remove element from list python

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showing results for - "remove element from list python"
28 Jul 2016
10 Apr 2020
1# removes item with given name in list
2list = [15, 79, 709, "Back to your IDE"]
3list.remove("Back to your IDE")
5# removes last item in list
8# pop() also works with an index..
11# ...and returns also the "popped" item
12item = list.pop()
08 Nov 2016
1# Basic syntax:
4# Note, .remove(element) removes the first matching element it finds in
5# 	the list.
7# Example usage:
8animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'rabbit', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit']
11--> ['cat', 'dog', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit'] # Note only 1st instance of
12#	rabbit was removed from the list. 
14# Note, if you want to remove all instances of an element, convert the
15#	list to a set and back to a list, and then run .remove(element)	E.g.:
16animals = list(set['cat', 'dog', 'rabbit', 'guinea pig', 'rabbit']))
19--> ['cat', 'dog', 'guinea pig']
20 Sep 2017
1fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
29 Oct 2018
1names = ['Boris', 'Steve', 'Phil', 'Archie']
2names.pop(0) #removes Boris
3names.remove('Steve') #removes Steve
16 Jan 2021
1# animals list
2animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'rabbit', 'guinea pig']
4# 'rabbit' is removed
7# Updated animals List
8print('Updated animals list: ', animals)
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pythondelete list entry pythonremoving an item from list pythonremove items from listremove lsit element if it is in the listremove elemnt from list pythonremove an element from ist pythonremove in listdel items list pythonremove list element python allremove from list by name pythonpython remove index from listpython remove from list by indextemporarily remove item from list in pythondelete every element from listdel element of listhow to remove listpython remove entries from listpython list remove itemremove command pythonremove an item from a list of object pythonhow to remove one element from a list in pythonpython 2b remove element from listpython remove from list element listhwo to remove thing from list pythondoes remove take a list of elements in a list pythonpython remove 22remove elem listhow to remove something from python listremove from an index in python listpython drop listremoving item from a list pythonpython remove values from listdelete an element from a listhow to remove the element from list in pythonlist remove 28item 29delete all elements in list pythondelete an object from list pythonhow to take out specific string in a listdoes append remove the elemnt of the listhow to use remove function in a function in pythonpython removeall from listhow to remove a specific word from a list in pythonremove an object from a listremove a item in list pythonlist remove elemantsfunction to remove element from list in pythonpython3 remove elemoent from listdelete item in python liistremove matching element from list pythonremove item in a listremove item from a python listremove lement from listhow to remove list pythoncancel element from a list ptythonhow to delete an element in list in pythonremove by index pythondelete a value from a list pythonpython deletedelete element of a list pythonpython how to remove value from listhow to remove a value from a list in pythondelete items from a list pythonpython adt remove itempython command to remove something 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