when kotlin

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showing results for - "when kotlin"
15 Feb 2019
1val x = 3
2when(x) {
3    3 -> println("yes")
4    8 -> println("no")
5    else -> println("maybe")
7// when can also be used as an expression!
8val y = when(x) {
9    3 -> "yes"
10    8 -> "no"
11    else -> "maybe"
13println(y) // "yes"
26 Jun 2020
1when (x) {
2    1 -> print("x == 1")
3    2 -> print("x == 2")
4    else -> { // Note the block
5        print("x is neither 1 nor 2")
6    }
11 Jan 2019
1fun numberTypeName(x: Number) = when(x) {
2 0 -> "Zero" // Equality check
3 in 1..4 -> "Four or less" // Range check
4 5, 6, 7 -> "Five to seven" // Multiple values
5 is Byte -> "Byte" // Type check
6 else -> "Some number"
09 Mar 2020
1fun signAsString(x: Int)= when {
2 x < 0 -> "Negative"
3 x == 0 -> "Zero"
4 else -> "Positive"
01 Jun 2017
2using namespace std;
3int main()
5  cout<<"HEllo";
29 Apr 2019
1var greeting : String ? = null
2fun main(){
3	when(greeting){
4		null -> println("Hi")
5        else -> println(greeting)
6        }
7   }
queries leading to this page
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