showing results for - "what does useref do react"
15 Jan 2017
2	A common use case is to access a child imperatively: 
5function TextInputWithFocusButton() {
6  const inputEl = useRef(null);
7  const onButtonClick = () => {
8    // `current` points to the mounted text input element
9    inputEl.current.focus();
10  };
11  return (
12    <>
13      <input ref={inputEl} type="text" />
14      <button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>
15    </>
16  );
11 Jul 2020
1import React, { useRef } from 'react';
3function TextInputWithFocusButton() {
4  const inputEl = useRef(null);
5  const onButtonClick = () => {
6    // `current` points to the mounted text input element
7    inputEl.current.focus();
8  };
9  return (
10    <>
11      <input ref={inputEl} type="text" />
12      <button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>
13    </>
14  );
24 Aug 2019
1import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
2import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
4function LifecycleDemo() {
5  // It takes a function
6  useEffect(() => {
7    // This gets called after every render, by default
8    // (the first one, and every one after that)
9    console.log('render!');
11    // If you want to implement componentWillUnmount,
12    // return a function from here, and React will call
13    // it prior to unmounting.
14    return () => console.log('unmounting...');
15  }, [ // dependencies to watch = leave blank to run once or you will get a stack overflow  ]);
17  return "I'm a lifecycle demo";
20function App() {
21  // Set up a piece of state, just so that we have
22  // a way to trigger a re-render.
23  const [random, setRandom] = useState(Math.random());
25  // Set up another piece of state to keep track of
26  // whether the LifecycleDemo is shown or hidden
27  const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(true);
29  // This function will change the random number,
30  // and trigger a re-render (in the console,
31  // you'll see a "render!" from LifecycleDemo)
32  const reRender = () => setRandom(Math.random());
34  // This function will unmount and re-mount the
35  // LifecycleDemo, so you can see its cleanup function
36  // being called.
37  const toggle = () => setMounted(!mounted);
39  return (
40    <>
41      <button onClick={reRender}>Re-render</button>
42      <button onClick={toggle}>Show/Hide LifecycleDemo</button>
43      {mounted && <LifecycleDemo/>}
44    </>
45  );
48ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.querySelector('#root'));
29 Apr 2020
1function TextInputWithFocusButton() {
2  const inputEl = useRef(null);
3  const onButtonClick = () => {
4    // `current` points to the mounted text input element
5    inputEl.current.focus();
6  };
7  return (
8    <>
9      <input ref={inputEl} type="text" />
10      <button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>
11    </>
12  );
09 May 2018
1const refContainer = useRef(initialValue);
2//useRef returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized to the passed argument (initialValue). 
3//The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
queries leading to this page
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react explainedstate in react hooksreact function useeffectreact native usecallbackusememo react jswhat is the useref hook in reactuseref equivalentcan i use useref in class componentuseref in input in react jsreact useeffect component unmountreact js useref on a divusereducer setstate hooksuseref current methodsreact hook useeffectreact userefschange value userefusereducer update in normal functionausestate commitusecallback hookreact all hooksuseref react componentsuseref react hookuseref hook react jsuseeffect react documentationuseref react ishow to use ref with hookswhat does useref do in reactupdating api with react hookuseref react idreactjs useeffect meaningeffect reactjslearratecard is not a function in return function in useffectuses of userefhow to handle useeffect hookreact object userefreact 22 3d useeffect 22react useref call functionstate components into functional components useeffecthow to get with userefusestate and useffect reactsetcount reactuseref in react 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29how to use react hook refpassed in anonymous function in useeffectuseeffect in react nativereact hook componentdidupdatereact useref directly on a componentusecallback hooksbutton method react js hookswhat is the use of useeffect hook in reactuseref react without hooksreact useref apireactjs useref at other componentreact useeffect componentdidmounthow can i make my useeffect load before another function in my functional component i make my useffect load at the very beginningupdate useref reactreact usecontextreact hooks dependencyreact hook mounthow to useref in react hookreact functional components oncompontentwithmountanchor useref reactreact useref 27react usestate hookuseeffect hook in reactreact useffectuseeffect cleanup function with empty dependencywhy we are use useref in reactreact useref hookuseeffect optionsapply ref in react hooksreact hooks sorbuttonreact hooks useeffect usestateref useref reactreact