4 digit armstrong number in java

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28 Jan 2018
1// Check whether a given number is armstrong number or not
2import java.util.Scanner;
3public class ArmstrongNumber
5   public static void main(String[] args)
6   {
7      int x, y, z = 0, temp;
8      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
9      System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");
10      x = sc.nextInt();
11      temp = x;
12      while(x > 0)
13      {
14         y = x % 10;
15         x = x / 10;
16         z = z + (y * y * y);
17      }
18      if(temp == z)
19      {
20         System.out.println(temp + " is an Armstrong Number.");
21      }
22      else
23      {
24         System.out.println(temp + " is not an Armstrong Number.");
25      }
26      sc.close();
27   }
26 Apr 2017
1// 4 digit armstrong number in java
2public class ArmstrongNumberDemo
4   public static void main(String[] args) 
5   {
6      int num = 9474, realNumber, remainder, output = 0, a = 0;
7      realNumber = num;
8      for(;realNumber != 0; realNumber /= 10, ++a);
9      realNumber = num;
10      for(;realNumber != 0; realNumber /= 10)
11      {
12         remainder = realNumber % 10;
13         output += Math.pow(remainder, a);
14      }
15      if(output == num)
16      {
17         System.out.println(num + " is an Armstrong number.");
18      }
19      else
20      {
21         System.out.println(num + " is not an Armstrong number.");
22      }
23   }
09 May 2017
1 int c=0,a,temp;  
2    int n=153;//It is the number to check armstrong  
3    temp=n;  
4    while(n>0)  
5    {  
6    a=n%10;  
7    n=n/10;  
8    c=c+(a*a*a);  
9    }  
10    if(temp==c)  
11    System.out.println("armstrong number");   
12    else  
13        System.out.println("Not armstrong number");   
04 Aug 2020
1import java.util.Scanner;
3public class Armstrong
5  public static void main(String args[])
6  {
7    int num,temp,c=0;
8  	Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
9  	num=in.nextInt();
10  	temp=num;
11  	while(num!=0)
12  	{
13    	int d=num%10; //extracting last digit
14    	c+=d*d*d;
15    	num/=10; // removing last digit
16  	}
17  	if(temp==c)
18  	{
19    	System.out.println("Number is Armstrong");
20  	}
21  	else
22  		System.out.println("Number is not Armstrong");
23  }
30 Aug 2016
1import java.util.Scanner;
4 *@author: Mayank Manoj Raicha
5 * Armstrong Number in Java: A positive number is called armstrong number if it is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits 
6 * for example 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, 407 etc.
7 * 153 = (1*1*1)+(5*5*5)+(3*3*3)  = 1+125+27 = 153
8 */
9public class ArmstrongNumberExample {
11	public static void main(String[] args) {
13		int sum = 0;
15		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
16		System.out.println("Enter the number: ");
17		int input = in.nextInt(); //1634
18		String val = String.valueOf(input);
19		char[] charArray = val.toCharArray();  //charArray[0] = "1" , charArray[1] = "6", charArray[2] = "3", charArray[3] = "4"
20		int[] numArray = new int[charArray.length]; //Declaring this array to store the result of getPowerOfNumber() method for each digit.
22		//for each char element calculate the power of number and store it in the "cubedNumArray" array.
23		for(int i=0; i<charArray.length; i++) {
24			numArray[i] = getPowerOfNumber(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(charArray[i])), charArray.length);
25			sum = sum + numArray[i];
26		}
28      //Compare if the resulting sum is equal to the original input.
29		if(sum == input) {
30			System.out.println("Entered number is an Armstrong number.");
31		}else {
32			System.out.println("Entered number is NOT an Armstrong number.");
33		}
35		in.close();
36	}
38  	//Calculate & Return the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
39	public static int getPowerOfNumber(int num, int count) {
40		return (int) Math.pow(num, count);
41	}
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