showing results for - "wait for ajax to finish"
26 Mar 2017
1function functABC() {
2  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
3    $.ajax({
4      url: 'myPage.php',
5      data: {id: id},
6      success: function(data) {
7        resolve(data) // Resolve promise and go to then()
8      },
9      error: function(err) {
10        reject(err) // Reject the promise and go to catch()
11      }
12    });
13  });
16functABC().then(function(data) {
17  // Run this when your request was successful
18  console.log(data)
19}).catch(function(err) {
20  // Run this when promise was rejected via reject()
21  console.log(err)
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