaking input into list in pythonadd user inputs to a outputted list list of inputshow to take list input using map in pythonhow to get a list of numbers as input in pythonn numbers in list in pythonpython take input into listcreate list based on input pythonconvert input into list pythoninput list of string pythonpython taking list as inputhow to get the input of a list in python from the userhow to ask the user to input a list of string in pythontaking a string input to list in pythonhow to take input from list in pythonadd input to list pythonlist as user input pythonpython user input from listhow to take user input in list in pythoninput 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pythonhow to input list using maphow to make a list input in pythonpython user input to listhow to take string input in python listinput string listadd inputs to list pythontaking input list in pythonaccept a list in pythonhow to input a list ofnumbers in pythonhow to take list as input in function pythonreading a list in pythoninput sequence pythonpython3 function input listscan array in pythonhow to create input lust in pythoncan we take list as a inputhow to input any element in a listtake input values from a list pythonhow to create a function to put user input in a listlist 28input 28 29 29input in list pygetting list from inupt pythonhow to create a list in python using inputread array elements from user in pythonhow to store input into a list in pythoninput une liste pythonhow to create a input list in pythoninput list of elements in new line in pytohnhow to take whole list as input in pythonwrite a python program to take input from user as a listhow to take user input in python for listhow to input a list in python as inthow to give inputs for a list in pythonhow to create user values into a listtake in list as inputtake input in listhow to take input as an array in pythonhow to take list input from user in pythonpython user input from a listhow to give user input in a list for a particular length pythoninput list of string in pythonlist input from userinput inside list in pythontake list input pythonpython input string to arrayget character list from input pythonpython print list inputhow to give input list in pythonuser input a list in pythoninput the list in oythonhow to save a word entered by a user in a listhow to do user input in list python 3python input directly into a listmake a list input from a fileinput a list of numbershow to take input from user in python in listtaking input in python listcan we put input in an array pythonhow to takeinput of array in pythontake list of integers as input in pythonhow to put string input in listinput to a list pythonhow to take input to a list in pythonhow to user input into list for graph in pythoninput python to arrayhow to take input as array in pythontaking array as input in pythonlist map input pythonprint user input as a listpython input into listhow to take input line by line and create a list of ithow to get an input into a list pythonhow to take list as input and return the list in pythonhow to scan list in python for a stringpython user input as listlist and input in pythoninput character list pythontake input in a list in pythonhow to take a input and out it in listfastest way to take input in list python3how to map input into a list in pythonpython int array from user inputpython read list of int from userhow to take input of listcreate list from input pythonhow to take input from user for list in pythonpython 3a create an array with input of userpython list into list input from userpython user input list stringhow to convert given input into a list pythonmake a list from 2 inputstake input in list pythonhow to get input and conver into listhow to take in inputs integers for a list in pythonhow to get integer value from user to list in pythonget list user input tkinterarray as input in pythoninput into list using evalpythonhow to take input of an array in pythonget list as inputhow to enter user input to python listtaking list input in pythonaccept a list from the usermap for taking input user list within rangelist type input pythonhow to input a list in pythoninput as list jsget string list input pythonhow to take list of integers as input in pythonhow to take return list input in pythonhow to take in inputs for a list in pythonhow to make a list of inputs in pythonhow to add all of the inputs in a list pythoninput in list pyupython array input value using for loophow to get user input in list in pythonhow to store a list input in pythonhow to input a list as string in pythonuser input for list 7c python programshow to get a list when we enter 40 in inputhow to take user input as list number in pythonpython read input string as listget a list inputhow to get a list from input in pythonpython array input from user how to get input and convert into list pythonpython list as input to functionpython input list valueshow to take a aray input in pythonpython how to input elements into listtaking input in a list pythonprint specific number enter list pythonhow to take input to list from user in pythonlist as an input pythonappend user input to list pythonhow to put input in a list pythonhow to input elements in a listpython input list as integerinput items in list in pythonhow to input the list in pythoninput 4 elements at once in pythontake input and store in list pythonhow to give list ass input to a function that takes stringprogram that takes as an input a list taking list as a input in pythonhow to get input for a list in pythonpy make list form inputuser input for item in list pythoninput list of elements using input function in pythontake input for list of lists in pythonhow to input an array in pythonpython 2 7 how to read list from consolehow to take input in a listhow to make list in python accept inputhow to print a single number from a list by user input in pythontaking input in list pythoninput an array in pythoninput array of integers in pythongget list from user inputdeclare array to user input in pythonhow to get a list from user in pythonhow to turn user input into a list pythonhow to get user input for a list in pythoninput n from user and enter n digits in pythonpython does input take in a list methods taking input a list 5d in pythonhow to create a new list enter by user in pythonhow to take user input listhow to input list from user in pythonhow to get list of items as input from input formhow to take the inputs into a listread these numbers into an array or a list in pythonhow to print input list of numbershow to list as inputtake input string in listhow to accept a list of integers in pythoninput into a list pythonpython get list of inputsinput list of listshow