functional componentdidmountreact native useref functional componentreact effectsuserf reactuse of useref in reactuseffect reactuseffect exampleunable to use srcobject with useref hoolusing useref insteaduseref undefineduseref 28 29 jsxuselayouteffect react native examplereact callback hooksuseref with usestate reactimport useeffect from reactreact use effect unmountuseref hook rectjscontext api react hooksreact hook returnonclick useeffectreact useref in classuseref example in reactcreate ref inside function react hooksdispatch in react hooksreact useref exampleusestate after useeffectusereducer in reactusereff react hooksreact hooks trigger function on renderuseref 28 29 react hooksuseeffect react hooks 5duseref react native hookreact useref as a statesyntax of useeffect in reactjsis useref a react hooksyntax of userefhow to use useref in reactif will use callback in action what is the role of reducer react nativereact useref hooksreact hook useeffect usestatereact class component userefreact useref insert htmlreact useeffect when component is createdreact hooks before renderreact usecallbackupdate ref hookassign useref in functiontion reactcreate ref react hookshow to use react userefwhat is useref in reactreact hooks effectusereference reactuseref in react jdreact on change method using hooksreact native useref const functional componentreact useeffect to a componentusing regerential types useeffectreact native use effect isupdateapi react hooksreact hook callbacks react usecallbafreeuseeffect reactreactj ref hookreact hooks dependenciesuseffect in class react componentreact useeffect 28 28 29 3dhow to use useref hook reacuseref setref reactgoogle react hooks useref callbackusestate react hooksuse callback reactuseref in react how to use itusemount react ushooks lifecycleuse of useref hook in reactuseeffect parametersreact memo docswhat does useref 28 29useref on a react compoentnhow to use useeffect as componentdidmountuseref 28 29 rect docreact hooks on initusing userefuseeffect emimport react hooks useeffecthow many useref we can use in reactproperties using react hookshow to use useref new react versionsuseeffect in react classuseeffect reactjsuse effect for function componenthow to use useref in react 5cwhat is the use of useref in reactreact js useref in formuseref when to use renderreact functional components usereftutorial to react useeffectreact hooks callback vscomponentdidmount react hookswhy use useref 28 29useref hook in reactreact hook witrh stateuseref react elementuseref react example class componentusestateref hook reactreact golden rules no side effects in renderhow to make a state out of userefwhat does useeffect do in reactset state hooks in react jareact use effect hooksuseref react hooks examplereact use callbackwhat is the useref hooksample useeffect usesreact keep hook from firing on mountuseeffect scopeuseref of react componentset userefuseeffect example in reactshow useref reactjsreact functional component mounteduse effect as first in componentreact useref across componentsreact hooks get ref valueuseeffect on every renderuseref in react hookuserref reactuse useref in reactuseref in react native exampleuseref 28 29 react hoooksrender executes infinitive times reactreact usecallusee effect to pass statue reactreact on mount hookuserefs reactuseeffect cleanup runs on mountreact hooks componentdidupdateuseeffect beginingcomponent did mouny in react hookall the react hooksusecallback in reactuseeffect in reactuseref react jsuseeffect functionadding a dependency to a react hook useeffectreact hooks referreact useref how to useuseeffect on updatereactjs useref on componentwill usecallback function use current statereact native use effect set stateuseref react native explainedref in hooksuseeffect 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b loadresourcesasync 28 29 3breact hooks memouse memousereef reactprops manipulation using useref hookswhat are side effects 2c and how do you sync effects in a react component to state or prop changes 3fuseref 280 29how to useref in react jsreact useeffect parametersmemo react hookuseref 28 29 in reactuse refcomponentdidmount function componentdispatch usecallbackset useref to truereact hooks componentdidupdate prevpropsreact ref hookhow to use useref reactwhat to use instead of useref in class componentuseeffect is a react hook 3fwhat is the useref hook used for in reactrect usecontextfunction components react userefreact use api hookuseeffect return functionreact useref hook on custom componentreact hook use refuseeffect versionuseref react currentuseref can it be a letsetting a ref userefnot able to use js methods in react useeffectref component react hooks userefhook ref get valuesreact useref tutorialusestate react examplereact hook setrefuseref hook react nativereact useref functionsmemo react statehow to use useeffect in react jsusereducer examplefor what is useref 28 29 3breact useref examples 22useref 28 5b 5d 29 22how to use useref value in jsxwhat is usestate and useeffect in reactuse props in hooks react 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exampleuseref jsreact useref current 21component did