wp cron 401

Solutions on MaxInterview for wp cron 401 by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "wp cron 401"
24 Feb 2019
1# Exclude the WP CRON and other scripts from authentication
2# Just put this into your .htaccess file
3<FilesMatch "(wp-cron.php|another-script.php)$">
4Satisfy Any
5Order allow,deny
6Allow from all
7Deny from none
10# Just add above code to your .htaccess
11# reason of wp cron 401 & 404
13For what it's worth, I was running into the issue of the same message 
14within WP-Cron Events but instead with a 404 (not found) code...it's 
15hunting for the file http://yourdomain.com/wp-cron.php. My issue turned 
16out to be an improper file permission on my wp-cron.php file 
17(644 instead of 666) which caused the wp-cron.php file to give the 404... 
18Fixed the permissions and now the warning is gone. This file gives a 200 
19code now, and cron jobs finally started to run again.
20Maybe the 401 that you are receiving is caused by permissions issues on 
21this file as well?
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