why we use fragment in react

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14 Mar 2018
1render() {
2  return (
3    <React.Fragment>
4      <ChildA />
5      <ChildB />
6      <ChildC />
7    </React.Fragment>
8  );
14 Aug 2020
1render() {
2  return (
3    <>
4      <div><div/>
5      <div><div/>
6      <div><div/>
7    </>
8  );
24 Apr 2020
1//the same way you'd use any other element 
2//except that it doesn't support keys or attributes.
4render() {
5  return (
6    <>
7      <p>Hello</p>
8      <p>World!</p>
9    </>
10  );
25 May 2019
1//when we are trying to render more than one root element we have to put the 
2//entire content inside the ‘div’ tag. 
4//Fragments to the rescue. Fragments are a modern syntax for adding multiple 
5//elements to a React Component without wrapping them in an extra DOM node.
7//React Fragments do not produce any extra elements in the DOM, which means 
8//that a Fragment’s child components will be rendered without any wrapping DOM 
11function FragementDemo(){
12return (<React.Fragement>
13        <h1>Hello world</h1>
14        <p>This is a react fragment Demo </p>
15        </React.Fragment>)
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