unmount react hooksuseref 28 29 reactjsuseeffect exampleuseref current reactreactjs useeffectreact context hooks exampleuseeffectreact userefreact context reducerreact do i need to use useeffect after all the function definition useref hook in react nativeget updated ref value in react hookuse ref hook in react functional componentcallback react hooksuseeffect react jsreact hooks on component mountwhy i have to use current with useref in react jsreact use hook on clickdependency react hookuseeffect react native hooksreact useeffect hook tutorialusestate setstate react docsuseref javascriptreact what is useref hookreact effect hookuseref hookin functional component reactuseeffect example react nativeuseref this componentuseref recat hookreact hook for componentdidupdateuseeffect trigger when component updates react react usestate 28 5b 5d 29 3buserref react with api callsreact class effect equivalentreact usereducer renderinguseref methodsreact hooks use effectreact hook for this refreact hook cleanup functionuseref to state reactuselayout effectuseref 28 29 react documentationusestate useeffect reactwhere should i put useeffect in reactworking with useeffect counter exampleuseeffect react docshow to use useref on your componentsuseref include reacjsreact useeffectuseref hook definitionreact useref with class componenthow to use ref in hookscan i use componentdidmount in functional componentuseref react parametersuseref tutorial reactjsuseref hook what does it docomponent state in useeffectreact function component useeffect userefreact hooks listuseref react id examplehow to use useref in react class componentwhy useref isused in reactjsreact useeffect on mountcan i use useref in class componentsuseref usingreact use effect examplefunctional component react componentdidmountreact cleanup in useeffectreact useref nedirreact hooks add refuseref 28 7b 7d 29useeffect component did updatereact useeffect withr fetchreact useref dom nodeconter funcion in react js with userefuseeefect hookclick with useref hookreact useref currentuseref react how to usereact memo hookshook userefreact userefguseref 28 29 react installreact hook onclickfunction usestate and useeffectreact how to update userefvalueuseref react hook exampledeps in react useeffectreact hooks userefcreating ref using react hooksuseref ref reacthow to use useeffect in react class componentcreate react hook like useeffectwhat is useref hook in reactreact useref 28useeffecgthow to use ref in react hooksreact useeffect explaineduseref hook examplesmutable refreact trigger useeffectuseref reactreact useref 28 29js react useeffectuseref 28 29 react js all propertiesreact 22function 22 component after renderwhat type should i use with useref in reactuseref hook what isreact useeffect hooksstate react hookswhy do we need usereff in react jsuseref in react hookswhat is useref hookwhat is useref in react nativewhat is react useeffecthow to get id in useeffect in react jsuse effect hook reactreacr userefwhat is current in useref reactuse callback react exampletrigger function on mount react hooksmeaning useref reactjsuseeffect on arraypasser des useeffect dans les componentsreact class component reducer hookuseeffect docsuseeffect react doccallback refs with hooksreact hooks ref vs statereact component will unmount new useeffectrecoredrtc with react hooksreact native useeffect 3a createuseref react documentationreact ref hooksreact hooks get nodesuseref react formmanipulating dom elements with react hook useref 28 29componentdidupdate hoooksreact usestateref react native hooksuseeffect in react hooksreact useeffect without second argumentuseeffect in reactjsreact hooks previous stateuseref 28 5b 5d 29react useref current valueuse effect react hooks helpwhat is useeffect reactwhat is useref hook in react jsreact useref hook examplereact usestate documentationhow react useref worksreact when is useref calledusing useref instead of usestateuseref fro dom manipulationusing useref react hookswhere to call effects in react classuseref hook react 26 setshow 28 29assign a ref useref function componentreact native useref classuseref react hooks type arraychange userefreact js useref currenthow to access userefhook react allreact set ref hooksunderstanding useeffect concept in reactinstall useref hook in react2 use effects reacthow to use useeffect as componentwillunmountuseref in class component reacthookuseref documentationuseref trong react hookreact using userefhow many times we can use useref in reactuseref input reacthook useeffectuseeffect in react componentuseref is are a react hook 3fwhat does useref do react jshooks memouse useeffect in functional component in app jsreact nativeuseref in 22react native 22useeffect hook to set statewhat to use in place of useeffect in class component in react nativebasic hooks reactuseref react ref useref usage in react tablereact use effect next prop and propreactjs effects on updateuseref reactnative with class componentreact native useref currentuseref for functions in reacthow to useref 28 29 in class in reactreact usestate as functionuseeffect in react class componentuseeffect 28 29 recatreact hook componentdidmounthow