to user input list in pythonuser input set in list pythontake input in an array as int in pythonhow to get an array as input in pythonuser input of array in pythonall list input pythonhow to put input into listslist of integers as input in oythpnpython input as listtaking input in listpython get user input to listtake input in python listpython get user to input a listconvert input into a listpython print input in listpython user input add to listhow to take list as input in pytoninput python array input to the python listhow to take value from user in python using maphow to take input list from user in pythonpython taking input arrayhow to get input in listarray input in pytonptyhon list inputinput list in python using maphow to take input for an array in pythonhow to take anyinput in list in pythonhow to add elements in list with user input in pythonhow to take list as inputinput list of lists in pythonread input into list pythoncreate a list from user valuesuser input to create a list function in pythonlist as a inputpython is input in listenter elements in list from userhow to make a list with input pythonhow to put user input into a list in pythonselect number from a list user input pythonhow to input list of listin pythonhow to choose an item from a list with user input pythonhow to use input for lists in pythonhow do i make user only enter words in listenter number of elements in a listpython form input to listhow to make user input an array in pythonlist inutlist input in pythonlist input python functioninput int array pythonhow to take list of list input in pythonhow read array input in pythonhow to take inputs into a listhow to give user input to python list how to take number from the users without size in python 3python get input string in lispython function taking list as inputhow can i take input list ininput into list using for loophow to get user input as a list in pylist inputs pythoninput list of integers in pythoninputting in to the listinput integer list in pythonhow to make a list form inputhow to get input into listhow to take integer list input pythonread input to list pythontake input from the user and return a listhow to create a list of nuumber from an int inpuuut pythonhow to make user input listhow to input a list in python using for loophow to input integer list in pythonget list input from user in pythonpython program to determine the elements in the list are inthow to get a user to input a list in pythonnumber of elemnts as input pythonmake a list from input pythoncan we take input of a list in pythoninsert an input in a list in pythonpyhton take input for list of listhow to get input of list in pythoninput data in list by user and sort listhow to get list from input in pythonhow to read array from user in pythonhow to turn input into a list pythoninput a list of strings in pythonuser input numbers map into arrayhow to take input to list in pythonhow to get element of particular userhow to convert inputs into a list in pythoninputting values in list in pythonfrom input listsplit a string input an input in a list pythongetting input from list in list pytohnis input string in the list pythonho to take list input in pythoninput array to pythonpython code accepting list from input how to take string input in list in pythonenter elemnt in array pythonaccept array in pythonget input from user and use that to find a string in a list pythontake continuous input as a list inputhow to take list input from user in pythonhow to give input array in pythonhow to take input and store in list in pythonlist python inputinput lsit funtion pythontaking user input in python listhow to take input in python arrayhow to generate a list of numbers that are below an input in pythonhow to append function find and input user pythonpython list inputhow to make input into a list pythonpython user input choose from listtyps of inpyt python listinput a list into a functiontaking input for a list of int pythonpython make list of inputappend with input ptrhonconvert user input to list pythontake list input in pythonhow to make an input list in pythoninput function in python for listpython 3 input listfor loop to input list from userpython 3 array inputtaling string list inputspython input element in listpython create input for listpython how to take input from user and store them into listslist from input pythontaking inputs as list in pythoninput int list in pythonhow to take an array as input in pythoninput string and list in function pythonget a list as input fromtake list as input in pythonpython function takes list as inputhow to ask the user to input a list in pythoninputing a list in pythonhow to put an input from html into a list in pythonhow to print array input in pythonhow to take input of list in pythonhow to get the input list value as it is in pythontaking ist inputinput numbers in list pythoninput elements to a listaccept the array in pythoninput lists pythonpython input list not stringhow to input list elements in pythonhow to input with array type in python 3fpython3 list inputhow to get input in list in pythontake input list in pythonpython array assign input valuepython read input at once and load it into a listtaking a list as input pythonhow to take input fro user in list pythonhow to input a listpython give list from inputaccept list as input pythonhow to input into a list in pythonuser input array in pythonlist imput funcition pythontake n user input in python store into listlist 28 29 input functions in pythonfunction that inputting a list in pythonhow to read text input as list in pythoninput data in a listuser inputted list processinghow to create a list of nuumber from an int inpuuutinput using list in pythondefine list input python 10python input list of intshow to take lists input in python input python to listusing a list in python with inputlist in python get inputpython how to take array as inputinput to list pythonhow to user input a list in pythonhow to input a whole list in pythoninput list integer pythoninput list pythonmap input to list pythonfunction that inputs a list in pythonhow to insert input value to the list pythonpython accept user input listcan we put input in a array pythonget a list of name as an input from the user pythonpython enter arrayhow to input in list in pythoninput lista pythonhow to store input from user in a list pythonpython examples with user input from listlist user input in pythonhow to get an input of list from the user in python and what the user needs to put inhow to input array in pythonpython how to take a list as inputtake input in list in python 3reading list using input splitpython input as diferentes values from a listhow to get a list from a user in pythonhow to