delete from list python

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showing results for - "delete from list python"
12 Apr 2019
06 Feb 2019
1# removes item with given name in list
2list = [15, 79, 709, "Back to your IDE"]
3list.remove("Back to your IDE")
5# removes last item in list
8# pop() also works with an index..
11# ...and returns also the "popped" item
12item = list.pop()
13 Oct 2017
1# Basic syntax:
4# Note, .remove(element) removes the first matching element it finds in
5# 	the list.
7# Example usage:
8animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'rabbit', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit']
11--> ['cat', 'dog', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit'] # Note only 1st instance of
12#	rabbit was removed from the list. 
14# Note, if you want to remove all instances of an element, convert the
15#	list to a set and back to a list, and then run .remove(element)	E.g.:
16animals = list(set['cat', 'dog', 'rabbit', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit']))
19--> ['cat', 'dog', 'guinea pig']
20 Jan 2019
1fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
25 Feb 2019
1names = ['Boris', 'Steve', 'Phil', 'Archie']
2names.pop(0) #removes Boris
3names.remove('Steve') #removes Steve
13 Mar 2019
1myList = ["hello", 8, "messy list", 3.14]  #Creates a list
2myList.remove(3.14)                        #Removes first instance of 3.14 from myList
3print(myList)                              #Prints myList
4myList.remove(myList[1])                   #Removes first instance of the 2. item in myList
5print(myList)                              #Prints myList
8#Output will be the following (minus the hastags):
9#["hello", 8, "messy list"]
10#["hello", "messy list"]
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