to use useref in class componentusereducer hook reactreact usememoreact use effect single property class equivalentuseeffect react exampleuseref 3c 7b 7d 3e 28 29react component userefwhat does useeffect doupdate useref value reactstabledispatch hookcreate ref of state i hooksreact js hooks userefimport usestate and useeffectr from reactuseref for html elementuseeffect and usestate in react jsuseeffect in react usecreate ref in react hookswhen to use useref hookreact function component did mountreact refs and usestatefunctional update react hookswhen we use useeffect in reactreact hooks usestateuseref importupdate function use effect reactusing ref with hooksuse effect with dispatch reactreact javascript effectreact useeffect function callreact native useref exampleuseref in functional component react nativecomponentdidmount 28 29 in functional componentuse effect example reactmutable ref object meansreact useref dom elementreact useref to get elementuseref on react hooksrender a hookusecontext hook examplereact userrefuseref div reactuseref for an elementfew useref reacteffects in reactreact hook effectuseref type reactreact useref w3 fet react hookwatch params in useeffect reactjs userefnot able to use useref in react js in functional componentuseref in reacthow to use usecallback in react orgreact redux useeffect on button clickreact useref can you set the valuereact hooks how do i render an api objects resultwhy we use useref in reactreact useeffect subscribeuse ref in react native hookswhy and when to use useeffect in reactjsreact userefdclass component to functional component userefhow use useeffect for unmounting in functional componentuseeffect in react jscan 27t import useeffect from 2a reactreact usestate and useeffectuseref stateuseeffect react nativereact hook create ref referenereact useref with hooks exampleuse ref hookreact function component did mount hookreact useeffect called before state updatereact callback hookcomponentdidmount hook only onereact useeffect componentuse ref exampleref hook react ref in reactuseref in react jsusing use refreact org useref hooksample of react useeffectuseref for anchor taguseref usage in reactexample react userefwhen to use useref reac jscan you name a useeffect functionexamples of useeffect reactuseref for input and button inr eactwhy we use useeffect in reactcallback useeffectall react hookshow to use useref in react jswhat does useref mean in reactusestate with effectimport react useeffectuseref addreact useref render on changereact usefecctcan useref be on jsx elementwhat is express useeffectreact ref userefhook react userefusing useref in reactjswhat is useref in react hooksreact useref initialvaluereact useref with function decalarationreact get reference without hookuseref set functionhow to destroy userefuseeffect syntax in reactuse of useref hookreact hook refreact functional components useref functionshlw to install useeffect react nativsite effects reactuseref react functional component example react useref current functionsuse reduceruserefer reactdo ref update react userefreach useref hookcomponentdidmount hooksuseref dom element react jsreact hook referencereact useref input valuedeviffy react hooksreact useeffect in functionref react hookswhat to set useref aswhat is useref 28 29 current 3fhow to use useref with componentsuseref save on closeuseeffect is 3fhow to get value in 5but in react js hoockreact hooks what is userefhow to set useref in a non react functionreact hooks component did mountuseref 28 29 3breact use effectreaect useeffectjavascript useeffectcomponentdidmount react hookuseref and ref propscan you useref in different componentsreact useref get stateuse layout effect reactuse effect in reactuseeffect react functionreact hooks argsuseref dom elementusecontext hook reactusestate dependenciescall function on component load react react hooksuseref react variablesreactjs effectsreact useeffect with usestateuse of useref and usecallback in reactreact useref to trigger ref methodreact 2c 28 useref 29useeffect jsreact component useeffectreact usestate in useeffectreact hook use effectreact useref insert jsxuseref initial useref reference objectreact useref methodsreact useeffect with api moduleshow to unmount a component in react useeffectreact hook useeffect firinghow to useref value in different componentsreact use state store it in a useref hook and keep the mutable value in the 27 current 27 property otherwise 2c you can move this variable directly inside useeffectreactjs useeffect dependencyhow to use useeffect in react to set state of usestate functionreact hooks on initializecomponent did mount react hooksreact useref in componentref hook in functional compoentntreact useeffet switchwhy use useref in react nativerender useeffectwhen is react useeffect called 3freact useeffect ifreact call a hook on functional component mountget latest state in useeffect react hooksuseeffect inside a functionuseref react styleuseeffect component reactunderstanding useref in reactusememo reactaccess userefreact hooks updatehow does useref react workuseref react js hooksreact hooks create refsuseref in component classreact native