input elements into an a list pythonhow to take list of list as input in pythonhow to get input as a list in pythonhow to input in a list in pythontake a list as an input in pythoninput from a list pythonhow to make an input into a list pythoninput list elements in pythoncheck user input with listinput in list in pythonappend input pythonget list input from userhow to take list of numbers as integer input in pythoninputing string in array pythonstring list input in pythonlist of lists input pythonpython make list from inputenter number in list pythonhow can input list pythonuser input from listhow to call the information from a empty list by the user inputhow to make a list from a input in pythoninput as list in pythonpython get inputs as listtake input as alist in pythonfill a list with input pythonhow to put a list element in an input in pythontake input from user in list pythonpython takin input in listhow to create a list from user input in pythoninput array in python list comprehensioninputting list in pythonhow to take input list of int in python add input numbers in a list pythonhow to input array in python using maptaking string input in list pythonturn input into list pythonuser input of list in pythoninput in a list in pythonhow to input values into a listinput list from user pythonhow to get the input in listpython accept a list from userjava take user input integer and put them to a list pythonhow to take input directly n a listhow to input list of integers in pythonhow to take user input in a list in pythonpython get user input and append linetake input from list input in an array pythoninput list user in pythonread list from input pythonuser input to python liststring list user input pythonuser input list with 2cinput list of int puthonwap to enter numbers in a list and use all functions of the list how to give input in listtake user input list in pythontaking list input pythoninput array in pytho3how to make input as list in pythonhow to convert an input to a list in pythonpython input select item from listtake input list of strings in pythonhow to ask for a list with input in pythona python program to scan inputs in a list a list of list user input pythonhow to input elements in list in python using for loopinput list in python2input in python arryask for list input pythonhow to take a list as input in pythonhow to read input python listhow to take input in list pythonaccept input listhow to store input in list in pythonin python programming how get input from user into the listfor in range 28int 28input 28 29 29 29 3apython list user inputtake an array as input in pythonpython get list inputgiving input as list pythonhow to take list of numbers as int input in pythonhow to take list of integers as input in a function in pythonhow to take data input in python when a list of reading are givenhow to get a list input from user in pythonpython program to accept the input as the list in init methodinput n numbers in pythonhow to parse user input into a list in pythonstore input in a list pythonhow to take list input of string in pythonhow to take user input in python in listinput a list of numbers pythonpython create a list from user inputhow to input list of lists in pythonhow to print each individual input from a list in pythonhow to print a input list pythonpython string list inputinput value in to list in pythonlist fixed input in pythoninput into listconvert input to list pythonhow to take input as a list in pythonhow to take integer list input in pythonpython select elemnt in list from user inputhow to input a list of value in pythonnhow to input list in functionfor i in range 28int 28input 28 29 29 29list 28input 28 29 29 in pythoninput into a interger listpython input to listtake list as a input oythinprogram to input listsinput for list in pythonautomatic list input in pythonhow to get input values of list in pythonpython convert input to listassign input to list pythonmake list of user inputhow to take input from user in a listpython read input as listtaking input in arr example in pythonpython how to input listhow take input from user in python and put every item in arraytake input as a listtake user input in list pythoninput into list pythonan an input to a list pythoninput in a listhow to get input in a list in pythonpython get list of integers from inputtaking inputs and putting them into a list in pythonhow to take a list as input in function in pythonpython making list inputinput in list pythonhow to input in listhow to print input in a list pythonhow to create an array with user input pythonuse input and list on the same string in pythonhow to input an list in pythonpython program to take array as inputtake integer list input in pythonhow to get array input in pythonhow to get user input for list in pythoninput a string using a listhow to read input as a python listprogram that inputs a list in pythontake input as listlist with input itemget input as listhow to take a input as a list in pythoninput elements into list pythonhow to take input into a list pythonwrite a program that takes a list of numbers as input and do the followinglist input using map in pythonlist with input item ahow to take input for a list in pythoninput data in list by user and sort thispython get user input listadding user input into an array pythntake list of lists in python inputhow to number an input list pythonarrays in python inputlist with input pythoninput list of strings in pythonhow to get a list of inputs in pythonhow to take input for list of list in python python user input to search list of stringshow to enter integer list in pythonlist in python inputmake a list in python and read the input how to make input added to a list pythonreading list using input split 5cnpython keyboard input listhow to take a list as a input in pythontake a list of integers as input pythonprint the list for the input in pythonget list from user inputhow to take list as input for function in pythontake inputs from user to make a list using or looppython input into list then print listthow to input listpython input into arrayhow to take inputs using loop from the list consist of stringsuser input py listhow to get list from user in pythonpython how to input a list inside a listhow to take user input of list in pythontake array as input pythonhow to take input of a list in pythonlist as a userinput in pythonpython input series of numbers to arrayhow to give list input in pythontake list as an input in pythonhow to put an input on entry function into a list pythoncan we get a input from the listhow to take a list of numbers as input in pythonlist input in python 2 7how to get array of input in python with sizehow to take input for list in python