complex numbers python

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05 Jan 2021
1c = 1 + 2j # or c = complex(1, 2)
2print(c) # (1+2j)
3print(type(c)) # <class 'complex'>
4print(c.real()) # 1.0
5print(c.imag()) # 2.0
6print(c + complex(3, -5)) # (4-3j)
30 Mar 2020
1cmath.acos(x)	Returns the arc cosine value of x
2cmath.acosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arc cosine of x
3cmath.asin(x)	Returns the arc sine of x
4cmath.asinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arc sine of x
5cmath.atan(x)	Returns the arc tangent value of x
6cmath.atanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arctangent value of x
7cmath.cos(x)	Returns the cosine of x
8cmath.cosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
9cmath.exp(x)	Returns the value of Ex, where E is Euler's number (approximately 2.718281...), and x is the number passed to it
10cmath.isclose()	Checks whether two values are close, or not
11cmath.isfinite(x)	Checks whether x is a finite number
12cmath.isinf(x)	Check whether x is a positive or negative infinty
13cmath.isnan(x)	Checks whether x is NaN (not a number)
14cmath.log(x[, base])	Returns the logarithm of x to the base
15cmath.log10(x)	Returns the base-10 logarithm of x
16cmath.phase()	Return the phase of a complex number
17cmath.polar()	Convert a complex number to polar coordinates
18cmath.rect()	Convert polar coordinates to rectangular form
19cmath.sin(x)	Returns the sine of x
20cmath.sinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
21cmath.sqrt(x)	Returns the square root of x
22cmath.tan(x)	Returns the tangent of x
23cmath.tanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x
01 Apr 2020
1# It is best to represent the complex part of your equation this way:
2c = 1j
3# rather than using 
5# which can sometimes cause "issues"
04 May 2018
2c = 1 + 2j
6c1 = complex(2, 4)
11 Jul 2020
1abs(5j+9)  #square root of 5^2 +9^2
11 Jan 2017
1complx = complex(input());
2print(complx.real, complx.imag);
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