ref hookhow to use use effect in a function where we didn 27tcomponent did mount hookreact native update userefusestate react setstate dependandy of useeffectusestate hook user data propsreact hooks using refsuseref example divhook inside useeffectuseref inside componentsusememo hook exampleuseref in class componentreact hook useeffect 5b 5dreactjs ref hooksuse effect examplepass component reference to function in react hooksreact hook on initreact hook dependencyreact native react useredusestate syntaxwhat is useeffect hookreact useref propscurrent state on unmount 2b react js 2b useeffect useeefect in reactuseeffect react naitvereact useref elementreact hooks propreact hook apireact call hook on loadreact hook 2c define methods inside a useeffect hook is function not defined no undefwhat does useref do reactwhat is useeffect in react hooksuseeffect inside functionhow to stop a function in react hooksreact hook ref currentreact useeffect and refreact hooks input refreact class userefuse ref hook reactuseref 28useeffect react meaningreact use useeffect in functionreact hook unmountuseref current 28 29useref update refreact hook use refswhen to use useref in reactwhat is react userefreact useref assignref hook in reactuseref 28 29 hookreact hooks lifecycleuseref in react native exampleuseref react hooksreact useref set currentreact hooks load propsreact useref objectreact use userefwhy useref 28 29component did mount with useeffectuseref reactjshook to run after sometime in functional component reacthow to useref in react nativeuseref as variableset state on first load react hooksfor what is useref used reactuseref code in functional componentwhen i am using useref hooksuse effect to reproduce component did mountuseeffect in a function reactreact hooks which updatewhat does creatref and useref do in reactuseref react native userefusestate in react memocreate ref inside usestatereact useref get containerusing ref in react native hooksreact usereff hookusestate and refsreact hooks refsuseeffect react with arrayreact userefuse useref 28 29 with form in functional componentwhat is react useref 3fhow useref works in reactrendder method to react hooksreact run on hook changereact native use effectcreate ref in react hookusestate hook reacthooks usestatereact useeffect depsreact hook component did updatecomponent did mount react functional componentreact useeffect on button clickuseref component reactdoes useref work in class componentuseref react domreactjs useref examplewhat does useref react do 3fuseeffect react postcomponent did unmount useeffectimport userefuseref to get elementreact hooks userefhook usestateuseref in react jsreact usereftreact hook callbackreact hooks useeffect exampleuseref objectuseeffect dependenciesreact hooks usestate in useeffectreact function component userefreact hook 2c useeffect hook is function not defined no undefreact hook 22useref 22 is called in functionuseref hook reactassign object in userefuseref to statereact usereducer contextclass component userefusestate dependencyrender component react in useeffectcomponent did mount in hooksinput ref in hookreact useref currenttwo use effects react hooks in 1 componentreact useeffectuseref react importwhat is useref for reacthow to control how often useeffect updatesuseref hookreact useref pass a functioncall everytime component updates in hook reactuseref on stateuse effect hook value exampleuseeffect hooks jsuseref in react fun componentsreact useeffect usageuseeffect import for react nativefunction hook userefis a useeffect reacting to errors bad 3freact useref with classreact useref for domsuseeffect wii unmount usagehow to use state in useeffectuseref 28 29 from another component react hookreact class component useeffectwhat is the useeffect hook do in reacthow to use useref in react hooksuseref in reactuseeffect count examplecan you name a useeffect reactreact usereffreact functional component initial load hookreact useref current attr is not a functionreact use call back hookuseeffect pass stateuseref value reactusememo hook in reactreact effect dependency listuseref class component reactreact js useeffect examplereact useref in class componentmemoize hook reactreact use ref hook exampleusecontext reactwhat is useeffect in react jsusecallback react hooksuseefect reacthow to use useeffect reactuseref react functional componentreact native useeffectuseeffect codeuse memo hooks reactnativereact hook ref elementuseref hook tutorialreact use state as refreact multiple userefs testingwhy do we use useeffect in react jsreact context with hooksuseeffect react explained 27useref 27 with react clasuseref not setting referencehow to create ref in react hooksuse layout effect functional componenthow to use useref function componentsreact 2c 28 usestate 29react useref hooksusing useref in react jsjs ref hook for formreact createref in usestatereact use refimport react 2c 7b usestate 2c useeffect 2c fragment 7d render hooksreactjs userefsreact usememo unlessreact native userefuseref hookin functional component reactreact hooks first renderhow to use useeffect after updating with apiuseeffect reactjs hooksreturn function in hooks