whow i fill the data if most values are nan in jupyter notebook

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06 Jan 2020
1# import pandas
2import pandas as pd
4# make a sample data
5list_of_rows = [
6  {'start_station': 1, 'end_station': 1},
7  {'start_station': None, 'end_station': 1},
8  {'start_station': 1, 'end_station': 2},
9  {'start_station': 1, 'end_station': 3},
10  {'start_station': 2, 'end_station': None},
11  {'start_station': 2, 'end_station': 3},
12  {'start_station': 2, 'end_station': 3},
15# make a pandas data frame
16df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_rows)
18# define a function
19def fill_NaNs_in_end_station(row):
20    if pd.isnull(row['end_station']):
21        start_station = row['start_station']
22        return df[df['start_station']==start_station].end_station.value_counts().first_valid_index()
23    return row['end_station']
25# apply function to dataframe
26df['end_station'] = df.apply(lambda row: fill_NaNs_in_end_station(row), axis=1)
01 Mar 2018
1# Making a list of missing value typesmissing_values = ["n/a", "na", "--"]df = pd.read_csv("property data.csv", na_values = missing_values)
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rows which have incomplete data in csv file jupyterpandas assign missing valuehow to deal with missing values in pythonhandle missing data pythonhow to place nan value pandasif the missing values are removed from a column containing values of integer data type 2c the data type of that column automatically becomes an integerpandas best way to treat nanadataframe 3d 3d nait is not possible to fill missing values while reading a file with numpy state true or falsehow to create a boolean mask in pandas to check for missing valuespandas fix nan with functionnan data type pythonnull values to nan values pandaspandas missingvaluehow to deal with large missing data in pythonnan values string to integer explain in pythonhandle na pythonhow to preprocessing data remove all null or na valuedataframe nan valueshow does pandas support missing data 3fdata turned to nan pandashow to get only nulls in python when there are more featuresreplace missing values in pandas dataframeafter pre processing the 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