how to call a specific item from a list python

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showing results for - "how to call a specific item from a list python"
04 Oct 2017
1my_list = ["pizza", "soda", "muffins"]
3my_list[0] # outputs "pizza"
4my_list[-1] # outputs the last element of the list which is "muffins"
5my_list[:] # outputs the whole list
6my_list[:-1] # outputs the whole list except its last element
8# you can also access a string's letter like this
17 Feb 2019
1# To return the index of the first occurence of element x in lst
2ind = lst.index(x)
21 Apr 2016
1["Red","Green","White" ,"Black"]
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python by indecpython take item from listpython list get at indexhow to access element of list in pythonhow to take values out of list woth other listhow to access individual element of list in pythonget element of a listpython access element in listpython access list by indexhow to get something from a list in pythonhow to get all the elements of a list using values in pythonn how to get item by index in list pythonenumerate python value accessget elements from pythin listpython get list value by indexhow to get the element in list pythonvalue out of list in pythonget elements pytjonpython take a list element in a listaccess list in pythonget list element by index pythonacces element in listhow to get value in list in pythonhow to access items in a list pythonpython list call by indexmethod to select element in list pythonhow to get a list of values in pythonfind index of item in array pythonaccessing a portion of a list in pythonpython list to strtget element in list pythonhow to 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pythonhow to get an item from a list pythonpython read listpython get the index of an element in the list get python by indexpython get elements from listpython return index of item in listhow to access a list from a specified spot in pythonaccesing python listshow to get index of element in a listpython get element by indexget list element by element pythonread a list pythonpython take element of listpython acces list itemindex into list pythontake elements from list pythonaccess element at in list pythonget item from list in pythonget the index of an element in a list pythonaccess element in python listlist to values pythonpython list view item at indexretrive value from a list using pythonto list pythonget elements from a list python list get element at indexpython get an index of a list elementget list for pythonaccess an element in a list pythonpython how to get index of item in listpython list find index by valuelist get pythonget element value list pythonlist get element 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python getting data from a list in pythonpython list access element by indexpython get elements in listgetting a value from a list pythonpython how to get element in listget index of element in list pythonpython getting elements from listpython return item from listget list item pythonmget index for element in list pythonhow to get element by index from listcall a item from a list pythonaccess list item in pythonget data from list pythongetting element by index pythonlist indexing in pythonlist access any element from its pythonhow to get access to an element in a listget list element pythonprint first index of list pythonaccess list python python get index of list elemtnget element in list from to pythonlist start pythonget element from a list python wherehow to call list in pythonread elements from list in pythonhow to geth a value form a listgrab item from list of lists in pythonget element by index of listhow to call a list item in pythonget list item by index pythonaccess values in listfind by index pythonget item at index list pythonlist get by indexpython index into listhow to use values from a list pythonhow to get the value of item in python lostpython values of listget element list by index pythonhow to call data from list pythonpython list callpython get value form list get an element in a list pythonis each element of a list an object in pythonget element in a listhow to get element by giving index in list in pythonget items in list pythonget items from listget element in pythonlist of values in pythonpython list select element by index how to access item in list pythonpython list from elementaccesing a list in pythonpython call an item in a listaccess subscript list pythonpython list get itemhow to get the elements from the list in pythonfind index by value pythonget element from a list in pythonhow to access a list of strings in pythonaccessing elements in a list pythonlist get get element by value pythonpython get an element listpython element of a listpython get array index by valueget elements from 27list 27 in pythonpython get all values from listfrom a list take value pythonget element in list of list pythonusing a value from list pythonhow to get a list value in a list pythonhow to get object from list in pythonhow to access element in list pythonget value from lis pythonpython get item at indexretrieving list values pythonpython list get by elementhow to get values from list in pythonhow to get an element of a list in pythontake a vlue from a listpython access listpython how to index a listpython list getpython access element of listindexing lists in pythonaccessing parts of a python listgive a class a list vaue in pythonget el index pythonpython take element from listhow to give items in a list value in pythonhow to call a specific item from a list python