willunmounthow to useref in class componentreact functional component useref what is it for 3fusing useref hookusememo hookunable to use srcobject with useref hookrefs in react hooksuserref in functional componentuseref set valueref in react hooks html in usereffunctional component react unmountuseref into react componentwhy userefs or ref in reactimport use effect use statereact prevent use effect fro same prophow to useref in reactform react useref examplereact hook refswhat is useref state hookreact add components in useeffectuseref hook functional componentuseref document reactuseref react componentuseref is undefineduseref in a functionuseref in class componentsreact useeffect class componentreact hooks did update and did mountimport useeffectset ref react hooksreact useref docbefore useeffect hookuseeffect callbackcomplete list of react hookswhat is useref in reactjsreact useref in class componentuseeffect reactjs examplereact js use effect dependencies react effect dependencieshooks react handlerwhen use useref in reactuseeffect example react jsuseeffect in class componentreact hooks lifecycle methodsreact useref setpassing function to userefuseref currentuseeffect function reactuseeffect in react jsreact use currentuseststate api react js use effect key typefunctional components userefhow to use hooks before component renderingreact hooks provider as well as usecontextuseeffect and usestate react nativeuseeffect in react js examplereact memo hook inthis props in react hookshooks react userefuseeffect to render html in reactcomponent did update react hooksuseeffect on react js how tojs useeffectwhat can go in userefusestate and useeffect in react jsref hooks reactreact hook userefuse effect returndependency hookhow to use refhook to get value inside a function reactuseffect react hooksreact dependencies listuseref widreact useref initial valueuseeffect javascriptuseref usesuseref react updateuseref hook with componentuseref in class reactreact js useref examplereactjs userefusing the userefuseref to renderuseeffect pass propsuseref react class componentreact js useref for htmlhow to use useref in react nativeuseref 28 29 examplehooks create refuseeffect in class components reactexample of userefreact useref on buttonsuseref form reactuseref containsfunctional react componentdidmount with hooksuseref in class component reactuseeffect react importreact hooks use callbackreact useref event listeneruseref react with api callshow to make it so useeffect runs after comonent mountsusing useref reactuseref in rectuseref in functional componentassign new component to useref react hookunmount component with hooksuseref select reactreact native usecontextuseref set a refreact refobject with hooksimport useefectreact useeddecthow to useref on functional component reactuseref with variables react suserefmounted hok reactcreate react ref hooksconst todonameref 3d useref 28 29 3buseeffect hookreact useeffect userefreact cuando usar useimperativehandlereact useref in functional componentreact userefsreact useeffect for mountuse effect empty arrayreact when to use userefset useref valueset ref in layouteffectreact memo hookreact js useref hookstore it in a useref hookreact useeffect use functionsreact hooks after view inituseeffect 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b 2f 2f do things 7d 2c 5b 5d 29 3buseeffect on react componentuseref exampleusereffect react jsusememo in reactrefactor react hookswhen to use useref reactuseref forwardref react hookswhat is ref and useref reactreact usereffectuseref on elementis useref is hookreact usehook callbackuseref in functional component with examplehooks componentdidmountuseref react native hooksreact react useref 28 29 as numberuseeffect in react will doreact useeffect functional updatecurrent in useref hooks reactwhy we use useref in react jsusestate in react hooksreact js useeffect statereact use hook to check if renderedimport use effect fromreact create ref with hooksreact native useref updatereact how to use useeffectdefait initial function in userefmemo hook reactreact useref current in class componentmultiple use effect reactreact useref and useeffectinput useref reactreact hook component will unmountreact usememo examplehttps 3a 2f 2freactjs org 2fdocs 2fhooks reference html 23userefmemo react hooksuseref inputpre page refresh hook reactuseref hook explainedupdate effect in reactreact native hooks returnuseref on react componentreact useref methoduse imperative handlehow does useref work in reactreact hooks useref exampleuseref hook function componentjsx in useeffectreact native useref current useeffect react hooks examplereact usestate 26 useffectreact native ref hooksreact native useref how use ituseref with idusecallback docsreact update hookis setcount default in react hook methodsreact use refwhat does useref returnreact usereff in a functionuseref in functioncontext provider react hookswhy useref is used in reactreactjs hook memocan i setstate on useeffect return functionuseref in hookereact userefreact hooks cleanup with dependencyreact native 2c useeffect with nohow to use useref in react stateuseref react 3fwhat does useref do react