python compare numbers

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04 Apr 2019
1>>> [(x, ord(x)) for x in abc]
2[('a', 97), ('b', 98), ('c', 99), ('d', 100), ('e', 101), ('f', 102), ('g', 103), ('h', 104), ('i', 105), ('j', 106), ('k', 107), ('l', 108), ('m', 109), ('n', 110), ('o', 111), ('p', 112), ('q', 113), ('r', 114), ('s', 115), ('t', 116), ('u', 117), ('v', 118), ('w', 119), ('x', 120), ('y', 121), ('z', 122)]
3>>> [(x, ord(x)) for x in abc.upper()]
4[('A', 65), ('B', 66), ('C', 67), ('D', 68), ('E', 69), ('F', 70), ('G', 71), ('H', 72), ('I', 73), ('J', 74), ('K', 75), ('L', 76), ('M', 77), ('N', 78), ('O', 79), ('P', 80), ('Q', 81), ('R', 82), ('S', 83), ('T', 84), ('U', 85), ('V', 86), ('W', 87), ('X', 88), ('Y', 89), ('Z', 90)]
31 Apr 2019
1if 10 < a < 20:
2    whatever
10 Nov 2018
1if 5 > 2:
2	print("Five is greater than two!")
24 Mar 2019
11 == 2
31 is 2
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